FaderMaster Professional, FaderMaster Pro, MAGI, M24, MAGI Pro, Sync•Link,
MSB Plus, Nexus Plus, MacNexus, Synapse, PPS-2, PPS-100, and FaderMaster are
the property of JLCooper Electronics. All other brand names are the property of their
respective holders.
Thank you for purchasing JLCooper’s FaderMaster
Professional, the MIDI Automation Controller. Continuing in
the tradition of JLCooper’s original FaderMaster, FaderMaster
Pro adds the feel and control of high quality, 100 mm long
throw faders. FaderMaster Pro also goes beyond the original
FaderMaster with the addition of programmable buttons, which
can be used for automated muting, program change, sample
firing, and more. Two external inputs let you connect a usersupplied foot switch and pedal, which can then send any MIDI
Like the original FaderMaster, JLCooper’s design philosophy is
to give you back the feel and control that technology had taken
away. So many hardware and software products are loaded
with features, but simply lack the user-interface, the faders and
buttons, to conveniently access those features.
The growing use of computer-based automation has
necessitated the development of a professional mix interface.
It is not enough to simply get away from one-track-at-a-time
“mouse mixing”. The faders themselves must have the feel that
the professional audio engineer demands.
All these qualities have been combined to put you back in
control, and give you new opportunities for creative freedom,
in the studio or on-stage.
With the optional Macintosh FaderMaster Pro Remote software,
FaderMaster Pro’s setups may be displayed, created, and
modified “off-line” on a computer.
Please fill out the enclosed product registration card and mail it
right away, so we can keep you informed of related products
or updates as they become available.
Table of Contents
Features ............................................................................. 5
Front Panel Controls ........................................................ 6
➤ MIDI Command Parameter (Notes, Controllers, etc.)
➤ MIDI Command Number (Controller #7, Note #36, etc.)
➤ MIDI Channel (1 through 16)
➤ Fader Minimum Value
➤ Fader Maximum Value
➤ Button On Value
➤ Button Off Value
➤ Button Action Momentary or Latched
➤ Button uses Fader Position as Value
➤ Foot Pedal Input Programs like Faders
➤ Foot Switch Input Programs like Buttons
➤ Touch Sensitive Auto Punch In
➤ Fader Nulling
➤ Three Grouping Modes
➤ Absolute Grouping
➤ Relatively Scaled Grouping
➤ Offset Grouping
➤ Merging
Front Panel Controls
P 1
P 1
MIDI Automation Controller
From left to right we have:
Program button. Selects one of the Program Modes, to change
the settings of FaderMaster Pro.
Pressing PROG repeatedly cycles through the following:
• FADER LEDOn:Fader Program Mode
• BUTTON LED On:Button Program Mode
• FADER LEDFlashing:Foot Pedal Program Mode
• BUTTON LED Flashing:Foot Switch Program Mode
In the Automation Banks (A 1 through A 8),
Pressing PROG toggles the FADER LED on and off.
To exit the Program Mode,
Press PROG until both FADER and BUTTON LEDs are off.
Steps back down through memory banks.
For example, if the display saysP 2,
Press DOWN, display then saysP 1.
Hold DOWN while moving any fader to quickly access any
Holding NULL while moving a fader allows you to move the
fader without any MIDI data being sent. This allows you to preposition the fader to start at a specific MIDI value.
NULL is also used in the A Banks along with the NULL LEDS, to
avoid unexpected jumps in level while editing a mix.
Observe the NULL LEDs to determine if the fader needs to be
raised or lowered to match previously recorded MIDI data.
The NULL (SHIFT) button also accesses SHIFTED functions.
These are indicated in blue legends on the front panel.
Steps up through memory banks.
For example, if the display saysP 1,
Press UP, display then saysP 2.
Hold UP while moving any fader to quickly access any bank.
MODE (that is, SHIFT and UP)
In the Automation Banks, selects what the buttons above the
faders do. These buttons are either "Enables" or "Mutes".
Press an Enable to turn a fader on or off.
Press a Mute to send a MIDI Controller with a zero value.
