Jeppesen Marine Workboat Navigator 1.3 User Manual

Jeppesen Workboat Navigator
A Professional Information Service
User's Guide v. 1.3
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Thank you for purchasing Jeppesen Workboat Navigator for inland waterways. This Installer’s Guide is written for an audience assumed to be familiar with marine navigation and computer operation and usage. This document should in no way be used to replace real navigation training and experience.
by people who have training and experience in such navigation. Jeppesen Workboat Navigator is intended for use only as an aid to navigation.
©2006-2007 Jeppesen Marine. All rights reserved.
To Contact Jeppesen Marine
Jeppesen Marine, Inc.
55 Inverness Drive East Englewood, CO 80112-5498 USA
Customer Support Phone Numbers:
USA: 1 866 845 8605 8 AM - 5 PM PST International: 49 61 02 5070
Do You Have Everything?
Before installing the software, make sure you have received the following:
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator
• Software Disc
Jeppesen NavData® Disc(s)
• Product Security Key (USB Port device)
• Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s
• Guide (this book)
Available Hardware Interfaces
GPS or other device that transmits
• boat position - required
AIS Transceiver - optional
• Heading Sensor - optional
• Depth Sensor - optional
• Wind Sensor/Anemometer - optional
• Nobeltec® InSight Radar 2 - Black
• Box (IR2-BB)™ - optional
Radar system with ARPA/MARPA
• output
Marine does not provide a hardware installation document. Hardware devices need to be connected to your computer by a certified marine electronic technician. Verify if your onboard hardware is compatible with Jeppesen Workboat Navigator prior to setup.
: Marine navigation can be dangerous, and should be performed only
System Requirements
Minimum system requirements:
2.0 GHz (or faster) Pentium 4
• Processor or 1.6 GHz (or faster) Mobile Processor
512 MB RAM
80 GB HD space (minimum 20 GB) *
SuperVGA (SVGA) card capable of
• 1024x768 resolution or higher ±
Serial ports must match number of
• input devices or use a multiplexer
1 USB 2.0 port (available)
• DVD drive or CD/DVD combo drive
• Sound/speaker connections
• Mouse, trackball, or pointing device
• Keyboard
• Windows XP Professional, SP2
• Monitor supporting 1024x768 or higher
Recommended system requirements:
• Flat panel monitor - daylight readable,
• multiple mounting options (prefer multiple sizes available: 12”, 15” and 17”) - 1024x768 resolution or higher
10/100 Ethernet
• Enclosure with fixed mounting options
• Shock mounting preferred (environment
At this time, Jeppesen
subject to extreme vibration) Optional video input support ‡
• IEC 60945 preferred
Installation should not be started
unless available disk space has been verified
as this setting may cause distortion. For video camera support
Display Settings - 32 bit quality
Chapter Name
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 - Introduction 1
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator 1 Screen Layout 1 Professional+ Charts and NavData® 2 Hardware Overview 2
GPS (required) 2 AIS/Target Tracking 2 Heading Sensor 2 Depth Sensor 2 Sounder 2 Autopilot 2 Wind Sensor/Anemometer 3 Radar and the IR2-BB 3
Limits of Electronic Navigation 3
2 - Workboat Navigator Look and Feel 5
Glossary for this Chapter 5 Workboat Navigator Window Panes 5
Default View 5 Chart Window Pane 7 NavInfo Window Pane 7 SysInfo Window Pane 8 Radar Window Pane 8 Video Window Pane 9
Workboat Navigator Main Toolbar 9
System Menu Button 9 Context Menu Button 9 Other Main Toolbar Buttons 10
Zoom In/Zoom Out Buttons 10 Goto Boat Button 10 GPS Mark Button 10 MOB Button 10
3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator 11
Boat Setup 11
Boat Model Presentation 11 Tow Model Window 12 Barge List 12
To Add Barges to the Tow Model 13 To Add a Hip Barge 13 To Move a Barge 14 To Remove a Barge 14
