IInnssttrruuccttiioonn SShheeeett FFoorr PPaarrtt ##11882200,, ##11882211,, && ##11882222
Rev A
This Tappet Replaces and Surpasses JIMS®No.1802
No.1820 - Use on all Twin Cams
also Sportster
tandard O.D. is .8420”.
No.1821 - +.001” Oversize.
No.1822 - +.0015” Oversize.
Use with JIMS new No.1043 Twin Cam Tappet Cover when using any stock to mild lift cams.
NOTE: Hydrosolid®II must be adjusted as a solid lifter in a cold motor only. If you are
unfamiliar with solid lifter adjustment, seek professional help. Otherwise serious engine
valve train damage will result.
NOTE: The JIMS Hydrosolid
affect your oil pressure. These performance tappets incorporate an “oil hole” to feed the
tappet roller, axle and cam assembly. In test, JIMS has seen a slight drop in oil pressure
ranging from 0-3 lbs psi. It is up to you, the mechanic, to confirm adequate oil pressure
before and after installing these tappets.
CAUTION: Disconnect the ground cable at the battery.
1. Refer to H-D
tappet blocks at the same time follow those manufacturers’ instructions.
and Buell®2000-present.
Service Manual for tappet installation. If installing a cam and
II tappet includes design parameters that may or may not
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 • Fax 805-482-7422
Note: As you are preparing the engine for the installation of the new Hydrosolid® II, place
all 4 tappets in a clean container (plastic bag) filled with clean H-D
tappets, let them set for 20 minutes.
2. Place the front piston at TDC compression position.
3. With all four Hydrosolid
making sure tappet is at the lowest point on the cam.
4. Extend the pushrod adjuster screw to zero lash, you will be making the pushrod
longer (no up and down movement, removing all free play without pushing the
hydraulic unit down). See pushrod adjustment chart for your particular pushrod.
Example: If your pushrods have 24 threads per inch extend pushrod 5 hex wrench flats.
Note: This will move the adjusting screw down, pushing the hydraulic unit down it’s bore
.0345”, this will put the hydraulic unit about .014” from the floor of tappet. What we are
looking for is the hydraulic unit resting on the floor of the tappet.
(This is just a starting point, the adjuster screw may need to be extended or shortened if
the adjusting screw was either adjusted too far or not enough.)
This adjustment will bleed the Hydrosolid
longer to bleed off oil pressure. What we're looking for is a pushrod that just barely turns
with your fingers. If after 15 minutes, if the pushrod still turns easily, (with your thumb and
forefinger) extend the pushrod until you can just barely turn pushrod with your fingers. If
you can barely turn the pushrods with your fingers and the Hydrosolid
lowest point on the cam, then they have been adjusted properly.
CAUTION: If you cannot turn pushrod with your fingers DO NOT rotate engine.
II Tappets installed, start with the front intake pushrod
II Tappet, which may take 5-15 minutes or
20W50 oil to cover
II’s are at the
IInnssttrruuccttiioonn SShheeeett FFoorr PPaarrtt ##11882200,, ##11882211,, && ##11882222
This Tappet Replaces and Surpasses JIMS®No.1802
No.1820 - Use on all Twin Cams
also Sportster
Standard O.D. is .8420”.
No.1821 - +.001” Oversize.
No.1822 - +.0015” Oversize.
Use with JIMS new No.1043 Twin Cam Tappet Cover when using any stock to mild lift cams.
NOTE: Hydrosolid® II must be adjusted as a solid lifter in a cold motor only. If you are
unfamiliar with solid lifter adjustment, seek professional help. Otherwise serious engine
valve train damage will result.
NOTE: The JIMS Hydrosolid
affect your oil pressure. These performance tappets incorporate an “oil hole” to feed the
tappet roller, axle and cam assembly. In test, JIMS has seen a slight drop in oil pressure
ranging from 0-3 lbs psi. It is up to you, the mechanic, to confirm adequate oil pressure
before and after installing these tappets.
CAUTION: Disconnect the ground cable at the battery.
1. Refer to H-D
tappet blocks at the same time follow those manufacturers’ instructions.
and Buell®2000-present.
Service Manual for tappet installation. If installing a cam and
II tappet includes design parameters that may or may not
Rev A
Note: As you are preparing the engine for the installation of the new Hydrosolid® II, place
all 4 tappets in a clean container (plastic bag) filled with clean H-D
tappets, let them set for 20 minutes.
2. Place the front piston at TDC compression position.
3. With all four Hydrosolid
making sure tappet is at the lowest point on the cam.