The current function of the buttons is indicated by a dash in
the seven-segment display next to the word ENABLE or MUTE.
Buttons Above the Faders
When one of the P Banks has been selected on FaderMaster
Pro, pressing a button sends any kind of MIDI command.
When one of the A Banks has been selected on FaderMaster
Pro, pressing these buttons send MIDI Controller commands
with a zero value to act as audio Mutes.
Also in the A Banks, press these buttons to Enable a fader to
send MIDI Controller commands.
When in one of the Program Modes (selected by the PROG
button), the buttons above the faders are used for assigning the
kind of MIDI command (parameter) that a given control will
send, certain other attributes of the fader. The kinds of
parameters and attributes selected by the buttons are as
In Program mode, hold PARM while moving a fader to select
the parameter, that is, the type of MIDI Command, that a
control will send.
Choices include: Notes, Controllers, Program Change, Pitch
Bend, and After touch.
In Program mode, hold CHAN while moving a fader to select
the MIDI channel, 1 through 16, that a control will send.
In Program mode, hold PARM# while moving a fader to select
the parameter number, that is, the Controller number or Note
number, that the control will send.
In Program mode, hold MIN while moving a fader to select the
minimum value that a control will send.
In Program mode, hold MAX while moving a fader to select the
maximum value that a control will send.
For Faders or Foot Pedal,
In Program mode, hold SPEED/BM while moving a fader to
select the speed of the MIDI data sent out. Select 1 through 4.
(4 is the fastest.)
For Buttons or Foot Switch,
In Program mode, hold SPEED/BM while moving a fader to
select the Button Mode, either Momentary, Latched, or Fader.
Momentary: Button sends a MIDI command when
pressed, using MAX as its value. Sends another MIDI
command when released, using MIN as its value.
The LED above button is momentary, that is, it is only on as
long as the button is held down.
Latched: Button sends a MIDI command when pressed,
using MIN as its value, and another message when pressed
again, using MAX as its value.
The LED above button is latched, that is, it turns on with the
first press and off with the second press.
Fader Value: Button sends a MIDI command when
pressed. When released, it sends the same command using
the fader position as its value.
The LED above button is latched, that is, it turns on with the
first press and off with the second press.
TOUCH (that is, SHIFT and SPEED/BM)
In the Automation Banks, turns on FaderMaster Pro’s unique
Touch-Sensitive Automatic Punch In.
Press SHIFT TOUCH to toggle between Touch On (t[K) and
Touch Off (0FF).
TOUCH is used to effect seamless edits to sequencer tracks
consisting of controller commands.
When a fader is moved, the fader will not send any MIDI
Controller commands until the fader level exactly matches the
level of previously recorded Controller commands.
In the P Banks, in Program Mode, hold GROUP while moving a
fader to select a group master for a given fader.
Faders may be grouping in one of three different group modes.
Exit Program Mode, then hold SHIFT and GROUP while
moving a fader to select the group mode.
Absolute Grouping: Fader values match the master.
Relatively Scaled Grouping: Fader values are scaled
based on how much the master has moved with respect
to the fader throw. That is to say, when you fade the
master, all the values reach their minimum value at the
same time.
Offset Grouping: Fader values are offset by the value of
the master, as referenced to the center of the master's
throw. That is to say, the value of the master is added to
or taken away from the faders that are part of the group.
PROTECT (that is, SHIFT and PARM#)
Hold SHIFT and PROTECT and move any fader to turn Protect
on and off. When display indicates PRO, FaderMaster Pro may
not be reprogrammed.
In the P Banks, in Program Mode, hold Merge while moving a
fader to select the Merge mode for that fader.
Each fader within a bank may have a different Merge mode.
Merge On: MIDI commands pass through
Merge Off: MIDI coming into FaderMaster Pro is checked
to see if any fader is programmed to send out the same
commands. MIDI passes through FaderMaster Pro, unless a
fader is programmmed to send the same commands.
