Except as otherwise provided and authorized in a written agreement between both Jeppesen and your company, Jeppesen's
copyrighted information and materials may not be processed, reformatted, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior written permission of Jeppesen.
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This document provides detailed instructions for using Jeppesen
FliteDeck Pro version 2.5.3, an iOS electronic flight bag (EFB)
About This Document
Intended Audience
The intended audiences for the Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro User Guide
are pilots and support specialists that may be new to Jeppesen
FliteDeck Pro.
Additional References
In addition to this User Guide, Jeppesen provides detailed, taskoriented training and documentation for FliteDeck Pro on the web at
the Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro Training and Documentation page.
Product Support
These materials include:
• Introducing Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro 2.5 (video)
• Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro Online Lesson
• Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro Release Notes
• Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro Administrator Guide
(Available upon request.)
Product Support
• Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro In-app Help
(Accessed from within the FliteDeck Pro application.)
Many operators provide their own technical support for FliteDeck
Pro. You might be able to access your company technical support
contact information by tapping Settings > Help from the
Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro toolbar.
Jeppesen also provides technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week at:
Jeppesen iOS applications are continually modified to be fully
compatible with the latest Apple mobile operating system and
iOS devices.
Release Summary
This document supports version 2.5.3 of the Jeppesen FliteDeck
Pro iOS application.
Operating System Requirements
Release Identification Information
The minimum operating system requirement for this release is
iOS 7.0.
Hardware Supported
Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro is supported on all iPads except the first
generation iPad. Jeppesen has tested FliteDeck Pro for
compatibility with the following iOS devices:
• iPad 2 (Wi-Fi and 3G)
• iPad 3 (Wi-Fi and 3G)
•iPad 4
• iPad Mini
• iPad Mini Retina
•iPad Air
Connectivity Considerations
Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro requires a reliable Wi-Fi or cellular
Internet connection to download data updates. The time necessary
to download and perform updates depends on the speed of the
Internet connection and the size of the data coverage area.
Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro supports a commercial aviation business
model and is released through available Apple distribution
models. Only one version of the app can be downloaded to the
iPad at one time.
When you update the Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro app from one
version to another, the following information is preserved:
• Customized global settings under user control, including
registration and account information
• Saved flights
• User-defined waypoints that are part of a route
NOTE There are special considerations associated with
updating from FliteDeck Pro 2.1.
When you update from Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro 2.1:
• New cultural, terrain, and enroute datasets automatically
download. The size of this data download is approximately
• Ensure that you have the necessary time and bandwidth to
perform the complete update before commencing the
To prevent the Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro app from
automatically downloading in the background and forcing
an update at an inopportune time, ensure you have
background updates disabled at the device level. To disable
this function:
1. Tap Settings on your iPad Home screen..
2. From the list of applications, tap iTunes & App Store.
Use basic iPad gestures to interact with Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro.
Basic iPad Gestures
Pinch to Zoom
Zoom in and out of the display by moving your thumb and finger
in a pinching gesture.
Touch, Hold, then Release
When interacting with the enroute map, you can touch, hold, and
then release any object on the map to add it to your route, delete it
from your route, or view more information about it.
Getting Started
Basic iPad Gestures
Double-tap to Zoom Out
Double-tap one finger to zoom out to the full extent of your route
(in Enroute view) or to the full extent of the chart (in Terminal
Charts view).
Two-finger Swipe to Navigate
Swipe two fingers to flip through your selected terminal charts,
like flipping through pages in a book.
Four-finger Swipe Between Open Apps
Swipe four fingers to move back and forth between one open app
and another. For example, you can do this gesture to navigate
back and forth between an open PDF reader and Jeppesen
FliteDeck Pro.
Swipe four fingers up and down to show and hide the iPad
taskbar. This gesture is helpful when you want to go back and
forth between iPad Settings and Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro.
FliteDeck Pro Global Settings
Your company EFB administrator may preconfigure certain
FliteDeck Pro (JeppFD-Pro) global settings.
Any settings that are preconfigured by your administrator can still
be adjusted by you in global settings, but the changes you make
to the preconfigured settings will not take effect in the
When you launch FliteDeck Pro, any settings preconfigured by
an administrator over-ride any changes that you may have made
in global settings. Any settings that are not preconfigured remain
under your control.
NOTE When you update Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro from one
version to another, all customized global settings under user
control are preserved.
This setting enables the sharing of flight information between two
These settings control the display of the Enroute view. Both
Flight Info
iPads actively running FliteDeck Pro. The setting is ON by
To share flight information, ensure that Allow Flight Sharing is
set to ON for both iPads. In addition, ensure that Airplane mode
is disabled and that either a Wi-Fi connection is established, or
Bluetooth is set to ON for both iPads.
Enroute View
Enroute View settings are set to OFF by default.
• Switch Enable Moving Map to ON to be able to track your
aircraft, recenter the enroute map over your aircraft
location, and view the enroute map in Track Up orientation.
• Switch Display Ownship on Enroute to ON to display
ownship position on the enroute map.
The minimum GPS accuracy requirement to display
ownship on an enroute map is 200 meters.
NOTE Centering the map over aircraft location and displaying
the ownship position symbol on the enroute map are both
designed to improve flight crew situational awareness during
enroute flight. This function is not to be used as the basis for
Appropriate flight crew member training and procedures
emphasize set up and operation such that the display should
not become a distraction or increase heads down time.
Operators may require additional authorizations to use this
These settings control the display of the Terminal Charts view.
• To display ownship position on the airport diagram, switch
Display Ownship on Airport Diagram to ON. This setting
is OFF by default.
The minimum GPS accuracy requirement to display
ownship on a taxi diagram is 17 meters.
• Default Chart Zoom Level is the zoom level preference
for viewing terminal charts. Values are Fit Full Chart and
Fit to Width. Fit Full Chart is the default value.
• Arpt Diagram (10-9) Speed Threshold is the speed at
which, if enabled, the automatic switch to a taxi diagram
occurs. It is also the speed threshold at which the ownship
appears on the airport diagram.
You can optimize this setting for your aircraft by adjusting
the threshold speed. Values range from 30 to 80 knots.The
setting is 40 knots by default.
Note that a GPS signal is required for the automatic switch
to a taxi diagram. The accuracy requirement to display
ownship on a taxi diagram is 17 meters.
NOTE Displaying the ownship position symbol on the airport
diagram is designed to assist flight crews in orienting
themselves on the airport surface and improving pilot positional
awareness during taxi operations. This function is not to be
used as the basis for ground maneuvering and is limited to
ground operations.
Appropriate flight crew member training and procedures
emphasize set up and operation such that the display should
not become a distraction or increase heads down time.
Operators may require additional authorizations to use this
function in flight.