JLCooper Eclipse Ethernet 2.6 User Manual

Eclipse Ethernet Software 2.6 for OSX
JLCooper makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding this software’s fitness for a particular purpose, and in no event shall JLCooper Electronics be liable for incidental or consequential damages, loss of profits, loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by third parties even if JLCooper Electronics has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
.....................................................................................................INSTALLATION! 1
....................................................................................................UNINSTALLING! 6
DETERMINING THE MACS IP ADDRESS............................................................................! 10
DHCP (AUTOMATICALLY ASSIGNED IP ADDRESS ................................................)! 11
MANUALLY ASSIGNED IP ADDRESS......................................................................! 11
CREATING AN IP ADDRESS FOR THE ECLIPSE...................................................................! 12
ASSIGNING AN IP ADDRESS TO THE ECLIPSE SX MIDNIGHT ..............................................! 13
ASSIGNING AN IP ADDRESS TO THE ECLIPSE .......................................................MX-SA! 14
IF THE MX HAS NEVER BEEN CONFIGURED BEFORE...............................................! 14
IF THE MX HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN CONFIGURED ...................................................! 18
..................................................................SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE SETUP! 19
KEYSETS .......................................................................................................................! 22
............................................................................................EDITING KEYSETS! 23
...............................................................................THE INSPECTOR WINDOW! 25
....................................................................................................ACTION TABS! 28
KEYSTROKES TAB..........................................................................................................! 28
MOUSE TAB...................................................................................................................! 33
MIDI TAB.......................................................................................................................! 38
EMULATION TAB.............................................................................................................! 42
SPECIAL TAB..................................................................................................................! 49
BUILT IN ACTIONS TAB....................................................................................................! 52
...........................................................................................................DISPLAYS! 53
DISPLAY TEXT TAB.........................................................................................................! 54
DISPLAY ENCODER NAMES TAB.......................................................................................! 55
DISPLAY EMULATION TAB................................................................................................! 56
TIMECODE DISPLAY........................................................................................................! 57
........................................REVERSE MESSAGES FROM R AND B BUTTONS! 57
......................................................................................ECLIPSE MX WINDOW! 58
..........................................................................KEYSET SUMMARY WINDOW! 62
.......................................................................................FINAL CUT PRO™ SUPPORT! 64
FINAL CUT PRO AND CONTROL SURFACES ...................................................................! 64
FINAL CUT PRO SHUTTLE............................................................................................! 64
USING THE ECLIPSE WITH FINAL CUT PRO.......................................................................! 64
THE ECLIPSE FINAL CUT PRO KEYSET ............................................................................! 66
....................................................................................FINAL CUT PRO X™ SUPPORT! 73
Eclipse Ethernet Software
.........................................................................................COLOR™ SUPPORT! 76
SETUP...........................................................................................................................! 76
COLOR 1.0 SETUP..............................................................................................! 77
COLOR 1.5 SETUP..............................................................................................! 78
THE ECLIPSE COLOR KEYSETS .......................................................................................! 79
THE COLOR 1.0 KEYSET.....................................................................................! 79
THE COLOR 1.5 KEYSET.....................................................................................! 87
ECLIPSE PLUGIN BUTTON MAPPINGS ..............................................................................! 87
ECLIPSE PLUGIN ENCODER MAPPINGS..........................................................................! 110
..................................................................SOUNDTRACK PRO™ SUPPORT! 115
THE SOUNDTRACK PRO KEYSET ...................................................................................! 115
......................................................................................MOTION™ SUPPORT! 118
THE MOTION KEYSET ...................................................................................................! 121
................................................................................LOGIC PRO™ SUPPORT! 124
THE LOGIC PRO KEYSET ..............................................................................................! 124
........................................................NUENDO™ AND CUBASE™ SUPPORT! 129
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Follow the hardware setup instructions for the Eclipse Series modules in your system. Hardware manuals are available in the Help menu of the Eclipse Ethernet application. The most up to date hardware manuals are located on the JLCooper website JLCooper
Manuals page.
Note: if you have previously installed a version of Eclipse Ethernet Software earlier than
2.5, you must uninstall it before installing this version.
