Compact Desoldering Station
with Electric Pump
Ref. CS-D

ww w.jb ct oo ls .c om
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Manual ........................... 1 unit
Ref. 0010207
Packing List
The followin g items should b e included:
CSV Contro l Unit ...................................... 1 unit
Ref. CSV-1D (120V)
CSV-2D (230V)
CSV-9D (100V)
Electri c Desolder ing Module .............. 1 unit
Ref. MS-A
Compact Desoldering Station
with Electric Pump
Ref. CS-D
www.jb ctoo ls. com
Micro Des oldering Ir on ........................ 1 unit
Ref. DS360-A
(5 units)
Ref. C360002
(5 units)
Ref. C36000 4
Cleaning R ods
Ref. 0008466
(2 units)
Ref. 0008473
Cleaning b rush
Ref. 0008297
Solder Col lector
(2 units)
Ref. 0008467
DS360 -A
Accessories ................. 1 unit
Ref. 0010259
Suction Fi lter ................ 1 unit
Ref. 0821830
Module Cabl e ............... 1 unit
Ref. 0010207
Cotton Fil ters .................1 unit
Ref. 0781046
Brass Wool ............................................... 1 unit
Ref. CL6210
Sponge ......................................................... 1 unit
Ref. S0354
Power Cable .................. 1 unit
Ref. 0009417 (100V/120V)
0009401 (230V )
Filter Box ......................... 1 unit
Ref. 0005966
It contains 50 f ilters

Module Cab le
Ref. 0010207
ww w.jb ct oo ls .c om
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Cable colle ctor
Tip Cleani ng System
Process Contro l
Adjustable S tand:
Intellige nt Heat
Manageme nt
Power Socket
Main switch
Desolde ring Iron
Ref. DS360-A
Adjustable Stand
Cable collector
Adjust the tool st and to suit your work p osition.
Place the cab le on the collector to keep the work are a free of cable.
Suction Fi lter
Ref. 0821830