Jet Tools JMS-12SCMS User Manual

Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
12" Sliding Dual Bevel Compound Miter Sa w
Bench t op Series – Model No. JMS- 12S CMS
WALTER MEIER (Manuf acturing) Inc.
427 New Sanford Road LaVergne, Tennessee 37086 Part No. M- 707120
Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revision B 08/2010 www.walt er meier.c om Copyright © 2010 Walt er Meier (M anufacturi ng) Inc.
W arranty and Service
Walter Meier (Manufacturing) Inc., warrants every product it sells. If one of our tools needs service or repair, one of our Authorized Service Centers located throughout the United States can give you quick service. In most cases, any of these Walter Meier Authorized Service Centers can authorize warranty repair, assist you in obtaining parts, or perform routine
maintenance and major repair on your JET
Walter Meier is consistently adding new products to the line. For complete, up-to-date product information, check with your local Walter Meier distributor, or visit
JET products carry a limited warranty which varies in duration based upon the product (MW stands for Metalworking, WW stands for Woodworking).
tools. For the name of an Authorized Service Center in your area call 1-800-274-
This warranty covers any defects in workmanship or materials subject to the exceptions stated below. Cutting tools, abrasives and other consumables are excluded from warranty coverage.
This warranty covers only the initial purchaser of the product.
The general JET warranty lasts for the time period specified in the product literature of each product.
Three Year, Five Year and Lifetime Warranties do not cover products used for industrial or educational purposes. Products with Three Year, Five Year or Lifetime Warranties that are used for industrial or education purposes revert to a One Year Warranty. This warranty does not cover defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence or accidents, normal wear-and-tear, improper repair or alterations, or lack of maintenance.
The product or part must be returned for e xamination, postage prepaid, to a location designated by us. For the na me of the location nearest you, please call 1-800-274-6848.
You must provide proof of initial purchase date and an explanation of the complaint must accompany the merchandise. If our inspection discloses a defect, we will repair or replace the product, or refund the purchase price, at our option. We will return the repaired product or replacement at our expense unless it is determined by us that there is no defect, or that the defect resulted from causes not within the scope of our warranty in which case we will, at your direction, dispose of or return the product. In the event you choose to have the product returned, you will be responsible for the shipping and handling costs of the return.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Walter Meier sells through distributors only. The specifications in Walter Meier catalogs are given as general infor mation and are not binding. Members of Walter Meier reserve the right to effect at any time, without prior notice, those alterations to parts,
fittings, and accessory equipment which they may deem necessary for any reason whatsoever. JET
branded products are not
sold in Canada by Walter Meier.
Table of Contents
Warranty and Service................................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................................3
Compound Miter Saw Safety .....................................................................................................................7
In trodu ction ..............................................................................................................................................8
Spe cifi cation s ...........................................................................................................................................8
Cutting Capacity .......................................................................................................................................8
El ectric al ..................................................................................................................................................9
Power Supply and Motor Specifications ..................................................................................................9
Electrical Requirements .........................................................................................................................9
Exte nsion Cords ....................................................................................................................................9
Fea tures ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Shipping Contents .................................................................................................................................. 11
Contents of the Shipping Container ...................................................................................................... 11
Ass embly ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Unlocking the Slide Carriage ................................................................................................................ 12
Releasing the Cutting Head ................................................................................................................. 12
Un loc king ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Loc k ing ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Installing the Dust Bag ......................................................................................................................... 12
Installing the Safety Hold-down Clamp .................................................................................................. 13
Power Cord St or age Clips .................................................................................................................... 13
Saw Blade Wrench .............................................................................................................................. 13
Table Inserts ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Mounting the Saw................................................................................................................................ 14
Installing Bla de.................................................................................................................................... 15
Adju s tmen ts ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Bevel Stop Adjustments ....................................................................................................................... 16
90°(0°) Bevel Adjustment.................................................................................................................. 16
Bevel Scale Indicators ...................................................................................................................... 16
45° Left Bevel Positive Stop Adjustment ............................................................................................ 16
45° Right Bevel Positive Stop Adjustment .......................................................................................... 17
33.9° Left & Right Bevel Adjustme nt .................................................................................................. 17
Miter Angle ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Miter Scale Indicator Adjustment ....................................................................................................... 18
