computer radio control system
User Manual User Manual User Manual
Receivers REX
FW 1.05FW 1.05FW 1.05
computer radio control system
1. Introduction ......................................................................................... 04
2. Technical data ...................................................................................... 05
2.1 Properties ..................................................................................... 06
2.2 Important Notices ....................................................................... 06
3. Installation ........................................................................................... 08
3.1 Installation in the model ............................................................ 08
3.2 Power supply ............................................................................... 10
3.3 Operation ..................................................................................... 11
3.4 Binding .......................................................................................... 11
3.5 Range test .................................................................................... 12
4. Quick Setup ........................................................................................... 14
4.1 Airplane ........................................................................................ 14
4.1.2 Choice of flight modes ...................................................... 19
4.2 Multicopter ........................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Optimize multicopter settings ........................................ 27
4.2.2 Choice of flight modes ...................................................... 30
computer radio control system
4.3 Description of flight modes ...................................................... 31
4.3.1 Manual (Assist Off ): Airplanes ........................................ 31
4.3.2 Training: Airplanes ............................................................ 31
4.3.3 Normal (Damping): Airplanes ........................................ 32
4.3.4 Heading Hold: Airplanes .................................................. 32
4.3.5 S ta bi li za ti on o f the h or iz on : A irp la nes a nd
Multicopters ......................................................................... 32
4.3.6 Stabilize: Multicopters ...................................................... 33
4.3.7 Sport: Multicopters .......................................................... 33
4.3.8 Acro: Multicopters ............................................................. 33
4.3.9 Altitude stabilization: Multicopters ............................... 34
5. Additional stabilization features .................................................. 35
5.1 Throttle to PID attenuation (TPA) ............................................ 35
5.2. Airspeed compensation ............................................................ 36
5.3 Additional channels ................................................................... 36
5.4 Camera gimbal ............................................................................ 38
5.5 Connecting an external LED strip ............................................ 39
5.6 Sensor data filtering ................................................................... 41
5.7 Sensor calibration ....................................................................... 42
5.8 Vibration analysis ....................................................................... 43
computer radio control system
6. Advanced properties ............................................................................ 45
6.1 PID control setting ...................................................................... 46
6.2 “Stabilize” mode sett ................................................................... 47
6.3 Acro mode settings ..................................................................... 48
6.4 Filtering ......................................................................................... 49
6.5 Fail-Safe ........................................................................................ 50
7. Alternative pins configuration .......................................................... 51
7.1 Receiver Outputs ......................................................................... 54
8. Real time telemetry ................................................................................ 55
9. Solving the most common problems ............................................... 56
9.1 General ......................................................................................... 56
9.2 Airplane models ....................................................................... 56
9.3 Multicopter models .................................................................... 58
10. Receiver update and configuring ................................................... 59
10.1 Update the receiver ..................................................................... 59
10.2 Configuring the receiver with a PC ........................................... 60
computer radio control system
REX Receivers with Assist Functions
1 Introduction
The REX A receivers enhance the REX series of receivers and extend
it with the intelligent flight stabilization feature, which is designed
for airplane models and multicopters. This stabilization works in all
three axes of the model and facilitates flying in windy or otherwise
challenging conditions. Aerobatic maneuvers will be more
accurate and smoother. With the help of several flight modes,
which are also suitable for beginner pilots, flying practice will be
really easy.
The REX A receivers are compatible with all existing 2.4GHz Duplex
Tx modules and DC/DS transmitters.
You can set them directly via DC/DS transmitters, alternatively you
can use the USBa adapter and JETI Studio software (free download
at www.jetimodel.com). The receivers provide internal telemetry
(e.g., receiver quality, inertial unit status and G-force level). They
also process telemetry from external sensors compatible with
Duplex EX or EX Bus.
In order to stabilize the airplane model effectively in flight, it is
appropriate to equip the model with high speed digital servos.
Stabilization is also suitable for combustion engine models.