Boat Context Menu 15 The View Manager 16
What is the View Manager? 16 Setting Views With View Manager 17
To Configure Views and Layouts 17
Portrait Mode 19
4 - The System Menu 21
Boat Properties 21
Boat Presentation Settings 21
Boat Model 24
Tow Model Window 25
Data 26
Data Manager 26 Chart Manager 26 Archive Boat History 26
Screen Intensity 26 Tools/Settings 27
View Manager 27 Options 27
Ports: Configure Tab 27 Port Priorities Tab 28 Radar Tab 29 Units Tab 30 Misc. Tab 30 Audio Tab 31 Targets Tab 32
Exit Application 33
Help 34
Help 34 About 34
Goto Desktop 34 Next View 34
5 - Chart Management 35
Charts and Data 35
Types of Charts 35 Professional+ Charts and NavData 35 Chart Scales 35 Layers 35 Chart Tool Tips 35
Chart Window Pane Controls 36
Window Focus 36 Chart Centering 36 Arrow Keys 36 Goto Boat 36 Scrolling/Panning 36 Zooming/Overzooming 37
Chart Management 38
Modifying Chart Display 38 Depth Units on Vector Charts 38 Chart Quilting 38 Radar/Chart Overlay 38 Chart Object Properties 39
Chart Object Types 40
The Chart Context Menu 41
Nav Objects 41 Layers 42
Radar Overlay 42 Autoscroll 42 Orientation 43 Move Boat (DR) 43 Properties 43
Table of Contents Chapter Name
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Chart Data 44
Distance Markers 44
6 - NavInfo Window Pane 45
Available NavInfo Panels 45
Active WYPT (Lat/Lon) 45 BRG to Active WYPT 45 BRG to Cursor 45 COG 45 Depth 46 GPS 46 HDG 46 Position (Lat/Lon) 46 Position (River Mark) 46 RNG to Cursor 46 RNG to Active WYPT 46 ROT 46 Slide Indicator 46 SOG 47 System Date & Time 47 TTG Route 47 TTG for WYPT 47 Wind 47 ETA 48
ETA - No Active Route 48 ETA - Active Route 50
7 - SysInfo Window Pane 51
MOB - Man Overboard Panel 51 Place Name Search Panel 52 Status Panel 52 Targets Panel 53
Target List 53
All Targets 53 Dangerous Targets 53
Filter 53 Goto Target 53 River AIS 54 Target Detail 55 Messages 55 Voyage Data 56 Static Data 56 Temporarily Filtering Targets 56
Properties Panel 57
Boat Properties 57 Wake Sub-Panel 60 Past Track Sub-Panel 61 Playback Sub-Panel 62
8 - Nav Objects 63
Glossary of Nav Objects 63 Nav Object Persistence 64 Nav Object Context Menus 65 Man Overboard 65
Other MOB Functions 65
GPS Mark 65 Annotations 66
Annotation Properties 66 Annotation Context Menu 67
Marks 68
Mark Properties 68 Mark Context Menu 69
Routes 70
Route Properties 70 Route Context Menu 71
Waypoints 72
Waypoint Properties 72 Waypoint Context Menu 73
Circle Boundaries 74
Circle Boundary Properties 74 Circle Boundary Context Menu 75
Line Boundaries 76
Line Boundary Properties 76 Line Boundary Context Menu 76
9 - Using Nav Objects 77
Glossary for this Chapter 77 General Nav Object Skills 77
Man Overboard 77
To Create a Man Overboard Object 77 To Move a Man Overboard 77
Nav Objects 78
To Place a Nav Object on the Chart 78 To Move a Nav Object 78 To Delete a Nav Object 78 To Hide a Nav Object 78 To Hide All Nav Objects 79 To Create an Annotation 79
Importing and Exporting Nav Objects 80
To Import Nav Objects 80 To Export Nav Objects 80
Boundaries 81
To Create a Closed or Line Boundary 81 To Create a Circle Boundary 81
Changing the Appearance of Objects 82
Show / Hide Object Names 82 Changing a Waypoint or Mark Icon 82 Changing Line Color 82 Changing Object Font Properties 83 Changing Memo and Memo Appearance 83 Filling a Boundary 83
Locking Objects 84
Locking Connected Objects 84 Locking Single Point Objects 84
Route Management 85
To Create a Route 85 Chart Scrolling During Route Creation 85
Chapter Name
To Activate a Route 85 To Activate a Mark or Route 86 Automatic Waypoint Arrival (with XTE) 86 To Split a Route 87 To Delete Marks and Waypoints 87 To Edit a Route 87
Appending Waypoints 87 Adding Waypoints 88
Inserting Waypoints 88 To Use Existing Marks in a New Route 89 To Share Waypoints 89 To Reverse a Route 89
Past Tracks 90
To Create a Past Track 90 To Split a Past Track 90 To Delete a Past Track 90
Dead Reckoning 91
To Enable Dead Reckoning 91 Moving the Boat in Dead Reckoning 91