Adjusting Fence Squareness................................................................................................................ 18
Positive Stop Miter Angle Adjustme nt ................................................................................................... 19
Quick-cam Miter Table Lock Operation ................................................................................................. 19
Quick-cam Miter Table Lock Adjustme nt ............................................................................................... 19
Presetting the Cutting Depth ................................................................................................................ 20
Rear Support Bar ................................................................................................................................ 20
Operation ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Starting a cut....................................................................................................................................... 21
Finishing a cut ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Jammed Material ................................................................................................................................. 21
To Turn the Saw On ............................................................................................................................ 21
Sliding Fence ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Removing or Installing the Sliding Fence ................................................................................................. 22
Sliding Carriage Syste m ...................................................................................................................... 22
Miter Cut ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Bevel Cut ............................................................................................................................................ 23
33.9° Bevel Detent Pin for Crown Moldings ........................................................................................... 24
Compound Cuts .................................................................................................................................. 24
90º Crosscut – Narrow Boards ............................................................................................................. 24
Slide Cutting Wide Boards ................................................................................................................... 25
Cutting Bowed Material ........................................................................................................................ 26
Roug h Cutting a Dado ......................................................................................................................... 26
Auxiliary Wood Fence .......................................................................................................................... 26
Cutting Base Molding........................................................................................................................... 27
Bevel/Miter Settings............................................................................................................................. 27
Removing the Blade ............................................................................................................................ 14
Laser Beam ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Changing the Belt ................................................................................................................................ 26
Crown Molding .................................................................................................................................... 27
Crown Molding Chart .............................................................................................................................. 28
Mai ntenan ce .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Replacing Carbon Brushes .................................................................................................................. 29
Lower Blade Guard.............................................................................................................................. 29
Saw Dust ............................................................................................................................................ 29
Lubrication .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Troubleshooting – Motor ......................................................................................................................... 30
Troubleshooting – Operation ................................................................................................................... 30
Parts ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Ordering Replacement Parts ................................................................................................................ 31
Parts List ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Assembly Drawing............................................................................................................................... 36
Wiring Diagram....................................................................................................................................... 39
The specifications in this manual are given as general information and are not binding. Walter Meier (Manufacturing) Inc. reserves the right to effect, at any time and without prior notice, changes or alterations to parts, fitt ings, and accessory equipme nt deemed necessary f or any reason whats oever .
1. Read and understand t he entire owners' ma nual before at t empting assemb ly or oper ation.
2. Read and understand t he warnings posted o n the machine and in this manual. Failure to comp ly w it h all of these warnings may cause serio us injury.
3. Replace the warning labels if they become obscured or removed.
4. This saw is designed and intended for use by properly t r ained and experienced perso nnel only. If you are not familiar wit h the proper and safe operation of a compound miter saw, do not use until proper training and knowledge have been obtained.
5. Do not use this saw f or other than its i nte nded use. I f used for other purposes, Walt er M eier (Manufacturing) Inc., discla ims a ny real or implied warr anty and holds itself har mless from any injury that may result from that use.
6. Always wear appr oved safet y glasses/ face shields while us i ng this miter saw. Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resistant lenses; t hey are not safety glasses.
7. Before operating this saw, remove tie, rings, w at c hes and other jewelry, and roll sleeves up past the elbows. Remove all loose clot hing and confi ne long hair. Non-slip f oot w ear or anti-skid floor st r ips are recommended. Do not w ear gloves.
8. Wear ear pr otect or s (plugs or muffs) during extended periods of operation.
9. Some dust created by power sanding, sawing, gr indi ng, drilling and other co nstructio n acti vities contain chemicals k nown to cause cancer, birt h defect s or ot her repr oductive harm. Some examples of these chemicals are:
Lead from lead based paint.
Crystalline silica from bricks, cement and other masonry products.
Arsenic and chromium fr om chemically treated lumber.
