Jinan USR IOT Technology USRRELAY User Manual

USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
LonHand Series Product Specification
Ver: V1.2
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 1 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
1 Quick start ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 WLAN Control Operation ......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Equipment Network Settings.................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Remote control ...................................................................................................................... 8
2 Product Introduction ............................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Product Description .............................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Product features .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Hardware specifications ........................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Indicator and Key Function Introduction .................................................................................... 11
2.4 Smartlink Instructions ........................................................................................................... 12
2.5 WPS Instructions .................................................................................................................. 13
3 Instructions for Use .............................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Hardware Instructions ........................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Connect the wireless router via Webpage configuration ................................................................ 14
3.2.1 The configuration process of USR-WP1+WINXP .................................................................. 14
3.2.2 USR-WP1 smartphone configuration process ..................................................................... 17
4 LonHand of Windows Introduction ............................................................................................ 20
Contact Information.................................................................................................................... 24
Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................. 24
Update History ........................................................................................................................... 25
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 2 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
1Quick start
Preparation conditions:
1. Insert the USR-WP1 into the power socket.
2. Installation LonHand software to mobile phone
User can find LonHand software from the product CD, and install to the mobile phone. The IOS system can be downloaded and installed from App Store search for "LonHand". User also can scan two-dimensional code to download and install.
IOS Android
1.1 WLAN Control Operation
1. Connect Smartphone to USR-WP1s wireless network
Open the settings, find USR-WP1 in WLAN, connected to the network, as shown below.
2. Open LonHand software
Click the icon to start the software, click Start.
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 3 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
3. Control menu
Enter the equipment list, find the USR-WP1, click the USR-WP1 tab, enter into the control menu.
4. Control Test
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 4 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
User can control the USR-WP1 now.Via click the switch buttonUser can open or close the output.User can simply experience the control by smartphone, The following will be a detailed introduction.
1.2 Equipment Network Settings
1. Open LonHand softwarerefresh the equipment listLong press equipment information icon,
select Web config.
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 5 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
2. After click web config, enter the default user name and password (admin) into pop-up window ,
enter the fast setting page. The web Webpage default is Chinese Webpage, users can click on the English to switch to the English Webpage
3. Click Scan router to get the router information list, and then select the router which want to
connect, click sure.
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 6 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
4. Input router passwords, save it, and then restart.
5. WP1 will connect to the router automatically after restart, the blue indicator will light up.
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 7 / 25 tec@usr.cn
USR-WP1 User Manual www.usr.so
1.3 Remote control
1. After WP1 connected to the router, please let mobile phone also connect to the same router.
Select the user center in LonHand software, regist remote control account, and then login in.
2. Return device interface, refresh the list of equipment, can see the USR-WP1 equipment. Long
press equipment information icon, click activate.
Jinan USR IOT Technology Limited 8 / 25 tec@usr.cn
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