
Operating Instructions 0 E N N-AI R ®Model DU430
For Future Reference
For future reference we suggest you retain this manual Be sure to provide the model number of your appliance.
after recording the model number and serial number
(six numbers and two letters) of this dishwasher in the Consumer Relations Department
spaces provided below. This information can be found Jenn-Air Company
on the data plate located on the upper left corner of the 3035 Shadeland
tub opening. Indianapolis, IN 46226-0901
Model No. Serial No.
i WARNING: Check with installer to make sure
Should you have any questions about using your SAFETY PRECAUTIONS on page 2 before you start
Jenn-Air dishwasher, write us. to use this dishwasher.
appliance has been grounded to avoid possible elec-
trical shock. Be sure you read the IMPORTANT
The Controls
On the following pages are detailed instructions on carefully before using your dishwasher for the first
how to use your beautiful new Jenn-Air dishwasher time. Using the correct procedures will insure the best
to get the best results. Please read these instructions possible results.
Jenn-Air offers a full line of dishwashers, compactors
and food waste disposers plus...a complete line of electric and gas
cooktops, ranges and grills, built-in ovens and refrigerators.
Jenn-Air...finest by design.

_WARNING Products with 8. Use only a detergent 13. Load light plastic items so
a UL label have been listed with designed for an automatic they will not become
the Underwriter's Laboratories. dishwasher. Never use soap, dislodged and drop to the
Inc.--those with a CSA tag laundrydetergent,or hand bottom of the
have been listed with Canadian washing detergent in your dishwasher--they may come
StandardsAssociation. dishwasher. Keep these into contact with the heating
Nevertheless, as with anyother products out of the reach of unit and be damaged.
equipment using electricity and children. 14. Do not tamper with controls.
moving parts, there is a
potential hazard. When using 9. Do not sit, stand on or abuse
your dishwasher, follow basic the door ordish rackof the 15. Always remove the door to
precautions, including the dishwasher, the washing compartment
following: 10. To minimize the possibility dishwasher from service or
1. Read all instructions before of electric shock, disconnect discarding it.
using the dishwasher, this appliance from the power
2. Use the dishwasher only for maintenance. Note: Turning this appliance can be found in
its intended function, the control dial to the OFF the Installation Instructions.
3. To avoid electrical shock the appliance from the power
hazard, the sides and back supply. We recommend SAVE THESE
must be enclosed, and the having a qualified technician INSTRUCTIONS
front panels must be attached service your appliance.
before electrical power is
applied to the dishwasher. 11. A WARNING---Under
Refer to the installation certain conditions, hydrogen
instructions for proper gas may be produced in a hot
grounding procedures, water system that has not
4. Children should never be more. Hydrogen gas is
permitted to operate, or play explosive. If the hot water
in, with or around this .... system has not been used for
dishwasher, two weeks or you have
5. To reduce the risk of injury moved into a residence in
when loading items to be which the hot water system
washed, sharp or pointed may not have been used for
items should be located with some time. turn on all hot
the handles up. Also, load water faucets and let the
sharp items so they are not .... water flow from each for
likely to damage the door seal. several minutes. This will
6. Be careful not to touch the hydrogen gas. As the gas is
heating element on the bottom flammable, do not smoke or
of the tub during or at the
completion of a cycle. It may process.
be hot.
7. Do not store or use unless marked "dishwasher
combustible materials, safe" or the equivalent. For
gasoline or other flammable plastic items not so marked,
vapors and liquids in the check the manufacturer's
vicinity of this or any other recommendations.
supply before attempting any 16. Instructions for grounding
position does not disconnect
been used for two weeks or
release any accumulated
use an open flame during this
12. Do not wash plastic items
when removing an old

How to operate your dishwasher
Vapor Vent (Turn to Start)
Door Latch Cycle Indicator Dial
STEP 1. Load your dishwasher STEP 4. Select the cycle and start • For CONSERVA WASH cycle:
with dishes, silverware, pots, the dishwasher. See Cycle Selection a. Be sure door is unlatched.
pans, bowls, etc. according to Hints on the next page. b. Push NORMAL WASH button.
instructions on pages 7 and 8. If your dishwasher drains into a
detergent dispenser. Make sure the disposer until it is empty before WAS, ===
Cycle Indicator Dial is at OFF starting the dishwasher. ON
position before adding detergent. &HOLD
(See pages 5 and 6.) • For HEAVY WASH and
Use rinse aid agent to help prevent D.Y,.G
spotting. Occasionally check to
make sure the rinse agent dispenser WAS. WASH
HEAVY ,0,MAt C. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator Dial
to CONSERVA WASH position.
is at least half full. (See page 5.) _=1 F:=_ d. Latch door to start the cycle.
STEP 3. Select Drying Option.
°"Y a. Be sure door is unlatched.
b. Latch the door.
HEATED DRY. Turns the drying wAS. : OFF • RIMS[
heater on for fast drying. OFF • RINSE
AIR DRY (no-heat drying). Turns &HOLD • DRYING
the drying heater off to save energy. , D,Y_,G C. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator Dial
Dishes will dry naturally over a
longer period such as overnight, c. Slowly turn Cycle Indicator Dial
If you need your dishes sooner,
open the dishwasher door after the Youwill hear the motor start.
cycle is complete to reduce the There is a time delay between
natural drying time. start-up and water fill so you
Use of this option reduces the right away.
electrical energy used by this
model approximately 7 % for the To obtain the benefits of a complete
NORMAL WASH cycle, cycle, be careful that you do not
a. Push selected cycle button, b. Select AIR DRY option.
to ON position to start the cycle, d. Latch the door to start the cycle.
will not hear any wash action
turn the dial any further than
necessary to start the dishwasher.
• For RINSE & HOLD cycle:
to RINSE&HOLD position.

