About the
Jenn-Air WOK
The Jenn-Air wok combines the benefits of a centuries old cooking vessel with
modernday technology.
Thewordwokmeans"cookingvessel".OriginallycreatedbytheChineseto save
onfuel(itsunique shapeheats fast and less energyis neededtomaintain a high
temperature), the wok has longserved asa multi-purpose cooking utensil. The
wok canbe usedinsteadofmanyother pansinyourkitchen,such asasaucepan
or sautepan. The wok can also be usedfor preparing foods inways other than
just stir-frying for which it is noted. It can be used for poaching, steaming,
braising, stewing, simmering, parboiling, even popping corn.
The Jenn-Air wok was designed with ease of cleaning, fast heating and
versatility in mind. By removing the surface burnergrate, the wok accessory is
easily and quickly assembled for use. The wok cradle holds the wok to keep it
from rolling ortipping when in use.
The wok ismade from cold rolJedcarbon steelwhich is best for providing even,
steady,and intenseheat.The constant even heatmakespossiblethevery short
cookingtimes so important inOriental cooking. Inthe wok, boththeflaring sides
and the rounded bottom heat upso the entire surface can be used for cooking.
Thewok iscoveredwith ahard non-stickfinish.The finisheliminates theamount
ofcare requiredofan unfinishedcarbonsteelwok,suchas seasoning.Thenon-
stickfinishiseasy toclean andwill notrust. Foodswill heatvery quicklyfrom the
first day you cook in the wok, and it is not necessary to age the wok. Unlike
conventional woks, the wok is cleaned with hot, soapy water.
Thewoodenhandles ofthe wokeliminate the needfor using pothoJdersaswhen
grasping a hot metal wok handle.