JL Audio NexD M800/8v2 Owner's Manual

Level Mode
All | 5-8 | 7&8
Input Mode
2 Ch. | 4 Ch. | 8 Ch.
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 1 & 2
CH. 3 & 4 CH. 5 & 6
CH. 2
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
+12 VDC Ground Remote
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Input Voltage
Low | High
2 Ch. Input 1 feeds CH. 1, CH. 3, CH. 5 & CH. 7 Input 2 feeds CH. 2, CH. 4, CH. 6 & CH. 8
4 Ch. Input 1 feeds CH. 1 & CH. 3 Input 2 feeds CH. 2 & CH. 4 Input 5 feeds CH. 5 & CH. 7 Input 6 feeds CH. 6 & CH. 8
8 Ch. Each input feeds its corresponding output channel
Marine 8 Channel Amplifier
Thank you for purchasing a JL Audio amplifier for
your marine sound system.
Your amplifier has been designed and manufactured to exacting
standards in order to ensure years of musical enjoyment in your vessel.
For maximum performance, we highly recommend that you have
your new amplifier installed by an authorized JL Audio dealer. Your
authorized dealer has the training, expertise and installation equipment
to ensure optimum performance from this product. Should you
decide to install the amplifier yourself, please take the time
to read this manual thoroughly so as to familiarize yourself
with its installation requirements and setup procedures.
If you have any questions regarding the instructions in this
manual or any aspect of your amplifier’s operation, please contact your
authorized JL Audio dealer for assistance. If you need further assistance,
please call the JL Audio Technical Support Department
at (954) 443-1100 during business hours.
800W Marine 8 Channel Amplier
2 | JL Audio - XD800/8v2 Owner’s Manual
Mounting the amplifier upside down is strongly discouraged.
Safety Considerations:
Your amplifier needs to be installed in a dr y, well-ventilated environ ment and in a manner which does not i nterfere with your vess el’s factory insta lled electronic dev ices. You should also take the time to securely mou nt the amplifier using the supplied screws so that it does not come loose in the event of a colli sion or a sudden jolt to the vessel.
Stupid Mistakes to Avoid:
• Check before dril ling any holes in your vessel to
make sure t hat you will not be drilli ng throug h the hull, a fuel tank, fuel l ine, wiring harness or other vital vessel s ystem.
• Do not run system wiring out side or underneath
the vessel . This is a n extremely dangerous practice w hich can result in severe damage to your vessel a nd person.
• Protect all system wire s from sharp edges
(metal, fiberglass, etc.) by carefully routing them, ty ing them down and usi ng grommet s and loom where appropriate.
• Do not mount the amplif ier in the engine
compart ment or in any other area that will expose t he amplifier circuitry to t he elements.
While t his amplifier is specially de signed for marine applications, it is not waterproof and it should not be mou nted where it is likely to get wet.
We value you as a long-term cu stomer. For that reason, we urge you to practice rest raint in the operat ion of this product so as not to da mage your hearing and that of others in your vessel. Studies have shown that cont inuous exp osure to high sound pressure levels can lead to permanent (irreparable) hearing loss. This a nd all other high-power amplifiers are capable of producing such high sound pressure levels when connected
to a speaker system. Please li mit your continuous
exposure to high volume levels.
While d riving, operate you r audio system in a manner that sti ll allows you to hear necessar y noises to operate your vessel s afely (horns, sirens, etc.).
In the event t hat your amplifier requires service or is ever stolen, you will need to have
a record of the product’s seria l number. Please
take the time to enter t hat number in the space provided below. The serial number can be fou nd on the bottom panel of the amplifier and on the amplifier packaging.
Serial Number:
This ampl ifier is designed for operation in vessels with 12 volt, negat ive-ground electrical systems. Use of this produc t in vessels with positive ground and/or voltages other than 12V may result in d amage to the product and w ill void th e war rant y.
This produc t is not cert ified or approved for use in ai rcraf t.
Do not attempt to “bridge” the outputs of this
amplif ier with the outputs of a second amplifier, including an identica l one.
