Jimi IOT JM VL01 User Manual

1.1 Features
· WiFi hotspot
· ACC detection for ignition status
· IP65 water proof
· Remote cut-off (petrol/power)
1.2 Specifications
GSM: 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Location accuracy
LED indicator
Battery 450mAh/3.7V Working
Operating temperature
Weight 105g
1.3 Accessories
12V relay SOS cable Power cable
WCDMA: 850/900/1900/2100MHz (B1/B2/B5/B8)
Chipset : U-blox 7020
Frequency: GPS L1, 1575.42MHz
<10 meters
2.4 GHz
GPS (blue), GSM(green), power (red)
9-36V 12VDC/76mA(12VDC); 38mA(24VDC)
-20℃~ 70℃
2.Device appearance
3.Wiring Diagram
A1A2Red PW+ Power: 9v~36v
Orange ACC ACC
A3A4Yellow Relay Fuel/Power cut-off
A5A6Purple SOS + SOS (Positive)
white SOS - SOS (Negative)
4.LED indications
Green LED(GSM indicator)
0.3s ON, 0.3s OFF
1s ON, 3s OFF
0.1s ON, 3s OFF
OFF No GSM or SIM card
GSM initializing
GSM normal
GPRS online
Red LED(Power indicator)
0.3s ON, 0.3s OFF
1s ON, 3s OFF
Solid Red
Low battery
Work normally
No battery/Malfunction
Blue LED(GPS indicator)
0.3s ON, 0.3s OFF
1s ON, 3s OFF
Solid ON
Note: LED indicators will be off after 180s when ACC is OFF.
Searching GPS signal
GPS positioned successfully
GPS sleeps or doesn’t work
Bluetooth configuration
5.Hardware Operation
(1)SIM Card installation
SIM card should have access to GPRS and SMS. Remove the cover, switch the device to OFF and insert the SIM card in correct direction.
6.Device Installation
You ne ed to cho ose som ewhe re tha t it wo nt be found, bec aus e the whole p oint of fitting covert G PS vehicle tracker is th e sec recy elem en t.
1. Your d evic e has built-in GSM anten na and G PS a ntenna D urin g ins tallation, p lease make su re the rece iving side fa ce is u p ; any high power devices su ch a s reve rsing ra dar, anti-theft device o r com mun icatio n eq uip me nt w ou ld affe ct the sign al of th e de vice .
2. All m etallic cas es of th e w indshield will attenu ate the signa l on th e tra shield ing e ffects of the me tal co mpou nd o f the c ase.
3. Th e device shou ld be fixed into p osition w ith cable ties o r wid e do uble-sid e tap e.
der front windshield
ckin g de vice . Its sim ply d ue to the
Under rear windshield
Around dashboard
- Un der the dash b oard below the fro nt w inds hield ;
- In the parc el shelf in the rear;
- In the fron t bump er (non-material fa ce), m ake sure the de vice d oe s not get w et;
- Un der the w iper version (n on-metal), m ake sure the de vice d oe s not get w et;
- No n Covert Installatio n - fix the device on th e dash bo ard b elow windshield .
1. Th e standa rd vo ltage is 9V-36V, the red w ire is th e positive, th e bla ck w ire is the negativ e.
2. Co nnect th e bla ck w ire to g round.
Storage batter y
12V or 24V
Ignition key
NOTE: Please pay attention to the diagram description, battery is 9-36V and relay remains 12V / 24V.
8.Operations & Functions
The following operation can be achieved through the terminal platform or APP provided by the dealer.
8.1 SOS number
(1) Add SOS number via SMS command Send SMS command: SOS,A,number1,number2,number3 # (A means add number). 3 SOS numbers can be set. If set successfully, the terminal will reply “ok”. e.g. SOS,A,13510****60,135116****6,136126****8# (set all 3 SOS numbers) SOS,A, 13510****60# (set the first SOS number) SOS,A, ,135116****6# (set the second SOS number) SOS,A, , ,136126****8# (set the third SOS number)
(2) Delete SOS Numbers Send SMS command: SOS, D,1,2,3# (D means delete SOS number) e.g. SOS, D,1# means delete the first number SOS, D,3# means delete the third number If you don’t know the sequence number, you can also delete the number by SMS command like this: SOS,D,number# e.g. SOS,D,13527852360# means delete this SOS number directly. It will reply “OK” if the number is deleted successfully.
(3) Add SOS numbers via platform You can set SOS number via the platform or APP when device is online.
8.2 APN setting
To ensure GP RS is activated, please m ake sure A PN is correct. You can send SM S comm and to set APN : APN com mand form at: APN ,APN 's Nam e# E.g: APN ,internet# “( internet” is the AP N of carrier) The device will reply“ OK ”if setting successfully.
Note: The APN of som e countries have user name and password, you m ay need to send SM S com mand as following: APN,APN nam e,user name,passwo rd#
8.3 Server setting
Default platform is w ww.tracksolid.com To connect to other platform, please send the SMS com man d to change the DNS or server IP: DN S : SE RV ER,1,DNS,Por t,0# E.g: SERV ER,1,gp sde v.tracksolid .com ,21100,0# IP: SE RV ER,0,IP,Port,0# I
t will reply “ OK” afte r set su cce ssfu lly.
