for the
2002-Up Chevrolet Trailblazer
2002-Up GMC Envoy
2003-Up Buick Rainier
Thank you for choosing a JL Audio Stealthbox® for your automotive sound system. With proper
installation, your new vehicle-specific enclosed subwoofer system will deliver years of listening pleasure.
If you cho ose to perform t h e i nstal lation yo u rself, i t i s a b s olutel y vital that
the Stealthbox
instructi o n s. Failu r e t o m ount the enclosu r e p roperly p r esent s two probl ems:
1) The sub-bass per f o rmance will suf f er due to the movemen t o f the enclosure
caused by the force exerted by the woofe r(s).
2) A loo se enclosu r e p r esents a s e rious sa f ety hazard in t h e event of a coll i s i on
or sudden deceleration.
be prope rly moun t ed to the ve h i c l e a c cording to these
Remove all contents from the cargo area.
Wit h a 7mm s ocket, remo ve the two bolt s that are located
at the rear of the passenger's side rear wheel well.
We strongly recommend that you have your new Stealthbox® installed by your authorized JL Audio
dealer. The installation professionals employed by your dealer have the necessary tools and experience
to disassemble and reassemble your vehicle properly. Also, keep in mind that your warranty coverage
extends to 2 years if your system is installed or approved by your authorized JL Audio dealer. If you
prefer to perform your own installation, please read this installation guide completely
before beginning the process.
Wit h a fla t b ald screw dri v er, remove the two pu sh/pull
tabs that are loca t ed behi nd the passenger's si de rear tire.
Continued on Next Page

With a 10mm box/open end wrench, remove the bolt that
is located in front off the passen g er's side rear tire .
Wit h all the mounti n g h ardw are removed , remove the
plastic w h eel well l iner.
If your S UV does n ot have the fact o ry ai r compre ssor,
please go directly to STEP 7.
SUVs with the air compressor only.
Look up i nto the passe n g er's sid e rear w h eel well. You will
see th i s m etal p l ate as in the pictur e.
The ai r compressor in mounted onto t h i s plate . The pla t e i s
mounted to the chass is with two bolts .
Remove these two bolts.
SUVs with the air compressor only.
This co m press or is not to b e remove d out of th e wheel
well. Care f ully wed g e the comp resso r into the wheel w ell,
so it s tays. Some la rge zip t i es can be u s ed to tempora ry
mount the comp ressor out of t h e way.
SUVs with the air compressor only.
Pop out t he pane l that hol d the air co mpressor sw itch an d
hose nozzle.
Remove the hose nozzle from panel.
Pop the s witch o ut of the p anel, f rom the back sid e.
SUVs with the air compressor only.
Apply tape to the switch panel to mark your cut line and new
hose nozzle's mounting hole.
Drill a new mountin g hole for the hose nozzle as close to the
switch opening as possible.
Cut the bottom of the switch panel just below the new
mounting hole.
SUVs with the air compressor only.
The ai r compressor s witch p anel ne e ds to be mounted at
the lower rig h t corner, outsi d e the pock et onto t he side
Page 2 • J L A udio, Inc 2005
Make sure that you do no t kink a ny of the nylo n air hose.
Remove the st o rage d o or.
If your S UV does n ot have the fact o ry ai r compre ssor,
please go directly to STEP 14.
SUVs with the air compressor only.
The cut out of the side panel only needs to be as wide as the
switch hold clips that are on the bac k side of the switch panel.
The cut out of the side panel only needs to be as tall , as from
the bo ttom of the switch and to the top of the switch panel.
Do not cut the side pane l as tal l as the tongue that
is on th e top and the bac k side of the switch panel.
Mark the hose nozzle's mounting hole onto the side panel.
Continued on Next Page