It is important that you ta ke the time to read this ma nual and t hat you plan out your installation carefu lly. The following are some considerations that you must t ake into account when plann ing your instal lation.
Cooling Efficiency Considerations:
The outer shell of your JL Audio ampl ifier is designed to remove heat from the a mplifier circuit ry. For optimum cooling performance, this outer shell shou ld be exposed to as large a volume of air as possible. Enclosing the amplifier in a small, p oorly ventilated chamber can lead to excessive heat build-up and degraded performa nce. If an instal lation calls for an enclosure around the amplifier, we recommend that this enclosure be ventilated with the aid of a fan. In normal applications, fa n-cooling is not necessary.
Level Mode
All | 5-8 | 7&8
Input Mode
2 Ch. | 4 Ch. | 8 Ch.
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 1 & 2
CH. 3 & 4 CH. 5 & 6
CH. 2
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
+12 VDC Ground Remote
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Input Voltage
Low | High
2 Ch. Input 1 feeds CH. 1, CH. 3, CH. 5 & CH. 7 Input 2 feeds CH. 2, CH. 4, CH. 6 & CH. 8
4 Ch. Input 1 feeds CH. 1 & CH. 3 Input 2 feeds CH. 2 & CH. 4 Input 5 feeds CH. 5 & CH. 7 Input 6 feeds CH. 6 & CH. 8
8 Ch. Each input feeds its corresponding output channel
(pg. 11)
Ch. 1 & 2 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 1 & 2
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 1 & 2 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 3 & 4 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 3 & 4
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 3 & 4 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 5 & 6 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 5 & 6
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 5 & 6 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 7 & 8 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 7 & 8 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Level Mode
Switch (pg. 9)
Input Mode Switch (pg. 7)
Input Voltage (pg. 7)
Mode (pg. 6)
Marine 8 Channel Amplifier
+12 VDC Ground Remote
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 1&2 CH. 3&4 CH. 5&6 CH. 7&8
Remote Turn-On
(pg. 6)
Chassis Ground
(pg. 5)
Channels 1 & 2
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
Channels 5 & 6
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
+12 V Power
(pg. 5)
Channels 5 & 6
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Channels 7 & 8
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Channels 3 & 4
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Channels 1 & 2
Speaker Outputs
(pg. 10)
Jack for Remote Level Control Knob
(pg. 10)
Channels 3 & 4
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
Channels 7 & 4
Preamp Input Jacks
(pg. 7)
4 | JL Audio - XD800/8v2 Owner’s Manual
favorite music.
Before installi ng the amplifier, disconnect t he negative (ground) wire f rom the vessel’s batter y. This will prevent accidental d amage to the system, the vessel a nd your body during instal lation.
+12 VDC Ground Remote
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 1&2 CH. 3&4 CH. 5&6 C H. 7&8
The M800/8v 2’s +12 VD C and Ground connections are desig ned to accept 4 AWG power wi re. 4 AWG is the required wire size for
this amplif ier.
If you are install ing the M800/8v2 wit h other amplif iers and wish to use a single main power wire, us e 2 AWG or 1/0 AWG main power wire (depending on the overall c urrent dema nds of all the ampli fiers in the system). This 2 AWG or 1/0 AWG power wire shou ld terminate into a fused d istribution block mounted as close to the ampli fiers as possible (with in 12 inches / 30cm of wi re length). The fused output of the dist ribution block will connect to t he M800/8v2 w ith 4 AWG power wire. JL Audio
ECS fus ed distribution blocks are recommended (XD-FDBU-2 and XD-FDBU-4)
Note: Smaller AWG numbers mean bigger wire and v ice-versa (1/0 AWG is the largest, 2 AWG is smal ler, then 4 AWG, then 8 AWG, etc.).
To connect the power wires to the a mplifier, first back out the set screw on the top of t he terminal block, using the suppl ied 2.5 mm hex wrench. Strip 1/2 inch (12 mm) of insulation from the end of each w ire and insert the bare wire i nto the terminal block, seating it firm ly so that no bare wire is exposed. Whi le holding the wire in place, tig hten the set screw fir mly, taking care not
to strip the head of the screw.
