Jiangsu Derhino Intelligent Technology 55LVF01 Users manual

55 Inch LCD Digital Signage
Instruction Manual
Jiangsu Derhino Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd,.
De ar u se rs : Th an k yo u fo r pu rc ha si ng o ur p ro du ct s. I be li ev e th at t hi s en ti re ly n ew p ro du ct s ca n br in g yo u en dl es s ha pp in es s. P le as e re ad t hi s pr od uc t ma nu al c ar ef ul ly b ef or e us in g th e pr oduct and keep it properly. Th ec om pa ny sh al ln ot be su bj ec tt oa ny li ab il it yo rr es po ns ib il it yf or any accidents caused by violating sa fe ty p re ca ut io ns o r in st ru ct io ns .
( Refer to the actual product )
Please read this User Guide carefully before using the product.
1. Package List
1. Package List
2 S. pecification parameter
3.Function Introduction
4.Front View Structure Description
5.Rear View Structure Description
6.Dimensional Drawing
7.Installation And Operation
9.Safety Instructions
Th is m an ua l is a p ou r te ch ni ca l do cu me nt w it ho ut an y hi nt s or i ns in ua ti on s to an y th ir d pa rt y. W e do n ot be ar t he r es po ns ib il it y of am bi gu it y ca us ed b y ty po gr ap hi ca le rr or s. D ue to c on ti nu ou s pr od uc t im pr ov em en t an d re ne wa l, we r es er ve t he r ig ht t o mo di fy t hi s ma nu al w it ho ut fu rt he r no ti fy in g.
Pl ea se e ns ur e th at t he p ac ka ge o f 55 ’’ m ir ro r sc re en a dv er ti si ng p la ye r is i n go od c on di ti on . Co nt ac t th e su pp li er i mm ed ia te ly i f th er e is a ny da ma ge o n pa ck ag e or p ro du ct .
Case Key
Power Cable
Remote Control
2. Specification Parameter
Size and Weight
Display Screen
Max Power
Protective Glass Imported mirrored Unidirectional perspective glass
Play System
Industrial Control Android System Support functions such as Diskless start ,wake
Wireless Function
Elrctrical System
Height×Width×Thickness:1904×700×85mm Net Weight:80Kg
55" LG Industrial direct backlight LCD screen with extremely narrow edge Brightness:500cd/m² Resolution:1920*1080 Display Area:1209.6mm×680.4mm
Border:Aluminum alloy wire drawing frame Base Support:2.0mm SPCC Internal Structure:1.0SGCC Coating:Imported Antirust Painting
Main panel:Imported mirrored Unidirectional perspective glass
Customized Broadcast control management software,1080P/4K
on LAN, power on by electricity ,WatchDog and so on”
RTL8723BS,WIFI 2.4G 802.11b/gn BT4.0
Comply witch IEC60950 safety standard .100-240V,50-60Hz input,timing on/off function
Audio System 10W stereo speaker×2
Software Platform
-10~45℃(Storage Temperature:-20~60℃)
3. Function Introduction
Convenient transportation ,easy installation Customized configuration and installation soluton .
Scientific package,convenient for transportation and installation.
Easy and smart,plug and play Receive media content from internet,support local files multi-mode play, and with PNP(plug-and-play) technology.
Easy to connect the bluetooth and high-speed WIFI
Support LAN Internet channel,Wired,WIFI and Bluetooth access for easy connection.
Using high gain antenna, get strong signals, make wireless Internet is very smooth.
Remote control,reak-time monitoring Centralized management,users can real-time monitor all terminals' operating parameters .
Multi-area display and random selection
Su pp or t to p la y me di a co nt en ts s uc h as v id eo ,i ma ge s an d te xt s in d if fe re nt a re as ,
fr ee ly s pl it s cr ee n fo r di sp la y, an d di sp la y, an d di sp ly ,a nd d is pl ay ads more accurately
in d iv er si fie d ma nn er s.
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