JMC Next-Gen Web Server Install User Manual

Section 5 – JMC Web Install
Now that you have your Windows 2008 Server setup, we need to install two pieces of software for JMC Web on the server. These will install all the JMC Web pieces onto the server’s hard drive C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder, which is the Default Web Site folder. You can find these installers in the Next Gen section of our web site at They are in the Tech tab to the right. Again, make sure you are logged in as administrator to configure.
First, double-click on the JMC_Web_Suite, and click on Next on the first three screens. When it is finished installing, click on Close.
Now install JMC Connection Strings by double-clicking on it and follow the instructions on the screen. The JMC Web is now installed.
Section 6 – Configuring MySQL Workbench
Now let’s launch MySQL Workbench, so you can setup the database, etc., so go to the Start menu, and up to All Programs, and then click on the MySQL folder, and then MySQL Workbench.
The first thing we are going to do is restore the JMC database, so at the first screen, click on Local MySQL under the Server Administration section on the right side of the screen, and then click on Server Administration right above it. Type in the root password that you created in the MySQL Community Server install process, and click OK.
On the left, click on Data Import/Restore. To the right of that, click on Import from Self-Contained File. And to the far right of that, click on the button to navigate to the sql file you are going to restore.
At the navigation screen, find the file and highlight it. Then click on Open.
After you choose the sql file to restore, you will be back to the Data Import/Restore screen, so click on Start Import in the bottom right corner. Again, type in the root password and click on OK. It will start the import
process, and when it is done, you will get a screen which shows it was completed.
Now we want to create an account in MySQL Workbench that will be used to connect the JMC Web to the SQL database so they can communicate. On the left side of the screen, click on Users and Privileges. Then at the bottom, click on Add Account. In the middle right, type in the Login Name and Password you want to use. We recommend you again use webjmc for the Login Name, and give it the same password you did for the local webjmc user you created earlier on the server. In the section named Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching, change the % to localhost. Then click on Apply in the bottom right corner.
Now click on the Schema Privileges tab at the top, and then highlight your new webjmc user and click on Add Entry… at the far right.
In the Schema Privileges window, we want to set the settings just as you see them in the left picture below for both Selected host and Selected schema. Click OK.
At the next screen, click on Select “ALL” at the bottom, and then Save Changes at the bottom right corner.
The last thing we need to do is create a user to connect from a client computer(s) to the SQL database, so the JMC POS and/or Form Designer applications can communicate. Still in the Users and Privileges section on
the left, click on the Server Access Management tab at the top, and then Add Account at the bottom. In the middle right, type in the Login Name and Password you want to use. We recommend you use jmcssl for the Login Name, and then give it a good, secure password of 8 characters or less, using letters and numbers. In the section named Limit Connectivity to Hosts Matching, leave the %. Then click on Apply in the bottom right corner.
Now click on the Schema Privileges tab at the top, and then highlight your new jmcssl user and click on Add Entry… at the far right.
In the Schema Privileges window, we want to set the settings just as you see them in the left picture below for both Selected host and Selected schema. Click OK.
Next, click on Select “ALL” at the bottom, and then Save Changes at the bottom right corner.
There are two more things to adjust in MySQL Workbench, so go up to Options File on the left side of the window. Then choose the Networking tab, and make sure max_allowed_packet is checked, and change the number in the field to 2097152. Then go to the Performance tab, and make sure query_cache_size is checked, and change the number in the field to 127M, and then click Apply in the bottom right corner. At this point, it may ask you to type in your root password, so do that and click OK.
You then need to stop and start MySQL server for the changes to take effect, so go to Startup/Shutdown in the upper left, and click on the Stop Server button to the right. Once it says it is stopped, click on the Start Server to start it up again. Wait until it shows that it is started, and then you are done.
We are now done configuring MySQL Workbench, so exit out of it by clicking on the X in the top right corner.
Section 7 – Getting JMC Web Running
We now have to get the JMC Web running, and there are 3 things we have to do to get it going.
First, we have to create an Application Pool for each of the sections of JMC Web. They are JMC (Office), Parent, Scheduler, Student and Teacher. They each have a folder in the Default Web Site folder on the server, so we must configure them.
To create the Application Pools, go to the Start menu in the bottom left corner, and go to the Administrative
Tools selection that is up and over to the right, and then up and over to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, click on the + in the upper left corner next to your server’s name. Then click on Application Pools below that, and then click on Add Application Pool… in the upper right corner of the window.
At this screen, just type in the name of the application pool you want to create and click OK to create it. Let’s do JMC first. Then click on Add Application Pool… again, and create each one until you have JMC, Parent, Scheduler, Student and Teacher.
If you are using a Windows 2012 Server, you will need to do one more thing. On the above screen, your default .NET Framework Version will be set to v4.0, so please use the pull-down menu to change it to v2.0. You will need to do this for each of the JMC, Parent, Scheduler, Student and Teacher application pools.
When you have all 5 application pools, we now proceed to the second thing we have to do to get JMC Web working. We have to convert each of the correspondingly named folders in the Sites\Default Web Site folder to an application.
To do this, click on the + next to Sites in the upper left corner, and then click on the + next to Default Web Site below that. You will see the 5 folders we discussed above. Right-click on each folder one at a time, and choose Convert to Application. Click on Select… to the right.
Choose the corresponding Application Pool name in the list and click OK. Then back at the previous screen, click on Connect as… below.
Click on Specific user, and then on Set… to the right. Then type in webjmc for the User name, and type in the Password you assigned to the webjmc user and click OK. This is the webjmc user you created in Section 2 – Creating Local webjmc User On the Server and Setting Privileges. If you used the same password for both webjmc users you created earlier, that makes this easier. You are now back at the Connect As screen, so click on OK.
You are now back at the Add Application screen, so click on Test Settings… to test. You should now get a screen that shows the test was successful. Click on Close.
You are again at the Add Application screen, so click on OK, and you are done with that folder. You are now back in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window and you will see that the folder icon you just configured on the left has changed to show it is configured.
Now repeat the above steps for all the other folders for JMC Web, so they are ready to be used.
When you have them all done, the window should look like this with all the folder icons changed on the left.
While you are here, you can also set the idle time-outs for each app pool, if you want. The default is set to 20 minutes, which means if there is no activity in that app pool for 20 minutes, the users session gets timed-out, and nothing works. They might get logged out, or they may need to log out and back in to get things working again.
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