The ground connection should be made using
the same gau ge wire as t he power connection.
Any wires run th rough barriers must be protected w ith a high qualit y rubber grommet to prevent damage to t he insulat ion of the wi re. Failu re to do so may result in a d angerous short circu it.
Many vessels employ small (10 AWG - 6 AWG) wire to conne ct the alternator’s positive connection to the batter y. To prevent voltage drops, this wire shou ld be upgraded to 4 AWG when insta lling amplifier systems with main fuse rati ngs above 60A.
It is common for the a lternator to be grounded through its chassi s. If the alternator is not grounded t hrough its chassis a nd instead employs a small (10 AWG - 6 AWG) wire to connect to ground, t his wire should al so be upgraded to 4 AWG when inst alling ampli fier systems wit h main fuse rat ings above 60A.
It is absolutely vital that the main power wire(s) to the amplifier(s) in the system be fused w ithin 18 inches (45 cm) of the positive battery post connec tion. The f use value at each power wire shou ld be high enough for all of the equipment being run from t hat power wire. If only the M800/8v2 is bei ng run from that power wire, we recommend a 80A fuse be used.
If fusing the amplifier nea r its power connections (when more than one a mp is being run from t he main power wire), use a 80A fuse.
MAX I™ (big plastic-body) fuses are recommended.
The JL Audio M800/8v2 is an eight-chan nel,
full-range audio a mplifier utili zing JL Audio
NexD™ ult ra-high speed sw itching technolog y to
deliver outst anding fidelit y and efficiency.
The M800/8v 2 can be operated with a wide
variet y of source units and system conf igurat ions.
The followi ng represents the sequence for a typical ampli fier installation. Addit ional steps and dif ferent procedures may be required in some applications. If you have any questions, please contact your aut horized JL Audio dealer for assistance.
1) Disconnec t the negative batter y post
connection and secu re the disconnected cable to prevent accidental re-connection dur ing installation. This step is not optional.
2) Run 4 AWG power wire from the battery
location to t he amplif ier mounting location, taki ng care to route it in such a way that it will not be damage d and will not interfere with vessel operation. Use 2 AWG or larger power wire and a power distribution block if additiona l amplifiers are being inst alled w ith the M800/8v2.
3) Connec t power wire to the positive battery
post. Fuse t he wire with an appropr iate fuse block (and connectors) within 18 inches (45 cm) wire length of the positive battery post.
This fus e is essential to protect t he vessel. Do not insta ll the fuse until t he power wire has been sec urely connected to the a mplifier.
4) Connect negative power w ire to the negat ive
battery post. Use the same size power
wire as the w ire connected to the “+12 V
connection (minimum 4 AWG).
5) Ru n signal cables and remote turn-on wire
from the sou rce unit to t he amplif ier mounting location.
6) Run speaker cable f rom the speaker systems
to the amplifier mounting locat ion.
7) Secu rely mount the amplifier.
8) Connect the positive a nd negative power
wires to t he amplifier. A fuse near the ampli fier is not necessar y if the M800/8v2 is t he only device being r un from the fused mai n power wire. If the fused main power wire is sha red by the M800/8v2 and other a mplifiers or devices, fuse each amplifier/device withi n 12 inches (30 cm) of wire length, via a fused dist ribution block or multiple individual fuse blocks/on-boa rd fuses.
9) Connect the remote turn-on wire
to the amplifier.
10) Connect the input cables to t he amplifier.
11) Con nect the speaker cables to t he amplifier.
12) Carefully review the amplifier’s control
setti ngs to make su re that they are set according to the needs of t he system.
13) Install the power wire f use (80A for a
single M80 0/8v2) and reconnect the negative battery post terminal. Instal l the fuse (80A) near the a mplifier (if applicable).
14) Turn on the source unit at a low level
to double-check that the a mplifier is config ured correctly. Resist t he temptation to crank it up until you have verified the control settings.
