Use and Care Manual /
Gl_ll-Range with
Self-Cleaning Conventional
and Convection Oven
Models SVE47500and SVE47600
Model SVE47600

Congratulations onyour choice of aJenn-Air grill-range. The indoor grilling
of meats, fish or fowl is one of the most attractive and succulent methods
of preparing these foods ... a unique flexibility made possible by Jenn-Air's
patented integral ventilation system.
YourJenn-Air self-cleaning oven combinesthe bestoffourcooking methods,
conventional baking or roasting, convection baking, convection roasting and
broiling. (Note; Only Model SVE47600 has the convection options.)
The Jenn-Air convection oven is actually aconventional oventhat circulates
heated airwithin the oven. As both bake and broil heating elements cycle on
and off with the thermostat, afan keeps the heated air circulating around the
food. The constantly recirculating heated air in the convection oven strips
away the layer of cooler air that surrounds the food. Consequently, many
foods cook more quickly. Evenly distributed heat makes multiple rack
cooking possible. Convection roasted meats retain their natural flavor and
juiciness with lessshrinkage than conventional roasting.
In addition to the many exclusive benefits of convection cooking, your Jenn-
Air oven isalso afine full featured conventional bake and broiloven. You can
cook your "oldfavorite" recipes as you have in the past. The conventional
bake oven also gives you the flexibility of preparing various foods when
convection cooking may not be as beneficial, as when cooking foods in
covered casseroles or clay pots. The broil element is convenient for top
browning and oven broiling of foods.
Before you begin cooking with your new range, please take a few minutes to
read and become familiar with the instructions in this book. On the following
pages youwill find awealth of information regarding all aspects of using your
new range. By following the instructions carefully, you will be able to fully
enjoy and properly maintain you rrangeand achieve excellent resultswith the
food you prepare.
Should you have any questions about using your Jenn-Air range or need a
Use and Care manual for your cooktop cartridge, write to us. Be sure to
provide the model number.
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
c/o Maytag Customer Service
P,O, Box2370
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370

Appliance Usage
BeforeYou Cail forService .......................................................................................... 46-48
Caring for your Range
Access Panel ............................................................................................................. 44
AdjustOvenTemperature .......................................................................................... 44
ChildProtectionLock ................................................................................................. 43
Cleaning Other PartsofYour Range ..................................................................... 42-43
Oven Light Bulb......................................................................................................... 45
RangeComponents ............................................................................................................. 8
SafetyPrecautions ........................................................................................................... 4-7
Using the Cooktop and Grill
Accessories.................................................................................................................. 50-51
Home Canning ........................................................................................................... 11
[nstallation ................................................................................................................. 11
Cookwaro .......................................................................................................................... 12
DuctingInformation ........................................................................................................... 49
Cleaning ................................................................................................................ 16-17
GrillingGuide .............................................................................................................. 15
GrUlingTips ................................................................................................................ 16
Installation.................................................................................................................. 13
Usage ......................................................................................................................... 14
Surface Controls................................................................................................................ 10
VentilationSystem ............................................................................................................... 9
Using the Oven
BakingChart .............................................................................................................. 27
Causesof Cake Failure ............................................................................................. 28
ConvectBaking..................................................................................................... 28-29
GeneralRecommendations ....................................................................................... 26
Broiling ......................................................................................................................... 34.35
Clock Controls
ClockControlledBaking or Roasting .................................................................... 24-25
Time of Day Clock ..................................................................................................... 22
_mer ......................................................................................................................... 23
Self-Cleaning Process .......................................................................................... 36-41
Oven Control Panel ............................................................................................... 18-19
F_ck Positions ........................................................................................................... 21
SettingControls ......................................................................................................... 20
ConvectRoasting ...................................................................................................... 32
FrozenConvenience Foods ....................................................................................... 33
RoastingChart ........................................................................................................... 31
General RoastingRecommendations ........................................................................ 30

