JCM Star X Instruction Manual

Star X
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
Measurements & Lever Use ................................................................................................. 4
Seating System Components ..............................................................................................5
Important Safety Advice ....................................................................................................... 6
Important Safety Advice -(Accessories) ............................................................................... 7
Important - Chest Harness Adjustment ...............................................................................8
Important - Lap Strap Safety ................................................................................................9
Adjustment Points Underneath Seat .................................................................................. 10
Mount and Removal of Back Legs .....................................................................................10
Head Rest Adjustment ....................................................................................................... 11
Multi Height Base - Mount & Removal .............................................................................. 12
Raising & Lowering the Star on a Base .............................................................................13
Footplate Adjustment ......................................................................................................... 14
Adjusting Leg Length ......................................................................................................... 15
Adjusting Seat Depth .........................................................................................................15
Adjusting The Tilt In Space ................................................................................................16
Setting the Seat Supports .................................................................................................. 17
Hip Pads & Flexi Lap Strap Adjustment ............................................................................18
Back & Lateral Support Adjustment ...................................................................................19
Adjusting Arm Height & Angle ........................................................................................... 20
Fitting the Tray / Operating the Brakes .............................................................................. 21
Cleaning & Care .............................................................................................................22
General Maintenance .....................................................................................................22
Servicing via Approved Repairer ...................................................................................23
Service Record Log .......................................................................................................24
Warranty .........................................................................................................................25
Inspecting & Reissuing of Equipment ...........................................................................26
The Star X is designed to provide comfort and postural support. The system is available in two sizes to suit children between the ages of 1 - 8 years approximately. The seating system is not intended for those who have significant athetosis.
This instruction manual contains very important information about the Star X seating system, how to use it safely and obtain the best results from it. Please read all the information contained in this manual before using the chair and retain for future reference. Ensure everyone using the equipment is aware of the contents of this manual and understands
how to use the equipment safely.
These instructions provide guidance on the adjustments for professionals, but they also
give information on how the equipment should be safely used, maintained, checked, and
correctly assembled by anyone who uses the seating system.
In every case the equipment should be supplied via qualified professionals who will have
adjusted the equipment, checked its compliance and tested it appropriately.
The seating system should only ever be adjusted by qualified professionals and persons that are suitably trained. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us - all
contact details are on the back cover of the manual.
Thank you for purchasing our product, we
hope you enjoy your new seating system.
Measurements & Lever Use
A Seat Depth 20 30 25 35 B Top of Seat to Footplate 13 30 13 35 C Seat to Top of Back 33 39 36.5 42.5 D Seat to Floor-Without Base 27 34 32 39 D Seat to Floor-5 Star Base 52 66 52 66 D Seat to Floor-Multi Height & Tilt Base 32 54 32 54 E Seat Width (between hip pads) 17.5 35.5 21 40.5 F Tilt/Prone 5 Star Base -25° -25° F Tilt/Prone Multi Height & Tilt Base 10° -20° 10° -20°
Max user weight
40kg 60kgs
width & length (cm)
Without base
36 42.5
5 Star Base
63 63
Multi Height & Tilt Base
54 72
Base LengthBase Width
Effective Operation of Lock Levers
Never remove these levers entirely as this will prevent you from being able to perform adjustments in the future.
To Use:
Turn the lever handle clockwise to tighten or anti clockwise to un-tighten.
When an Obstruction is Met:
Pull the handle of the lever outwards, towards you (A). This disables the function of the lever.
Continue to hold the lever out and reposition the lever handle in a suitable position past the obstruction.
Release the handle to re-engage the lever function (B) and continue to tighten or un­tighten in the normal way.
Repeat this procedure in areas where adjustment is restricted due to an obstruction.
A Headrest
B Push Handle
C Back Rest
D Lateral Supports
E Arm Rests
F Hip Pads
G Shaped Seat - Pommel Section
H Footrest
I 5 Star Base
J Castor
K Arm Angle Adjustment Lever
L Height Adjustment Paddle for 5 Star Base
Example of Star X without base, mounted on castors.
Seating System Components
Ensure all adjustment mechanisms are secure and in place before operation. If it is likely that the hand-wheels will be repeatedly loosened, JCM can supply allen key bolts as an alternative. We strongly recommend this if there is a danger from those in the vicinity of the user.
All postural support straps and harnesses should be in place and properly adjusted to the user, prior to usage of any kind (see pages 8 & 9).
Whilst the seating system is stable on a 5-degree slope, even in its most upright position, it is not intended to be used in this manner. It is however, intended to be used on a level flat floor, where movement is confined to a single room. For safety ALWAYS return the product to a neutral position before moving (lower in height, level the seat, ensure the back is upright etc).
Heavy items on the tray will affect stability. The fitting of anything other than the standard JCM tray may substantially affect the stability of the seating system and should therefore be checked before issue.
If at any time it is noted that areas of the users skin remain reddened after being out of the seating system for around 10 minutes, urgently contact the qualified professional who performed the hand over of the equipment. This may be a sign of excessive pressure being exerted by the seating. This might occur in the initial use of a new seat where further adjustment may be required, where the user has been badly placed, grown or where an underlying medical problem exists. Review may be necessary in such cases.