8.4 Center number
Set center number:
CENTER,A,phone number#
Delete center number:
8.5 Upload positioning data regularly
T1: ranges from 0/5~18000 seconds, the upload interval when
ACC ON T1=0: no data uploaded
T1=5~18000 seconds (Default: T1=10) T2: ranges from0/5~18000 seconds, the upload interval when
ACC OFF T2=0: no data uploaded
T2=5~18000 seconds (Default: T2=0)
8.6 Arming time setting
Delay time for device entering arming state after the vehicle power is off and ACC is in low-level. In the arming state, if the vehicle vibrates for a few times, it will activate the vibration alarm system. If the vehicle battery is still not on (ACC is in low level) after 3 minutes, the device will start vibration alarm. SMS format:
The time ranges from 1 to 60 minutes, default is 10.
1. Preset SOS numbers before sending SMS alarm messages and calls.
2. If there is no need for vibration alarm, please send SMS
SENALM,OFF# to close it.
8.7 Wire cut-off alarm
When the e lectricity su pply of de vice is cut off, it will activate cu t-off alarm. In this ca se, th e de vice w ill sen d relate d SM S to the S OS num bers and d ial the num bers in circles. If nob od y answe rs, the call just keeps 3 lo ops at mo st. At the m eantim e, the device w ill upload pow er cut off ala rm d ata to the serv er. And it will send: Cu offt P Alarmow er !<06-1 7 14 :53>
http ://m aps.go ogle.com/m aps?q =N 22 576 713,E113.9 165 85
NOTE: The SO S nu mb ers should b e preset, please refer to 8.1.
8.8 Oil cut-off
1. via platform
Sen d oil cut-off co m ma nd o n platform. To m ake sure th e security of vehicle, tracker can only indicate to cu t off oil wh en G PS is in valid position status, and the spee d is les s than 20KM /H o r in sta tic. Pla t nee ded wh en s end ing oil cut off com man d.
2. Via SM S
Firstly, you sh ould set a cen ter nu mber. Plea se refer to 8 .4. On ly center n um be r can send the com m and to the device to cu t off an d restore o il. The form at is: REL AY,1# After the com mand is carried o ut, it w ill reply “RELAY:ON” If the c om m and did n't carry out, it will reply th e reason abo ut fa il to carry
NOTE: To ensu re the safe ty of th e driver an d the car, this
com mand is valid only under tw o cond ition s: the G PS is loca ted; the sp eed is less than 20km/h.
form accou nt pa ssw ord is
8.9 Restoring Oil
1. Via platform
When the alarm is off, send ing recover oil com m and s ma nually. Dev ice w ill resto re oil su pp lying , and vehicle w ill wo rk no rm ally again . Platform acc ount password is n eed ed when se nding oil cut off com mand.
2. Via SM S
On ly center n um be r can send the com m and to the device to restore o il. The form at is: REL AY,0# After the com mand is carried o ut, it w ill receive ”RELAY:0FF”
8.10 Over Speed Alarm
When the car is m ovin g over a lim ited spe ed in average in a lim ited tim e perio d, the n the device w ill sen d ov er spe ed a larm SM S to u ser. To turn o n the ove r spe ed fu nction, please sen d below SM S co mma nd:
SPEED,O N,Tim e,Limited spee d,w ay o f alar m#
Tim e range Second ): 5-6 00s (default as 10s). Lim ited s pee d range km /h): 1-255 , defa ult100. Way of alarm: 0 , GPR S only; 1, SMS +G PR S; de fault 1. Examp le: SP EED,ON ,10 ,120,1# Means wh en th e car is mo ving over 120 km /h in a verage in 10 seconds, the device will se nd o ver s pee d al
arm to user.
8.11 Restore to factory setting
SM S co mma nd fo rm at: to set all param eter "FACTOR Y#" to de fault facto ry value. Onc e received “FACTORY:OK!” it succeeds.
8.12 Reboot device
When there is som ething wro ng w ith th e link of GP RS, e.g., th e param eter settin g of th e de vice is corre ct, bu t you can't tra ck th e car on th e pla tform . At this m om en t you can send a co mm and to the d evice to reboo t the d evice. The form at is: RESET#
After rece iving this c om mand , the d evic e will re boot after 20 seconds
8.13 SOS
In emergent case, press SOS for 3 seconds to activate SOS alarm. Then the device will send SOS SMS to preset SOS numbers and dial the numbers in a loop for 3 times till the call picked up. Alarm message will also be sent to the platform.
8.14 Wi-Fi hotspot
Command: HOTSPOT,S,N,P#
S=ON/OFF Default: OFF (uppercase required) N=Name, 20 characters, default: last four digits of IMEI P=Password, minimum eight, default password: 11111111
9.Platform & APP
9.1 Login service platform
Please login the designated service platform to set and operate the device.
9.2 Download APP
Please download and install the APP in designated website, APP store or Google Play.
