JL Audio M770-CCS, M770-TCS Owner's Manual

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installe d by your author ize d JL Audio de ale r.
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ple ase re ad this inst r uct ion manual c omple te ly be fore
be ginning the proc ess .
7.70-inch (196 mm) Cockpit & Tower Component Systems
M7 7 0 -CCS / M7 7 0 -T CS
2 JL AU DIO M7 7 0 -CCS / M7 7 0 -T CS
Woofer Phys ic al Specific at ions
Woofer Frame Out er Diameter (A) 7.70 in. / 196 mm
Bolt Hole Circ le (B) 6.92 in. / 176 mm
Motor Over mold Outer Diamet er (C) 4.41 in. / 112 mm
Woofer Front al Grille Prot rus ion* (D) 0.99 in. / 25 mm
Woofer Mounting Hole Diamet er (E) 6.25 in. / 159 mm
Woofer Mounting Depth (F) 3.15 in. / 80 mm
Notes: *Frontal grille protrusion measured from mounting surface
Tweeter Phys ic al Specific at ions
Flus h Mount Fixt ur e Diameter (A) 2.38 in. / 60 mm
Flus h Mount Mount ing Hole Diameter (B) 1.875 in. / 48 mm
Flus h Mount Mount ing Cup Depth (C) 0.70 in. / 18 mm
Sur fac e Mount Fixt ur e Diameter (D) 2.44 in. / 62 mm
Sur fac e Mount Pr otrus ion (E) 1.02 in. / 26 mm
A ll sp e cifica tio n s are su b je c t to c h a n g e w ith o u t n o tice .
JL AU DIO M7 7 0 -CCS / M7 7 0 -T CS 3
CCS models have woofers specifically designed for infinite-baffle applications. In plain english, this means that they are designed to operate without an enclosure behind them. The bass response of the speaker will suffer significantly if placed in a small enclosure.
TCS models are specifically engineered for enclosed operation. This makes them ideal for wakeboard tower systems or other small enclosure applications.
Woofers: Injection-molded, mica-filled polypropylene cone bodies with UV inhibitors,
1.25-inch (32 mm) voice coils, low-profile/ progressive-roll spiders and synthetic rubber surrounds. DMA-optimized, long excursion design for enhanced output and bass response. UV-resistant polymer baskets
Tweeters: 1-inch (25 mm) treated silk dome tweeter, neodymium magnet, ferrofluid cooled and damped. Flush or surface mount capability. UV-resistant polymer housings
Crossover Networks: True 2-way networks with 1st order low-pass and 2nd order high-pass circuits. Polyswitch solid-state tweeter protection
Continuous Power Handling: 100 Watts (RMS Method) Peak Music Power: 300 Watts Recommended Power Range: 40-175 Watts (RMS) Frequency Response: 45 Hz - 25 KHz (± 3 dB) Efficiency @ 1W/1m: 91.0 dB Nominal Impedance: 4 ohms
Included Components and Parts:
Two 7.7-inch (196 mm) woofers
Two Polymer Woofer Grilles
Two 1-inch (25 mm) Tweeters
Two 2-Way Crossover Networks
(mounted to woofers)
Two Flush-Mount Tweeter Fixtures
Two Surface-Mount Tweeter Fixtures
Twelve #8 x 1 3/8-inch (35 mm) pan-head
stainless-steel screws
Twelve #8 stainless-steel washers
Six #6 x 3/4-inch (19 mm) phillips-head,
stainless-steel screws
Two #8 x 1 1/4-inch (32 mm) phillips-head,
stainless-steel machine screws
Two spring-stainless-steel clips
Two red jumper wires (pre-terminated)
Two black jumper wires (pre-terminated)
Logo Badges (Sport-Grille Models Only) One Pair Black (White & Titanium/Black Models) One Pair Red (White & Titanium/Black Models) One Pair White (White Models Only) One Pair Titanium (Titanium/Black Models Only)
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