After downloading and double-clicking the Install_Eclipse_2.6.dmg file, you should see the following window:
Drag the icon labeled Eclipse Ethernet Software over the icon labeled Applications alias then release the mouse. This will cause the Finder to copy the Eclipse software to your Applications folder.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Once the copy is complete, open the /Applications/Eclipse Ethernet Software/ folder and double-click on the Eclipse Ethernet 2.6 application.
If this is the first time you are installing this software, or if you are installing a newer version, an installation dialog will appear. Click on Continue to finish the installation, or Cancel if you want to finish it the next time you run the Eclipse Ethernet 2.6 application. The installation must be completed before the Eclipse software will be fully functional.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Once all the software components have been installed, click on the Finish button.
This will take you to the initial setup dialog.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Here you set the Eclipse IP address, port and and information about your hardware setup. These settings are identical to the ones found in the Preferences dialog. Please see the section on the Preferences dialog for more details.
The setup dialog also includes a Help display to guide you through the setup process. Click on any of the help topics for more information.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
After you have changed the settings to match your Eclipse hardware, click on Apply. You can also click on Setup Later. In this case you can adjust these settings in the Preferences dialog.
Once you have clicked on Apply, a connection will be established between the Eclipse Ethernet Software and the Eclipse, and you can start working with the software.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
To uninstall run the Eclipse Uninstaller located in the /Applications folder. Click on the Uninstall button to begin. When the uninstall is finished, click on the Quit button.
If there are multiple user accounts on this Mac, there may be multiple installations of the Eclipse software, one for each user. Each user shares the Eclipse Ethernet application and the Eclipse uninstaller, but other software components are installed separately for each user account. For this reason, the uninstaller does not remove itself or the Eclipse Ethernet Software folder. Before deleting either of these, please make sure that the software has been uninstalled from all user accounts.
After uninstalling, you may notice that the Eclipse driver still appears in the Audio/MIDI Setup ( /Applications/Utilities/ ) MIDI window. This is because the Mac OS X
tries to remember the state of your MIDI setup, even if there are changes such as removing or powering down equipment or removing drivers.
To remove the driver from Audio/MIDI Setup, disconnect the Eclipse from the Mac and wait for the driver’s icon in Audio/MIDI Setup to be dimmed as in the graphic below.
Click on the Eclipse Ethernet icon to select it, then hit the DELETE key on the Mac keyboard or choose Delete from the Edit menu. Quit Audio/MIDI Setup.
The Eclipse software’s preference file is not removed by the uninstaller. It takes up relatively little space and has no impact on the operation of other software once the Eclipse software is uninstalled. If you want to remove it, just delete the file ~/Library/
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Introduction to the Eclipse Hardware Modules
There are several modules in the Eclipse Series. They are all supported by the Eclipse Ethernet Software 2.1. For simplicity’s sake they will all be referred to throughout this document as the Eclipse, unless there is a need to refer to a specific module.
The Eclipse CX is a complete colorist control surface. It has trackballs, rotary encoders, buttons and displays useful for controlling color grading applications such as Apple Color™. It also has transport controls, a keypad for locating and a time-code display.
Eclipse CX
The Eclipse CX Midnight is functionally similar to the Eclipse CX, except that it has a darker, “Midnight” finish, and white LEDs and indicators to reduce light emissions and intrusion on colorist’s eyes. It also has Reset buttons next to the six rotary encoders on the left side so you can easily return any parameter to its default setting.
Eclipse CX Midnight
Eclipse Ethernet Software
The Eclipse MX and Eclipse MX Midnight are expanders with eight touch sensitive moving faders and eight sets of Mute, Solo, Aux and Select buttons. Up to four MXs or MX Midnights can be connected to an Eclipse CX or CX Midnight.
The Eclipse MX SA Midnight is a standalone version of the MX Midnight. It has its own ethernet socket and connects directly to your computer. It operates just like an MX connected to a CX.
Eclipse MX and Eclipse MX Midnight
The Eclipse SX Midnight is equivalent to the left half of the Eclipse CX Midnight. Like the CX Midnight, it has Reset buttons next to each of its rotary encoders. When used with the Eclipse Ethernet Software it acts just like the left hand side of an Eclipse CX Midnight.
