JL Audio M-SWMCPv3-1.315, M-SWMCPv3-1.900, M-SWMCPv3-1.660, M-SWMCPv3-2.000, M-SWMCPv3-2.250 Installation Instructions Manual

Installation Instructions for
M-SWMCPv3-1.315 • M-SWMCPv3 -1.660 • M-SWMCPv3-1.900
M-SWMCPv3-2. 000 • M-SWMCPv3 -2.250 M-SWMCPv3-2. 375 • M-SWMCPv3-2.5 00
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SKU# 011429
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For best adhesion, it is recommended to clean the inside of the aluminum cap with acetone (not included), prior to attaching it to the speaker enclosure. Apply a circular bead of silicone adhesive (included) to the inside of the aluminum logo cap, about 1/2-inch (13 mm) from the outer edge.
Align the aluminum logo cap to the desired angle of rotation, and press it onto the back of the enclosure. Apply masking tape (not included) to hold the cap in place until the silicone cures (at least 24 hours).
Remove adhesive backing and install the JL Audio logo badge (Sport Grille Models Only).
If a dierent speaker angle is desired, remove the speaker mounting screws and washers.
Rotate the enclosure to the desired angle, install the 5/16 - 18 x 1/2” set screw into the base of the xture, and fully tighten.
Rotate the speaker to the desired angle. Reinstall the speaker and speaker mounting screws and washers. Hand-tighten the screws in a criss-cross pattern.
Have a helper support the enclosure during this step.
Use the supplied butt connectors to connect the red (+) and black (-) speaker cable exiting the ETXv3 enclosure to the speaker cable exiting the pipe. e green and white wires will not be used in this application.
Adjust the angle of the xture until level, mark the location for the speaker cable hole. Remove the xture assembly, and drill a 1/2” hole on the mark.
Align the two upper halves of the xture around the pipe. Hand-tighten four 1/4 - 20 x 1-1/4” machine screws with 1/4” lock washers into the xture. DO NOT TIGHTEN FULLY AT THIS POINT.
Compress the base and two upper halves of the xture together while pushing the fork out through the small pin holes on the opposite side. Flip the fork, and reinstall, along with the two #8 - 32 x 3/8” machine screws and lock washers.
Remove the four 1/4 - 20 x 1-1/4” machine screws and 1/4” lock washers to separate the two upper halves of the xture. Pass the speaker cable exiting the enclosure through the opening on the underside of the xture.
Slide the excess speaker cable and the butt connectors into the opening in the pipe as you raise the enclosure to ush the xture to the pipe.
In applications that require the logo to be inverted, remove the two #8 -32 x 3/8” machine screws and lock washers.
For applications where the cable cannot be routed through the pipe, the cable can be passed through one of the openings on the side of the xture.
Remove one of the 1/4 - 20 x 1-1/4” machine screws and 1/4” lock washers at a time. Apply Loctite® red thread-locking compound (included), reinstall, and fully tighten. Repeat the same process for the other three screws. (Continued on reverse.)
Determine the speaker mounting location, and temporarily secure the xture around the pipe by hand tightening the four 1/4 - 20 x 1-1/4” machine screws and 1/4” lock washers.
Apply Loctite® red thread-locking compound (included) to two 5/16” - 18 x 1-1/4” machine screws (included), thread them into the base of the xture, and push down on the xture to ensure no gap while fully tightening.
Be sure the indicated stopping points are on opposite sides of the xture as shown. e enclosure can rotate up to 205.5 degrees in the clockwise direction, and 128.5 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction.
128.5 205.5
IMPORTANT: Swivel mounting xtures should only be attached to horizontal pipes. ETXv3 enclosures should only be mounted directly above (12 O’clock position) or directly below (6 O’clock position) a horizontal pipe.
NOTE: The M-SWMCPv3-2.0 00 fixture a nd M770-ETXv3-SG- WH Enclosed Spea ker System are used in this m anual for illustr ative purposes only. The f ixture inst allation steps are the same for all E TXv3 Enclosed Speak er Systems and all M-SWMC Pv3 Swivel-Moun t Fixtures listed o n front cover.
WARNING: Do not mount enclosures to a horizontal pipe in any position other than directly above or directly below.
WARNING: Never attach swivel mounting xtures to vertical or angled pipes.