10 - Data Manager 93
What is the Data Manager? 93 Data Collection 93
Nav Objects 94
Searching Nav Objects 95
Editing Nav Object Properties 96 Importing and Exporting Nav Objects 98
To Import Nav Objects 98
To Export Nav Objects 98 Charts 99
Chart Data Details 99 System Information 99
System Information Data Details 99
11 - ETA Management 101
ETA - No Active Route 102 ETA - Active Route 104
12 - Radar Management 105
Glossary for this Chapter 105 InSight Radar 2 - Black Box (IR2-BB) 105
What is the IR2-BB? 105 How Does the IR2-BB Work? 105
The Radar Window Pane 106
Closing and Opening 106 Ghost Cursor 106 Radar/Chart Overlay 107 Targets Panel 107
Radar Overlay and MARPA 107
How It Works 107
Radar Target Tracking 108
Point and Click Radar (MARPA) 108 Acquiring MARPA Targets 109 MARPA Symbology 109
Terms and Acronyms 110
Radar Configuration Options 111
Radar Tab 111 Target Tab 112
The Radar Context Menu 114
Range 114
Auto Range 114 Manual Range 114
Tuning 114
Adjusting the Gain 114 Reducing Sea Clutter (SEA) 115 Rain 115 Rejecting Radar Interference 116
Radar Properties 116
Initial Radar Setup 116 Radar Presets 117
About Radar 118 Options 118 Orientation 118
13 - Target Tracking 119
Target Types Supported 119 Targets Panel 119 Targets in Workboat Navigator 119
Prior to Setting Up Target Tracking 119
Targets Panel 121
Managing Target Appearance 121 Information On The All Targets List 123 River AIS 123
Passing Plan 124
Goto Pass Point 124
Target Detail 125
Goto Target 125 Messages 125 Voyage Data 126 Static Data 126 Temporarily Filtering Targets 126
Alarms 127
Changing Alarm Settings 129
To Change Alarm Settings for Targets 129
To Change Alarm Settings for XTE 129
AIS 130
Types of AIS 130 Naming Conventions For Targets 131 What Is AIS? 131 AIS Target Settings 131 AIS Targets in Workboat Navigator 132 AIS Broadcasts Workboat Navigator Recognizes 133
14 - Tides & Currents 135
Tide Bars and Current Arrows 135
Interpreting Tide Bars 135 Interpreting Current Arrows 136
Chapter NameTable of Contents
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Adjusting Current Arrow Size 136
Tides & Currents SysInfo Panel 137 The Tides & Currents Application 138
The Tides & Currents ToolBar 139 The Tides & Currents Graph 140 Weekly View and Daily Table 140 Changing the Date 140 Multiple Windows in Tides and Currents 141
Route Calculator 141
To Attach a Current Station to a Route 141 Calculating Best Departure Time 142
15 - Autopilot 143
Autopilot Connections 143
Settings 143 Definitions Of Autopilot Setting Options 144
Using the Autopilot On the Water 145
How to Use the Autopilot - Active Mark 145 How to Use the Autopilot - Active Route 145
Arrival Circle 145 Arrival Distance for Existing Marks 145 Changing Default Arrival Distance 145
Table of Contents
Glossary 146 Index 152 Hot Keys 156
Chapter Name Table of Contents
1 - Introduction
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator
This User’s Guide covers information about the Jeppesen Workboat Navigator, Jeppesen Marine's state-of-the-art navigation software package.
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator provides AIS integration, radar overlay and other key marine solutions. These advancements offer significant benefits to your operation by enhancing navigational accuracy along critical navigation areas and poor weather and other low-visibility condition solutions. By providing seamless integration of multiple charting tools and formats, Jeppesen Workboat Navigator makes it easy for marine operators to remain knowledgeable and in control at all times.
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator is the result of many years of collaborative development between Nobeltec marine navigation solutions and Jeppesen avionics. This product was built leveraging the award-winning experience and industry knowledge of a team of seasoned and talented pilots, captains, scientists, engineers and programmers.