Read before operating your range
All appliances -- regardless of the manufacturer -- havethe potential
through improper or careless use to create safety problems. There-
fore the following safety precautions should be observed:
1. Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a
qualified technician.
2. Never use your appliance for warming or heating the room.
3. Children should not be left alone or unattended in area where
appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand
on any part of the appliance.
4. Wear properapparel. Loose-fittingorhanginggarmentsshould
never be worn while using the appliance.
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless
specifically recommended in this manual. All other servicing
should be referred to an authorized Jenn-Air Service Contractor.
6. Flammable materials should not be stored in an oven or near
surface units.
7. Do not use water on grease fires. Smother fire or flame or use
dry chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
8. Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders on hot
surfaces may result in burns from steam. Do not let potholder
touch hot heating elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky
g. Use proper pan size. Many appliances are equipped with one
or more surface units of different size. Select cookware having
flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating
element. The useof undersized cookware will expose aportion
of the heating element to direct contact and may result in
ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to heating
element will also improve efficiency and performance.
10. Never leave surface units unattended at high heat settings. Boil
over causes smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite.

11.Glazed cookwara-- onlycertaintypesofglass,glass-ceramic,
rangetopsurfacewithoutbreakingdue tothe suddenchange
approvedforthis purpose.
12.Cookwara handlesshouldbe turned inwardand not extend
13.CAUTION -- Do not store items of interest to children in
cabinetsabove a range or on the backguard of a range --
orinterior surfacesofoven. Surface unitsorheatingelements
may be hot even though they are dark in color. Areas near
surface units and interiorsurfacesof an oven may become hot
enough tocause burns. During and after use, do nottouch or
let clothing or other flammable materials contact these areas
untilthey have hadsufficienttimeto cool. Other surfaces may
become hot enough to cause burns --among these surfaces
are the cooktop,the upper doorframe and glass,oven vent
16.Usecarewhenopeningovendoor. Lethotairorsteamescape
17.Do not heatunopenedfoodcontainers. Build-upofpressure
may causecontainerto burstand resultin injury.
18.Keepovenventductsunobstructed.The ovenventis located
underneaththe airgrille.
If rackmustbe movedwhileoven is hot,do notletpotholder
contacthotheatingelementin oven.
21).Donot cleandoorgasket. The doorgasketisessentialfora
goodseal. Careshouldbetakennotto rub, damageor move

21.Do not use oven cleaners. No commercialoven cleaner or
ovenlinerprotectivecoatingof any kindshouldbe usedin or
aroundany part of theoven.
22.Clean only parts listed in this manualand use procedures
24.Listenforfan. A fannoiseshouldbeheardduringthebroiland
cleaningcycles. If not,calla servicemanbeforeself-cleaning
broken. Cleaningsolutionsandspilloversmay penetratethe
brokencooktopand create a shock hazard. Contact an
26.Clean glass-ceramiccooktopswithcaution. If wetspongeor
clothisusedtowipespillsona hotcookingarea, be carefulto
avoid steam burns. Some cleanserscan producenoxious
fumesif appliedtoa hotsurface.
27.Do not operate with damaged cooking element after any
productmalfunctionuntilproperrepairhas been made.
28.Keep allswitches"OFF" when unitisnotinuse.
29.Do notallowaluminumfoilto contactheatingelements.
30.On conventionalelementcartridgesmakesurethatdrippans
are in place. Absenceof these pans duringcookingmay
31.Donotusealuminumfoiltolinesurfaceunitdrip pans,grillbasin
shockorfire hazard.
32.WARNING: To reducetheriskoftippingoftheappliance,the
Tocheckifdevicesare installedproperly,removetheaccess

33.This appliance has been tested for safe performance using
conventional cookware. Do not use any devices or accessories
that are not specifically recommended in this manual. Do not
use eyelid covers for the surface units, stovetop grills, or add-
on convection systems. The use of devices or accessories that
are not expressly recommended in this manual can create
serious safety hazards, result in performance problems, and
reduce the life of the components of the appliance.
34.PREPARED FOOD WARNING: Follow food manufacturer's
instructions. If a plastic frozen food container and/or its film
cover distorts, warps or is otherwise damaged during cooking,
immediately discard the food and its container. The food could
be contaminated.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
(Proposition65) requires the Governor of California to publish a list of
substances known to the State of California to cause cancer or repro-
ductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential
exposures to such substances. Users of this appliance are hereby
warned that when the range is engaged in the self-clean cycle, there
may be some low level exposure to some of the listed substances,
including Carbon Monoxide. Exposure to these substances can be
minimized by properly venting the range to the outdoors during the
self-clean cycle.