4. Extend the pushrod adjuster screw to zero lash, you will be making the pushrod
longer (no up and down movement, removing all free play without pushing the
hydraulic unit down). See pushrod adjustment chart for your particular pushrod.
Example: If your pushrods have 24 threads per inch extend pushrod 5 hex wrench flats.
Note: This will move the adjusting screw down, pushing the hydraulic unit down it’s bore
.0345”, this will put the hydraulic unit about .014” from the floor of tappet. What we are
looking for is the hydraulic unit resting on the floor of the tappet.
(This is just a starting point, the adjuster screw may need to be extended or shortened if
the adjusting screw was either adjusted too far or not enough.)
This adjustment will bleed the Hydrosolid
longer to bleed off oil pressure. What we're looking for is a pushrod that just barely turns
with your fingers. If after 15 minutes, if the pushrod still turns easily, (with your thumb and
forefinger) extend the pushrod until you can just barely turn pushrod with your fingers. If
you can barely turn the pushrods with your fingers and the Hydrosolid
lowest point on the cam, then they have been adjusted properly.
CAUTION: If you cannot turn pushrod with your fingers DO NOT rotate engine.
II Tappets installed, start with the front intake pushrod
II Tappet, which may take 5-15 minutes or
20W50 oil to cover
II’s are at the
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 • Fax 805-482-7422
Note: You can check your adjustment for all 4 tappets by performing the following: With
the rear wheel safely off the ground (bike tied down), shift bike into the highest gear, have
a helper rotate the rear tire forward just enough to see the front intake tappet start its
move up in its bore (only allow the tappet to move up it’s bore .100”, almost the thickness of a nickel). Stop the rotation of rear tire and have helper rotate the rear tire backward just enough to see the front intake tappet start the movement back down and then
back up it’s bore no more then .100”. As the tappet is moving up and down in it’s bore
(from the rear tire being rotated back and forth) you will need to be trying to turn that
pushrod with your thumb and forefinger. If you find any free movement (turning) of the
pushrod, take up this freeplay (by making the pushrod longer with the adjusting screw)
until you can barely turn the pushrod with your fingers.
Do the above Note for the other 3 tappets.
6. Repeat exact procedure for the next three pushrods, making sure to be on the
lowest position of cam for the tappet you're adjusting.
1. New motors, after the first 50 miles (at time of first oil change), check adjustment
of pushrods. You should still be able to turn them with your fingers, if not, you will
need to loosen the pushrod until it can be moved.
After 200 miles, readjust if needed and as needed until all your motor parts are seated.
3. Recheck as
you would
for solid
at about
PPuusshhrroodd AAddjjuussttmmeennttss FFoorr HHyyddrroossoolliiddss -- AA SSTTAARRTTIINNGG PPOOIINNTT OONNLLY
Threads Hex
Distance Wrench Total Travel Distance Per One
er inch Flats Distance Per Turn Hex Flat
24 5 .0345” .0414” .0069”
28 6 .0354” .0354” .0059”
32 7 .0364” .0312” .0052”
6 8 .0360” .0270” .0045”
0 8 .0336” .0252” .0042”
2 11 .0352” .0192” .0032”
Rev A
ll JIMS parts are guaranteed to the original purchaser to be free of manufacturing defects in materials
nd workmanship for a period of six (6) months from the date of purchase. Merchandise that fails to
onform to these conditions will be repaired or replaced at JIMS option if the parts are returned to us by
he dealer (purchaser) within the six (6) month warranty period or within ten (10) days thereafter.
In the event warranty service is required, the original purchaser must call or write JIMS
mmediately with the problem. Some problems can be rectified by a telephone call and need no further
ourse of action. A part suspected of being defective must not be replaced by a dealer without prior
authorization from JIMS. If it is deemed necessary for JIMS to make an evaluation to determine whether
he part is defective, it must be packaged properly to prevent further damage and be returned prepaid to
JIMS with a copy of the original invoice of purchase and a detailed letter outlining the nature of the
roblem, how the part was used and the circumstances at the time of failure. If after an evaluation has
een made by JIMS and the part was found to be defective, repair, replacement or credit will be granted.
1.) JIMS shall have no obligation in the event a JIMS part is modified by any other person or
2.) JIMS shall have no obligation if a JIMS part becomes defective in whole or in part as a result
of improper installation, improper maintenance, improper use, abnormal operation, or any
ther misuse or mistreatment of the part.
