Panel function Descrip tion
1. MIC hole
2. Lighting inte nsi ty ad jus tme nt
3. Lighting swit ch
4. Startup & Shutd own k ey/ mod e con version
5. Play/pause ke y
6. Volume size adju stm ent k ey
7. MIC hole
8. Microphone on -of f key
9. Awa ken ing / N etw ork ing key
10. Power adapte r pow er ja ck
11. Tim e dis pla y Nix ie tu be window
Functions and Operations
1. MIC hole
Receive the spok en vo ice a nd th en th e host recognizes v oic e com man d.
2. Lighting inte nsi ty ad jus tme nt
Slide up to increa se th e lig ht in ten sity and down to decr eas e the l igh t int ens ity
3. Lighting on-o ff ke y
Short press to tur n on th e lig ht, l ong p ress to convert chr oma tic l amp , the n short press to conv ert
chromatic lamp .
4. Startup & Shutd own k ey/ mod e con version
Short press to hor izo nta l con ver sion: Bluetooth m ode / WIF I mod e con version, long press 3 se con ds to
shut down/star t up.
5. Play/pause key
Short press to pau se fu nct ion i n pla ying status ,and th en sh ort p res s to pl ay function.
6. Volume size adju stm ent k ey
Slide up to increa se th e vol ume o f the v oice. When the volu me is a t its m axi mum , the loudspeaker box
will beep to remin d. Sl ide d own t o red uce the volume.
7. MIC hole
Receive the spok en vo ice a nd th en th e host recognizes v oic e com man d.
8. Microphone on -of f key
Short press to tur n off /on the microphon e to re cog niz e the r ece ived voice.
9. Awa ken ing /ne two rking key
Short press to awa ken t he ho st fu nct ion and conduct dia log ue an d int era ction with the host, lon g pre ss
to networking fu nct ion : ope n the m obile APP ac cor din g to th e pro mpt tone of the host to d ist rib ute a nd
connect the netw ork .
10. Power adapte r pow er ja ck
Plug in the adapte r to po wer t he ho st.
11.Time display Ni xie w ind ow
Internet time is d isp lay ed wh en ne tworking. Th ere i s no ne ed to s et networking to up dat e
automaticall y.
Network Settings
1. Use th e iPhone scan the f ollowing Q R cod e for the MUZO AP P.
APP vers ion
MUZO player