Oven Vent
Surface, Indicator
Lights Lights
Controls Controls
• Use to capture smoke and steam. (See p. 9.)
• Will glow when a surface unit is on. (See p. 10.)
• Use to provide flexibility in setting selection when using the cooktop elements or grill
elements. (See p. 10.)
• Use the electronic touch controls to set Clock or Oven functions. (Clock - see pp.
22-25, Oven Operation - see pp. 18-21.)

The built-inventilationsystemremovescookingvapors,odorsandsmoke fromfoodsprepared
on the cooktop, gri}}and grill accessories. Regular use of this system wilt insure a more
comfortableandlesshumidl,_¢tchenwhichisfteeofheavy coakingodorsandfumesthatnormally
create afrequentneed for cleaningand redecorating, i
• Thedowndraftventilationsystemfeaturesatwospeedfan.
The fan positionsare: Hi, Lo, and OFF. To turn on the
ventilationsystem,touchthe Fan Pad. The fan wi({comeon
at the Hi speed. To set on Lo speed, touch the Fan Pad
(once from Hi settingor twice from the OFF position).
• A beep willsound every time the Fan Pad is touched.
• Toturn theventilationsystemOFF, touch theFan Pad (oncefrom Lo speedortwicefrom
• The ventilationsystemwill operateautomatical/y on Hi speed when thegdll element is in
use. During grilling, the fan speed is automatically set for the Hi setting AND cannot be
changed to Lo speed.
• Use the HI fan speed for capturing steam. Use Lo fan speed for capturing smoke when
pan frying.
• The fan can beused toremovestrongodorsfrem the kitchenaswhenchoppingonionsnear
the fan.
• _,esidesusingthe ventilation systemto remove cookingvaporsandfumes, it canbeused
tocoolbaked piesorcakes, To coolan item, setiton the air gdlle and turn on the fan. The
airbeing pulledover the itemwillquicklycool it. Be carefulnot to coverthe oven vent or
the entireair gdne,
Air Grille
The air grilleliftsoff easily. Wipe clean orwash insinkwith mildhouseholddeten:jents.Itmay
be cleaned inthe dishwasher. Note:The ovenvent islocatedunderthe airgrille. Whenusing
orcleeningtheoven, hotandmoistairmaybenoticedinthisarea. 13ecarefulnottospillanything
intothisvent. Remove theair grillebefore self-creaningthe oven. (See p. 36.)
Turn offventilationsystembefore removing. The filterisapermanent
typoand shouldbe cleanedwhensoiled. Clean in sinkwith warm water
and liquid dishwashing detergent orindishwasher. Important: Filter
should aMays beplaced atan angle. As you face the frontofthe range,
the top ofthe filter shouldrest against the leftside of the vent opening
and the bottom of the filter should rest against the right side of the
ventilation chamber at the bottom. DO NOT OPERATE SYSTEM WITHOUT FILTER.
Ventilation Chamber
Thisarea, whichhousesthefilter,shouldbecleanedin the eventof spillsorwhenever it becomes
coatedwith afilmofgrease, It may be cleanedwithpapertower,dampcloth,orspongeend mild
householddetergent. 9