3.) JIMS shall not be liable for any consequential or incidental damages resulting from the failure
f a JIMS part, the breach of any warranties, the failure to deliver, delay in delivery, delivery in non-
opular Pushrods
JIMS®Pro-lite 24 No.s 2380, 2400
Slim Jims 32 No.s 2404, 2369
ndrews 28
Andrews 32
Crane 28 New Time Savers
Crane 24 Old Time Savers
Crane 32
H.D. 32
S & S 32
Screamin Egl. 32
Rivera 40 Taper Lite
Rev Tech 36
onforming condition, or for any
other breach of contract or duty
etween JIMS and a customer.
4.) JIMS parts are designed exclusively
or use in Harley-Davidson®
Motorcycles. JIMS shall have no
arranty or liability obligation if a
JIMS part is used in any other
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 • Fax 805-482-7422
Note: You can check your adjustment for all 4 tappets by performing the following: With
the rear wheel safely off the ground (bike tied down), shift bike into the highest gear, have
a helper rotate the rear tire forward just enough to see the front intake tappet start its
move up in its bore (only allow the tappet to move up it’s bore .100”, almost the thickness of a nickel). Stop the rotation of rear tire and have helper rotate the rear tire backward just enough to see the front intake tappet start the movement back down and then
back up it’s bore no more then .100”. As the tappet is moving up and down in it’s bore
(from the rear tire being rotated back and forth) you will need to be trying to turn that
pushrod with your thumb and forefinger. If you find any free movement (turning) of the
pushrod, take up this freeplay (by making the pushrod longer with the adjusting screw)
until you can barely turn the pushrod with your fingers.
Do the above Note for the other 3 tappets.
6. Repeat exact procedure for the next three pushrods, making sure to be on the
lowest position of cam for the tappet you're adjusting.
1. New motors, after the first 50 miles (at time of first oil change), check adjustment
of pushrods. You should still be able to turn them with your fingers, if not, you will
need to loosen the pushrod until it can be moved.
After 200 miles, readjust if needed and as needed until all your motor parts are seated.
3. Recheck as
you would
for solid
at about
PPuusshhrroodd AAddjjuussttmmeennttss FFoorr HHyyddrroossoolliiddss -- AA SSTTAARRTTIINNGG PPOOIINNTT OONNLLY
Threads Hex
Distance Wrench Total Travel Distance Per One
per inch Flats Distance Per Turn Hex Flat
24 5 .0345” .0414” .0069”
28 6 .0354” .0354” .0059”
32 7 .0364” .0312” .0052”
36 8 .0360” .0270” .0045”
40 8 .0336” .0252” .0042”
52 11 .0352” .0192” .0032”
Rev A
All JIMS parts are guaranteed to the original purchaser to be free of manufacturing defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of six (6) months from the date of purchase. Merchandise that fails to
conform to these conditions will be repaired or replaced at JIMS option if the parts are returned to us by
the dealer (purchaser) within the six (6) month warranty period or within ten (10) days thereafter.
In the event warranty service is required, the original purchaser must call or write JIMS
immediately with the problem. Some problems can be rectified by a telephone call and need no further
course of action. A part suspected of being defective must not be replaced by a dealer without prior
authorization from JIMS. If it is deemed necessary for JIMS to make an evaluation to determine whether
the part is defective, it must be packaged properly to prevent further damage and be returned prepaid to
JIMS with a copy of the original invoice of purchase and a detailed letter outlining the nature of the
problem, how the part was used and the circumstances at the time of failure. If after an evaluation has
been made by JIMS and the part was found to be defective, repair, replacement or credit will be granted.
1.) JIMS shall have no obligation in the event a JIMS part is modified by any other person or
2.) JIMS shall have no obligation if a JIMS part becomes defective in whole or in part as a result
of improper installation, improper maintenance, improper use, abnormal operation, or any
other misuse or mistreatment of the part.
3.) JIMS shall not be liable for any consequential or incidental damages resulting from the failure
of a JIMS part, the breach of any warranties, the failure to deliver, delay in delivery, delivery in non-
Popular Pushrods
JIMS®Pro-lite 24 No.s 2380, 2400
Slim Jims 32 No.s 2404, 2369
Andrews 28
Andrews 32
Crane 28 New Time Savers
Crane 24 Old Time Savers
Crane 32
H.D. 32
S & S 32
Screamin Egl. 32
Rivera 40 Taper Lite
Rev Tech 36
conforming condition, or for any
other breach of contract or duty
between JIMS and a customer.
4.) JIMS parts are designed exclusively
for use in Harley-Davidson®
Motorcycles. JIMS shall have no
warranty or liability obligation if a
JIMS part is used in any other
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 • Fax 805-482-7422