Your risk of exposure varies, depending on how often you do this type of work. To reduce yo ur exposure to these chemicals, work in a well-ventilated area and work with approved safety equipment, such as face or dust masks that are specifically designed to filter out microscopic particles.
10. Do not operate this machine while tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or any medicatio n.
11. Make cer t ain the switch is in the OFF position before connecti ng the machine t o t he power supply.
12. Make cer t ain the machine is properly grounded.
13. Make all machine adjustme nts or maintenance with the machine unplugged from the power source.
14. Remove adj usting keys a nd wr enches. Form a habit of checking to see that keys and adjusting wrenches are removed from the mac hine before tur ning it on.
15. Keep safet y guards in place at all times when the machi ne is in use. If removed for maintenance purposes, use extreme cautio n and replace t he guards immed iately.
16. Make sure this machine is firmly secured to t he floor or bench before use.
17. Check damaged parts. Before further use of the machine, a guard or other part that is damaged shou ld be c a r e fully ch e c k ed to determine that it will operate pr oper ly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment of mo ving parts, binding of moving parts, br eak age of parts, mounting and any other conditions that may affect it s oper ation. A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or r eplaced.
18. Provide for adequate space surrounding work area and non-glare, overhead lighti ng.
19. Keep the floor around t he machine clean and free of sc r ap material, oil and grease.
20. Don't use in dangerous e nvironme nt. Don't use power tools in damp or wet locat ions, or expose them to rain. Keep work ar ea well lighted.
21. Keep visitors a saf e dist ance from the wor k ar ea. Keep children away.
22. Make your workshop child proof with padlocks, master switches or by removing start er keys.
23. Give your wor k undivided att entio n. Looki ng aro und, carr ying on a conversation and “ horse-play” ar e careless acts that can result in serious injury.
24. Maintain a bala nced stance at all times so that you do not fall or lean against t he blade or other moving parts. Do not overreac h or use excessive for c e t o perfor m any machine operation.
25. Use the right tool at the correct speed and feed rat e. Do not force a tool or attachment to do a job for which it was not designed. The r ight t o ol will do t he job b e tter a nd sa fer.
26. Use recommended accessor ies; improper acc essor ies may be hazardo us.
27. Maintain tools with care. Keep saw blades sharp a nd clean for t he best and safest per f or mance. Follow instructions f or lubricating and c hangi ng accessories.
28. Disconnect tools bef or e ser vicing and w hen changing access or ies such as blades.
29. Make sure the work piece is securely attached or clamped t o t he table.
30. Turn off t he machine before cleaning. Use a brus h or compressed air t o r emove chips or debris — do not use your hand s.
31. Do not stand on the machine. Serio us injury co uld occur if the machine tips over.
32. Never lea ve the machine running unattended. Turn the power off and do not leave the machine until it comes to a complete stop.
33. Remove loose items a nd unnecessary w or k pieces f r om the area befor e starting the machine.
Familiarize yours elf with the f ollow ing saf et y not ices used in t his manual:
This means that if precautions are not heeded, it may result in minor injury and/or
possible machine damage.
even death.
This means that if pr ecautions are not heeded, it may result in serious injury or possibly
Compound Miter Saw Safety
Specific safety instructions for this compound miter saw
1. Do not operate the miter saw until it is completely assembled and installed according to these
2. If you are not thoroughly familiar with the operation of miter saws, seek guidance from your
supervisor, instructor or ot her qualified perso n.
3. Always hold the work f irmly against the fence and table.
4. Do not perform any operation free hand ( use clamp where ver possible).
5. Keep hands out of the path of the saw blade. If the workpiece you are cutting would cause your
hands to be within 8-3/4 in. of the saw blade, the workpiece should be clamped in place before making the cut.
6. Be sure the blade is sharp, runs freely and is free of vibration.
7. Allow the motor to come up to full speed before starting a cut.
8. Keep the motor air slots clean and free of chips or dust.
9. Always make s ure all handles are t ight bef ore cutting, e ven if the tab le is positioned in o ne of t he
positive stops.
