+12V Battery Connection
You will need to connect a power wire to
the vehicle’s posit ive battery termi nal, using an
appropriate power r ing or speciali zed battery
terminal connector, such as the JLAudio
XB-BTU or XD-BTS. This connection must
be tight and corrosion-free to ensure proper
connectivity. This wire MUST be fused
appropriately for sa fety. Any power wires run
through metal barriers (such as firewalls), must
be protected w ith a high qualit y insulating
grommet to prevent damage to the insu lation
of the wire. Failure to do so may result i n a
dangerous short circuit.
Power Wire Requirements
The 300/4v3’s “+12 V DC” and “Grou nd”
connections are designed to accept 4 AWG power
wire. 4 AWG pure copper wire is recommended
for any power wire run longer than 72 inches (180
cm). For runs shorter than 72 inches, 8 AWG pure
copper power wi re is acceptable.
If you are installing the 3 00/4v3 with other
amplif iers and wish to use a single main power
wire, us e 2 AWG or 1/0 AWG pure copper
wire as a ma in power wire. This 2 AWG or
1/0 AWG power wire shou ld terminate into a
fused d istribution block mounted as close to
the ampli fiers as possible and shou ld connect to
the 300/4v3 wit h 4 AWG or 8 AWG pure copper
power wi re.
Please note that lower AWG numbers mean
bigger wire and vice-versa (1/0 AWG is the largest,
2 AWG is smal ler, then 4 AWG, then 8 AWG, etc.).
We do not recommend the use of “copperclad aluminum wire” or “CCA” wire because
this wi re is significant ly less conductive than
pure copper wi re. Only use pure copper power
wire, such a s JLAudio’s Premium Power Wire.
Tinned copper w ire (silver color) is acceptable as
the tin-plating is only a very minor c omponent
of the wire.
Fuse Requirements
The installation of a fuse on t he main
power wire, w ithin 18 wire inches (45 cm)
of the positive battery terminal is vital to
protect the w ire and the vehicle from f ire in
the event of a collision or short-circuit . The
fuse va lue at each power wire should be just
high enoug h for all of the equipment bei ng run
from that p ower wire. Do not use a fuse wit h
a value that far exceeds the tota l fuse rating
of the elect ronics connected to the wire.
If only the 300/4v3 is being run from t hat
power wire, we recommend a 40A fuse be
used. AGU (big glass fuse) or MaxiFuse™ (big
plastic-body fuse) types are recommended.
If other amplifiers are also being powered from
a main power w ire and exceed 80 amps in total
fuse rat ing, we recommend the use of an ANL
(large-bl ade) fuse and holder at the battery plus
a fused d istribution block nea r the amplifiers.
Each amplifier must be fused independently at the
outputs of the f used power distribut ion block. We
recommend appropriately rated MaxiFuse™ fuses
and a JLAudio fused distribution block.
Please consu lt with your JLAudio
dealer to ma ke sure that the wire, fuse
holder and fuse ratings are appropriate for
your system’s needs . The safety of your
installation depends on appropriate power
connections and fuse protect ion.
The JLAudio 300/4v3 is a four-channel fu ll-
range ampl ifier utili zing patented Absolute
Symmetry™ Class A/B technology for all
channels. All channels benefit from JLAudio’s
exclusive R.I.P. S. power supply design which
optimi zes the output of each channel pair for any
impedance between 1.5 and 4 ohms p er channel.
The 300/4v3 can be operated in the
following modes:
1) As a full-system amplifier i n bi-amp mode with
one pair of cha nnels driving subwoofers in lowpass mode (75W x 2 or 150W x 1) and the other
pair of cha nnels driving ma in speakers in highpass mode (75W x 2).
2) As a four-channel satellite amplifier in a
bi-amplified system, delivering high-passed
signals to front and rear speaker systems.
The 300/4v3’s flexible input and crossover
sections permit operation wit h a wide variety
of source units and system configurations. The
300/4v3 can oper ate with a single pair of stereo
inputs or wit h separate inputs for front a nd rear
channels, if the source unit i s equipped with front
and rear outputs.
The followi ng represents the sequence for
a typical amplifier installation, using an
after market source unit or OEM Interface
processor (like the CleanSweep® CL441dsp).
Additiona l steps and different procedures may
be required in some applications. If you have
any questions, please contact you r authorized
JL Audio dealer for assistance.
1) Disconnec t the negative batter y post
connection and secure the disconnected cable
to prevent accidental re-connection during
installation. This step is not optional!
2) Run power wire from the battery loc ation
to the amplifier mounting location, taking
care to route it in such a way that it will
not be damaged and will not inter fere with
vehicle operat ion. 4 AWG is recom mended
for wire ru ns greater than 72 inches (180
cm) in length. Use of 8 AWG power wire is
acceptable for shorter runs, such as from a
power distribution block to the amplifier or
from a tru nk-mounted battery. Use a 2 AWG
or 1/0 AWG main power w ire with a fused
power distribution block when additional
amplif iers are being insta lled with the 30 0/4v3
and powered from the same main power wire.
3) Connect power w ire to the positive battery
post. Fuse t he wire with an appropr iate fuse
block (and connectors) withi n 18 inches (45
cm) wire length of the positive battery post.
This fuse is essential to protect the vehicle.
Do not install the fuse until the power wire
has been connected to the amplifier.
4) Run signa l cables (RCA cables) and remote
turn-on w ire from the source un it or interface
processor to t he amplifier mounting location.
5) Run speaker wire from the speaker systems to
the ampli fier mounting locat ion.
6) Find a good, solid, bare metal grounding
point close to t he amplifier and connect the
negative power w ire to it using appropriate
hardware. Use mini mum 8 AWG power wire,
no longer than 36 inches (90 cm) or 4 AWG
wire up to 60 i nches (150 cm) long from the
amplif ier to the ground connection point. In
some vehicles, it may be necessary to upgrade
the batter y’s ground wire as well. (See page 6
for importa nt notice).
7) Securely mount the amplifier using
appropriate hardware.
8) Connect the remote turn-on wire a nd the
positive and negative power wires to the
amplif ier’s power connector plug. Then insert
the power connector plug into the amplifier’s
power connector receptacle, pushing firmly.
9) Connect t he RCA input cables
to the amplifier.
10) Connect the speaker wires to the speaker
connector plugs and insert the plugs f irmly
into the speaker connector receptacles.
11) Carefully review the amplif ier’s control
setti ngs to make sure that t hey are set
according to the needs of the system.
12) Instal l power wire fuse (40A for a
single 30 0/4v3) and re connect the negative
battery post terminal.
13) Turn on the source unit at a low level
to double-check that the amplif ier is
config ured correctly. Resist t he temptation
to crank it up until you have verified the
control settings.