Use and Care Manual
Expressions ®Sealed Gas
_Downdraft Cooktop
Model CVG2420
Printed in U.S A Cat. NO. GA2420UE
©1996 Jenn-Air Part NO. 8111 P161 60 6/96

WARNING: If the information in this manual is
not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may
result causing property damage, personal in-
jury or death.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
• Do not try to I!ght any appliance.
• Do not touch any electrical switch; do not
use any phone in your building.
• Immediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Followthe gas supplier's
• If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fire department.
• Extinguish any open flame.
- Installation and service must be performed by a
qualified installer, service agency or the gas

Read before operating your cooktop
All appliances - regardless of the manufacturer - have the potential through
improper or careless use to create safety problems. Therefore the following
safety precautionsshould beobserved:
1. Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a qualified
2. Never useyour applianceforwarming or heatingthe room. This warning
is based on safety considerations.
3. Childrenshouldnotbeleft aloneor unattendedin area where applianceis
in use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand on any part of the
4. Wearproperapparel. Loose-fitting or hangJnggarments shouldnever
bewornwhile usingthe appliance.
5. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically
recommendedinthismanual. All otherservicingshouldbe referredtoan
6. Do notstore combustiblematerials,gasoline or other flammable vapors
and liquid near cooktop.
7. Donot usewater ongrease fires. Smotherfire orflameor use dry chemical
orfoam-type extinguisher,
8. Use only dry potholders. Moist or damp potholders on hotsurfaces may
result in burnsfrom steam. Do not usea towel or other bulky cloth.
9. Selectcookware largeenoughto properlycontainfood andavoid boilovers
or spiLIovers. This will save on cleaning and prevent hazardous
accumulations of food, since heavy splattering or spillovers left on a
cooktop can ignite. Pan size is especially important in deep fat frying.
10. Never leave cooktop unattended at Hi heat settings. Boil over causes
smoking and greasy spilloversthat may ignite.
11. TYPE OF COOKWARE - Avoid pans that are unstableand easily tipped,
Inchoosingpans, lookforeasily-grasped handlesthat willstay cool. Pans
that aretoo heavywhen filledwith foodcan alsobeahazard. Ifpanhandles
twist andcannot betightened, discard the pan.
12. HANDLES -Alwaye turn pan handles to the side or back of the cooktop -
notout into the room where they are easily hit. COOKWARE HANDLES
SURFACE BURNERSto minimize burns, ignition offlammable materials,
and spillagedue to unintentional contact with the cookware.

13. CAUTION - Do not store items of interest to children in cabinets above
cooktop-childrenclimbingonthe cooktop to reachitems could be seriously
14. Do not touch surface burner areasor any areasnear burners. During and
afteruse, these areas may be hot enoughto cause bums. Avoid contact
with these areas byclothing or other flammable materials until they have
had sufficient time to cool.
15. Do not heat unopened food containers. Build-up of pressure maycause
containerto burst and resultin injury.
16. Keep allcontrols "OFF" when unit is not in use.
17. GREASE - Grease is flammable andshould be handledcarefully. Never
leaveany cooking operation unattended. Let fat cool before attempting to
handle it. Do not allow greaseto collect around the cooktop. Wipe up
spillovers immediately.
18. If the cooktop is installed near a window, proper precautions should be
taken to prevent curtains from blowing over burners creating a FIRE
19, Do notuse aluminum foiltoline burnerbasin. Restrictionofnormalair flow
may resultin unsafe operation.
20. Clean only parts listed inthis manual and use procedures recommended.
21. Always allow hot pansto cool ina safe place out of the reach of small
22. A faintgas odormay indicate a gas leak. Ifa gas odoris detected,shut off
thegas supplyto the cooktop. Call your installer or local gas companyto
have the possible leak checked. Never use a match or other flame to
locate a gas leak.
23. Before servicing your appliance,disconnect power to the cooktop at the
mainfuse or circuit breaker panel and at the electdcal receptacle,
24. Keep ventducts unobstructed.
25. This appliance has beentested for safe performance using conventional
cookware. Donot use any devicesor accessoriesthat arenot specifically
recommendedinthis manuaL.Donotuse eyelidcoversforthe surface units
orstovetop grills. Theuseof devicesoraccessories that are notexpressly
recommended inthis manual cancreate serious safety hazards, result in
performance problems, and reduce the life of the components of the
26. Flamesize shouldbeadjustedso itdoes not extendbeyond theedge ofthe
cookware. This instruction is based on safety consideration.

The California Safe DrinkingWater and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
(Proposition65)requirestheGovernorofCaliforniatopublisha listofsubstances
known to the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive harm, and
Usersof this applianceare herebywarned that burningof gascan resultin low-
and soot, due primarily to the incomplete combustion of natural gas or liquid
petroleum (LP) fuels. Properly adjusted burners will minimize incomplete
combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by properly
venting the burners to the outdoors.
Electrical Grounding Instructions
Thisapplianceisequippedwitha three-pronggroundingplugforyourprotection
againstshockhazardandshouldbepluggeddirectlyintoa properlygrounded