After completing any alterations ENSURE all nuts, bolts, knobs, hand wheels and other fixings are securely tightened and in position, and that they are regularly checked as part of the maintenance of the chair. Never over adjust or over tighten moving parts.
Keep all products away from excessive sources of heat, cigarettes and naked flames.
If you suspect that the system may be faulty, cease use of the equipment straight away and immediately contact the organization who supplied the system. (JCMs contact information can be found on the back cover).
The equipment will be labelled with important information. NEVER REMOVE these information labels or allow them to be defaced, overlaid or altered.
All modifications, adjustments, reconditioning, repairs, disposal, and servicing of the seating unit must ONLY be carried out by the agencies who supplied the equipment (see pages 22-23).
Important Safety Advice
We at JCM are committed to producing products of the highest standard. All of our products fulfil the essential safety and environmental requirements as defined in the European Directives. However, improper use of the products will potentially put the users at risk and therefore JCM strongly suggest that the following information is strictly adhered to at all times.
Throughout the manual there are important points to note identified by the symbol:
Important Safety Advice -(Accessories)
Moore Head Support
Should only be adjusted by a therapist or competent person who understands the product
and its principals. The prongs on the head support should never be tight around the head.
Check that the prongs are NOT set near the eyes or infringe behind the ears. The foam covering the prongs should be inspected regularly and replaced if damaged.
Multi Adjustable Head support
Wings on the head support are ideally set at 45 degrees. Do NOT bring the wings in tight to
the head. Ensure that the head support is set in such away that the child cannot loop their
head around the wings and get stuck.
Flexi-Supports and Lateral Supports
Ensure the straps do not infringe on any feeding tubes the child may have.
The pommel is designed to abduct the users knees to help keep the hips in a good position.
Do NOT use the pommel as a way of holding the user in the seat. Remove the pommel
when transferring the user in and out of the seat (not required for Star X Series.)
Knee Blocks
Knee blocks are designed to abduct the knees and keep the hips in a good position. The
pelvis should always be well positioned and the lap strap fastened before fitting the knee
blocks. Do NOT use knee blocks without fixing the users feet with foot sandals or straps.
If the user extends in the chair this may injure the knee. Never use knee blocks unless you
are familiar with the user and know the condition of their hips. If the user has any known
medical problem, relating to their hips, consult with a therapist.
Foot Sandals and Straps
Should only be fixed when the user is wearing shoes or boots.
Do NOT use the tray as a way of securing children in a chair always ensure that the lap
strap and any other straps supplied are used. Ensure that the tray clips are secure on both
sides of the tray. If the tray is damaged, ensure that this will not be a hazard to the user.
Never leave hot items on the tray while children are unattended.
If there is any possible chance of the child getting the straps caught around their neck, REMOVE THE HARNESS IMMEDIATELY.
Important - Chest Harness Adjustment
GREAT CARE should be taken when fitting
a chest harness and the following points
should always be followed:
The straps on the harness should never be allowed to move close to or in any way cause an obstruction to the childs neck.
The straps should never be fitted too tightly and should be clear from any obstruction.
The cross strap on the chest harness should always be adjusted prior to use to ensure that it is no higher than the middle of the users chest.
A lap strap should always be fitted if a harness is being used to ensure the child cannot slide down onto the cross strap.
Always ensure that the belts offer your child both comfort and support. If the childs clothing has been adjusted (i.e. a jumper removed) the straps should be re­adjusted accordingly.
Fixing Onto Chair
The straps at the top of the harness should be
attached to the back frame of the chair. The
straps at the bottom of the harness should be
attached to the back of the seat frame.
Fastening of Belts
Feed the fabric belt through the buckle on the strap.
The belts should be pulled through enough to suitably support your child whilst still being comfortable.
When this has been achieved the buckle should be snapped closed to secure the strap in place.
The same precautions highlighted here should be adhered to when using any form of
trunk supports or flexi supports with straps.
Important - Lap Strap Safety
Incorrect fitting of lap straps can put the user at serious risk. When using lap
straps we recommend the following points should always be adhered to:
Lap straps must always be fitted at 45 degrees to the pelvis of the user.
Always check that the child’s pelvis is symmetrical and positioned securely at the back of the seat.
Always ensure that the lap straps and chest harness hold the child securely and are comfortable. Ensure they provide a snug fit, a simple rule of thumb is to allow two fingers to be inserted between the belt and the childs body.
Never leave a child in a chair unattended without the lap strap being fastened.
A lap strap should always be fitted if a harness is being used.
When altering the angle between the seat and the back of the chair always re-adjust the chest harness and lap strap accordingly to ensure all safety recommendations are followed.
Harness and Lap Strap Positioning
This diagram shows the recommended positioning of the chest harness and lap straps:
Lap Strap
Lap Strap
The cross
strap on the
chest harness
must be fitted
no higher than
the sternum (mid chest).
All straps &
must be
fitted to the
back of the
Second fixing for four-point lap strap
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