Your refrigerator may have been built with the doors hingedto the right or hinged to the
left. Refer to the following instructionsfor door reversal.
Phillips screwdriver 5/16'rSocket and ratchet Putty knife
End wrench (5/16") T25 Socket wrench
1. Turnthe fresh food control toOFF, unplugthe refrigerator end remove allfood from
the interior.
2. Removethe handlesfrom the doors and set aside. The bottom mounting screwon
thelowerdoor handleis coveredwitha cap. Carefullypry itout to exposethe screw.
Thecap shouldbe savedfor reassemblyafterthe handle is remounted. On the side
(front)ofthelowerdoorthat you aregoingtoinstallthe handle,removethe smallround
screwholeplugwith puttyknifeandpressit intothecorrespondingholeontheopposite
side of the door.
3. Usinga5/16" socket and ratchet or end wrench, remove thescrews from the upper
hinge. Carefully lift thedoor (includingthe upper hinge) off ofthe centerhinge and
placeitonapaddedsurface toprevent scratching. Avoidlosing the spacerthatwas
between the hinge and the cabinet top.
4. Usinga putty knife, pry the plug button cover from the plastic bushing at the top of
the door. Save the cover for future use.
5. Lift the upper hinge and the spacer washers from the door and install them at the
opposite corner.
6. Positionthe plug button cover, saved from step 4, overthe old hinge bushing and
press it into place.
7. Pry out the 3 plastic plug buttons from the cabinet top and press them into the
opposite corner.
8. Unscrewthehinge pinoutof the center hingeon thetopofthe lower door. Carefully
liftthe lower door off the lower hinge and place iton a padded surface. Ifthe metal
hingepinpullsoutofthe lowerhingewhen the door isremoved,pull itoutofthe door
bottom and press it back into the hinge.
9. With the T25 socket wrench and 5/16" socket and ratchet, remove thescrews from
the center hinge and spacerfrom thecabinet. Transferthe two screws from the left
endof the divider barto the rightend. Installthe center hingeand spacer on the left
end of the divider bar the same way itwas installed on the right end. Tighten both
screws until they are just snug, then turn them one-half turn more.
10. Prythe plugcover from the plastic bushing at the top of the lower door and press
into the plastic bushing on the opposite side of the door.
11. Remove the base grille by grasping at both ends and pullingit straight out.
12. Remove the hinge cover by squeezing both sidestogether.
13. Use a 5/16" socket and ratchet to remove the two screws from the bottom hinge.
Savethe spacer.
14. Pull the metal hinge pinfrom the side of the lower hinge and place it, includingthe
spacer washer, into the top hole.