Workboat Navigator further serves as an electronic navigation data professional information service. Regular subscriptions to this professional information service provide you with the most recently updated, high quality charts and navigation information available.
Screen Layout
As shown in Figure 1.1, Workboat Navigator is laid out simply, with easily-viewed controls and large menu buttons. Additionally, Workboat Navigator screen layout can be configured by the user with a tool called View Manager. Configuring screen layout is discussed in further detail in Chapter 3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator.
1 - Introduction
Figure 1.1 - Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Screen
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Professional+ Charts and NavData
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator comes with vector charts, planning and overview raster charts, supplemental River Distance Markers and much more. This combination of charts and data is collectively called NavData®.
NavData is copyright protected and can only be accessed if you have purchased a license and received a Product Security Key (also called an “eToken”).
NavData is subdivided into regions for purchase and subscription purposes. Each
1 - Introduction
region is unlocked using a License File provided when the subscription begins. The License File validates chart and data subscriptions.
Hardware Overview
The following hardware devices output information that Jeppesen Workboat Navigator can recognize and integrate into on-screen display. All hardware products must be powered on and connected to your computer in order for Workboat Navigator to recognize them. See the Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Installer’s Guide for software integration instructions.
GPS (required)
A GPS receiver uses information from GPS satellite signals to calculate your position along with speed and direction. This information is transmitted to the computer, where Jeppesen Workboat Navigator places a graphic display of your boat at the transmitted location on the chart.
navigation when determining their position. Always use two or more methods to guard against errors that put your boat in a dangerous situation.
Seasoned navigators know not to rely on a single method of
AIS/Target Tracking
Many Automatic Identification System (AIS) Transceivers are equipped to transmit and receive all AIS NMEA sentences. Jeppesen Workboat Navigator intelligently interprets and displays AIS target data in an easy-to-understand on-screen format.
Heading Sensor
A Heading Sensor produces highly accurate, stable readouts of your ship’s heading. The Heading Sensor in conjunction with Jeppesen Workboat Navigator will provide you with constant information about your ship’s attitude and rate of turn, as well as your heading vs. Course Over Ground (COG).
Depth Sensor
Depth Sensors are utilized to sense how “deep” a body of water is from top to bottom. Depth sensors may also be called pressure sensors. Depth sensors use electronic and mechanical means to measure depth.
A depth sounder provides target and bottom detail, as well as advanced features such as dual frequencies, temperature display, range, gain, and shift settings.
Interfacing an autopilot with Jeppesen Workboat Navigator provides you with easier route planning and more precise direction-based navigation options and adjustments.
1 - Introduction
Wind Sensor/Anemometer
A sensor that monitors wind speed or wind speed and direction, and converts that data into a digital output signal.
Radar and the IR2-BB
The Nobeltec® InSight Radar 2 - Black Box (IR2-BB)™ is a specially designed hardware component that converts the analog output from most existing industry­standard radars into a digital stream that can be used by Jeppesen Workboat Navigator.
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator provides you with the tools to view radar transmissions received through the IR2-BB in a traditionally configured radar display on-screen or overlaid directly on top of your electronic charts.
Limits of Electronic Navigation
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator is developed by skilled software engineers and mathematicians. It undergoes rigorous safety and accuracy testing and quality assurance before it is released to the public to use on the water. However, occasional software issues or malfunctions could remain in the software. While Jeppesen Marine makes every effort to identify and repair software issues if they are discovered, this product is specifically not promised to be issue free.
Another limitation to complete accuracy is the status of your digital charts. Electronic charts are made by skilled cartographers. However, some cartographic surveys upon which digital charts are based were made over 50 years ago. Therefore, it is possible for errors to occur in the final products.
1 - Introduction
2 - Look & Feel
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
NavInfo Window Pane
Chart Window Pane
SysInfo Window Pane
Main Toolbar
Figure 2.1 - Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Screen - Default View
2 - Workboat Navigator Look and Feel
Glossary for this Chapter
Active Window Pane
Window Pane
View Manager
The Active Window Pane is the window pane that currently has cursor focus. This is indicated by a yellow border around the window pane. In Figure 2.1, the Active Window Pane is the Chart window pane.
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator displays high-resolution vector charts and raster charts.
Layout of available window panes in Jeppesen Workboat Navigator, created using the View Manager. A View can contain one full-screen window pane, such as Radar, or several window panes, such as Chart, NavInfo, and SysInfo.