FW. ver. 1.05
computer radio control system
Real time transmission
of telemetry data
Support satellite receiver Rsat
Receiver sensitivity [dBm]
3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer
Sensitivity of altitude measurement
Range of gyroscope measurement
Range of accelerometer measurement
Gyroscope/accelerometer sampling rate
The JETI model company portfolio contains a diverse offering of
electronic modelling equipment like voltage regulators, motor
speed controllers, telemetry data display equipment, telemetry
sensors and, last but not least, DC/DS transmitters. The JETI
model product manfacturing policy is to constantly produce the
highest quality product possible.
2 Technical data
* xternal ower onnector
computer radio control system
2.1 Properties
Up to 16 stabilized airplane channels.
Support for different multicopter types – from tricopters to
Up to 3 adjustable flight modes, options for stabilizing the
horizon and altitude.
In-flight gain tuning using free channels.
Using the latest 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer.
Support for LED strip consisting of WS2812 chips.
Support for external camera gimbal driven by servos.
Intelligent fail-safe.
Vibration analysis.
Full set-up options with DC/DS transmitters or via PC.
Available telemetry: Receiver voltage, signal quality, G-force,
attitude orientation.
Support of telemetry and up to 3 sensors connected directly.
2.2 Important Notices
Always use the current firmware in your DC/DS transmitter and
receiver. The minimum version of software for transmitters
supporting REX A receivers is 4.24.
Always check the polarity of the lead wires so that the voltages
on the receiver and other electronics are not reversed.
Do not expose the receiver to heat and sudden temperature
changes that may affect the accuracy of the sensors.
Never use a receiver that is visibly damaged. In particular, check
the state of the antennas regularly. In no way modify or remove
the receiver electronics from the supplied housing.
When installing on a combustion engine model, keep in mind
computer radio control system
that all electronics must be optically isolated from the ignition
unit and ideally located as far as physically possible from the
engine itself.
Do not expose the receiver to excessive vibration. Sensors in the
receiver are very sensitive and vibrations are an undesirable
phenomenon. It is advisable to check the vibration level with the
built-in analyzer before flight and to take appropriate measures
to reduce vibration (e.g. attach the receiver in the model with a
soft double-sided adhesive tape).
Do not expose the receiver to direct air flow. Aerodynamic forces
may have a strong influence on the sensitive barometric sensor
when the model is moving faster.
Always use a sufficiently sized power source for the receiver and
servos. Keep in mind that with the stabilization switched on, the
servos in the airplane model are constantly moving, resulting in
increased current consumption and subsequent heating of the
Any major changes to the settings (especially for the initial
configuration) should be done without the propellers fitted.
During use, it is recommended to switch on the transmitter first
and then the receiver. The transmitter confirms that the receiver
is turned on by an acoustic signal. When turning off the system,
first switch off the receiver and then the transmitter.
REX A receivers do not support Clone mode. This is because the
stabilizing receiver should always be the primary receiver in the
model. Other receivers, serving as satellites, must not have the
stabilization enabled.
computer radio control system
3 Installation
3.1 Installation in the model
Always place the receiver in the model parallel to the flight axes and
ideally as close as possible to the center of gravity (especially for
multicopters). This is important for the proper functioning of
stabilization and its correct response. It is important that the
mounting of the receiver is made in such a way that the vibrations
from the model are minimized and that the fixation is guaranteed at
the right place. We recommend using a double-sided adhesive tape
for this purpose.
computer radio control system
There are several ways to place the receiver in the model, and you
need to activate this position in the setup wizard. The direction of
the arrow on the receiver sticker determines its placement:
computer radio control system
3.2 Power supply
When designing a wiring system in the model, always be careful
about choosing a suitable power supply so that it is sufficiently
current-rated and its output voltage is compatible with the
receiver, servos and other electronics. It is recommended that the
REX A receivers be powered by low-resistance Li-XXX type batteries
or a stabilized BEC voltage source (either as a separate device or
integrated in the speed controller).
Never connect two different voltage sources in parallel, even if
the y seem to have the sa me parame ters. Ins tead, use an
additional circuit, such as DSM10, to separate both sources which
become independent.
The supply voltage can be applied to the receiver in the following
Via throttle channel (when using the speed controller BEC).
Using any free or open receiver port.
