Jenn-Air JEC9536ADW, JEC9536ADS, JEC9536ADF, JEC9536ADB, JEC9530ADW Owner’s Manual

important Safety instructions ............................................... I-3
Cooktop at a Ghnce .................................................................. 4
Using Your Cooktop .............................................................. 5-7
Care & Cleaning ........................................................................... 8
Before You Call for Service ......................................................9
Warranty .................................................................................... II
Guia del Usuario .......................................................................24
Form No. A/02/03 Part No, 8111P444-60 74007623 _ 2003 Maytag Appliances Sales Co, Litho U.S.A.
Installer: Pleaseleave this manual
with this apphance. Consumer: Pleaseread and keep
this manualfor future reference. Keep satesreceipt and/or cancelled check asproof of purchase.
Hodei Number
" B _ ....... _"" ""t........ "S _"" ""t .... _"" ""] ............ "_
SM ErY INS r -zLCr[ }N5
Warning andImportant SafetyInstructions
appearing in this guide are not meant to cover ai[ possibleconditions and situations
that may occur. Common sense, caution, andcaremust beexercisedwhen installing,
maintaining,or operating the appliance. Always contact your dealer, distributor,
serviceagent,or manufacturerabout prob- lemsor conditions you donot understand.
Turn off applianceandventilating hood m avoidspreadingthe flame.Extinguishflame
then turn on hood to remove smoke and
Smother fire or flamein a panwith a lid or cookie sheet.
NEVER pick upor move aflaming pan.
Do not use water on grease fires. Use bakingsoda, adry chemical or foam-type extinguisher to smother fire or flame.
A 1
Serial Number
Date of Purchase
If you have questions, call:
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance
1-800-JENNAIR (1-800-536-6247)
[-800-688-2080 ( U.S. TTY for hear-
ing or speechimpaired)
(Non.-Fri., 8 am-8 pm EasternTime) [nternet:
For service informa_ion, see page
WARNING - Hazards or unsafe prac-
tices which COULD result in severeper- sona[injury or death.
CAUTION - Hazardsor unsafepractices
which COULD result in minor personal
Read and follow all instructions before
using this appliance to prevent the poten- tial riskof fire,electric shock,persona[injury or damageto the applianceas a result of improper usageof the appliance.Useappli- ance only for its intended purpose as de- scribed in this guide.
To ensure proper and safe operation: Appliance must be properly installed and grounded by a qualified technician.
If appliance is installed near a window, precautions should be taken to prevent curtains from blowing over surface ele-
NEVER use appliance m warm or heat the room. Failure m follow this instruction can
lead m possible burns, injury, fire, or dam- age to the appliance.
NEVER wear bose-fitting or hanginggar- ments while usingthe appliance.Clothing could catch utensil handles or ignite and cause burns if garment comes in contact with hot heatingelements.
To ensureproper operation and to avoid
damage to the appliance or possible injury, do not adjust, service, repair or replace any
part of the appliance unless specifically recommended inthis guide. Refer allother servicing to a qualified technician.
NEVER store or use gasoline or other combustible or flammable materials near
surface units or in the vicinity of this appli- ance as fumes could create a fire hazard or
an explosion.
in our continuing effort to
formance of our cooking
products, it may be neces-
appliance without revising
this guide.
To preventgreasefires, donot let cooking
greaseor other flammablematerialsaccu-
mulate in or nearthe apphance. Use only dry pothoiders. Hoist or damp
potholders on hot surfacesmay resuk in a steam burn. Do not let potholders touch hot heating dements. Do not usea towel or other bulky cloth which could easily touch hot heatingdements andignite.
Alwaysturn offall centrals when cooking is
This appliance has been tested for safe performanceusingconventionalcookware.
Do not useanydevicesor accessoriesthat are not specifically recommended in this manual.Do not use eyelidcovers or stove top grills. Theuseof devicesor accessories that arenot expresslyrecommended inthis manualcan create serious safetyhazards,
result in performance problems, and re- duce the life of the components of this
appliance. NEVER usealuminum foil or foil contain- ers on the cooktop. These may become
very hot. Use foil only as directed in this
Aerosol-type cans are EXPLOSIVEwhen exposed to heat and may be highly flam- mable.Do not useor store near appliance.
