RB3 T868
User’s Manual GB
The RadioBand system is designed of domestic, commercial and industrial door applications where a safety edge is used. The system
provides a wireless system replacing spiral cables or energy chain systems to provide the safety signal to the door or gate control
panel. The receiver monitors the status of transmitters connected to it.
Up to three transmitters per output can be connected to the receiver. There are two outputs on each receiver that can be connected to
the control panel as 8k2 or NC contact.
The transmitter is compatible with 8K2 monitored safety edges or electromechanical safety edges (NC contact), and also with
standard low voltage optical safety edges and OSE-S7502 optical safety edges.
The system complies with EN ISO 13849-1, category 2, PLc.
Technical data
Frequency Multifrequency system 868 MHz auto-adjustable
Power supply 3,6V DC (2 x 3,6V LS14500 Li-SOCl2)
Operating consumption 12mA
Radiated power < 25mW
Operating temperature -20ºC - +85ºC
Watertighness IP65
Size 151x60x23mm
Range 100m
Battery life (aprox) 2 Years
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Option Selector
Examples of connection of 8k2safety edges or NC contact
Examples of connection of different types of opto safety edges
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