Eclipse SX Midnight
Eclipse Ethernet Software
The Eclipse TX Midnight has many of the controls from the right hand side of the Eclipse CX Midnight, including transport controls with Jog and Shuttle control, Page/Room selectors, function keys and other miscellaneous buttons. It can be used standalone or as an expander for the Eclipse SX Midnight.
Eclipse SX Midnight with Eclipse TX Midnight
All of the members of the Eclipse family work with the Eclipse Ethernet Software. The keysets supplied by JLCooper (and any that you create yourself) will work with any of these products.
The software’s display does not change depending on the model you are using. If you are using a standalone SX, MX or TX you will only work with the parts of the program that apply to you.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Hardware Setup
Eclipse Series modules with Ethernet need to have their IP address, subnet mask and port set so that they are able to communicate on your network. Most of the following setup information applies to all Eclipse Series modules that can operate standalone with an Ethernet connection, such as the Eclipse CX, Eclipse CX Midnight, Eclipse SX Midnight, and Eclipse MX-SA. For convenience, Eclipse will be used to refer to any of these modules, except when the setup information is different for a particular module.
First, plug an ethernet cable into the back of the Eclipse then connect the other end of the cable either directly to your Mac or to a router, switch or hub connected to your Mac. If your Mac has two ethernet ports, use the first one. Turn on the Eclipse.
Determining the Mac’s IP Address
The IP Address consists of four groups of numbers separated by periods. Each number can be 1 to 3 digits, with a maximum value of 255, as in
On your Mac, open the System Preferences, either from the Dock or from the Apple Menu. Click on the Network icon.
On the left side of the window find and select the ethernet port. If your Mac has two ethernet ports the first port (which is the one you should be connected to) will probably be referred to as Built-in Ethernet.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
DHCP (Automatically Assigned IP Address)
If your Mac is on a network, and the Eclipse is connected to a router that is connected to the Mac, you should be able to use DCHP to assign the Mac’s IP address automatically. In this case, choose Using DHCP from the Configure popup menu. The right side of the window will show the IP address and Subnet Mask. Write them down.
Manually Assigned IP Address
If your Mac is not on a network, and the Eclipse is connected directly to the Mac, you should use a manually assigned IP address. If so, choose Manually from the Configure popup menu on the right side of the window. You will see a display similar to this.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Enter an IP Address. Anything in the following ranges should work, although other addresses may work also: through through through
Enter a Subnet Mask. A value of should work. Click Apply and write down the IP Address and Subnet Mask.
Creating an IP Address for the Eclipse
Once you have obtained the Mac’s IP address and Subnet Mask you can choose a unique address for the Eclipse. The easiest way to create a unique address for the Eclipse is to use the first three number groups from the Mac’s IP Address then pick a different number for the last group. So if the Mac’s address is, you could use an address of for the Eclipse. If there are other devices or computers on your network, make sure that the address you have chosen does not conflict with their addresses.
Assigning an IP Address to the Eclipse CX and Eclipse CX Midnight
To assign an IP Address to an Eclipse CX or Eclipse CX Midnight, press the Eclipse SHIFT button and the ASSIGN button at the same time. This will display the hardware’s current address. Type in the new unique address using the Eclipse keypad. NOTE: The Eclipse expects IP addresses to be 12 digits, which means you can’t leave out the leading zeros for any group of numbers. So if the address you are using is, then you would enter
Once you have entered the address, hit the Eclipse ENTER button. The Eclipse will now display the Gateway Address. You can accept the default value and just hit the ENTER button again. The next screen is for the Subnet Mask. Enter the mask that you obtained from the System Preferences, remembering to insert leading zeroes where needed, as in
Hit the ENTER button again to get to the Port screen. 23 is a good choice. Hit ENTER one more time. You will see a screen telling you to turn off the Eclipse. Do so then turn it back on.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Assigning an IP Address to the Eclipse SX Midnight
To assign the IP Address on a standalone Eclipse SX Midnight, press the Page 4 and Page 8 buttons at the same time. The display will show:
Press Page 7 to set the IP Address and Port number. The display will show:
Use the knobs below each number to the unique address you created earlier. 23 is a good choice for the port. Press Page 8 when you are done.