Via the MPX connector included on EPC receivers (Extended Power
For multirotors, use either a BEC output from a single controller
or, in case of Opto-type controllers, use an external stabilized
source. Never connect voltages from several BEC circuits in
computer radio control system
3.3 Operation
We recommend that you switch on the transmitter first and then
subsequently the receiver. The transmitter confirms the switching-
on of the receiver with an acoustic signal. When switching off the
system we recommend that you switch off the receiver first and
then subsequently proceed with switching-off the transmitter.
3.4 Binding
When using a new receiver or transmitter it is necessary to carry out
the binding process between them. Transmission between the
receiver and transmitter occurs in fully digital manner, therefore it is
necessary to identify and share the addresses of each device
communicating on the mutual 2.4GHz frequency band.
1. Insert the BIND PLUG (included in the receiver packing) into the
receiver socket labeled Ext.
2. Switch on the receiver – (connect a proper voltage supply to the
receiver). Binding of the receiver may now be performed within 60
seconds. After the 60 seconds elapse the receiver returns to setup
mode and the binding process must be repeated by starting again
from step 1.
3. Switch on the transmitter - the transmitter emits an acoustic
signal announcing the detection of a new receiver.
Binding may be carried out with the aid of the JETIBOX instead of
using the BIND PLUG.
computer radio control system
The procedure is as follows:
1. Connect the JETIBOX with the connecting cable to the Ext.
receiver output .
2. Switch on the receiver - (connect a proper voltage supply to the
3. The receiver menu appears on the JETIBOX display. Select the
„Pairing“ menu item (push the right arrow button once from the
main receiver display) and then push the upward button. You now
have a period of 60 seconds to bind the receiver. After the 60
seconds elapse the receiver returns to setup mode and the binding
process must be repeated by starting again from step 3.
If the binding process between receiver and transmitter was
unsuccessful, try again.
You may bind an arbitrary number of receivers to one transmitter.
The receiver, however, can only be bound to one transmitter, i. e. the
receiver is only bound to the most recently bound transmitter.
3.5 Range test
By range testing, you verify the correct operation of the transmitter
and receiver. You should perform a range test before your first flight
of each flight day, or if there are any doubts about the function of
the transmitter or receiver. In the range test mode, the transmit
power is reduced to 10%. When testing range, place both the model
and transmitter at a height of at least 80cm (3ft) from the ground. A
properly operating transmitter and receiver should reliably control
the model at a distance of at least 50 meters (or 50 yards) in the test
computer radio control system
mode. If this is not the case, be sure to check the correct installation
of the receiver antennas. If the test is not successful afterwards then
do not use the device and contact your dealer or one of our service
Setting into Range Test mode:
Insert the pairing jumper (BIND PLUG) into the Ext. port of the
receiver, turn on the receiver and then the transmitter. Range test
mode will be active for as long as the bind plug is inserted in the Ext.
Alternatively, you can run the range test in the DC/DS transmitter
via the System – Servo & Range Test menu.
computer radio control system
4 Quick Setup
4.1 Airplane
From production the REX Assist receivers behave as standard
receivers and stabilization is not active by default. This can be used
to set up an airplane model - the initial procedure is similar:
1. Place the receiver in the model according to the “Installation
in the model” chapter.
2. Create a new model in the transmitter as usual. The individual
channels of the transmitter should correspond with the
outputs on the receiver. If you plan to use additional channels
to tune the stabilization gain or to switch flight modes, this is
the moment you should create them. By doing that you won’t
have to go back to your channel settings while configuring the
receiver via Quick Wizard menu. More information about the
auxiliary channels can be found in the Additional channels
3. Pair the transmitter with the receiver.
4. For the model, set its subtrims, dual rates and expos according
to the recommended values. Do not set up advanced mixes or
change the servo path using servo balancer.
5. Now go to the receiver configuration – either through the
DC/DS menu (Model -> Device Explorer) or via your PC (see
chapter Configuring the Receiver with PC).
