JBL Motion Picture Loudspeaker Systems, 4671, 4673, 4670A, 4672A Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
A. Introduction:
Although the company's roots extend back to the early days of motion picture sound, it has only been in the last few years that JBL has made a significant impact on the commercial theater market. Some of the reasons for this are the company's preeminence in high-quality sound reinforcement in general and the development of the notion of flat power response in particular.
In just the last year, JBL theater systems have been incorporated into some of the most presti- geous dubbing theaters and screening rooms in the film industry. We now feel that the time is right to prepare a comprehensive applications manual for our theater dealers to aid them in
system design and specification and to give them an edge over their competitors.
B. Systems for Smaller Houses:
A summary of house types:
By far, most of the theaters being built
today are long rectangular rooms. They are usually built in groups called multiplex
theaters for reasons of economy. Most of these theaters are mono, with a single loudspeaker behind the screen, and the seating capacity usually ranges from 200 to 500. In general, the larger houses, those seating 1000 or more, were built some years ago,
and these are usually equipped with three or five loudspeakers behind the screen and will have a multi-speaker surround channel located on the rear and side walls. A very few houses, usually found only in larger cities, will have special effects low-frequency channels, such as Sensurround, for special screenings of important films.
Motion Picture
Loudspeaker Systems
General Acoustical Characteristics:
Historically, motion picture theaters, whatever their size, have been acoustically "dead"
rooms; that is, they have consider- able absorption on the boundaries, and rever- beration times, even in the larger houses, rarely exceed 1.25 seconds. More likely, we will find the reverberation times in smaller houses to be in the 0.5 second range. The reason for this of course has to do with
culation and clarity of dialog.
The most common method of treating the
interior of theaters is with velour draping.
This is an interior treatment only; structurally, the architect relies on solid block walls to
minimize sound leakage from adjacent theaters.
One of the most common problems encoun- tered in theaters is a slap or reflection off the back
which often goes untreated. Should the back wall be curved, then the effect may be even worse, due to focussing of the reflection back to the front.
3. Sound Level Requirements: Average peak levels of 85 dB-SPL are common
in the theater. A minimum headroom figure
above this would be 10 dB, but JBL recommends 15 dB for a greater measure of safety. The following factors are taken into consideration in determining the kind of system to specify and the amount of amplifier power which will be required:
Room volume b. Room boundary area c. Reverberation time d.
System sensitivity and power
e. System directivity index
Table I presents JBL's system recommenda- tions based on general assumptions regarding room ratios and reverberation times. All the theater dealer or contractor has to do is calculate the room volume and go to that entry in the table. The mid-house levels are those calculated by assuming that the reverberant sound in the theater and the direct sound from the loudspeakers are equal. Beyond that point, the sound level will drop off somewhat, while in front of that point the sound will be louder.
Details of the various JBL systems recom- mended for single channel use in multiplex theaters are given in Figure 1. The choice between several systems, all of which might meet the specification, must be based on a num- ber of considerations. In general, the models 4672A and 4674A will result in less amplifier power requirement; however, these systems begin to roll off below 120 Hz, while the models 4671 and 4673 extend smoothly down to 45 Hz. Another consideration is enclosure depth. The space be- hind some screens can be as small as 0.6 meter (2 feet), and this often dictates system choice.
System Installation:
Whenever possible, the screen loudspeaker should be located one-third the way up the screen. Should the screen itself be higher than usual, requiring patrons seated toward the front of the house to look upward, then the loudspeaker may be placed somewhat lower. As a rule, the
loud- speaker high-frequency element should be aimed toward the farthest seats. This is certainly the way to go if the back wall is draped. If it cannot be draped, then tilting the system down a bit may help. The system should be placed as close as 0.3 meter
foot) to the screen to minimize the effect of high-frequency sound reflecting between the screen and the wall be- hind the loudspeaker. If possible, the wall area behind the screen should be treated with sound absorptive material. See Figure 2 for details of this.
Most of the wire runs in a theater will be short enough so that a wire gauge no greater than AWG #12 will be required. All JBL theater systems should be considered as 8-ohm systems in making line loss calculations, and the general rule is that line losses should be held to no greater than 0.5 dB. Table II shows line losses for various runs and gauges.
The theater dealer should always try to speci- fy a stereo amplifier which can be bridged for mono operation. Care must be taken that the amplifier's bridged mono rating into 8 ohms will not be exceeded.
C. Systems for Larger Houses:
Choosing the system:
Figure 3 shows the JBL systems normally specified for multi-channel use in theaters. Note that these systems all make use of Bi-Radial high-frequency horns. The models 4675 and 4676A-1 make use of the 2360 90-by-40 degree horn for normal coverage, while the 4676A-2 uses a pair of 2365 60-by-40 horns splayed for
90-degree coverage.
Of these three systems, the 4675 will be the
most useful because it exhibits the smoothest power response of any system that JBL makes. This is, in fact, the one that has become well known in film production circles as "JBL's new theater system."
