Jiangxi Midea Guiya Green Lighting Electrical GYT65U Users Manual

Jiangxi Elegant Lighting Co., Ltd./ No.731 Xihou street, Guixi City
User Manual
Dear Customer, Thank you for buying Jiangxi Elegant Lighting Co., Ltd CFL Please read carefully the product instruction before using! The model of GY T6 5U85W, use only on 120 volt, 60Hz circuit. The wattage marked on the lamp. And the operating Frequency is more than 40kHz and less than 80kHz
Note & Attention
Always turn-off power before re-lamping; Avoid installing lamp by gripping the glass tube; Do not use with electronic timers Reliable operating temperature -15℃~55℃ Not suitable for damp surroundings or sealed occasions Risk of electric shock-use in dry locations For best result use in proper voltage range as mentioned on lamp base Applications: Home, Office, Hotel, Shop, Restaurant…and so on lighting
The user’s manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
FCC Information
1This device complies with Part 18 of the FCC Rules. 2Information on the following matters shall be provided to the user in the Instruction manual: (a) The interference potential of the device or system; (b) Maintenance of the system; (c) Simple measures that can be taken by the user to correct interference; (d) Manufacturers of RF lighting devices must provide an advisory statement, either on the product packaging or with other user documentation, similar to the following: This product may cause interference to radio equipment and should not be installed near maritime safety communications equipment or other critical navigation or communication equipment operating is in between 40kHz and 80kHz. Variations of this language are permitted provided all the points of the statement are addressed and may be presented in any legible font or text style.