• Sincethe controlsare a push-turntype,theymust bepusheddownbeforeturning.To set
(fromthe OFF position), push down on the controlknob and turn in either direction to
desired setting.
• Whenthecontrolisinanyposition,otherthanOFF, itmaybeturnedinanydirectionwithout
• A green indicator lightwill glowwhen a surface heatingelement is ON. There are four
indicatorlights,one for each element.
1. 2. _. 4.
1. Left rear eJement(rear Energy-Saver or standard griIJ)
2. Leftfrontelement (frontEnergy-Saver)
3. Rightfront element (front Energy-Saver or standard grill)
4. Right rearelement (rear Energy-Saver)
NOTE: The "Energy-Saver"grillelement (right)is includedwithModel
utilizingonlyhalfofthegrillarea,ifdesired,orusingdifferentsettingsfor the
frontand rear positionof the element. When usingthis element,both
cooktopcontrols,frontandrear,mustbe turnedon inordertousethefurl
NOTE SVE47E00Model: Onlytheleftrearor therightfrontcontrolsmust
beturnedontousethefull grill.
The size andtypeofcookwareand theamountandtype offoodbeingcookedwillinfluencethe
settingneeded for bestcookingresults. Electricalvoltage may alsovary,whichwillaffect the
neededcontrolsetting.The settingindicatedshouldserveas a guidewhileyoubecomefamiliar
withyour range.
Hi Afast heat to start cooking quickly,to bring liquids to a boil, to preheat oil for deep
fat hying. Use for most grilling.
7-10 (Medium High) For fast frying or browning foods, to maintain rapid boll of large
amounts of food, to maintain oil temperature for deep fat frying.
5-6 (Medium) For foods cooked in a double boiler, saut6ing, slow boil of large
amounts of food, and most frying.
3-4 (Medium Lo) To continue cooking foods started on higher settings.
Lo-2 Maintaining serving temperatures of foods, simmering foods, melting butter or
The controlsofferflexibilityinsettingselection. On settingsotherthanHi, you may adjustthe
cooktopcartridgesorwhenusingthegrillorany ofthegrillaccessories.Suggested settingsare
providedas generalguidelines.

Cooktopcartridges,eitherconventionalcoil, halogen,radiantorsolidelement,can be
installedoneithersideoftherange. (See page51 for allavailablecartridgesandmodel
To Install Cartridges
1. If the grill element,grin-rocksor gratesare in place,remove before installinga
cooktopcartridge. Clean pomelainbasinpanof any greaseaccumulation.(See
page 17 for cleaningrecommendations.)
2. To installanyofthe optionalcooktopcartridges,be surecontrolsareturned OFF.
Positionthe cartridgeterminalplugtowardstheterminalreceptacle.Thisreceptacle
islocatedatthefrontof theleft sideand atthe backofthe rightsideof the range.
3. Slide the cartridgetowards the receptacleuntil the cartridge terminal plug is
4. Lowertheoppositeendof the cartridgeintothe rangetopuntilitis flushwiththe
surface. Yourrangeis now readytouse.
To Remove Cartridges
1. Controls must be OFF and the cartridgeshouldbecool.
2. Liftuponthe "tab"locatedonthecartridgeuntiltopof cartridgeclearsthe opening
ontherangebyabout2 inches. Liftingthecartridgetoohighwhilestillengagedin
the receptaclecoulddamage the terminalplug.
3. Todisengageterminal,holdcartridgebythesidesandslideawayfromthe terminal
receptacle. Liftoutwhenfully unplugged.
4. A storagetray,ModelA350, is availableand can be usedfor storinga cartridge.
5. Do notstack cartridgeswhere they may fal[ or be damaged. Never store other
the surface.
Canningshouldbe done on the conventionalcoil cartridgeonly. Canning element
accessory,ModelA145A,makesitpossibleto use largecannerswiththeconventional