Cleanonly parts listed in thisguideanduse procedures recommended.
NEVER leave surface units unattended especiallywhen using high heat. An unat-
tended boiiover could causesmokinganda
greasy spiiiover cancausea fire.
This appliance is equipped with different sizesurfaceelements. Selectpanswith flat bottoms large enough to cover dement. Fitting pan size to dement wii[ improve cooking efficiency.
[f panis smallerthan dement, aportion of the dement wii[ beexposed to direct con- tact andcould igniteclothing or pothoider.
Only certain types of glass,glass/ceramic, ceramic,earthenware,or other glazeduten- sils are suitable for cooktop service with- out breakingdue to the sudden changein temperature. Follow utensilmanufacturer's instructions when usingglass.
Turn panhandletoward center ofcooktop, not out into the room or over another
surface dement. This reduces the risk of burns, ignition of flammable materials, or
spillage if pan is accidendy bumped or reached by smallchildren.
NEVER cook on broken cooktop. If cod<top should break, cleaning solutions and spiiiovers may penetrate the broken cooktop andcreatearisk of electric shock. Contact aqualifiedtechnician immediately.
Clean cod<top with caution. Somedean- erscanproduce noxiousfumesifappliedto a hot surface. [f a wet sponge, cloth, or paper towel isusedon ahot cooking area,
be careful to avoid steamburn. Never stand on the cooktop.
Use extreme caution when moving the
grease pan or disposing of hot grease.
Allow greaseto coo[ before attempting to
move pan,
NEVER touch surface elements or areas near elements.
Heating dements maybe hot even though they are dark in color. Areas near surface dements maybecomehot enoughto cause
burns. During andafter use, do not touch or let
clothing or other flammablematerialscon- tact heatingdements or areas near ele- mentsuntil they havehadsufficienttime to
Other potentially hot surfaces include: Cod<top and areas facing the cod<top.
PORTAN_ ,, _ ....._..........,........ ., ...._...... _ ............._
£m:L_} SAr_'[:TY
@EVER store items of interest to chil- dren in cabinets above an appliance or
on the cooktop. Children climbing on appliance to reach items could damage the appJianceor be burned or seriously
NEVER leave children alone or unsuper- visedinareawhere applianceis in useor is
still hot. NEVER allow children to sit or stand on
anypart of the applianceasthey could be injured or burned.
Children must betaught that the appliance and utensilsin or on it canbehot. Lethot
utensilscoo[ ina safeplace,out of reach of sinai[ children. Children should be taught that an appliance is not a toy. Children shouldnot beallowedto playwith controls or other parts of the unit.
Clean range hood and filters frequently to prevent grease or other flammable materi- als from accumulating on hood or fiker and
to avoid grease fires.
Turn the fanon when fiamb_ing foods (such as Cherries Jubilee) under the hood.
I/v_ ,}RrAH_SArWrv
N ,} _[£E AND
[HPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PET BIRDS: Never keep pet birds in the
kitchen or inrooms where the fumes from the kitchen could reach. Birds have a very
sensitive respiratory system. Fumes re- [eased during an oven self-cleaning cycle may be harmful or fatal to birds. Fumes releaseddueto overheated cooking oil, fat, margarineandoverheated non-stick cook-
ware maybe equallyharmful.
q .......iS
,t..... i1......... :i_ .........._ ....._............_ .....FOR FUT< RE REFEREN CE
9 ......... ' ATA 6LANCE
Model _E¢9536
1 2 3 4 5
I. Left front dement
2. Left rear dement: 3o Center dement (dual dement:)
4. Rightrear dement (warming dement)
5o Right front dement (custom control
Hodel JECg530
1. Left front dement
2. Left rear dement 3o Center dement (warming dement:)
4. Right rear dement
5. Right front dement (custom control
Use to turn on the surface elements. An infinite choice of heat settingsis available
from Lo to Hi. The knobscanbeseton or between any of the settings.
