Jbl K2S9800DG, K2S9800MG, K2.S9800WG, K2 S9800SE User Manual

Project K2 S9800
CHAPTER 1 P re f a c e
J B L wishes to thank you for selecting a P roject K2 S9800loudspeaker system. It represents the sum total of our re­search and developmental efforts in sound reproduction over the last half c e n t u r y. We have labored to create a loudspeaker system with no acoustical or electrical limitations whatsoever. While the P roject K2 S9800 l o u d- speaker is itself a new development, the goal behind it goes right back to the earliest days of the original James B. Lansing Sound Company.
But it is your listening pleasure that ultimately determines how successful we are in this endeavor. It is solely in the interest of ensuring a perfect listen­ing experience that we ask you to faithfully follow the set-up and opera­tion procedures outlined in the P ro j e c t
K2 S9800 Owner’s Refere n c e.
This manual exists for several purpos­es. As your owner's manual, it contains all necessary background information and detailed instructions for setting up your P roject K2 S9800 l o u d s p e a k e r system, including unpacking the loud­s p e a k e r, selecting the correct location, speaker wire, wiring scheme and amplification, and connecting it up to its associated electronics. This infor­mation will be found in Chapters 4 through 8. In addition, we have includ­ed a detailed description of your P roject K2 S9800 l o u d s p e a k e r s (Chapter 3) so that you may become thoroughly acquainted with its unique design and technological features.
Although physically and materially imposing, the set-up procedure of the P roject K2 loudspeaker system is rela­tively simple. We strongly urge you to read this manual thoroughly before you begin, and consult it frequently throughout the process. Considerations must be made in placing the speakers; their stature makes it imperative that you become familiar with the entire set-up process in advance.
Also, we believe that the historical and technical information included will add immeasurably to your total enjoyment of the loudspeaker system. As a loud­s p e a k e r, P roject K2 S9800is unparal- leled in the field of sound reproduction. The story and principles behind it are an interesting, informative and fitting precursor to a lifetime of musical e n j o y m e n t .
Project K2 S9800
CHAPTER 2 Legacy-the historical development of
the JBL P r o j e c t l o u d s p e a ke r s
Of those few who seek perfection in sound reproduction, only a handful have actually achieved it. The price is always high. It is a rare occurrence indeed when an individual or group is able to triumph over the constraints of econom­ic and technological reality just once.
At JBL, this has happened six times. In each case, its engineers were told to build the speaker system they had always wanted to build. W h a t e v e r resources were required would be made available. Thus began an ongoing inves­tigation into new frontiers of sound reproduction, beginning mid-century in 1950 and continuing to the present day.
The products that have resulted from this venture are now known as the JBL P ro j e c t loudspeakers. Each represents the absolute peak of every technologi­cal, material and engineering innovation available at that time, combined into a single system. They are H a r t s fi e l d ,
Pa ragon, Everest, K2 S9500/7500 and K2 S5500.The newest is K2 S9800.
Although differing in performance details and physical attributes, each of the P ro j e c t loudspeakers has shared a common objective: to elevate sound reproduction to levels defined only by the limitations of existing materials and t e c h n o l o g y. And despite a spread of nearly fifty years, all P ro j e c t l o u d s p e a k- ers have shared many common features-
testimony to their foundation on the technology and manufacturing tech­niques upon which JBLwas built.
D e fining the P r o j e c tC o n c e p t
The H a r t s fi e l d began a tradition at JBL that continues today. First, engineer a product as close to perfection as pos­sible. When it reaches that level, that is the time to make it better.
In 1954, the H a r t s fi e l d was significant not in that it represented n ewt e c h n o l - o g y, but rather a new level of the all­technical manufacturing approach pio­neered by James B. Lansing some twenty years before it. Like its P ro j e c t series successors, it was a high eff i c i e n­cy system incorporating compression driver technology, one combining the qualities of high output, low distortion, exceptional stereo imaging and fatigue­free listening. Most important, it was the first consumer-available listening system to do so.
In this respect, P roject K2 S9800is at once the most advanced and sophisticat­ed loudspeaker in the world today a n d a speaker whose technology is deeply rooted in over 50 years of tradition. JBL's president in 1954, W i l l i a m Thomas, described the Hartsfield as "...the speaker system we have always wanted to build ... the finest compo­nents ever made available to serious lis­t e n e r s . "
He went on to describe the process behind his creation: “Most people who own and appreciate fine sound repro­duction equipment look forward to the day when they will be able to assemble a system without limitation in just exactly the way they think it should be done. Periodically a manufacturer gets this same feeling ... The science of acoustics has provided us with basic principles-available to all for achieving precision reproduction. It is only a mat­ter of incorporating these methods into a system design, and then taking every bit of trouble necessary to build a system precisely to the design.”