Each individual, available selection of content for the View. NavInfo, Radar, Raster Charts, SysInfo, Vector Charts, and Video are each available to be displayed in a Window Pane.
A component of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator used to establish up to 6 Views of charts and data. Users may wish to configure multiple Views to allow them to utilize different components of the software.
NavInfo and SysInfo window panes are divided into multiple static panels of content. For example, Target List and Target Details are two of the available panels in the SysInfo window pane; COG and ROT are two of the available panels in the NavInfo window pane.
Workboat Navigator Window Panes
There are five available types of Workboat Navigator Window Panes. All content that is available through Jeppesen Workboat Navigator can be displayed using the window pane layout conventions of the software. Each window pane is dedicated to a particular type of data.
Specific system configurations (or “Views”) can be set up and customized using the View Manager. View Manager controls how Workboat Navigator content appears by allowing the users to arrange the different Workboat Navigator Window Panes. See Chapter 3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator for information on using the View Manager.
2 - Look & Feel
Default View
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator by default uses a View containing Chart, NavInfo and SysInfo window panes (see Figure 2.1). Certain events, such as pressing the MOB button or a system alarm will cause Workboat Navigator to revert to the default view. Use the 6 key or System Menu | Next View to toggle between views.
2 - Look & Feel
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Figure 2.2 - Workboat Navigator Single Content View - Radar Window Pane
Figure 2.3 - Multiple Content View - Three Window Panes (Default View)
2 - Workboat Navigator Look & Feel
Chart Window Pane
The section in the divided windowpane layout of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator devoted to displaying and manipulating Vector and Raster charts. This is the window pane that displays the Chart, Boat, and Nav Objects such as Marks and Routes.
Figure 2.4 shows a Vector chart full-screen window pane on the left and a Raster chart full-screen window pane on the right.
Figure 2.4 - Chart Window Pane: Vector and Raster Charts
2 - Look & Feel
NavInfo Window Pane
The Navigation Information (NavInfo) window pane contains all sensor-tracked data, such as GPS, Speed Over Ground, Course Over Ground, Heading, etc. Data from those sensors is displayed in data panels that cannot be edited.
Figure 2.5 shows the General Navigation 1 layout for the NavInfo pane. Available options for this window pane are General Navigation 1, General Navigation 2 and Active Navigation.
Figure 2.5 - NavInfo Window Pane: General Navigation 1 Layout
2 - Look & Feel
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
SysInfo Window Pane
The section in the divided windowpane layout of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator devoted to providing system information and managing various features of the program, such as Target AIS information, Man Overboard tracking, Chart and Object Properties, Status Messages, and Data Playback.
Figure 2.6 - SysInfo Window Pane: Properties Panel
Radar Window Pane
The section in the divided window pane layout of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator devoted to providing Radar data. This data can be viewed in a multiple-paned layout, or a single, full-screen window pane that simulates a radar plotter.
Figure 2.7 - Radar Window Pane
2 - Workboat Navigator Look & Feel
Video Window Pane
The section in the divided windowpane layout of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator is devoted to providing video camera display. Workboat Navigator can use video feed from a number of cameras placed on board a vessel.
Figure 2.8 - Video Window Pane
2 - Look & Feel
Workboat Navigator Main Toolbar
The Workboat Navigator Main Toolbar contains seven buttons and is located at the bottom of the View at all times. This toolbar allows you to view all menus, zoom in and out, focus controls on your boat, and provides you with the ability to instantly raise a Man Overboard alarm if necessary. Figure 2.9 shows the main toolbar as it appears at the bottom of the application.
System Menu Button
The System Menu Button opens the System Menu and provides access to a variety of system and on-screen functions, such as the View Manager. The System Menu collapses when not in use. 9 also opens this menu.
Figure 2.9 - Workboat Navigator Main Toolbar: System Menu Button
Context Menu Button
The Context Menu button opens a dynamic Context Menu for the current active Chart or Radar window pane. Context menus can also be used to create and control specific Nav Objects, such as Boat, Marks, Waypoints, and so forth.
Context menus are dynamically specific to window focus. Content of the menus change depending on which window pane has focus. For example, when the Chart window pane has focus, the Context menu will populate with controls for that window. Like the System Menu, the Context Menu collapses when not in use.