6.b) Run the stabilization setup wizard (Configuration -> Quick
Wizard ) . On the first screen, enter the “Airplane Assist”
option and go to the next page with the “Next” link.
computer radio control system
7. Specify the model type so that its flight characteristics best
match one of the options . Several types of gliders,
aerobatic models and others are available. Each model type
includes preconfigured and optimized stabilization presets so
that the first flights are enjoyable and the additional settings
are kept to a minimum.
8. In the next step, select the receiver
position in the model so that the
displayed graphics matches real
situation. A total of 8 options are
available (see chapter Installation
the model) . Illustration indicates
flight direction.
d), e)
computer radio control system
9. Now check for additional features
Use airspeed correction – if the
model is able to move at a large
range of speeds, it is advisable to
supplement it with the MSPEED
sensor or MGPS for measuring
flight speeds. By activating this
field, the receiver will take into
account the current speed while
performing stabilization.
Us e c ame ra gimb al - by
checking, you enable the function
of an external servo control for
camera gimbal.
All servos digital - This option
specifies the servo output period. If all the servos are digital in
the model, the output period will be automatically set to
7.5ms. Otherwise, it will be 17.5ms.
10. Assign the individual channels for stabilization so that the
receiver learns neutral positions
and throws of individual servos .
The model can now be placed
arbitrarily because at this point
you only calibrate the control
functions. Proceed step by step
ac cording to th e wizard a nd
calibrate only the axes that will be
computer radio control system
used during stabilization. Check the correct response to the
controls by looking at values displayed in the “Controls” row. If
the servos in the model are not moving, it is ok at this point -
the receiver will not allow servo outputs until the configurati-
on is completed.
11.f) Assign a channel for switching flight stabilization modes .
This channel should be controlled
by a three- position switch, so that
all three flight modes are available.
In position the stabilization is
disabled by default. Switching to
position (center) activates the
“No rmal” mode. Switching to
position activates the "Heading
Hold" mode.
Note: First add a three-position switch to your DC/DS transmitter
as a new function in the Model – Functions Assignment menu.
Then assign this option to a free channel in the Model – Servo
Assignment menu. Subsequently, this three-position switch can
be used here in the receiver setup wizard.
12. If you have selected the “Use gimbal” option in the previous
steps, assign the individual channels to the gimbal control. You
can skip this point and configure the camera gimbal later in the
Configuration -> Channel Assignment -> Gimbal channels.
13.j) Finish the wizard and application settings . When you run the
computer radio control system
“A p pl y wi z ar d and f in i sh ”
c o mm an d , y o u s t or e th e
parameters in the receiver and the
stabilization is reset to the mode
according to data you’ve entered.
Attention: At this po int , th e
se tt ings of in div id ual se rv o
outputs, flight mode configurati-
on, and the PID control gains will
be reset.
14. Before each flight, place the model
on the ground and hold it stable
during the gyroscope initializati-
on . On ce t he i nitiali zation is
completed, it is possible to move
15. Check for correct input control response and stabilization
function when moving in each axis. For example, if you rotate
the model to the left, the control surfaces should tend to move
in the opposite direction.
16. Perform the first flight either with stabilization disabled
(manual mode) or in “Normal” mode. If the model does not fly
straight, trim it and then land. Re-assign the primary channels.
Continue to optimize the settings so that the flight characteris-
tics of the model match your preferences.
computer radio control system
4.1.1 Airplane model settings
In the “Airplane Settings” menu in the
REX A configuration you can fine- tune
the stabilization gains for individual
Gain - This parameter determines the
proportional rate of model stabilizati-
on in flight. If the model is insufficiently
stabilized, for example in wind gusts, increase the gain each time by
20% until the model starts to oscillate. Consequently, reduce your
value by 20%. Try the new settings at different flight speeds and
make sure that even at high speeds there are no oscillations.
Heading - Determines how intensively the model keeps its
orientation and direction in the “ Heading Hold ” mode. In
“Normal” mode, this parameter is not used. You can test the
function of heading hold function, for example, when you are in
knife edge flight.
3D Aerobatic Factor (Stick Priority) - Determines how the
stabilization gain decreases depending on how the control stick
moves from the center position. For instance, a 60% aileron stick
priority means that at maximum left or right, the aileron gain will be
reduced to 40% and the stick direct position will be applied from