Table III will enable the theater dealer to specify and choose power for these systems in larger theaters. The powers given for each
loud- speaker enable each channel to reach a level of 100 dB in the house. Depending on the exact na- ture of the multi-channel installation, the behind-the-screen resources may be five
full- range channels, or three full-range channels and two low-frequency augmentation channels.
Powering the system:
With these larger systems, we have the option of biamplification. While this is more expensive than the normal single amplifier approach, it does result in far cleaner sound on peaks by making it impossible for low-frequency signals to modulate high-frequency signals. Figure 4 shows the two ways that these larger systems can be imple- mented electrically.
Biamplification allows considerably more power to be delivered to the LF portions of theater systems, since the passive dividing network is being bypassed. Biamplification should certainly be considered essential if the theater installation is intended for playback at levels in excess of 100 dB.
3. Installation of the system:
As we stated earlier, it is customary for screen loudspeakers to be located about one-third the way up the screen and as close as 0.3 meter
foot). The center loudspeaker should be normal to the screen, but the flank- ing loudspeakers may be toed in slightly, as shown in Figure 5, in order to ensure even coverage, and consequently better stereo, for those patrons seated off to one side.
D. Surround Channels:
1= Genera! requirements:
While there is little consistent practice in
specifying and implementing surround channels,
we can lay down the following requirements:
The total acoustical power delivered
by the ensemble of surround
loud- speakers should be equal to one of the screen channels. There are pro- bably not many surround channels which meet this requirement, but it is essential if the full impact of surround information is to be appreciated. While a 15-dB headroom factor is a part of the power calcu- lations for the screen channels, it may be unreasonable to demand that
of the surround channel. Thus, a requirement that the surround channel be able to produce a level in the house of 95 dB-SPL will suffice. In the case of the distributed 200 mm (8") speaker system, a level of 92 dB is deemed sufficient.
b. The quantity of surround loudspeakers
should be sufficient so that listeners are not aware of only one of them. This usually means a minimum of eight: three each on the side walls and two on the back
c. The surround loudspeakers should
exhibit wide dispersion so that the entire audience area can appreciate even coverage across the frequency range.
Surround loudspeakers should be
unobtrusive and not interfere with theater decor. This requirement may run counter to some of the acoustical requirements in that size is related to system efficiency.
The JBL 4401 monitor loudspeaker works extremely well since a small number of them, usually less tham 12, will provide the desired level in many houses. The MC 4401 mounting cradle provides a convenient method of
wall- mounting and angling the 4401 system. Table IV presents details of surround loudspeaker selection.
The use of multiple 200 mm (8") loudspeakers has been favored by Dolby Laboratories. While the hardware costs may be reasonable, the labor costs for this approach are accordingly higher. For this type of system, the JBL 8140 co-motional trans- ducer will be a logical choice. The baffles used in such an installation should ideally be
con- structed according to the transducer manufac- turer's plans or recommendations so that low- frequency response will be adequate. A lower cost approach calls for using one of the many standard
tilted front enclosures. As a rule, these are too small in volume for proper low-frequency response, and the client should understand this at the outset.
The 4671 theater system is recommended for
high-power surround use. With an efficiency of
3.5%, relatively few of these units are required. They would normally be specified when the entire theater reproduction system was called upon to produce levels in the 105-to-110-dB range.
Powering the surround channel:
Figure 6 presents details of the implementa- tion of the surround channel. At C through E, we show details of the electrical distribution. Depen- ding on the number of surround loudspeakers, the hook-up will be series-parallel, and the resulting
impedance can usually be held to no less than 4
An amplifier should be chosen whose 4-ohm power rating will not be exceeded. In some cases, the JBL model 9375 line matching autotransformer will be useful in maintaining the desired im- pedance. For the 200 mm (8") loudspeakers, a 70-volt distribution system should be used. See JBL Technical Note, Volume 1, Number 2, for details of this method.
E. Subwoofer Systems:
Universal's introduction of "Sensurround" during the seventies brought special effects very- low-frequency channels into the motion picture theater. Typically, these channels cover the range from 20-25 Hz up to 40-50 Hz. Quite high acoustical power output is required, since the ear is relatively insensitive to extremely low frequencies.
Most installations of subwoofers are dictated by the requirements of particular screenings, and instructions will generally come from the studios
or through the film distributors. The Dolby model CP200 processor provides a low-frequency output that may be used to drive a subwoofer channel directly.
Table V presents data on selecting the number of subwoofer modules needed for parti- cular sound levels in theaters of different volumes. The enclosure recommended here is the
Its specifications with the 2245H LF driver are detailed in column 4 of JBL Technical Note, Volume 1, Number 1. It is important to provide adequate and stable power for proper subwoofer operation.
Whenever possible, the amplifiers
should be located at the loudspeakers themselves.
Note that as the number of modules is
the sound pressure increases 6 dB.
