Place the Stealthbox® into the mounting location.
Use a supplied 3/8-inch bolt to secure the long end of the
Z-bracket to the top of the Stealthbox®. Only hand tighten at
this time.
Trucks that are e quipped with the fac tory woofer.
Use the supplied 6mm bolt to secure the short end of the
supplied Z-bracket to the floor, as in the picture. Only hand
tighten at this time.
Trucks that are n ot equipped with the f actory woofer.
Feel for a mounting point that is located under the carpet
and on the floor area that slopes up. Once found, cut the carpet around this mounting point. Use the supplied 6mm bolt
to secure the short end of the supplied Z-bracket to the floor.
Only hand tighten at this time.
Place the middle of the wax square into place, shown in the
Remove the sill plate.
Page 2 • JL Audio, Inc 2006
Note : B e fo re d ri ll in g , m ake s ur e t ha t you a re n ot g oi ng
to be drilling into any gas lines, brake lines, transmission
lines, electrical wiring, transfer case (4x4 vehicles)
or anythi n g el se t h a t mi gh t c au se a r ed uc t i on i n you r
weekly pay. Always wear eye protection when drilling!
With a 1/2-inch d rill bi t and drill, pla ce the dri ll bit th rough
wax sq u are and the carpeti n g at the impress i on made in
the wa x squar e. Dri l l throu g h the metal f l o or. Remove the
wax square.
Place the Stealthbox® into the mounting area.
Run speaker wire to the Stealthbox® and wire to the terminal.
Double check the woofer for proper operation.
Back out the socket cup set screw to expose 2-inches
Place the S tealt hbox
into position by guiding the socket
cup set sc rew thr ough the drill e d hole.
Place the sill plate back into place.
Lower the seat dow n onto the S t ealthbox
. Line up t he top
corne r o f the Stealthbox® to the bottom corner of the seat.
Flip the seat up and push down onto the top of the
Unbolt the Z-bracket and remove t h e S tealt hbox® carefully,
leaving the wa x s quare i n p lace. Th e socket cu p set scr e w
will leave an impression in the wax.
Using an utili ty kni f e, cut an “X” through th e wax sq u are at
the imp ression of the soc k et cup set s c rew and t hrough the