• Select heavy gauge cook,pots. Usuallyheavygauge cookpotswill notchange
shape when heated.
• Usecookpotswith flat, smoothbottoms. Thetwowaystodetermineifcookpots
have a flat, smoothbottomarc the rulertest and the cookingtest.
Ruler Test
1. Placetheedgeof ruleracross the bottom /f,,-_ _
of the pot.
2. Hold uptothe light.
3. Nolightshouldbevisibleundertheruler.
Cooking Test
1. Put 1 inchof water intothe cookpot.
2. Place cookpotonthe element. "rumcontrolto the Hi setting.
3. Observethe bubbleformationto determinethe heatdistribution,if thebubbles
are uniformacrossthecookpot,the cookpotwillperformsatisfactorily.If the
bubblesare notuniform,the bubbleswillindicatethe hotspots.
• Match the size of the cookpot to the size of the element, ideally the cookpot
willbe thesame size or slightlylarger.
Heavy gauge cookpotswith fiat, smooth bottomswill usuallywork in a similar way.
However,therearesomedifferencesinthe cookingperformanceofvariousmaterials.
• Aluminum cookpotsheat quicklyand evenly. Bestsuitedforsimmering,braising,
boilingand frying.
• Stainless steel cookpots w_llevenly distributeheat if constructed of td-ply or
combinedwith other metals such as aluminumand copper. Use for cooking
functionssimilarto aluminum.
• Cast iron cookpotsare slowto heat but cook moreevenly once temperatureis
reached. Usefor longtermlow heat cookingorfor browningandfrying.
• Glassceramic, earthenware, heat-proof glass or glazed cookpotscan be used if
recommendedby the manufacturerfor cookpotcooking. Do not usewithtrivets.
Bestusedon low tomediumcontrolsettings.
• Porcelain enamel-on-steel or porcelain enamel-on-cast iron should be used
accordingto manufacturer'sdirections. Do not allowto boildry.

The grillaccessoryconsistsof twoblackgrillgrates,a grillelement,andtwogrill-rocks.
To Install Grill
1. Before installinggrillcomponents,be certaincontrolsare OFF.
2. Placethetwo gritl-rocksintoanemptybasinpanwiththeirhandlesrunningparallel
tothefrontoftherange. These grill-rocksmustbeusedsincethey supportthegrill
3. Positionthegrill elementwiththe terminalplugtowardsthe terminalreceptacle.
This receptacleis locatedat thefrontofthe leftsideand atthebackoftherightside
ofthe range. Slidethe elementtowardsthe receptacleuntilthe terminalplug is
completelyengaged. The grillelementshouldnowrestonthehandlesof thegrill-
4. Placethe blackgrillgrateson the top ofthe rengetop.
To Remove Grill
1. Removegrillcomponentsoncethey arecool. Be surecontrolsare OFF.
2. To removegrillelement,pull awayfrom receptacleuntilit isunplugged. (Note;
Liftingthe element more than 2 inchesabove the rangetopsurface while it is
engaged inthe receptaclecoulddamagethe terminalplug.)
3. A storagetray, ModelA350, isavailableforpurchaseand can be usedfor storing
the grillassembly.
Installing Other Grill Accessories
1. Removethe two blackgrillgratesfrom the grill. Now you are readyto use the
2. RevLewtheinstructionsfor installingandusingtheaccessoriesthat arepackaged
withthe accessory.
Note: Accessoryoptionsare shownon page 50.

• Beforethefirstuse,wash your new grill gratesin hotsoapywater, rinseand dry.
Then "season"the surface by wiping on a thin coating of cookingoil. Remove
excessoilby wipingagain with anotherpapertowel. This procedureshouldbe
repeated when either: a) cleaning in the dishwasher since the detergent may
removeseasoning,orb) anytimeasugar-basedmarinade(for example,barbecue
sauce) is goingtobe used.
• Preheatthe grill on HI for 5 minutes. Preheating improvesthe flavor and
appearanceof meats and quicklysears the meat to help retainthe juices. The
heatingelementshouldglow a brightcherryred.
• Usenonmetallicspatulasorutensi/stopreventdamagingtheExcalibur®nonst/ck
grill grate finish.
• Excessive amounts of fat should be trimmed from meats. Onlya normalamount
is necessaryto producethe smoke needed for that smoked, "outdoor"flavor.
Excessivefat cancreate cleaningand flare-upproblems.
• Allowing excessive amounts of grease or drippings to constantly flame voids the
warrantyon the grill grates. Excessiveflare-upsindicatethateitherthegrillinterior
needsto be cleaned or that excessiveamountsoffat are in the meat or the meat
was notproperlytrimmed.
• Greasedrippingswilloccasionallyigniteto produceharmlesspuffsof flame for a
secondortwo. This isa normal partofthe cookingprocess.
Should excess grease cause sustained flare-up
1. Turn on FAN manually.
2. Immediatelyturngrillcontrol(s)to OFF.
3. Removemeat from gdll.
• Donot use aluminumfoilinsidethe gri, area.
• Donot use charcoalorwood chipsinthe grillarea.
• Donotallow gdll-reckstobecome overloadedwithgrease. Clean frequently.
• Donotcovergratescompletelywithmeat. Leave airspacebetweeneachsteak,
etc. to allow proper ventilationas well as preventflare-ups.