The Context Menu is disabled when the active window pane is the NavInfo, SysInfo or Video window panes, which do not have menu controls.7also opens this menu.
Figure 2.10 - Workboat Navigator Main Toolbar: Context Menu Button
2 - Look & Feel
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
There are also right-click Context Menus, used to control on-screen objects, such as Boat, Marks, Waypoints, etc. For example, when the Boat has focus, the right-click Context Menu contains options for the Boat only.
Other Main Toolbar Buttons
The remaining buttons on the Main Toolbar control some of the most common functions performed by the user. These buttons consist of: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Goto Boat, GPS Mark and MOB.
Figure 2.11 - Workboat Navigator Main Toolbar: Other Buttons
Zoom In/Zoom Out Buttons
The Zoom buttons control the scale of the chart displayed in the Chart window pane. You can Zoom In and Out on the chart window pane using Zoom In and Zoom Out Main Toolbar buttons or the + and - keys on your keyboard. If your mouse has a wheel, you can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in (wheel up) or zoom out (wheel down).
Goto Boat Button
Click this button to refocus the chart on the boat. This button automatically changes chart orientation to Course Up and the Autoscroll mode to Look Ahead. W also performs this function.
GPS Mark Button
Click this button to immediately place a Mark on the Chart window pane directly under the boat’s current position based on GPS location. 5 also performs this function.
MOB Button
This button adds a Man Overboard (MOB) mark to the Chart window pane at the current transmitted boat location based on GPS location, and immediately changes focus to the SysInfo window pane, MOB panel. 4 also performs this function.
3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator
This chapter provides an overview of two of the basic tools used to set up Jeppesen Workboat Navigator for use specific to your boat. There are other setup options that are meant to be performed by a certified marine technician during installation or update of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator. See the Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Installer’s Guide for more technical setup information.
Boat Setup
The Boat Properties window (System Menu | Boat Properties) is where you set up the boat displayed on-screen to match your current configuration. When you open this window, the existing or default settings appear. Displayed Standard Boat Properties cannot be edited using the Boat Properties window, but are configured during system installation.
Standard Boat Properties include Boat Name/ID, Length, Width, Draft, Air Draft,
GPS Bow Offset and GPS Port Offset.
GPS Bow Offset is the distance from the bow of your boat to the location of the
GPS antenna.
GPS Port Offset is the distance from the port of your boat to the location of the
GPS antenna.
Refer to the Jeppesen Workboat Navigator Installer’s Guide or contact your Workboat Navigator Deployment Specialist to make any customized changes to your Standard Boat Properties.
From the Boat Properties window, click Edit Model to edit your boat configuration.
Boat Model Presentation
The Boat Model panel allows you to configure how the boat displays. For more detail, see Boat Properties in this chapter. This panel is where you select the type of Boat you are using.
The Use Boat Model drop-down list allows you to select from
• a list of boat and tow layout configurations. If you are using Workboat Navigator for coastal waters, select Standard Vessel from the drop-down list (see Figure 3.1).
If you are using Workboat Navigator to tow barges during inland navigation, you can use the following features to configure your tow model:
Click New Model... to create a new Tow Model.
• Click Edit Model... to edit the Tow Model.
Model Name. Input a customized name for the current tow
configuration. The maximum is 64 characters.
Delete Model. Removes the selected Boat Model from the Use
Boat Model drop-down list. This is a permanent deletion and cannot be undone.
Boat offset from Port. Input the distance from the port edge of
the tow to the port edge of the boat. Click Boat Model graphic after you update the Boat offset from Port. This tool is used for tow boat barge configuration.
Center Boat - Click to center the boat to the tow.
to redraw the
Figure 3.1 -
Standard Vessel
3 - Setting Up
You cannot delete the Standard Vessel and Tow Boat Vessel from the
list. These will be used as the boat when you create a new model.
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Tow Model Window
Use the Tow Model window to configure or edit the Tow layout to your current configuration. The more accurately you input your tow data, the better Jeppesen Workboat Navigator will display the outline of your boat shape on the chart.
The Tow Model graphic displayed is a to-scale illustration of the way your tow is configured in Jeppesen Workboat Navigator. This graphic is updated whenever you make changes to the configuration.
Layout is shown using rectangular barge graphics.
Barge List
The Barge List contains all current barge types available to add to your tow configuration. Tow configuration is divided into "strings" which are numbered sequentially from Port to Starboard.