All Models -A redindicator lightwill glow when anydement is turned ON.
[NDIC,¢I'O: {LI<;H'rs
Each element has a hot surface indicator light. A light will be illuminamd when the
matching cod<ing area is hot. kwill remain
on, even after the control isturned off, until the area has cooled. The lights are Iocamd
near the control knobs.
The cooling fan will automatically turn on
when anyelement isturned on. k is used m
keep internal parts on the cod<top cool. The fan will automatically turn offwhen all
the dements are off.
I. Placepanon surfacedement.
2. Push in and turn the knob in either direction to the desired heat setting.
3. After cooking, turn knob to OFF. Removepan.
The cooking surface is equipped with a
Custom Control dement located in the right front position.
The Custom Control dement usesandec- tronic sensor to constanqy monitor and
adjust heat output for precise and consis- tent temperature control.
To operate both large and smallelements
simuffaneousiy,pushinonthe control [<nob and turn to the leR. To operate the inner element _, push in on the control knob and turn to the right.
Thecooking surfaceisequippedwith adua[ dement located in the center position. To operate, push in on the control [<noband turn to the right to control the smallde- ment, or push in and turn to the left to
control the largeelement.
8 2
The size,type of cod<ware and cooking operation wii[ affect the heat setting. For
information on cookware and other fac- tors affectingheatsettings,referto "Cook-
ing Hade Simple" booklet. UitraHi: Offershigher speedcookingthat
can be used to quickly bring
water to a boil searing,
blackening and for large- quantity cooking.
Hit Use to bring liquid to a boil
Alwaysreducesettingto alower heat when liquids beginto boil or foods beginto cook.
6-8: (medium high) Use to brown
meat,heatoil for deepfat frying or sauteing.Haintainfastboil for
large amounts of liquids.
4-61 (medium) Useto maintain slow
boil for large amountsof liquids and for most frying operations.
2-4: (medium low) Useto continue
cookingcoveredfoods or steam
Lo: Useto reek butter or chocolate.
UitraLo: Offers alower temperature for
cooking delicatesauceswithout scorching.
w IE.R
Use the Warming Center to keep cooked foods warm, such as vegetaNes, gravies and oven-safe dinner phtes.
1o Pushin and turn the knob. Warming
temperatures are approximate andare
indicated on the control as M[N,2, 4, 6,
8 and MAX. However, the control can
be set m any position between PIIN
and OFF.
2. When done, turn the control to OFF and remove food. The Hot Surface
Indicator light wiI[ go off when the
Warming Center surfacehascooled.
6 - MAX
\ /
Suggested Settings
Type of food Breads/Pastries
Gravies Casseroles
Dinner Ham with Food Heats
Sauces Soups (Cream)
VegetaHes Fried Foods
Hot Beverages Soups(Liquid)
° A[[ foodsshould becovered with alid
or aluminum foil to maintain food quality.
When warming pastries and breads,
the cover should havean opening to allow moisture to escape.
Do not use plastic wrap to cover foods. Plastic may melt on to the surfaceand bevery difficuk to dean.
Useonlycookware and dishesrecom- mendedassafefor ovenand cooktop
Always use oven mittswhen removing
food from the Warming Center as cookware and plates will be hot.
It is not recommended to warm food for longer than one hour, as food
quality may deteriorate. It is not recommended to heat cold food on the Warming Center.
Cooktop may emit lightsmoke and
odor the first few times the cooktop
.... is used. This is normal.
When a contrd is turned on, a red
glow can be seen through the ghss- ceramic surface. The dement wii[
cycle on and off to maintain the preset heat setting.
The glass-ceramk surface may ap- pear discoloredwhen it ishot. Thisis normal andwill disappearwhen the
surface cools.
Ghss-ceramic cooktops retain heat for a period of time after the unit is
turned off. When the HOT SUR- FACE light turns off, the cooking
area will be cool enough to touch.
NOTE: Do not attempt to lift the cooktop.