"It isn't easy, but that's the way it is d o n e . "
The R a n ge r- Pa rag o n , JBL's second P ro j e c t system, was the first serious attempt at a reflecting speaker system, and broke ground in the new concept of stereo imaging. Essentially two inde­pendent full-range speaker systems installed in a handsome curved cabinet nearly 9 feet long, the Pa rag o n ' s e n c l o- sure was treated as an extension of its transducers. In essence, the system had its own "built-in acoustics." In many respects the Pa rag o nanticipated loud- speaker developments that would occur years-and even decades-later.
For nearly 30 years, the Pa rag o n r e - mained the most acoustically viable sound system for the home. T o d a y, along with the H a r t s fi e l d, it is still the most sought-after speaker in the world.
In 1986, JBL introduced a new P ro j e c t system that retained the Pa rag o n ' s o v e r-
all sense of musicality while upgrading its character by incorporating three decades' worth of continuous develop­ment in every facet of its design. Its name reflected the pinnacle of achieve­ment it represented: P roject Evere s t .
For the first time, the rest of the sound reproduction chain-and not the loud­speaker or its transducers-would impose limits on overall system performance. Like the Pa rag o n and H a r t s fi e l d , P roject Evere s t was built around com­pression driver technology and addressed a more refined stereo image than was previously considered techni­cally feasible.
Since P roject Evere s t was introduced, sound recording and playback technolo­gy has undergone a revolution of its own. With the advent of CD, extremely demanding recorded signals had become the rule rather than the excep­tion-the average source material used by the typical audio enthusiast had become superior to the best demonstration mate­rial of even just a few years ago. In overall dynamics and transient response, transducers are once again a potential weak link in the high-end audio repro­duction chain.
It was in this environment that JBL s e t out to create its fourth and fifth P ro j e c t loudspeakers, K2 S9500 and K2 S5500. As with H a r t s fi e l d, the puritan simplici­ty of a two-way system was considered the most promising design track. Advances in transducer design and low frequency alignment would make the construction of a two-way system of
Project K2 S9800
unprecedented physical and acoustical scale possible. Engineers took the core components-the low and high frequency drivers-and optimized them by redesigning their magnetic structures, diaphragms and framework for greater l i n e a r i t y, dynamic capability and tran­sient response.
In the years following the introduction of the K2 S9500and K2 S5500, sound reproduction technology underwent another series of revolutionary changes, with the introduction of DVD-Vi d e o , Dolby Digital, DTS, DVD-Audio, and Super Audio CD (SACD). Frequency responses to 50 kHz and 3-digit dynam­ic range and signal-to-noise ratios have now become commonplace. In order to faithfully reproduce such robust sonic properties, the loudspeaker needed to u n d e rgo drastic improvements to its t r a n s d u c e r, network and enclosure tech­n o l o g i e s .
See Fi g u re 1.
Unlike the earlier P ro j e c t s K2 S9500 and K2 S5500, the new K2 S9800 employed a 3-way design, incorporating an Ultra High Frequency (UHF) com­pression driver and horn to reproduce high frequencies up to 50 kHz. With the UHF handling the high frequencies, the High Frequency (HF) transducer could then be upgraded to a new design using a 3 inch diaphragm for better reproduc­tion of lower frequencies and better blend with the woofer than the older g e n e r a t i o n s ’2-inch diaphragm. Both compression drivers utilized newly developed Beryllium diaphragms to provide the lowest distortion and flattest frequency response possible.
In order to recreate the extremely high dynamic range provided by today’s audio sources, a brand new low fre­quency transducer was developed from ground up, utilizing an Alnico magnet, 4-inch edge wound Voice Coil, and an Aquaplas™-coated 15 inch cone with EPDM rubber surround. Extensive c o m p u t e r-aided engineering and design e ffort made to develop the optimized port tuning employed in P roject K2 S 9 8 0 0 has resulted in a significant advance in the concept of state-of-the­art bass reproduction. This proprietary alignment method offers the best damp­ing characteristics and provides extremely fast alignment, eliminating the typical "bass-reflex" sound of a port­ed system.
All three transducers were built using the most advanced materials and preci­sion manufacturing techniques refined from renowned JBL professional sound s y s t e m s .
High power handling capability results in no limitations on the types of source material. P roject K2 S9800 has very high input sensitivity; even a relatively small high-end amplifier can provide full dynamic range without compres­s i o n .
Despite its power and sophistication, P roject K2 S9800 is a marriage of tradi­tion and technology. It reflects the design, engineering and manufacturing expertise derived and refined through nearly six decades of experience that are the exclusive province of one loud­speaker builder: JBL.
Figure 1
Project K2 S9800
CHAPTER 3 The Project K2 S9800 l o u d s p e a ker: a
triumph in acoustics and technology
The following sections describe the primary features and components of the P roject K2 loudspeaker system.
