Low impedance
Wide frequency range
Power supplies
Hi-End electronics
Industrial electronics
Operating temperature: -25°C ÷ 70°C
Rated voltage: 385Vdc ÷ 500Vdc
Rated capacitance: 47µF ÷ 800 µF
Capacitance tolerance (pri 100Hz, 20
C): -10%+30%
Dissipation factor (pri 100Hz, 20
C): 0,15 ÷ 0,25
Leakage current (after 5 minutes application of rated voltage): I = 0,005.C.U
I - current [µA]
C - rated capacitance [µF]
U - rated voltage [V]
The aluminum case capacitors are supplied with PVC sleeve insulation and a safety
vent located on end-deck.
LLooaadd lliiffee::
Load life is 1000 Hrs (at maximum operating temperature, at rated voltage and AC
current load as per Table 1).
After 1000 Hrs of the above application of rated voltage and current load, capacitors
must meet the following characteristics requirements:
Capacitance change <= +/- 15% of initial value
Tan δ <= 150% of initial value
Leakage current <=initial value
AACC LLooaadd::
The maximum AC load at maximum operating temperature (70
C) is given in Table 1.
The AC load can be increased at lower operating temperatures by coefficient as per
Table 2, with capacitor life expectancy unaffected.
Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors
TC, TE series
Coefficient for permissible Iac increase 2,3 2,0 1,7 1,53 1,3 1,15 1,0
Operating temperature <=40
TTaabbllee 22