The cooking areason your range areiden- tiffed by permanent patterns on the ghss- ceramicsurface.Formost efficientcooking,
fit the pan size to the element size. Pans should not extend more than % to
l-inch beyond the cooking area. For more information on cookware, refer to _CooRing Made $impme" booklet.
Tips TO PR } Ig<, I
Before first use, clean the cooktop. (See Cleaning, page 8.)
Do not use glass pans. They may scratch the surface.
Do not allowplastic,sugaror foodswith high sugarcontent to melt onto the hot cooktop. Should this happen,clean im-
mediately. (See Cleaning, page 8.)
Never let a pan boil dry as this will damage the surface and pan.
Never use cooktop as a work surface or cutting board. Never cool< food directly
on the surface.
° Never place a trivet or wok ring between
the surfaceand pan. These items can mark or etch the top.
Do not slide metal pans across a hot surface.The pansmayleavemarkswhich canbedifficult to removeor leaveperma- nent marks. Any marks should be re-
moved promptly. (See Cleaning, page B.)
Hake sure the surfaceand the pan bot- tom are dean andsmooth before turning on to prevent scratches.
To prevent scratchingor damageto the
glass-ceramictop, do not leavesugar,salt
or fats on the cooking area.Wipe the cooktop surface with a dean cloth or paper towe[ before using.
° Never use a soiled dishcloth or sponge
to cleanthe cooktop surface.A film will remain which may causestains on the cooking surface after the areais heated.
° Do not useasmallpanon alargedement.
Not only does this waste energy, but it canalsoresult inspi[[overs burningonto the cooking area which requires extra cleaning
Do not use non-fiat speciaky items that are oversized or uneven such asround
bottom woks, rippled bottom and/or oversized cannersandgriddles.
Do not slideheavymetalpansacrossthe surfacesince thesemay scratch.
Do not usefoil or foil-type containers. Foil may melt onto the glass,if metal meltson the cod<top, do not use.Callan authorized Jenn-Air Servicer.
ifaspillover occurs while cooking, imme- diately dean the spill from the cooking
area while it is hot to prevent a tough
cleaningchore later.Usingextreme care,
wipe spill with a dean dry towel.
Do not allow spills to remain on the cooking area or the cooktop trim for a 1o% period of time.
Do not use abrasive cleansing powders
or scouring pads which will scratch the cooktop.
Do not use chlorine bleach, ammonia or other cleansers not specifically recom-
mended for use on ghss-ceramic.
To retain the appearance of the ghss- ceramic cod<top, clean after each use.
o Glass-ceramic surfaces retain heat.
Turn the dement off a few minutes
before food iscompletely cooked and
use the retained heat to complete the
Becauseof the heat retention charac-
teristics, the dements will not respond to changesinsettingsasquickly ascoii
dements. #nthe event ore potential
boilover, remove the pan _rom the
cooking area.
To achieveoptimum cookingperformance,
useheavy-gauge,fiat, smooth bottom pans
that conform to the diameter of the cook-
ingarea.( See_CooRing Made Simple _t
for cookware characteristics and recom-
Use Jenn-Air's fiat bottom wok (Nodei
AO 142)for optimum resuks. The wok has a nonsqck finish, wood handles, cover,
steaming rack, rice paddies, cooking tips
and recipes.To order cai[ [-800-JENNA[R
(}LEAN PR (,)( ED .RES .......... '
Be sure appmiance is off and atom parts are coo[ before handming or
cleaning. This is to avoid dam- age and possible burns.
. To prevent stoning or discoloration.
dean apphance after each use.
If a part is removeG be sure it is
correcdy replaced.
CONTROL }(NABS " To remove knobs, turn to the OFF posi-
tion. PuiIeach knob straight up from the shaft. Do not remove sea[ under knob,
, Wash knobsinwarm soapywater. Do not
useabrasivecleaners or materiab.
To replace each [<nob,match flat part of [<nobopening with the fiat part of the shaft, returning to OFF position.