Three dB are due to the doubling of power
and the remaining three come from
mutual coupling, the tendency of two loudspeakers
to behave as a single, more efficient loudspeaker.
F. Acoustical Response:
Concept of flat power response:
to ship the components complete so that the systems can be readily assembled. It is a wise dealer, however, who will keep a good stock of replacement components and mounting hardware.
The systems do not travel well in their assem- bled form, so they should always be assembled at their final site. All transducers should be checked prior to being sent out, however.
While most loudspeaker systems are fairly flat on axis, they tend to narrow considerably in their coverage angles at high frequencies. Their power response is said to roll off. If a
loud- speaker maintains fairly constant horizontal and vertical coverage angles over most of its fre- quency range, then flat on-axis response will also imply flat power response. Since about half of the sound heard in the theater has been reflected at least once, it is important that loudspeakers exhibit fairly flat power response if the reproduced sound is to be natural.
Another consequence of using loudspeakers with flat power response is that little system equal- ization is required. Figure 7 illustrates this. At A, we see the boundary absorption in a typical well-designed theater. Note that it is quite flat over the frequency range. High-frequency losses due to air absorption are shown at B, and typical high-frequency screen losses are shown at C. When we add up all of these, we get the response shown at D, and this is exactly the acoustical response we would observe in the room if we were using a loudspeaker that had flat power response.
Figure 8 shows the standard "house curve" to which most theater systems are equalized. Note that it closely resembles the summed curve shown in Figure 7,D, indicating that flat power response systems will require little, if any added equalization in most houses.
JBL's theater systems using Bi-Radial horns exhibit essentially flat power response as well
as flat on-axis response. The smaller systems exhibit flat on-axis response, but their power response rolls off slightly at high frequencies. JBL's passive dividing networks provide for a high-frequency boost which effectively makes any of the systems power-flat at high frequencies. In the smaller systems, this may be accompanied by a slight on-axis rise at high frequencies. Nevertheless, we recommend that the high- frequency boost be used in all theater applica- tions.
H. System Assembly:
Details of assembly:
We present in Figure 9 detailed wiring
dia- grams of each of the theater systems, along with a complete listing of components in each system.
Figure 10 shows details of mounting LF trans-
ducers in the various 4500-series LF enclosures.
The models 4507, 4508 and 4518 all require front-
mounting of transducers. There are T-nuts
mounted on the back side of the baffle, and the four mounting screws for each transducer engage these as shown at A.
Both the 4550BKA and 4560BKA have demountable back panels. These are removed and the LF transducers mounted in place with screws engaging T-nuts, as shown at B.
High-frequency horns are mounted as shown in Figure 11. The 2370 horn-2425 HF driver com- bination is placed directly on top of the 4507 LF enclosure, and its mouth is parallel with the front of the LF enclosure. It should be mounted flush with the front of the LF enclosure. Two angle irons may be used to secure the front of the horn to the enclosure, as shown at A. An alternate way to mount the smaller Bi-Radial horns (2370 and 2380) is to screw the bottom front flange into the upper front edge of the LF enclosure, as shown in Figure 11C.
The user should note in general that Bi-Radial
because of their extended vertical coverage at high frequencies, do not normally have to be tilted with respect to the LF enclosure in order to provide proper coverage of the audience area.
When the 4560BKA enclosure is used, the 2370 horn is mounted in a space provided at the top of the LF enclosure. The upper panel is removed,
and the horn is screwed into place, as
shown at B.
The 2380 horn is mounted on top of the LF
enclosure in the 4670A, 4673, and 4674A systems.
With the 2445 HF driver in place, the horn-driver
combination sits on top of the enclosure with its mouth parallel to the front of the enclosure. As in the case shown at A, the front of the horn
should be secured to the enclosure top with angle
or by screwing into the front edge of the LF
General comments:
JBL's theater systems are shipped to the
dealer in component form. Every attempt is made
The Bi-Radial horns require the model 2506
mounting bracket for proper installation. Proper mounting is shown at bracket for proper installa- tion.
Proper mounting is shown at D. The bottom of the mouth of the Bi-Radial horn should be flush with the front of the LF enclosure, and the mount- ing bracket should be securely screwed to the top of the enclosure.
Figure 12 shows how networks are mounted.
The smaller networks, models
311 OA
and 3115A, are mounted in cut-outs in the rear of the LF enclosures, as shown at A. The high-power 3152A is screwed onto the back of the enclosure, as shown at B.
4671 4673
150 W
150 W
300 W
150 W
150 W
97 dB, 1 W, 1 M
97 dB, 1 W, 1 M
100 dB, 1 W, 1 M,
103 dB, 1 W, 1 M
103 dB 1 W, 1 M
FOR 100 dB
1700 M3 (60,000 FT3)
4671 4673 4672A 4674A
2832 M3 (100,000 FT3)
4670A 4672A 4674A
4530 M3 (160,000
4670A 4674A
+ 11 hidden pages