WithyourJenn-Airgrilland accessories,literallyanyfoodyou've considered"atitsbest" when
preparedoutdoorscannowbeprepared indoorswithlessfussand greatflavor. The following
suggestionsare goodrulesto follow and willincreaseyourenjoymentofthe equipment.
• Be suretofollow directions onpage 14 for usingthe gdti.
• Suggestedcookingtimesandcontrolsettingsareapproximateduetovariationsinmeate.
Experiencewillquickly indicatecooking times as well as which settingswork best.
• Usethe Energy-Saver grillelementforgrillingsmall amountsoffoodon halfofthe gdllor
forkeepingcookedfoodswarm orpreparingfoodsrequiringdifferentcontrolsettings.Note
SVE47500 Owners: The Energy-Saver grillelement can be purchasedas an optional
accessory. (See p. 50.)
• Forbestresults, buytop grade meat. Meat thatis at least3/_inchthickwill grill better than
• Score fat on edges of steak, but do not cutinto meat, to prevent cudingwhile cooking.
• Forthe attractive"branded"look on steaks, be sure grillispreheated. Allow oneside of
Tum steaksand hamburgers just once. Manipulatingfood_?,_useslossofjuices.
• When bastingmeatsorapplyingsaucestofoods, remember that excossiveamountswind
up insideyourgrilland do not improve thefood flavor. Apply sauces during the last t 5 to
20 minutesof cookingtime unlessrecipespecifiesotherwise.Sugar-based sauces,when
used excessively,wilJcarmelize on the grill-rocksandcreate extra cleaning.
• There are many meatmarinadeswhichwillhelptenderize less expensive cutsof meatfor
cookingon the grill.
• Certain foods,such as poultryand non-oilyfish, may needsome extra fat, Brushwithoil
or meltedbutter occasionallywhile grilling.
• Usetongswithlonghandlesorspatulas fortuming meats. Do notuseforksas these pierce
the meat, allowingjuicesto be lost.
• To help retainmeat juices, saltafter cookingiscompleted.
• Shouldgrilledfoods be preparad and ready before you'reready to serve, turncontrol toa
lowsettingand covermeatwithasingleshset ofaiuminumfoil. Foodwillcontinuetocook.
Be sure the grilliscool and controlsare OFF.
Grill Grates
These are made fromcast aluminumand are coated withthe Excelibur_ nonstickfinish.
• Afterthe grillgrateshavecooled, wipeoffgrateswitha papertowel Wash coolgrates(DO
NOT IMMERSEHOTGRILL GRATES INWATER) withsoapordetergentinhotwaterinthe
sinkorwashtheminthedishwasher. Beeureto removeall foed residuebeforecookingon
the grillgratesagain.
• Removestubbomspotswithaplasticmeshpufforped. Forbestresults, useonlythose
cleaning productswhich statethey are recommended for use when cleaning nonstick
• It grateswere washed inthe dishwasher, seasonwith oilpriorto grilling. (See p. 14.)
• Donotusernetalbmshesorabrasivescouringpadsorotherscrubbersintendedtoclean
outdoor charcoal gril/s. These willremovethefinishaswell asscratchthe grates. Do not
clean in self-cleaning oven or use oven cleaners on the grates.