SB-D-CLBR /10W1v2_INSTR_SKU#011236
Position the Stealthbox® into place.
This mounting area is a tight fit. The Stealthbox® needs to
angle into the mounting area. Start by sliding the rear of
the Stealthbox ® into the mounting area. Then turn the
Stealthbox ® clockwise.
Fully thread the supplied hex bolt into the bottom of the
Stealthbox ®.
Place the supplied wax square into position, as in the picture.
Remove the right side rear cargo panel out of the car.
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Note: Befo re drilling, make sure t hat you are not
going to be dr illing into any gas lines , brake lines,
transmission lines, electrical wiring, transfer case
(4x4 vehicles) or anything else that might cause
a reduction in your weekly pay. Always wear eye
protection when drilling!
With a drill and a 1/2-inch drill bit, drill through the
impression made in the wax square. Remove the wax square.
Place the supplied lock washer, flat washers and then fender
washer onto the hex bolt.
From under the car place the hex bolt assembly up through
the floor and into the threaded insert on the b ottom of the
Stealthbox ®.
Secure the bolt assembly.
Note: For add ed protection, it i s recommended that
you apply a bea d of silicone betwee n the vehicle and
the fender w asher. After the bolt asse mbly is tightly
secured, it is also recommended that vehicle undercoating mat erial is applied to t he exposed assembl y.
Run speaker wire from the amplifier location to the
Stealthbox® location and check for proper operation of
the woofer.
Back out the hex bolt that was installed in Step 6.
Place the Stealthbox® back into the mounting area.
Press down on to the Stealthbox® firmly.
Remove the Stealthbox® carefully, leaving the wax square in
place. The hex bolt will leave an impression onto the wax.