To set the IP mask, press Page 4 + Page 8 once again to access the configuration page. The right display will show:
Press Page 6 to set the IP subnet mask of the Eclipse SX Midnight. The displays will show:
Use the knobs below each number to set the mask value you obtained from System Preferences. Press Page 8 when you are done. In order for the new settings to take effect, you must turn the Spectrum off and back on again.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Assigning an IP Address to the Eclipse MX-SA
Because the MX-SA does not have a display, setting the IP address is slightly more involved. Fortunately, it only needs to be setup once.
This procedure requires the FireFox browser. Safari (through version 4.0.3, which was current at the time this manual was written) will not work.
If the MX has never been configured before
Open System Preferences either from the Dock or from the Apple menu and click on the Network icon. On the left side of the window find and select the ethernet port to which the MX is connected. Write down the IP address, Subnet Mask and Configure menu’s setting. Set the Configure menu to Manually.
You will need to temporarily set the Mac’s IP address to (where xxx is any number other than 114 from 1-255 that doesn’t conflict with other addresses on your network). A possible choice would be Set the subnet Mask to then click Apply.
Open FireFox and type into the address field. You may be asked for a user name and password. Leave both fields blank and hit OK.
A web page will open that appears similar to this:
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Click on the NETWORK link on the left hand side. In the web page that appears, choose Use the Following IP configuration. Fill in the unique IP address you created (see Creating an IP Address for the Eclipse above) and the Mac’s Subnet mask that you wrote down. Put in for the Default Gateway and DNS Server. Make sure that under Ethernet Configuration, Auto Negotiate is checked. Click OK.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Next, click on the Serial Settings link on the left side of the page. Setup the web page that appears to match the following settings then click on OK.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Click on the Connection link on the left side of the page and setup the resulting page to match the following. You can choose a different Local Port if you want, but 10001 works well. Click OK.
Click on the Apply Settings link on the left side of the page and wait for the MX to reboot. Quit Firefox.
Now go back to System Prefs, click on the Network icon and restore the settings that you wrote down at the beginning of this process. The one-time setup is now finished.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
If the MX has previously been configured
If you need to change the IP address, subnet mask or port on a previously configured Eclipse MX, open FireFox and type the MX’s current IP address into the address field. You may be asked for a user name and password. Leave both fields blank and hit OK.
In the web page that appears, click on the NETWORK link on the left side if you want to change either the IP address or Subnet mask. The resulting page has fields for both these parameters. After making changes, click on OK.
If you need to change the port, click on the Connection link on the left side of the page. This brings up the Connection Settings page. Halfway down the page, under Endpoint Configuration is the field Local Port. Change this to the new port you want to use. Click OK.
Click on the Apply Settings link on the left side of the page and wait for the MX to reboot. Quit Firefox.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
System and Software Setup
The Eclipse software relies on Apple’s Universal Access to perform mouse emulation. In order for the Eclipse software to work correctly, you must open System Preferences and go to the Universal Access pane. Make sure “Enable access for assistive devices” is checked then quit System Preferences.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
If you chose Setup Later during the installation process, there is an additional one time step to perform. Open the application “Eclipse Ethernet 2.6”. It is located in /
Applications/Eclipse Ethernet Software/. Choose Preferences… from the Eclipse Ethernet 2.6 menu.
Set the IP address and port to match those that you entered on the Eclipse hardware (see the Eclipse User Guide or the section of this manual entitled Hardware Setup). This allows the Eclipse driver to communicate with the hardware.
The setting for Midnight or Silver Finish lets you choose the appearance of the Eclipse 2.1 Ethernet application. Also, if you choose Midnight Finish the six Reset buttons which are available on the Eclipse CX Midnight and Eclipse SX Midnight will be displayed.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
There are two versions of the Eclipse MX Eight Channel Expander - one that connects to an Eclipse CX, and a standalone version, known as the MX-SA. If you are using an Eclipse MX-SA, you need to click on the Using Standalone Eclipse MX (MX-SA) checkbox.
Click on Apply to accept your changes. At this point, the Eclipse should be communicating with your Mac, and moving controls on the Eclipse should highlight the onscreen version of those controls in the Eclipse software. A small icon in the menu bar to the right of the Help Menu will be green if a successful connection has been established. It will be gray if there is no connection or the connection has been lost.