After rece iving this c om mand , the d evic e will re boot after 20 seconds
10. Warning
Battery specied by manufacturer is recommended. Maintenance or service arising from any other accessories is not guaranteed. Manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by non-original accessories.
Do not bend or open the battery. Do not immerse or burn the battery. Device dis-assembly is strongly forbidden. Nonprofessionals’ operation may cause device damage.
11. Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble with your device, try these troubleshooting procedures before contacting a service professional.
Problems Causes Solutions
Poor signal
Unable to boot
Unable to connect to the network
The signal waves are unable to transmit when use the GPS tracker in the places that have poor signal reception, such as: tall building around or basement.
Power switch is offSwitch to ON Battery low No SIM card SIM card inserted incorrectly Dirty things exist above the SIM card
Invalid SIM card
Not in GSM service area
Poor signal
Using the GPS tracker in the places that have good signal condition.
charge Insert SIM card
Check SIM card
Clean SIM card
Contact network supplier
Move to service area
Move to area with strong signal
Contact network supplier to get GPRS service
Contact supplier
Fail to locate
SIM has no access to GPRS
Always reply “Address inquiry failed”
Warranty instructions and service
1.The warranty is valid only when the warranty card is properly completed, and upon presentation of the proof of purchase consisting of original invoice indicating the date of purchase, model and serial No.of the product. We reserve the right to refuse warranty if this information has been removed or changed after the original purchase of the product from the dealer
2. Our obligations are limited to repair of the defect or replacement the defective part or at its discretion replacement of the product itself.
3. Warranty repairs must be carried out by our Authorized Service Centre. Warranty cover will be void, even if a repair has been attempted by any unauthorized service centre.
4. Repair or replacement under the terms of this warranty does not provide right to extension or renewal of the warranty period.
5. The warranty is not applicable to cases other than defects in material, design and workmanship.
Maintenance Record
Product Model
IMEI Number
Serviced by
CE Caution:
Use the Product in the environment with the temperature
Between -10℃ and 40℃; Otherwise, it may damage your
product. Products can only be used below 2000m altitude For the following equipment: Product Name: 4G Vehicle GPS Tracker Model: JM-VL01, GV40, VL01 Brand Name: Jimi Shenzhen Jimi IOT Co., Ltd E-mail: gaoxingxin@concox.cn hereby declares that this [Name: 4G Vehicle GPS Tracker, Model: JM-VL01, GV40, VL01] is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU. The equipment was passed. The test was performed according to the following European standards:
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the internet address: https://www.jimilab.com/JM-VL01-CE-DoC.pdf The product shall only be connected to a USB interface of version USB2.0 and that the connection to a power USB is allowed.
This product is intended for sale and application in a business environment. RED Article 10 2
-This product can be used across EU member states
RED Article 10 10
-The product is class 1 product, No restrictions
The RF distance between body and product is 5mm
GSM900: Tx: 880-915MHz, Rx: 925-960MHz DCS1800: Tx: 1710-1785MHz, Rx: 1805-1880MHz RF Output Power: GSM900: 31.30dBm, GSM1800: 25.39dBm EDGE900: 30.30dBm, EDGE1800: 25.75dBm
WCDMA Band 1: Tx: 1920-1980MHz, Rx: 2110-2170MHz WCDMA Band 8: Tx: 880-915MHz, Rx: 925-960MHz WCDMA Band 1: 22.86dBm, WCDMA Band 8: 22.37dBm
FDD-LTE Band 1: Tx: 1920-1980MHz, Rx: 2110-2170MHz FDD-LTE Band 3: Tx: 1710-1785MHz, Rx: 1805-1880MHz FDD-LTE Band 7: Tx: 2500-2570MHz, Rx: 2620-2690MHz FDD-LTE Band 8: Tx: 880-915MHz, Rx: 925-960MHz FDD-LTE Band 1: 23.50dBm, FDD-LTE Band 3: 22.98dBm, FDD-LTE Band 7: 24.11dBm, FDD-LTE Band 8: 22.56dBm
Wi-Fi: 2412-2472MHz for 802.11b/g/n(HT20) 2422-2462MHz for 802.11n(HT40)
14.16dBm (EIRP)
GPS Frequency Range: 1575.42MHz receiver
FCC RF Exposure Information and Statement
This device meets the government's requirements for exposure to radio waves. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons regardless of age or health. The SAR limit of USA (FCC) is 1.6 W/kg averaged. Device: 4G Vehicle GPS Tracker (FCC ID: 2AMLF-JM-VL01) has also been tested against this SAR limit. SAR information on this and other pad can be
viewed on‐line at http://www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid/. Please
use the device FCC ID number for search. This device was tested simulation typical 5mm body. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories should maintain a separation distance between the user's bodies mentioned above, the use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly, the use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.
FCC Warning
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
NOTE 2: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
4G Vehicle GPS Tracker
User Manual
(Version 1.0)
One side of the device is marked “ THIS SIDE TOWARDS SKY”, place the unit upside down will result in connection issues. Avoid placing the device somewhere that metal will be covering it up.