10. Be sure both the blade and the collar are clean and the arbor bolt is t ightened sec urely.
11. Use only blade collars specified f or your saw .
12. Never use blades larger in diameter t han 12 inches.
13. Never apply lubrica nts to t he blade when it is running.
14. Always check the blade for cr acks or damage before operat ion. Replace a cracked or damaged b lade
15. Never use blades recommended for operation at less than 4200 RPM.
16. Always keep t he blade guards in place and use at all times.
17. Never reach aro und the saw blade.
18. Make sure the blade is not contacting t he wor kpiece bef or e t he switch is turned ON.
19. Import ant: Af t er completi ng the cut, release the tr igger and wait f or t he blade to stop bef or e r eturning
the saw to the raised position.
20. Make sure the blade has come to a complete stop before removing or securing the workpiece,
changing the wor kpiece angle or changing t he angle of t he blade.
21. Never cut metals or masonry products w ith this tool. This miter saw is designed for use on wood a nd
wood-like products.
22. Never cut small pieces. If the workpiece being cut would cause your hand or fi ngers t o be w it hin 8-3/4
in. of the saw blade the workpiece is too small.
23. Provide adeq uate support to the sides of the saw table f or long work pieces.
24. Never use the miter saw in an area with flammable liquids or gases.
25. Never use solvents to c le an plastic parts. Solve nts coul d poss ib ly disso lve or other wise dam age the mat erial.
26. Shut off t he power bef ore servicing or adjusting the tool.
27. Disconnect the saw f r om the power source and clean the machine when finished usi ng.
28. Make sure the work ar ea is clean before leaving the machine.
29. Should any part of your miter saw be missing, damaged, or fail in any way, or any electrical
component fail to perf or m proper ly, lock t he switch and remove the plug from t he power supply outlet. Replace missing, damaged, or f ailed part s before resuming operat io n.
This manual is provided by Walter Meier (Manufacturing) Inc., covering the safe operation and maintenance pr ocedures for the JET Model JMS-12SCMS Dual Bevel Sli ding Compound Miter Saw with
laser. This ma nual contains instructio ns on installation, safet y pr ecautions, general oper at i ng pr oc edures, maintenance instructions and parts breakdown. This machine has been designed and constructed to provide years of trouble fr ee operatio n if used i n accordance w ith instructio ns set f orth in this ma nual. If there are any questions or comme nts, please co ntact either yo ur local supplier or Walt er Meier. Walter Meier can also be reached at our web site:
Model Number ................................................................................................................ JMS-12 S CMS
Stock Number .......................................................................................................................... 707120
Motor ......................................................................................................................... 120V, 60Hz, 15A
No Load Speed (Arbor) .......................................................................................................... 4200RPM
Motor Arbor Shaft Size .................................................................................................................... 5/8"
Bl ade ............................................................................................................... 12", 60T, car bide t ipped
Blade Arbor Size...................................................................................................... 1" with 5/8" reducer
Miter Stops ................................................................................................................. ten at -45° to 60°
Bevel Stops ...................................................................................................0°, 33.9°, 45° left and right
Base Dimensio ns......................................................................................................... 37-1/2” x 26-1/4”
Net Weight .................................................................................................................................. 72 lb .
The above specificati ons were current at the time t his manual w as publis hed, but beca use of our policy of continuo us impro vement, Walt er M eier ( M anufacturi ng) Inc., reserves the right to change s pecificat ions at any time and without prior notice, w ithout i ncurri ng obligations.
Cutting Capacity
Cut Type Miter Angle Bevel Angle Cutting Capacity
Cross Cut 4" x 12-1/4" Miter 45º Right & Left 4" x 8-3/4" Miter 60º Right 4" x 6-1/4" Bevel 45º Left 2-1/2" x 12-1/4" Bevel 45º Right 1-3/4" x 12-1/4" Compound Cut 45º Right & Left 45º Left 2-1/ 2" x 8-3/4" Compound Cut 45º Right & Left 45º Right 1-3/ 4" x 8-3/4" Compound Cut 60º Right 45º Right 1-3/ 4" x 6-1/4" Vertical Capacity ( Baseboard) 0º 5-1/2"
Read and understand the entire contents of this manual before attempting
assembly or operation! Failure to comply may cause serious injury!
