JBL 2225H Specification

400 W continuous program power capacity
100 mm (4 in) edgewound copper ribbon 30 Hz-2 kHz response 97 dB sensitivity, I W, I m
The JBL Model 2225H engineering developments in low frequency driver design. Specifically designed for both horn-loaded and vented box enclosures, it has the ruggedness to withstand high-power sound reinforcement use. The extended length of the voice coil allows increased linear travel, and carefully selected suspension elements provide an optimum balance of motor and suspension forces to produce tight, accurate tran-
/ J
represents JBL’s latest
voice coil
sient characteristics and complete freedom from dynamic instabilities. The choice of surround mate­rial and damping treatment provides an optimum termination for the cone edge, reducing distortion and allowing a smooth high frequency response that permits higher crossover frequencies than normally specified for a 380
The 2225H frame to resist deformation and aid in heat dissipa­tion. The magnetic structure features JBL’s unique Symmetrical Field Geometry (SFG) design to reduce second harmonic distortion to inconsequential lev­els. The 100 mm (4 in) diameter voice coil benefits from new adhesive technology and an optimized coil-former construction of aluminum, plastic, and high temperature paper for increased power capac-
mm driver.
/ J
incorporates a heavy cast aluminum
ity. Extremely tight manufacturing tolerances also contribute to the high performance and linear fre­quency response. The driver is available as the 2225H with an impedance of 8 ohms or as the 22251 with a 16-ohm impedance.
The low frequency transducer shall have a nomtnai diameter of 380 mm c I5 1111, overall depth not greater than 137 mm (5% in). and weigh at least IO The frame shall be of cast aluminum to resist deformation, and the magnetic assembly shall utihze a ferrite magnet and produce a symmetrical magnetic fwld at the vow co11 gap In addition. an aluminum rmg enwclmg the pole pwce shall act to reduce flux modulation The vow
shall be made of edgewound copper ribbon operatmg m a magnetic field of not less than I 2 T
Performance specifications of a typlcal productlon unit shall be as follows Measured be at least 97
efficiency, the BI factor shall be at least 23 (34) newtons per ampere reference eff~~ency shall be 3 5% Usable frequency response shall extend from 30 Hz-2000 Hz On axis response, measured at a distance of I 8 m (6 ft) or more
free field conditions, shall be f 3
further extend the low frequency response Nommal Impedance shall be 8 (16) ohms. Rated power capacity shall be at least 400 W normal program matenal
The transducer shall be the JBL Model 2225Hil Other loudspeakers wll be considered for equwalency provided that submItted data from a recognized independent test laboratory venfy that the above performance speciflcatlons are met
dB on axes As a” rndicatron of electromechanrcal conversro”
coil shall be
I m
13 3 ftl wth I W
from 50 Hz- 1200 Hz Acoustic loading shall
100 mm I4 ml m diameter and
swept 100 Hz-500 Hz) shall
Qpical Response Curve, Enclosure Volume and Port Tuning
free-field environment, a closed box of 140 L (5 ft3) internal
enclosing the rear of the driver Measured response of a typical production unit, including all peaks and dips, does not deviate more than 2 dB from the above curve The dashed curve represents the response from a 160 cm* 125 in21 port with a I3 cm (5 in) long duct tuning this enclosure to 40
IBL continually engagei I” research related to product improvement New mate”& production methods and design refmements are Introduced mfo existing products wlthout notfce as a rouf~ne expresslo” of that philosophy For this reason any current IBL product may differ I” some respect from INS publlshed descrlptlon but ~111 always equal or exceed the original design specIfIcatlons unles6 othenuse stated
response contour of the
2225HiJ taken
122% Ibl
The half-space
in a hemispherical
Nomlnal Drameter 380 mm
Rated Impedance
2225H 8 ohms
22251. I6
Capacity’ 400 W continuous program
Sensltrvity’ 97 d6 SPL. I W, I m
Frequency Range
Hrghest Recommended
Crossover Frequency I200 Hz
Recommended Enclosure
Effective Piston Dram&r 337 mm
Maximum Excursion Before
Mrnrmum Impedance
Voice Coil Diameter 100 mm (4 ini
Vorce Co11 Materral
Vorce Coil WIndIng Depth 160mm (0631”)
Magnetic Gap Depth
Magnetrc Assembly Weight
Effectrve Moving Mass
Positrve voltage on black termrnal gives forward draphragm motion
Thiele-Small Parameters
Mountrne lnformatmn
Bolt Crrcie Dram&r
Baffle Cutout Diameter
Volume Displaced by Drwer
When Mounted in
i”nber”ati”e expresslo” of the transducers ablllty to handle typical speech and music program mdfelldl
‘The sensitivity rdtlng of IBL low frequency loudspeakers 1s based on a signal swept trom 100 Hz to 500 Hz rather than the conventional I kHz single frequency test signal. since these drIveri are usually used below 800 Hz Therefore usable se”~~t~v,ty of the 2225Hsl may be substantially greater than that of loudspeakers with higher pubhshed rat,“@ The half-space reference effuency percentages will gave a conh~ste”t method for comparison oi E series. Professtonal Series and
iomper,t~ve loudspeakers ,n low-frequency applications
program power IS defined ai 3 dB greater than co,,t,n~ous ~,ne wave
Volume 85-285 L (?-IO it’)
Damage 22 mm (‘a I” peak to peak]
Flux Density I2T (12.000gauss)
BI Factor 23 N;A(H). 34 N;A (I)
‘lo (Half spacei
P, (Max) 200 W Continuous sine wave
Overall Drameter 388 mm (l5’k4 in]
Front Mount. 355 mm (13% I”)
Rear Mount 343 mm (13% in)
Net Weight IO I kg (22% lb)
Shipping Weight
30 Hz-2 kHz
7 3 ohms % 10% fit 25°C (H).
139ohms i- IO’b@t 25”C(J)
7 I mm (0 28 in) 8 5 kg j 18% lb)
0 105 kg
f, 40 Hz
R, 6 3 ohms (HJ I2 9 ohms (I)
O+ 028
Q,, 25
as l7OL (6ft’l
S, 0089m? (1381n2]
X,,, 5 mm (02 I”)
Vr, 445cm’ (271”‘)
I ImH(H).22mH(I]
3 5%
370 mm ( 14% I”]
137 mm (5% I”)
6L (0 2 it’]
I I 2 kg (24% lb)
5 I”)
IS d
JBL Professional, 8500 Balboa Boulevard, P 0 Box 2200, Northndge, Callfornla 91329 U S A
63876 SS2225H Jill-85 P795 PrInted I” U S A