Cycle selection hints
It is important to follow the loading
instructions on pages 7 and 8.
HEAVYWASH--For items such
as pots, pans and casseroles with
dried-on or baked-on soils.
Everydaydishes may be included.
NORMAL WASH--For loads
of everyday dishes, glasses
that are lightly soiled with soils that
havenotdried on. Also for everyday
dishes that have extrapreparation
before loading.
RINSE&HOLD--For rinsing
partial loads which will be washed
later.Do not use detergent.
What happens in each cycle
* You'll hear occasional clicking * During the drying period:
sounds: --The motor stops.
--Soft food disposer shredding --Water vapor comes through the
action, vent by the door latch during
--Drain valve opening to pump drying and when water is being
water out. pumped out.
--Timer control as cycle
--Detergent cup opening.
Wash Gallons Minutes
Cycles (approx.) (approx.) Cycle Sequence
HEAVY WASH 12.1 65* _ Ri______]
NORMAL WASH 12.1 50* _ _ _ IMaa_ I_ _ _
CONSERVA WASH 10.3 44* _ RI_____
Water Use Cycle Time
RINSE&HOLD 4.9 14 ___
*Unextended times. These cycle times may be increased up to 7J/2minutes if necessary for your
dishwasher to heat the water to proper temperature for good washability.
Drying Options:
HEATED DRY. Available on all wash cycles except RINSE & HOLD. Add 25 minutes to wash
cycle time.
AIR DRY. Drying heater is turned off. Dishes dry naturally.

WaterTemperature Help prevent spotting How to choose and use
Control System with a rinse agent, the right detergent.
To get dishes clean and dry you A rinse agent makes water flow First, use only powder or liquid
need hot water. To help you get off dishes quicker than usual. This detergents specifically made for
water of the proper temperature, lessens water spotting. Makes use in dishwashers. Other types
your dishwasher has a water heating drying faster, too. will cause oversudsing.
feature that automatically senses For best dishwashing performance, Second, check the phosphate
the temperature of the water in the use of a rinse agent is recommended, content. Phosphate helps prevent
wash cycle and heats it, if necessary,
to the proper temperature. This Rinse agents come in either liquid hard-water materials from forming
water heating feature may allow or solid form. Your dishwasher's spots or film on your dishes. If
you to turn down your household dispenser uses the liquid form. your water is hard (7 grains or
water heater and save energy if Here's how to fill the rinse agent harder. Detergents with a higher
you're willing to let the dishwasher dispenser. Unscrew the cap. Add phosphate level will probably work
run a little longer while it heats the liquid rinse agent until it just better. If the phosphate content is
water to the proper temperature, reaches the bottom of the lip inside low (8.7% or less), you'll have to
For good washing and drying, the the dispenser opening. Replace the use extra detergent with hard water.
entering water must be at least cap. The dispenser automatically
120°F. To prevent dish damage, releases the rinse agent into the Your water department can tell
inlet water should not exceed 150°E final rinse water, you how hard your water is. So
How to test water temperature: If you accidentally spill: Wipe can your Extension Agent. Or your
Check your water temperature with up the rinse agent with a damp area's water softener company. Just
a candy or meat thermometer. Turn cloth. Don't leave the spill in the call and ask them how many "grains
on the hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher. It can keepyour of hardness" there are in yourwater.
dishwasher. Put the thermometer detergent from working. How much detergent should you
ina glass andlet the water run use? That depends. Is your water
continuously intothe glass until the "hard" or "soft"? With hard water,
temperature stops rising. Ifthe you need extra detergent to get
water temperature is below 120°E, _ dishes clean. With soft water, you
adjust your water heater, need less detergent.
more), your detergent has to work
Helpful hints: If outside Too much detergent with soft water
temperatures are unusually low, or not only wastes money, it can be
if your water travels a long distance harmful. It can cause a permanent
from heater to dishwasher, you may cloudiness of glassware, called
need to set your heater's thermostat "etching." An outside layer of glass
up. If you have not used hot water Your dishwasher's rinse agent is etched away! But why take a
for some time, the water in the dispenser holds 4 V, ounces. This chance when it's easy to find out
pipes will be cold. Turn on the hot should last about 3 months. Fill the hardness of your water.
water faucet at the sink and allow it as needed. Do not overfill.
to run until the water is hot. Then Keep your detergent fresh and
start the dishwasher. If you've dry. Under the sink is not a good
recently done laundry or run hot place to store detergent. Too much
water for showers, give your water moisture. Don't put powder detergent
heater time to recover before into the dispenser until you're
operating the dishwasher, ready to wash dishes, either. (It
Won't be fresh OR dry.)
If your powder detergent gets old
or lumpy, throw it away. It won't
wash well. Old detergent loses its
power. Lumpy detergent often
won't dissolve.
If you use a liquid dishwasher
detergent, these precautions are not
necessary because liquid detergents
don't "lump" as they age or come
in contact with water.