Merge Conditional: MIDI commands pass through
FaderMaster Pro. MIDI coming into FaderMaster Pro is
checked to see if any fader is programmed to send out the
same commands.
The MIDI data is allowed to pass through to the MIDI out,
until you move a fader. Then, that MIDI data is selectively
filtered out. This is used to replace previously recorded
tracks of MIDI data.
SNAP (that is, SHIFT and MERGE)
Holding the SHIFT button and pressing SNAP sends out a
“Snapshot” consisting of MIDI data representing the current
position of the faders.
Used at the beginning of a sequence to establish the initial
levels of a mix.
FaderMaster Pro.
NULL LEDS (Used With Automation Bank)
Compares the position of the last fader moved with the value
of MIDI data coming into the FaderMaster’s Pro’s MIDI input.
Lets the user know if the fader is above (up arrow) or below
(down arrow) the level of the MIDI data coming into
FaderMaster Pro.
Used to assist in seamless punch in type edits of previously
recorded MIDI data for mix editing.
Sets System Exclusive Unit ID Number. This is only used in
conjunction with the optional FaderMaster Pro Remote
Software. Allows software to independently communicate with
more than one FaderMaster Pro.
Hold SHIFT UNIT# while moving any fader to select a number
from 0 to 15.
This allows the FaderMaster Pro Remote software to program
and back up as many as 16 FaderMaster Pros.
Sets MIDI Channel of FaderMaster Pro so FaderMaster Pro can
respond to MIDI Program Change commands.
Hold SHIFT and CHAN while moving any fader to select a
MIDI channel from 1 to 16.
Dashes in the display indicate that the reception of program
changes has been disabled.
➤ For Total Studio Control:
Connect the MIDI Input and Output of the FaderMaster Pro to
a MIDI patch bay, such as JLCooper’s Synapse or a computer
1234567891011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
interface with built-in patch bay.
➤ For Direct Control of Signal Processors, Synthesizers, or
MIDI Controlled VCA’s such as JLCooper's MixMaster:
Connect the MIDI out of FaderMaster Pro to the MIDI in of the
device that you want to control.
MIDI Controlled Mixer
➤ For Sequencer Automation:
Connect the MIDI out of FaderMaster Pro to the MIDI In of the
Sequencer or Computer interface.
Connect the MIDI out of the sequencer or computer interface
to the MIDI in of FaderMaster Pro.
Turn the sequencer's "Thru feature" off when
connecting FaderMaster Pro in this manner.
FaderMaster Pro has a MERGE feature. This feature simply
passes data from the MIDI In to the MIDI out.
You could potentially create an infinite MIDI loop if you
connect two MIDI cables to FaderMaster and leave the
sequencer's "Thru" turned on.
"Thru" on the sequencer may also be called Echo, MIDI Echo,
Direct Echo, Patch Thru, etc.
(More specific information on how to avoid this kind of loop is
given in the chapter on mixing with the Automation Banks.
See page 43.)
➤ Hooking Up Several FaderMaster Pros
Multiple FaderMaster Pros may be chained together to form a
larger console.
Simply connect the MIDI Out of the first FaderMaster Pro to the
MIDI In of the next FaderMaster Pro.
Bank Selection
FaderMaster Pro’s memory is organized into three sets or
“Banks” of programs.
(In developing FaderMaster Pro, we decided to organize the
memory into “Banks” as opposed to “Savings and Loans”.
Otherwise you might come back the next day and find them
missing or renamed.)
P 1 through P 20 User Programmable Banks
A 1 through A 8 Automation Banks
F 1 through F 50 Factory Banks
Step up through the banks one at a time by pressing UP.
For example, if the display saysP 1,
Press UP, display then saysP 2.
Step down through the banks one at a time
For example, if the display saysP 2,
Press DOWN, display then saysP 1.
Rapidly scroll through all the banks by holding either
UP or DOWN while moving any fader.
Stop moving the fader at the desired bank.
As you step through banks P 1 through P 20, FaderMaster Pro
sends out a short system exclusive MIDI command for each
bank change, informing other FaderMaster units to also change
Selecting a new bank means that you are selecting entirely
different MIDI assignments for the faders and buttons.