If the connection is lost for some reason (ethernet cable unplugged, MCS-3000 power cable dislodged), the software will attempt to re-establish the connection on its own. If it is unsuccessful, clicking on the gray icon and choosing reconnect will usually restore the connection.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Introduction to the Eclipse Ethernet Software
The Eclipse Software extends the Eclipse hardware’s ability to control various applications running on your Macintosh™. It does this by communicating with applications via MIDI, Ethernet and other messaging protocols built into the Mac OS. It can also simulate mouse clicking and dragging, keystrokes and can even emulate other control surfaces if necessary.
The Eclipse software uses “keysets” which are sets of various actions that are taken when Eclipse controls are pressed or turned. Different keysets can be applied to different applications, and the Eclipse will choose the correct keyset for whichever application is in the foreground. If no keyset has been created for the current foreground application, the Eclipse will use a built in keyset called the “Default” keyset.
To create or edit Eclipse keysets, open the application, “Eclipse Ethernet 2.1”. To create a new keyset, choose New Keyset in the File menu and navigate to the application that will use the new keyset. You can also use Import Keyset from the File Menu to get an existing keyset. Keysets that ship with the Eclipse are located at /
Applications/Eclipse Ethernet Software/keysets/. You only need to use New Keyset or Import Keyset once for a given application. After that, keysets are
stored with the Eclipse software’s preferences.
Each application’s keyset can have up to 4 layers, thus quadrupling the number of physical controls on the Eclipse. To choose which layer to edit, click on one of the Layer buttons at the bottom of the main window.
You can use Export Keyset from the File Menu to save a copy of a keyset so it can be transported to another Mac or archived for safekeeping. You don’t need to use Export in your daily use of the Eclipse. As previously pointed out, your changes are added to the Eclipse software’s preferences file automatically.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
There are several sample keysets included in this package, including ones for Final Cut Pro™ and Color™.
Editing Keysets
The application presents a graphical representation of the Eclipse front panel. When you click on an on-screen control (or move a control on the Eclipse itself), that control is selected and information about it appears in the floating Inspector window.
There is also a window representing the Eclipse MX 8 Channel Expander. This window can be opened from the Window > Peripherals menu.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
You can choose which keyset to edit within the Eclipse Ethernet 2.1 application using the Keysets menu. The menu lists all keysets that you have created or imported. The name of the currently selected keyset will be displayed at the bottom of the main window.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
The Inspector Window
The Inspector window is where all your work takes place. It displays information about the currently selected control and contains the facilities for editing that information.
The Name text box allows you to give a control a more descriptive name than “M1”, “W3” or “F7”. In the example above, the “Page 5” button has been assigned an action that opens the Final Cut Pro Browser window, so naming the button “Browser” conveys more information than “Page 5”.
Immediately below the Name are editing controls that vary depending on what kind of Eclipse control is being edited. If the control is a button, you will see a “Latched” checkbox that lets you choose between a momentary (pressing the button turns it “on”, releasing it turns it “off”) or latched (pressing and releasing it turns it “on” and pressing and releasing it a second time turns it “off”) behavior.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
If the control is a trackball, there will be controls that let you set its color and brightness. Other types of Eclipse controls don’t have any special editing controls here.
Next is a description of the action that is to take place when the selected Eclipse control is pressed or turned while the target application is active. Below that is the area where this action can be edited. There are a series of tabs representing the different kinds of actions that can be performed and clicking on one of these tabs will display controls for editing its kind of action. The available actions are Built In, Keystrokes, Mouse, MIDI, Special and Emulation.
Any changes made in one of these tabs are immediately applied to the selected control. The Eclipse software allows multiple levels of Undo, so you can easily get back to any starting point.
At the bottom of the Inspector window is the Apply Changes to all Layers checkbox. If it is checked while you are making changes, those changes will be applied to the selected control in all layers. Some controls, such as the Transport controls, should probably perform the same function in every layer. The Apply Changes to al Layers checkbox will save you having to make changes in every layer in cases like this.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
Also at the bottom of the Inspector window is the Delete Action button. When pressed it will delete the action currently assigned to the selected control. This is also undoable.
Eclipse Ethernet Software
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