Neveruseovencleaners,chlorinebleach,am- mona or glasscleanerswith ammonia.NOTE:
Catlan authorized servicer ifthe glass-ceramic
topshouldcrack,breakorif metalor aluminum
foilshould melt on the cooktop. ° Atlow_hecook_op_ocoolbe_oredean-
° Generam - Clean cooktop after each use,
with a damp paper towel and Cooktop Cleaning Creme (Part No. 20000001)**.
Then, buff with adean dry cloth.
NO'lEt Permanent stains willdevelop ifsoil isallowedto cook onby repeatedly usingthe cooktop when soiled.
Heavy Soils or Netal Narks - Dampen a "scratcHess" or "never
scratch" scrubber sponge. Apply Cooktop Cleaning Creme* (Part No.
20000001)** and scrub to remove as much soil as possible. Apply a thin layer
of the creme over the soil, cover with a damp paper towel and let stand 30-45
minutes (2-3 hours for very heavysoil).
Keep moist by covering the paper towel
with plastic wrap. Scrub again, then buff with a clean dry cloth.
NOTE: Only use a CLEAN, DAMP
"scra_gchless"pad _ha_gis safefor non- stick cookware. Thepattern and glass
will be damaged i_ the pad #snot damp, J_the pad is soiled, or if an-
other _ype of pad is used.
Burned-on or Crusty Soils - Scrub
with a "scratch[ass" or "never scratch"
scouring pad and Cooktop
Cleaning Creme*. Hold a ra- zor blade scraper at 30° angle and scrape
anyremaining soil. Then, dean as described
NOTE: Do not usethe ruzor blade for daily cleaning as it may wear _he
pe_tern on _he glass.
Helted Sugar or Plastic - immedi- ately turn element to LOW and scrape sugar or plastic from hot surface to a
cool area.Then turn dement OFF and allow to cool Cleanresiduewith razor
blade scraper and Cooktop Cleaning
° Daily Cleaning/Light Soil _ Wipe
with one of the following - soapywater, white vinegar/water solution, Formula
409 Glass and Surface Cleaner* or a
similar glasscleaner - usinga spongeor soft cloth, Rinse and dry. To polish and help prevent fingerprints, follow with Stainless Steel Hagic Spray 0enn-Air Nodal A912, Part No. 20000008)**.
Hoderate/Heavy Soil -- Wipe with
one of the following - Ban Ami, Smart Cleanser,or Soft Scrub* - usingadamp
sponge or soft cloth. Rinse and dry.
Stubborn soils may be removed with a damp Scotch-Brite* pad; rub evenly with
the grain. Rinse and dry. To restore luster and remove streaks, follow with
Stainless Steal [V[agicSpray':.
° Discoloration _ Using a damp sponge
or soft cloth, wipe with Cameo Stainless
Steel Cleaner*. Rinse immediately and dry. To remove streaksand restore lus-
ter, follow with Stainless Steel ['Aagic Spray*.
* Brandnamesfor cleaningproducts are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers.
** To order direct, caii 1-800-JENNAIR (1-800-536-6247).
° Check for a blown circuit fuse or a
tripped maincircuit breaker.
Ched<if cod<top isproperly connected to electric circuit in house.
Surface controls may not be set properly.
Voltage to house may be low.
Cookware may not be fiat or the correct
sizeor shape.
FIRST TURNED ON. ° This is normal
l°Tiny scratchesor abrasions.
Hake sure cooktop and panbottom
are clean.
Do not slideglassor metal pansacross top.
Hake sure pan bottom is not rough.
Usethe recommendeddeaningagents.
Seepg. 8.
2°Metal marks.
° Do not slide metal pansacrosstop. ° When coo[, dean with Cod<top
CleaningCreme. Seepg.8.
3.Brown streaks andspecks.
Spillsnot removed promptly.
Wiping with soiled cloth or sponge.
Pan bottom not clean.
4.Areas with a meta[hcsheen.
blinera[ depositsfrom water andfood.
S.Pitting or flaking.
° Sugaryboi[overs that were not
removed promptly. See pg. 8.
This isthe coding fanandis normal The fanwill run when any dement is turned
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