15) Make necessary adjustments to t he input
sensitiv ity controls to obtain t he right overall out put and the desired balance in the system. See Appendix A (page 14) for the recommended input sensit ivity setting method.
16) Enjoy the f ruits of your labor wit h your
6 | JL Audio - XD800/8v2 Owner’s Manual
The M800/8v 2’s input section a llows you to send signa ls to the amplifier section t hrough the use of two, fou r or eight dif ferential-balanced inputs.
Input connect ions are via four pairs of
tradit ional RCA-type jack s.
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 1&2 CH. 3&4 CH. 5&6 C H. 7&8
Level Mode
All | 5- 8 | 7&8
Input Mode
2 Ch. | 4 Ch. | 8 Ch.
CH. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 1 & 2
CH. 3 & 4 CH. 5 & 6
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O | HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Input Voltage
Low | High
If you wish to send eight discrete channels into the M800/8v2, simply use all eight inputs and set the Input Mode switch in t he 8 Ch.” position.
If you wish to feed all eight channels by using only four cha nnels of input, set the Input Mode switch to 4 Ch. and use only the inputs to channels 1, 2, 5 and 6. In t his mode, input 1 will feed channels 1 and 3, input 2 w ill feed channels 3 and 4, input 5 w ill feed channels 5 and 7 and input 6 wil l feed channels 6 and 8.
If you wish to use only two channels of i nput to deliver signal to al l eight amplifier channels, set the Input Mode switch to 2 Ch. and use only the inputs to cha nnels 1 and 2 . In this mode, input 1 will feed a ll the odd-numbered channels (1, 3, 5 and 7) and input 2 wil l feed all the even-numbered channels (2, 4, 6 and 8).
Level Mode
All | 5-8 | 7&8
Input Mode
2 Ch. | 4 Ch. | 8 Ch.
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 1 & 2 CH. 3 & 4 CH. 5 & 6
CH. 2
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Input Voltage
Low | High
2 Ch. Input 1 feeds CH. 1, CH. 3, CH. 5 & CH. 7 Input 2 feeds CH. 2, CH. 4, CH. 6 & CH. 8
4 Ch. Input 1 feeds CH. 1 & CH. 3 Input 2 feeds CH. 2 & CH. 4 Input 5 feeds CH. 5 & CH. 7 Input 6 feeds CH. 6 & CH. 8
8 Ch. Each input feeds its corresponding output channel
(pg. 11)
Ch. 1 & 2 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 1 & 2
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 1 & 2 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 3 & 4 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 3 & 4
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 3 & 4 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 5 & 6 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 5 & 6
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 5 & 6 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Ch. 7 & 8 Filter
(pg. 8)
Ch. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
(pg. 8)
Ch. 7 & 8 Input
Sensitivity Control
(pg. 7)
Level Mode
Switch (pg. 9)
Input Mode Switch (pg. 7)
(pg. 7)
Mode (pg. 6)
Input Voltage Range:
Input Voltage Range: A w ide range of sig nal input voltages c an be accom modated by the M800/8v2’s input sec tion (200mV – 8V). This wide range is split up into t wo sub-range s, accessible v ia the “Input Voltage” switch:
“Low”: for preamp level signa ls
“Hi gh”: for speaker level signal s
Level Mode
All | 5- 8 | 7&8
Input Mode
2 Ch. | 4 Ch. | 8 Ch.
CH. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 1 & 2 CH. 3 & 4 CH. 5 & 6
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 1
CH. 3
CH. 5
CH. 7
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Input Voltage
Low | High
The “Low ” position on the “Input Voltage” switch sele cts an i nput sensitiv ity range between 200mV and 2V for all i nput channel s. This me ans that the “I nput Sens.” rotary control for each channel section will operate within that voltage window. If you are using a source unit wit h conventional preamp-level out puts, this is most likely t he position that you wil l use
The “Hig h” position on the “Input Voltage” switch sele cts an i nput sensitiv ity range between 800mV and 8V for all input channels. This is usefu l for certa in high-output preamp level signals as well as speaker-level output from source units and small a mplifiers. To use speaker-level sources, splice the speaker output wires of t he
source un it or small amplif ier onto a pair of RCA cables or plugs or use the J L Audio ECS Speaker Wire to RCA adaptor (XD-CLRAIC2-SW).
