Read before operating your cooktop
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potential
throughimproperorcareless use to create safety problems. Therefore
the followingsafety precautionsshould be observed:
1. Besureyourapplianceisproperlyinstalledandgroundedbya qualified
2. Neveruseyourapplianceforwarmingorheatingtheroom,Thiswarning
3. Childrenshouldnotbe leftaloneor unattendedin areawhereapplianceis
in use. They should never be allowedto sit or stand onany part of the
4. Wearproperapparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should never
be wornwhileusingtheappliance.
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically
recommendedinthis manual. All otherservicingshouldbe referredto an
6. Do not store combustiblematerials,gasoline or other flammable vapors
and liquidnearcooktop.
7. Donotusewaterongreasefires. Smotherfireorflameorusedrychemical
8. Useonly dry potholders. Moistor damppotholderson hot surfacesmay
result in burnsfromsteam. Do not use a towel or other bulkycloth.
9. Selectcookwarelargeenoughtoproperlycontainfoodandavoidboilovers
orspillovers. This willsave on cleaningand preventhazardousaccumu-
lationsoffood,sinceheavysplatteringor spilloverslefton acooktopcan
ignite. Pansize is especiallyimportantin deep fat frying.
10. Never leave cooktop unattended at Hi heat settings. Boilover causes
smokingand greasyspilloversthat mayignite.
11. TYPEOF COOKWARE- Avoid pansthat are unstableandeasilytipped.
Inchoosingpans,lookforeasily-graspedhandlesthatwillstaycool. Pans
thataretooheavywhenfilledwithfoodcanalsobea hazard. Ifpanhandles
twistand cannotbetightened,discardthe pan.
12. HANDLES- Alwaysturn pan handlesto the sideor backof thecooktop-
notoutintotheroomwhere theyare easily hit. COOKWARE HANDLES
SURFACEBURNERSto minimizebums,ignitionofflammablematerials,
andspillagedue to unintentionalcontactwiththecookware.