Jeppesen FliteStar User Manual

FliteStar Quick Start Guide _____ May 2009
What You Should Have Received
Upon opening your software package, ensure that you have the following items:
FliteStar Program CD-ROM (with Serial Number stickers)
FliteStar Electronic Chart Data (NavData®) CD-ROM
FliteStar Quick Start Guide
Save the program CD! You must have this CD and the associated Serial Number to reinstall the program on a new machine! NavData revisions contain all program updates, but do not include the entire program. If anything is missing, please call Jeppesen Customer Service.
For more detailed information about FliteStar, view the help file by clicking Help > Help Topics in FliteStar.
Installation Procedures
Before installing the software, you must have administrative permissions on your computer, otherwise the software will not function correctly. To use FliteStar, install the FliteStar program and Electronic Chart Data from the CDs provided in this kit. The software must be registered, or activated, within 30 days of loading the software onto your system.
Administrative Permissions
Before installing FliteStar, verify that the permissions are set so individual users have access to full use of FliteStar. Administrative permissions are required for the initial installation of FliteStar, and any program updates that might become available electronically or with the CD update. You do not need administrative permissions to update navigational data. If you are trying to install FliteStar on a corporate computer, please contact your network administrator for administrative permission.
FliteStar Program CD
Insert the Program CD into your computer CD-ROM drive. If the Setup program does not start automatically, browse to your computer CD-ROM drive and double-click setup.exe. To install the FliteStar program on your computer, follow these steps:
1. In the Welcome dialog box, click Next.
2. Read the license agreement, and then click Yes to accept the terms.
3. In the Pilot Information dialog box, enter your name and the 16-character or alphanumeric serial number, and then click Next.
4. Select the path to install FliteStar, and then click Next. It is recommended that you use the default folder or a location where other Jeppesen programs are installed. If you use a different drive or folder, click Browse and type the path or browse to the desired folder.
5. Select a program folder and click Next.
6. Review the installation summary and click Next to begin the installation. The installation may take a few minutes to complete.
7. After the program files install, select the appropriate check boxes to place the FliteStar icon on your desktop, and read the latest information. Click Finish. If your computer requires a reboot, do so before starting the next procedure.
Installing Electronic Chart Data
To receive FliteStar program updates and Jeppesen aeronautical data, follow these steps:
1. Insert the ECD Disc into the CD-ROM drive.
2. In the Welcome dialog box, click Next.
FliteStar Quick Start Guide _____ May 2009
3. Review the installation summary and click Next to begin the installation. The installation may take a
few minutes to complete.
4. Follow the remaining screens to finish the installation.
Check the expiration date of the data on your CD’s to determine if you need to update your data immediately through the Internet.
Activating your Software
When you open FliteStar, the Activation Wizard launches and guides you through the activation process. Read the information on the first screen and either click Next to activate the program or click Start Program (30 days) to postpone the activation process and open the program.
You have 30 days to activate FliteStar. After 30 days, only the Activation Wizard opens, and the programs are disabled until the activation is complete.
Updating the Programs
After 30 days of the initial install, you must have a subscription to update your data. Depending on your coverage and FliteStar version (VFR, IFR, Corporate), updates are available upon request, 3 times a year, and every 56 and 28 days. Most subscriptions allow you to electronically update your program and enroute data using the UpdateClient. You must be connected to the Internet and have a valid FliteStar serial number. If you are using a proxy server, please follow the instructions in the help file to properly configure the software to communicate to the update server. There is a large amount of data to download and the time it takes depends on your subscription coverage and connection speed. Follow these steps to update the data through the Internet:
1. Connect to the Internet.
2. In FliteStar, click File > Check for Updates.
3. If a dialog box appears with a list of Jeppesen products, select FliteStar and click OK.
4. After the system displays your program’s information (serial number, site key, and site code), click Next.
5. Select each item you want to update and click OK to begin the download.
After the program and navigational data have been packaged and transferred, an installer program launches and copies all of the data to the appropriate directories. If FliteStar is open, the installer will attempt to close it.
NOTE to Vista users: When updating online, after the data is downloaded, Microsoft's Vista® User Account Control requires permission for the update Setup to open. The UAC permissions dialog times out after two minutes. If you doesn't respond within the two minutes, UAC closes the update Setup. You must manually restart the Setup and click through the UAC dialog to continue.
Working with RoutePacks
Think of a RoutePack as a briefcase containing flight information for a complete trip. A RoutePack can include one or more routes, airports, terminal charts (if JeppView is installed), and waypoints along the route. The information in the RoutePack can be used with any RoutePack compatible program, such as JeppView and FliteDeck. You can save RoutePack files to a USB memory device, email, or move them to other computers.
The RoutePack Wizard
Use the full planning aspects delivered by the RoutePack Wizard to create a new RoutePack and a route. To do this, click the RoutePack Wizard on the Quick Bar in FliteStar. The RoutePack Wizard guides you through the entire process of creating a RoutePack and a route.
Refer to the Help files for more options on creating RoutePacks.
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