jbc IN 2100 Instruction Manual

IN 2100
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Instructions manual
We appreciate the trust you have shown in JBC by purchasing this IN 2100 Ref. 2132058, soldering gun. It has been manufactured with the highest standards of quality to ensure reliable service. It is equipped with a long life tip. See the models on the last page.
Soldering of electronic components for home repair calls or for use as a source of quick and powerful heat.
- Power supply: 230 V
- Initial power: 200W
- Maintenance power: 60W
- Fast heating reaches 250°C: in approx. 45 seconds
- Long-life tip T-20D: Ref. 0300509
- Weight: 150 g
Check that mains voltage is the same as indicated on the soldering gun handle.
Plug in the soldering gun and press the trigger without releasing for about 30 seconds. The temperature will keep rising by its own inertia. Then press the trigger at intervals of approx. 10 seconds to maintain temperature.
If the soldering job requires high temperature or if a great deal of heat dissipation is foreseen (ground solder), make an initial contact of approx. 1 minute, then press the trigger again, this time for as long as the soldering gun tip remains in contact with the point to be soldered.
Do NOT keep the trigger pressed for the whole time that the soldering gun remains in operation or the tip will overheat and wear out quickly.
Remember that the soldering flux evaporates at very high temperatures before its cleaning action has time to take
effect, thus failing to do the job for which it is intended.
The coil spring which is supplied with the unit serves as protection when storing the hot soldering gun (Fig. 1) and as support while working (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
This product should not be thrown in the garbage.
JBC reserves the right to after specifications without prior notice.
Use the tip removal device Ref. 0114108.
1 Remove the ring to release the tip.
2 Remove the tip by pulling the soldering
iron lengthwise without forcing the element.
Before fitting the new tip, clean the part of the element which is covered by the tip, to eliminate any contamination and facilitate the insertion of the new tip.
3 Insert the new tip and make sure that it
has penetrated fully home, otherwise its thermic performance would be altered and would not correspond to the temperature reading.
- To clean the tips, use the damp sponge included with the JBC stand.
Only deionised water (car battery watter) should be used in order to wet the sponge. If normal water was to be used, it is very likely that the tip will become dirty due to the salts dissolved within the water.
- Do not file the tips or use abrasive tools which may damage the tip’s protective surface coating and avoid knocking them about.
- If the tip has been a long time without being tinned, use the metal brush Ref. 0297705 adaptable to the support, to remove any dirt and oxide.
Agradecemos la confianza depositada en JBC al adquirir nuestro soldador rápido IN 2100 Ref. 2132058. Ha sido fabricado con las más estrictas normas de calidad, para prestarle el mejor servicio. La punta con que va equipado es de larga duración. Ver modelos en la última página.
Soldadura de componentes electrónicos en trabajos de asistencia domiciliaria o cuando se precise una fuente de calor rápida y potente.
- Alimentación: 230 V
- Potencia inicial: 200 W
- Potencia mantenimiento: 60 W
- Calentamiento rápido a 250 °C: en aprox. 45 segundos
- Punta larga duración T-20D: Ref. 0300509
- Peso soldador: 150 gr
Compruebe que el voltaje de la red sea el indicado en el mango del soldador.
Conecte el soldador y presione el gatillo de forma continua, durante unos 30 segundos. Por su propia inercia la temperatura seguirá ascendiendo. A continuación presione a intervalos aprox. cada 10 segundos para mantener la temperatura. Si la soldadura a realizar requiere una elevada temperatura o tiene prevista una fuerte disipación (soldaduras a masa), haga el contacto inicial durante aprox. 1 minuto, presionando nuevamente el gatillo, esta vez durante el tiempo que se mantenga en contacto la punta del soldador con el punto a soldar.
NO mantener apretado el gatillo durante todo el tiempo que el soldador deba permanecer en funcionamiento, producirla un sobrecalentamiento de la punta, provocando el rápido deterioro de la misma.
Tenga en cuenta que a temperaturas muy elevadas, el flux del estaño se evapora
antes de poder efectuar su acción decapante, anulando la función por la que ha sido incorporado al estaño.
El muelle espiral que se suministra con el soldador, sirve como protección para guardar el soldador caliente (Fig. 1) y como apoyo durante el trabajo (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Este producto no debe ser tirado a la basura.
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