The enclosure of the K2 S9800 is spe- cially designed to transfer unwanted mechanical energy away from any acoustically-active surfaces, virtually eliminating coloration.
Its massive base, along with its special­ly designed stainless steel modular feet, couple directly to the floor, and the system literally becomes a structur­al part of its environment. Any vibra­tion is transmitted harmlessly down the channel provided by the ring/disc axes and into the floor. Both horns, the UHF housing and the enclosure top are con­structed from JBL’s exclusive SonoGlass™, an extremely dense and mechanically inert material, in order to maintain a smooth energy transmission p a t h .
See Fi g u re 1
The P roject K2 S9800 t r a n s d u c e r / enclosure arrangement represents the best possible balance of the various tuning options and avoids the mid-bass response build-up found in other vented systems. Response works with, rather than against, the effects of "room load­i n g . "
The unique design of the P roject K2 system is the platform for its equally unique acoustical attributes.
The HF (high frequency) driver is located at the exact ear level of the lis­t e n e r. The UHF (ultra high frequency) driver is slightly tilted down so that its information is also directly reaching the l i s t e n e r’s ear. Thanks to the large HF t r a n s d u c e r, the 15 inch woofer can be crossed over at a frequency low enough to eliminate any audible effects of its exact location and proximity.
Full image coherency is maintained, resulting in an acoustically stable pin­pointed stereo image. All the sound seems to come from the HF horn in the c e n t e r. Music imaging is more realistic since the sound appears to emanate from one point and not from multiple points at different times.
P roject K2 is a fixed angle system without regard to frequency. Careful horn design enables the loudspeaker to strictly adhere to a 60° horizontal/30° vertical coverage pattern. This Con­trolled Coverage arrangement precisely defines the optimum listening area and minimizes room effects. At the same time, it provides a generous "sweet spot" for more comfortable critical lis­tening sessions.
The 1500AL Low Frequency Drive r
See Fi g u re 3
In order to achieve the lowest possible distortion and compression along with the high linear excursion necessary, the 1 5 0 0 A L is equipped with an A l n i c o magnet. As with earlier P roject K2 l o w frequency drivers, it utilizes forced air cooling. The entire magnetic structure is completely enclosed within a die-
Figure 2
Figure 3
Project K2 S9800
cast aluminum alloy frame. This pro­vides accurate, rigid support for the motor and cone mounting points, as well as doubling as a massive heat sink by providing a huge surface area for heat dissipation.
Instead of the conventional single pole piece thermal vent, the 1500AL h a s three separate gap cooling ducts which more effectively cool the voice coil and reduce the likelihood of hot spots. By reducing the operating temperature of the voice coil, power compression is significantly reduced, which enables the low frequency driver to operate in a more linear fashion over a wider sound pressure level (SPL) range.
The voice coil itself is constructed from edge wound Aluminum wire on a massive 4-inch in diameter Fiberg l a s s f o r m e r. This configuration provides for further cooling ability in conjunction with the motor design.
The Aquaplas™-coated cone along with EPDM Rubber Surround provides excellent damping and transient response characteristics.
435Be Beryllium diaphragm/ Neodymium magnet High Fre q u e n c y C o m p ression Drive r
See Fi g u re 4
The 435Be neodymium high frequency compression driver is based on the pro­fessional JBL2435 device. It incorpo­rates a rare-earth neodymium magnet structure, designed by extensive com­puter modeling, including finite ele­ment analysis, which combines the
attributes of ef f i c i e n c y, strength, low mass and compact size. This motor structure is coupled with a 3-inch Beryllium diaphragm. Beryllium pro­vides improved low distortion and flat frequency response over Aluminum or Titanium, thanks to its higher stiff n e s s ­to-mass ratio. This diaphragm is dusted with Aquaplas™, JBL's proven acousti­cal damping material, to reduce breakup and smooth out natural response irregularities.
High temperature materials and adhe­sives allow the driver to handle ex­tremely high power levels over extend­ed periods of time. The SonoGlass™ horn is acoustically inert and precision­molded to exacting tolerances. It incor­porates a unique tubular energy trans­mission system.
045Be Beryllium diaphragm/ Neodymium magnet Ultra-High F requency Compression Driver
See Fi g u re 5
The 045Be utilizes the same principles and materials as the 435Be, in a smaller footprint so that a frequency response up to 50 kHz can be achieved. T h i s transducer was developed specifically for the K2 S9800.
I n t e rnal Cro s s over Netwo r k
Each loudspeaker unit has three internal dividing networks, one for each trans­d u c e r. Ultra high frequency, high fre­quency and low frequency signal paths are completely independent to reduce any possibility of crosstalk or interfer­ence from the relatively large capaci­tors and inductors.
Figure 4
Figure 5
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