This means that you can use FaderMaster Pro for multiple
applications at the same time, simply by changing banks.
by pressing DOWN.
For Example
Say that P 1 has been programmed to send MIDI controllers to
alter the parameters on a signal processor, such as the Alesis
QuadraVerb 2.
Say that P 2 has been programmed to send MIDI controllers
(on a different MIDI channel) to a adjust a MIDI Graphic
Equalizer, such as the DOD MEQ28.
First Select P 1. Then, move the faders to change the sound
characteristics on the QuadraVerb 2.
Press UP to select P 2. Then, move the faders to change the
EQ curve on the MEQ unit.
Press DOWN again to select P 2 to adjust the QuadraVerb, etc.
This allows you to have immediate live control of multiple
signal processors. (Without, obviously, walking over to the
rack and fiddling with parameters one at a time with an LCD
In addition, the MIDI output of FaderMaster Pro may be
recorded onto a sequencer, so that the signal processor
changes may be automated and occur simultaneously.
User Programmable Banks P 1 - P 20
The twenty User Programmable are indicated in the display as
P 1 through P20.
Each of the eight faders and eight buttons may send a different
kind of MIDI message.
This is the most flexible bank, when your application calls for
complex sets of different kinds of MIDI commands.
If, however, you plan on using FaderMaster Pro mostly for
automation, (such as sequencer mixing, digital audio
workstation mixing, simple signal processor control, etc.),
turn first to the chapter on the Automation Banks, page 41.
The Automation Banks are much easier to program than the
User Banks. In the Automation Banks, you only set one
fader, and all the rest of the faders and buttons are
automatically assigned to sequential controller numbers.
From the front panel of FaderMaster Pro, you can make each
fader and button send the following MIDI commands or
parameters (called PARM): Continuous Controller, Notes, After
touch, Pitch Bend, and Program Changes.
With the optional FaderMaster Pro Remote software, you can
also make the faders and buttons send MIDI System Exclusive
For each fader and button, you may select the MIDI channel,
the controller or note number, and minimum and maximum
For faders, you may set the speed of the MIDI output and
whether any fader is grouped to another fader.
For buttons, you may set whether the button acts momentarily
or push on / push off.
Programming FaderMaster Pro
Programming is done one of the programming modes,
accessed by simply pressing the PROG button.
First, before attempting to make any changes to the way
FaderMaster Pro is programmed,
Make sure that the PROTECT feature is OFF.
(The PROTECT feature works like the safety tab on a cassette
or diskette, to prevent you from accidentally changing the
memory of FaderMaster Pro.)
Hold SHIFT and PROTECT observe the Protect status.
Move any fader to turn Protect on and off.
When Protect is off, the display indicates 0FF.
When Protect is on, the display indicates Pro.
Entering Programming Modes:
To program the faders,
press the PROG button once so that the FADER LED is lit.
To program the buttons,
press the PROG button again so that the BUTTON LED is lit.
To program the foot pedal input,
press the PROG button again so that the FADER LED flashes.
To program the foot switch input,
press the PROG button again so the BUTTON LED flashes.
Exiting Programming Modes:
To exit the programming mode,
press the PROG button again until both LEDs are off.
Programming Faders (In General)
➤ First select a Programmable User Bank number,
P1 through P20.
Use the UP or DOWN buttons to step to the desired program
number, or, hold UP or DOWN while moving any fader and
stop moving the fader when the desired number is reached.
➤ Enter Fader Program mode.
Press the PROG button once so that the FADER LED is lit.
➤ Press and hold a button corresponding to the desired
parameters or attributes while moving a fader.
➤ Exit Fader Program mode.
Press the PROG until both FADER and BUTTON LEDs are off.
Simple Example
To make fader 1 send MIDI Controller data on MIDI channel 4
when moved,
❏ Enter Fader Program mode. (Press PROG once.)
❏ Move fader 1 while holding the PARM button
until Co is displayed.
