Buckeye Fire Equipment Company
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SECTION I. Chemical Product and Company Identi fication
Carbon dioxide
Product Name: Carbon Dioxide
Distributor: Buckeye Fir e Equipment Company
Carbonic Anhydride
110 Kings Road
Kings Mountain, NC 28086
Telephone: 704-739-7415
Manufacturer: Praxair Inc.
39 Old Ridgebury Roa
anbury, CT 06810
Telephone: 1.800.645.4633
Web Address: www.buckeyefire.com
Email Address: bfec@buckeyef.com
Recommended Use: Fire Suppression.
Emergency: CHEMTREC 1.800.424.9300
Revision Date: 06/2018
ECTION II. Hazard Identification
WARNING!!! Liquefied gas under pressure.
Contains gas and liquids under pressure; may explode if heated.
Can cause rapid suffocation.
May cause dizziness and drowsiness.
Can increase respiration and heart rate.
May cause frostbite
OSHA Regulatory Status: This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR
azard Classification: Gases Under Pressure – Liquefied Gas
Precautionary Statements: Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place.
CTION III. Composition/Information on I ngredients
* % is rounded to the nearest appropriate number. Values are not to be considered product specifications
ECTION IV. First Aid Measures
NOTE: Rescuers should not attempt to retrieve a victim of exposure to this product without adequate personal protective
equipment. At a minimum, self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn.
emove victim to fresh air as quickly as possible. Trained personnel should administer supplemental oxygen and /or cardio-
pulmonary resuscitati on if necessa ry. Only trained perso nnel should a dminister supplemental oxygen.

Buckeye Fire Equipment Company
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n case of frostbite, place the frostbitte n p a rt in warm water. Do Not Use Hot Water. If warm water is not available or is
impractical to use, wrap the affected part gently in a blanket. If fingers or hands are frostbitten, place the affected part in the
armpit. Have victim gently exercise the affected part while being warmed. Seek immediate medical attention. Take a copy of
this SDS to the attending physicia n or health professional. For more information see supplier website.
SECTION V. Fire fighting Measures
Extinguishing Media: This product is an extinguishing agent. It is nonflammable and noncombustible.
Special Firefighting Procedures: Structural firefighters must wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective
equipment. Move fire exposed cylinders if it can be done without risk to firefighters. Otherwise cool containers with hose
stream and protect personnel. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sounds from venting safety device or any discoloration
of tanks due to fire.
Unusual Fire and Explosi on H az ar ds : Containers of carbon dioxide, when involved in fire, may rupture or burst from the
heat of the fire.
Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact or Static Discharge: None
ECTION VI. Accidental Release Measures
In case of accidental release, use the appropriate respiratory and personal protection. Evacuate the area and allow the gas,
which is heavier than air, to dissipate. Monitor the surrounding area for carbon dioxide and oxygen levels. The levels of
carbon dioxide must be below those listed in Section II and the atmosphere must have at least 19.5% oxygen before
personnel are allowed back into the area.
CTION VII. Handli ng and Storage
Avoid eye, respiratory, and skin exposure. Use the appropriate personal protective equipment when handling. Be aware of
any signs of dizziness, fatigue, or any exposure symptom described in Section II. Product should be stored in dry, wellventilated areas away from sources of heat. Store in its original container or extinguisher. Containers are under pressure and
present significant safety hazards. Store away from heavily trafficked areas and paths for ingress/egress. Protect containers
from possible damage and falling. Secure cylinders to prevent accidental knock over. Protect from sunlight. For more
information see supplier website.
SECTION VIII. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Exposure Guidelines:
se adequate ventilation to prevent unacceptable concentration levels noted in Section II.
Respiratory Protection: Use self-contained breathing apparatus
ye Protection: Wear chemic al goggles or full-face air-purifying respirator.
Skin Protection: Use low-temperature protective gloves and appropriate body protection.
ECTION IX. Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance and Odor: Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas that is odorless at low concentrations. At high concentrations it will
have a sharp acidic odor.
Gas Density @ 21ºC and 1 atm: 0.1144 lb/ft³
Solubility: 0.90%
Flash Point: N/A
Flammability: N/A
Melting Point/Freezing Point at 1 atm: -78.5ºC
Boiling Point @ 1 atm: -78.5ºC