Line Output Converters are usua lly not needed
with the M800/8v2 . If you find that the out put cannot be re duced suf ficiently with a direct speaker level signa l applied to the amplif ier and the “Input Voltage” sw itch in its “High” position,
you may use a “ line output converter” or voltage
divider to re duce the signal level.
The M800/8v 2 can be sw itched on and off
using one of th ree methods, determ ined by the position of the amplif ier’s “ Turn-On Mode”
switch. Ple ase read these option s and decide
which is best suited for your specif ic system.
1) +12V remote turn-on le ad
2) Signal-sensing tur n-on circu it.
3) DC offset-sensing tur n-on circuit
All | 5- 8 | 7&8
Input Mode
2 Ch. | 4 Ch. | 8 Ch.
CH. 7 & 8
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 1 & 2 CH. 3 & 4 CH. 5 & 6
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
Filter Mode
Filter Freq. (Hz)
Input Sens.
O| HP | LP
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
Rem. | Oset | Signal
Input Voltage
Low | High
+12 V Remote Turn-On : This is the preferred
method for tu rning the amplifier on/off. T he amplif ier will turn on when +12 V is present at
its “Remote” input and turn off when +12 V is
switched of f. This +12V remote turn-on signa l is typically cont rolled by a source unit’s remote
turn-on wire. The M800/8v2’s “Remote” turn-on
connector w ill accept 18 AWG – 12 AWG wire. To connect t he remote tur n-on wire to t he amplifier, first back out the set screw on the top of t he terminal block, using the suppl ied 2.5 mm hex wrench. Strip 1/2 inch (12mm) of wire a nd insert the bare w ire into the termina l block, seating it firm ly so that no bare wire is exposed . While holding the wire in t he terminal, tig hten the set screw fi rmly, tak ing care not to strip t he head of the screw a nd making sure that the wire is fir mly gripped by t he set screw.
If a source un it does not have a dedicated remote turn-on output, consider one of t he following a lternative turn-on options:
These met hods are us eful when a conventional +12 V remote turn-on signal is not available in a system. These allow you to operate the amplif ier without hav ing to locate a remote turn-on lead at
the source u nit.
Depending on the cha racteristics of the audio
signal, one of the following methods may work
better t han the other. We recommend trying DC
Offset-Sensing first as it does not require a long delay to turn the system off af ter the signal is shut off.
DC Offset-Sensing: The a mplifier will turn on
and off by detecting the presence of a very smal l
DC signa l (of fset) that is typic al in the audio
speaker out puts of most source units a nd small amplif iers. The amplifier will turn on a nd off in
reaction to the presence or absence of t his DC
Offset . The sensit ivity of t his circuit is desig ned for high-level (spea ker level) signals, not for low­level (preamp level) signals . The circu it monitors
the signa l at the Channel 1 i nput only.
Signal-Sensi ng: The amplifier w ill turn on
and off by detecting the presence of a f ull-range
audio signa l at its Channel 1 input. After several
minutes of no sig nal, the amplif ier will shut off. The sensitivity of t his circ uit is desig ned for high-level (spea ker level) signals, not for low-level (preamp level) signals. The circuit is tuned to react to signals at mid-range frequencies. This prevents false switch ing from sig nals created by moving loudspeakers that are in paral lel with the amplif ier’s i nput signal.
In signal and DC sensing applications, the
am plif ier’s “Remote” turn-on terminal becomes a remote turn-on output. Th is allows the M800/8v2 to turn on ot her amplifiers in t he audio system that do not have sig nal sensi ng.
+12 VDC Ground Remote
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 1
CH. 2
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 1&2 CH. 3&4 CH. 5&6 C H. 7&8
+ 7 hidden pages