Power Supply and Motor Specifications
The AC motor used in this saw is a universal, nonreversible type (see Motor in the Specifica- tions sect ion on page 8).
To avoid electrical hazards, fire hazards, or damage to the machine, use proper circuit protection. Your saw is wired at the f actory for 120V operation. Conne ct t o a 120V, 15 Amp circuit and use a 15 amp time delay fuse or circuit br eaker. If pow er cord is worn or cut , or damaged in any w ay, have it replaced immediat ely to avoi d shock or f ire.
Elect ri cal Requirements
This machine is double insulated to provide a double thickness of insulatio n between the user and t he machine's electrical system. All e xposed metal part s are isolated f rom the internal metal motor components with protective insulation.
This saw has a plug that looks like the one shown in Figure A.
Extension Cords
Make sure your extension cord is in good condition. When using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the current yo ur machi ne will draw . An under sized cord will cause a drop in the line voltage resulting in power loss and overheating. The table below shows the correct size to use depending on the cord length and nameplate ampere rati ng. If in doubt, use the next heavier gauge. Remember, the smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.
Cord Length AWG 00 – 25ft 016 25 – 50ft 014
Important: Make certain the receptacle in question is properly grounded. If you are not sure, have a registered electrician check the receptacle.
Figure A
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, this saw has a polarized plug (one blade is wider t han t he other). This pl ug will fit i n a polari zed outlet o nly one way; if the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, rever se the pl ug. I f it st ill does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install the proper outlet. Do not change the plug in a ny way.
Double insulation does not take the place of normal safety precautions when operating this tool.
To avoid electrocution:
1. Use only identical replacement parts when
servicing a tool with double insulation. Servicing should be perf or med by a q ualified technician.
2. Do not use power tools in wet or damp
locations or expose t hem to rain or snow.
Shippi ng Cont ents
1. Remove the contents from the shipping
2. Compare the contents of the shipping
container with the list found below. Make certain that all items are accounted for before discarding any packing material. Report any shortages or damage to your JET distributor.
Contents of the Shipping Container
A Compound M it er Saw ( 1) B Dust Bag (1) C Power Cord St or age Clip (2) D Screw (2) E Hold-down Clamp (1) F Lock Knob (2)
-- Owner’s Manual (1)
-- Warranty Registration Card
Tools Supplied for Assembly
G Blade Wrench
Tools not included
00Adjustable Wr ench 006mm Hex Wrench 00Crosspoint Screw dr iver 00Slotted Screw dr iver 00Comb inatio n Wrench
Read and understand all assembly instructions before attempting assembly! Failure to comply may cause ser io u s injur y !
Note: Optional work support extensions (stock no. 707121) are available for your miter saw. Contact Walt er Meier customer service to or der .
Contents of Shippi ng Container
Unl ocking the S lide Carriag e
Loosen the slide carriage l ock knob (A). When transporting or storing the miter saw, the
slide carriage (B) should always be locked in position.
Releasing th e Cutting Head
When not in use, lock the cutting head in the down position. Failure to comply can cause serious injury or damage equipment.
1. Push down on the switch handle (page 10).
2. Pull out the hold-down latch (A, Fig. 2).
Figure 1
3. Raise the cutting head to the up position.
Locking Note: When not in use, lock the cutti ng head in the
down position.
1. Push the cutting head down
2. Press the hold- down l atch (A, Fig. 2) in to lock. Important: Always use the carry ing handles w hen
lifting or moving to avoid damage to the machine.
Installing the Dust Bag
1. Squeeze the metal collar wings (B, Fig. 3) of
the dust bag (A, Fig. 3).
2. Place the dust bag neck opening around the
exhaust por t (C, Fig. 3), a nd release t he collar
wings (B).
Figure 2
To empty t he dust bag, re move from e xhaust port , open zipper on underside of bag and empty into waste container.
Note: Check and empty bag f r equently. Do not w ait for it to get full.
Figure 3
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