Incremental adjustments to each Barge can be made by selecting an existing Barge with your mouse and then using the Adjust Forward, Aft, Port and Starboard feet and inches and radio buttons to the left of the graphic.
Once you have set up your Barge List, use the Refresh button to redraw the
• Tow Model Graphic and verify that your changes have been incorporated.
To remove a Barge, click on the Barge and then click Remove Selected.
• To clear the screen and start again, click Remove All.
3 - Setting Up
Figure 3.2 - Tow Model Configuration
3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator
To Add Barges to the Tow Model
Select the barge type to add from the list provided.
1. Select the Add Barge to String radio button and select the string to add this
2. barge to, see String label at bottom of Tow Model Graphic for placement.
Select the Add port hip barge or the Add starboard hip barge radio button.
3. Click Add to Model.
4. Click OK to save your Tow Model settings and return to Boat Properties.
Figure 3.3 - Add a Barge to a String
To Add a Hip Barge
In the Tow Model window, highlight a barge type.
1. Click Add Port/Starboard Hip Barge.
2. Click Add to Model.
3. The selected barge will be added to the Tow Model graphic parallel to your boat
4. at Port or Starboard.
3 - Setting Up
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
To Move a Barge
Click on the Barge you wish to move.
1. Click the radio button next to Adjust...(Forward, Aft, Port, or Starboard).
2. Input the feet and inches you wish to move the Barge (use the format: ff in). Or
3. type the total number of inches. Workboat Navigator automatically converts total inch value to feet and inches.
Click Refresh to update the Tow Model graphic.
3 - Setting Up
Figure 3.4 - Tow Model Graphic
To Remove a Barge
Click on the Barge you wish to remove.
1. Click Remove Selected.
If you make incorrect adjustments to a tow model, an error message appears
asking if you would like the software to automatically correct the Tow Model.
After you make all changes in the Tow Model window, click OK to save your Tow
3. Model settings and return to Boat Properties.
3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator
Boat Context Menu
The Boat Context Menu is accessed by right-clicking on the Boat or you can left­click the Boat and then click the Context Menu button from the Main Toolbar. The Context Menu allows you to view and edit specific features of the Boat. The following are all available options in the Boat Context Menu:
Properties. Opens the SysInfo window pane, Properties panel for the boat.
Dead Reckoning. Turns Dead Reckoning on or off.
Reset XTE. Reset the cross track error value to zero for the active route.
3 - Setting Up
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
The View Manager
What is the View Manager?
The View Manager tool customizes how Jeppesen Workboat Navigator screens are laid out and allows you to control how and what you view within Workboat Navigator.
View Manager is accessed using the System Menu (System Menu | Tools/ Settings | View Manager).
View Manager establishes how Jeppesen Workboat Navigator displays charts and other data. This customized layout of charts and data, also called a "View", can be configured to display one content type at a time, or be divided into multiple window panes, each pane containing a different content type (see Figures 3.5 and 3.6).
Once you have configured your Jeppesen Workboat Navigator View preferences, use the 6 Hot Key or System Menu | Next View to cycle through all configured Views.
To work with one chart in multiple locations, set up a split screen View
and place the same chart type (Vector or Raster) in each window pane.
Default View
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator by default uses a View containing Chart, NavInfo and SysInfo window panes (see Figure 3.5). Certain events, such as pressing the MOB button or a system alarm will cause Workboat Navigator to revert to the default view. Use the 6 key to cycle through views.
3 - Setting Up
Figure 3.5- Workboat Navigator Single
Content View - Radar Window Pane
Figure 3.6 - Jeppesen Workboat
Navigator Multiple Content - Default View
3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator
Setting Views With View Manager
The View Manager controls how the content of all Jeppesen Workboat Navigator window panes is laid out. Up to six (6) layout templates or “Views” can be edited.
Use View Manager to determine what content displays in all window panes of a View. For example, you may wish to have one View that displays a SysInfo window pane, NavInfo window pane, and a Chart window pane, and another View that displays only Radar. The View Manager helps you set up each configuration.
To Configure Views and Layouts
Click System Menu | Tools/Settings | View Manager.
Monitor Configuration: if there are two monitors connected to your computer,
select the right or left monitor to enable or disable that monitor, then click on a monitor to set that monitor’s layout. See Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.7 - View Manager - Monitor Configuration - Two Monitors
One Landscape, One Portrait shown
Select and Configure Layout: There are six possible View configurations. The
upper left configuration is the default. Each established View is monitor-specific.