❏ Move fader 1 while holding the CHAN button
until 4 is displayed.
❏ Exit Fader Program mode.
More programming details are provided in the following pages.
Programming the Faders (In Detail)
Here are the specifics parameters and attributes that may be
selected for each fader. (Remember that these settings may
only be reviewed and edited in Fader Program mode.)
Hold the PARM button while moving a fader to select whether
the fader will send Notes (No), Controllers ([o), Program
Change (P[), After Touch (At) or Pitch Bend (Pb).
Hold the CHAN button while moving a fader to select what
MIDI channel the fader will send on, 1 through 16.
Hold the PARM# button while moving a fader to select the
what Controller Number or Note Number the fader will send, if
the fader has been assigned to send Controllers or Notes.
Hold the MIN button while moving a fader to select the
minimum value that the fader will send when it is moved to the
bottom of its travel.
Hold the MAX button while moving a fader to select the
maximum value that the fader will send when it is moved to
the top of its travel.
If you set a faders minimum value higher than its
maximum value, the fader will operate reversed.
MIN and MAX Application Example
A fader that sends MIDI Volume commands may have a
minimum of 0 and a maximum of 127.
To perform a crossfade, set another fader with a minimum of
127 and a maximum of 0. When you bring up the two faders,
one will effect a fade in while the other effects a fade out.
You may also group these two faders (discussed next).
Moving up one fader would send Volume commands that are
increasing (on one MIDI channel), at the same time as Volume
commands (on a different MIDI channel) that are decreasing.
A fader that sends MIDI Program Change commands may have
a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 32, if you are trying to
restrict the available programs in a signal processor to a given
class of sounds.
(You want to make sure you stick with a family of related hall
sounds, and never accidentally select the ever-so-useful
Hold the SPEED button while moving a fader to select how fast
the fader will send out MIDI data. The speed is represented by
a number 1 through 4. 1 is the slowest and 4 is the fastest.
Generally speaking, choose the fastest setting (4) for the
smoothest control for mixing applications. Choose the slowest
setting (1) for sending program changes so you will have more
In the P Banks, faders may be grouped.
To group a fader means that you assign some number of faders
to be controlled by another fader called a "group master fader".
When you move a group master fader, FaderMaster Pro sends
out MIDI commands just as if you simultaneously moved all of
the faders assigned to the group master fader.
In other words, moving one fader sends out multiple MIDI
commands as if several faders were being moved.
An Application Example
Say that the eight faders have been programmed to send
MIDI Volume (MIDI Controller #7) on channels 1 through 8.
You could make fader 4 a “group master fader” by assigning
faders 1 through 3 to group master 4.
You could make fader 8 a “group master fader ” by assigning
faders 5 through 7 to group master 8.
The result would be that if you
Move this Fader:FaderMaster Pro Sends:
1MIDI Volume on Channel 1
2MIDI Volume on Channel 2.
3MIDI Volume on Channel 3.
4MIDI Volume on Channels 1 through 4.
5MIDI Volume on Channel 5.
6MIDI Volume on Channel 6.
7MIDI Volume on Channel 7.
8MIDI Volume on Channels 5 through 8.
Moving a master results in data being sent for the master and
all the faders assigned to the master.
➤ To Assign Groups
Enter Fader Program Mode by pressing PROG until the FADER
LED is lit.
Hold the GROUP button while moving a fader to select themaster for that fader.
For the example just given, hold GROUP and
move fader 1 until a "4" is displayed,
move fader 2 until a "4" is displayed,
move fader 3 until a "4" is displayed,
move fader 5 until a "8" is displayed,
move fader 6 until a "8" is displayed,
move fader 7 until a "8" is displayed,
Exit Fader Program mode.
Group Modes
FaderMaster Pro operates in one of three Group modes:
➤ Absolute
➤ Relatively Scaled
➤ Offset
Choose one of the three Group Modes by pressing SHIFT
GROUP and move any fader, the display indicates:
Group Modes may be selected "on the fly", while you are
actually operating FaderMaster Pro. You do not need to enter
Fader Program mode.
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