Jinghong TBK104 User Manual

User Manual
JH-TBK104 Industrial Wireless Keyboard
Product Features
• A tailor-made wireless keyboard with touchpad, rigid and rugged, waterproof and washable, made of silicone
• 2.4 GHz digital radio frequency technology
• Working distance up to 10 meters (30 feet)
• Compatible with Windows
• Operated by 1.5V 2pcs battery
Keyboard dimensions: 419(L) x 133(W) x 14(T) mm Keyboard net weight: 750 g Radio frequency: 2402 – 2474 MHz Type of modulation: GFSK Power consumption: Working –22 mA Max. Standby - 1 mA Sleep - 50 µA Standby time: 1.5 Sec. (in case of no operation) Sleep time: 30 Sec. (In case of no operation) Battery voltage range for keyboard working: 1.5 – 3.3 V Low power indication: < 1.5 V
Battery Compartment and Nano USB Receiver
Installation and Connection
1. Remove the battery compartment cover.
2. 1.5V 2pcs battery insert
3. Replace the battery compartment cover.
4. Remove the Nano USB Receiver from the back of the keyboard.
5. Plug the Nano USB Receiver into a USB port on your computer.
6. A message p ops out on your computer screen “An USB device is fou nd” or “A driver software is being installed”, after a while a new message shows “The device is ready for use”.
7. Test the Keyboard by pressing the Window
key on the Keyboard. If the key is functional, the connection is completed and the Keyboard is working with your computer properly, otherwise, you should try another USB port on your computer by following step 5 to step 7
Media and Hot Keys
There are 18 media and hot keys located on the keyboard. The media and hot keys are shortcuts to your default web
browser, Microsoft Each function of the media and hot keys see the table below.
Outlook®, Windows® Media Player. They also control basic playback of Windows® Media Player.
Home (Launch d ef a ult web brows er)
St op (S top b rowsing)
Refres h (Refresh the pag e)
Search (La unch Windows Favorites (Open Favorites in default web
browser) Back (Back to previous page)
Forward (Go to next page)
Ma il (L a unch Micros o ft
Media (Launch Wind o ws
Media Player)
Play/Pause (Works onl y on Windows Media Player)
St op (Works only on Windows Player)
Volume Up (Work s only on Windows Media Player)
Volume Down (Works onl y on Windows Media Player)
Mute (Work s onl y on Windows Player)
Next Track ( Work s only on Windows Media Player)
Previous Track (Works onl y on Windows Media Player)
Calculat o r ( Launch Windows
My Com puter (Launch My Computer)
Calculato r)
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