3 - Setting Up
Figure 3.8 - View Manager - Select and Configure a Layout: Monitor #
Select a View configuration and click Edit to open the Select a Layout window
4. and edit the existing layout.
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
From the Select a Layout window, choose a configuration template, consisting
5. of one to six panes in various layout configurations. Click on a configuration template to open Edit the Layout.
Figure 3.9 - Select a Layout
Edit the Layout: This window is where you determine which type of data is
placed in each window pane. The active pane is surrounded by a yellow border. Select the data type for each window pane by clicking on a chart or data type in the right-hand list (Vector Chart, Radar, NavInfo, Raster Chart, Video, or SysInfo). Once the data type has been determined for a window pane, focus will automatically shift to the next window pane. If a data type is not available for a particular window pane, it will not be available for selection.
3 - Setting Up
Figure 3.10 - View Manager - Edit the Layout
After you have selected all content types, the Select and Configure Layout
7. window opens.
Repeat steps 3-7 for up to six views.
8. Click Done when you are finished with View configurations. To cycle through
9. each configuration use System Menu | Next View or the 6 hot key.
3 - Setting Up Workboat Navigator
Figure 3.11 - Workboat Navigator - Portrait Mode
Portrait Mode
Workboat Navigator supports portrait mode. This mode is commonly used by river operators where a vertical aspect ratio allows more river to be seen at once.
This User’s Guide does not include details about how to set up Portrait Mode. For that information, please see the documentation that came with your monitor and operating system.
3 - Setting Up
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
3 - Setting Up
4 - The System Menu
Use the System Menu to access a variety of system and on-screen functions, such as the View Manager and Boat Properties. This menu is where you control larger functions of Jeppesen Workboat Navigator. The System Menu collapses when not in use.
Figure 4.1 - The System Menu
Boat Properties
The Boat Properties window is where you view and configure your boat. When you open this window, the current or default settings appear. Displayed Static Boat Settings cannot be edited from this window. See the Workboat Navigator Installer’s Guide to edit Static Boat settings.
From the Boat Model group, click Edit Model to edit your boat configuration. Standard Boat Properties include Boat Name/ID, Length, Width, Draft, Air Draft,
GPS Bow Offset and GPS Port Offset.
GPS Bow Offset is the distance from the bow of your boat to the location of the
GPS antenna.
GPS Port Offset is the distance from the port of your boat to the location of the
GPS antenna.
Boat Presentation Settings
Show Heading Line. Heading Line indicates the heading of the boat and originates
from the GPS transmitted position, extending 15 miles. The direction of the heading line is based on input from the heading sensor. If no heading input is detected, the Heading Line is based on the COG value. Default setting for this option is On.
Show Stern Flash Line. The Stern Flash Line is drawn 180 degrees from the Heading Line, and also originates from GPS position, extending 15 miles. The direction of the Stern Flash Line is based on input from the heading sensor. If no heading input is detected, the Stern Flash Line is based on the COG value. Default setting for this option is On.
4 - The System Menu
4 - The System Menu
Jeppesen Workboat Navigator User’s Guide
Heading Line
Stern Flash Line
Figure 4.2 - Heading Line/Stern Flash Line
Predicted Position. Use this drop-down menu to select the amount of time you want represented by the COG vector and the boat outline. The following fields are affected by this setting:
Show COG vector
• Show With Boat Outline
Show COG Vector. The COG Vector is an arrow that extends from the GPS transmitted position. Its length is determined by combining the SOG and predicted position time. Predicted position time will be indicated by hash marks in one minute intervals. The direction of the vector is based on the GPS position. Default setting for this option is On.
Boat outline
COG vector
4 - The System Menu
Figure 4.3 - COG Vector
Show With Boat Outline. Place a check-mark in this check box to display an outline of the boat on the chart using the time entered in the predicted position. The outline includes rate of turn and may indicate a different position than the COG vector. The default setting is for this option is Off.
Show Port/Starboard extensions. This check box turns on or off the display of the port and starboard side extension lines. Default setting for this option is Off.
Show VRM 1/VRM 2 with radius. The Variable Range Marker (VRM) is a range ring or series of rings that surround the boat. VRM are normally used to measure distances to targets.
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