jbc AM 6500 Instruction Manual

Instructions manual
US Version
AM 6500
We appreciate the trust you have placed in JBC in purchasing this station. It is manufactured to the most stringent quality standards in order to give you the best possible service. Before turning on your station, we recommend you read these instructions carefully.
Extractor stand
20 tripod
40 tripod
AD 8245
soldering iron stand
DR 5600
desoldering iron
* 2210/2225 handpiece
2245 cartridges
MP 2260
Pick & Place
AM 6500
rework station
Pick & Place and extractors
vacuum selection
JT 8700
heater stand
* These elements are not
supplied with the station
Spare filters
* PA 8120
hot tweezers stand
* PA 8110
hot tweezers stand
2245 handpiece
* PA 4200
hot tweezers
* Cartridges for the PA 4200 hot tweezers
* PA 1200
micro hot tweezers
* 1200 cartridges
DR 8500
desoldering iron stand
External desoldering air filter
* 2210 cartridges
* AP 1300
solder feed iron
* Cartridges for the
AP 1300 solder
feed iron
* AD 8210
soldering iron stand
* AP 8130
soldering feed iron stand
The AM 6500 is a rework station for through-hole and SMT boards.
- AM 6500 120V Ref. 6500100
It contains 4 modules which cover the main rework tasks:
- Hot air for desoldering any size of SMD components.
The station uses the exclusive JBC system, based on protectors-extractors and hot-air flow, which makes desoldering clean and quick, concentrating the heat on the IC, and protecting the rest of the circuit at the same time.
A medium-sized SMD can be desoldered in less than 20 seconds.
- Desoldering SMTs and cleaning of through­hole components and pads by using the DR 5600 desoldering iron, which contains a self­contained vacuum pump.
- Pick & Place MP 2260 pencil by suction to aid components positioning.
- Soldering of all types of components, with the swift response, power and temperature recovery of the Advanced series.
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering­desoldering can be connected to the two modules:desoldering can be connected to the two modules:
desoldering can be connected to the two modules:desoldering can be connected to the two modules:
desoldering can be connected to the two modules: the soldering handpieces, the DR 5600 desoldering iron, the AP 1300 solder feed iron and the tweezers.
The standardization of connections allows you to adapt your configuration in the best way to your job's needs. Do notice that you can connect only one desoldering iron.
In the station it is easy to verify which temperature control module is controlling which tool. With all tools in their stands take any one of them out of its stand while watching the green LEDs of the station. You will see that the LED of the module the tool is connected to, will stop being intermittent thus indicating the tool is ready for use.
The station’s components
- Control Unit with 900 W heater
- 2245 handpiece Ref. 2245000 with the 2245-003 cartridge Ref. 2245003
- DR 5600 desoldering iron Ref. 5600000 with the 5600-003 tip Ref. 5600003
- MP 2260 Pick & Place Ref. 2260000
Accessories for the heater:
- JT 8700 heater stand Ref. 0828700
- Extractor stand Ref. 0932845
- Set of 5 protectors (Fig. 1, page 27)
- Set of 5 extractors (Fig. 2, page 27)
- 2 tripods for the protectors (Fig. 1, page 27)
- Set of 4 suction cups Ref. 0930110
- 3 nozzles In order to make the nozzles removal easier, the
stand has a special bushing.(Fig. 3, page 27).
- Suction tube with connectors Ref. 0932330
- Pedal with cable and connector Ref. 0964551
Accessories for the 2245 handpiece:
- AD 8245 soldering iron stand Ref. 0788245
Accessories for the desoldering iron:
- DR 8500
desoldering iron stand Ref. 0788500
- External desoldering air filter Ref. 0821830
- Spare filters Ref. 0781046
- Set of accessories Ref. 0780593
Accessories for the Pick & Place:
- Set of suction cups Pick & Place Ref. 0940163
- Set of straight needles Ref. 0901546
- Set of bent needles Ref. 0861660
- Instruction manual Ref. 0781056
The AM 6500 station has the following complementary products:
- 2210/2225 handpiece Ref. 2210000
- PA 1200 micro hot tweezers Ref. 1200000
- PA 4200 hot tweezers Ref. 4200000
- AP 1300 solder feed iron Ref. 1300000
Control Unit technical specifications
- Maximum power soldering iron 50W
- Maximum power desoldering iron 75W
- Power heating unit 900W
- Temperature selection of the soldering part: 200 to 700°F (±5%)
- Temperature selection hot air: 300 to 850°F (±5%)
- Air flow regulation: 6-45 l/min
- Self-contained vacuum pump for holding ICs
- Station's maximum power: 1150W
- ESD protected housing. Typical surface resistance: 105-1011Ohms/ square
- Complies with CE standards on electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility and antistatic protection.
- Equipotential connector and the tool tip are connected to station mains ground supply for ESD protection.
- Weight of complete unit: 44 lbs
For soldering and desoldering
- Clean the contacts and the printed circuit
to be desoldered of dust or dirt.
- Preferably select a temperature below
662°F. Excess temperature may cause the printed circuit tracks to break loose.
- The tip must be well tinned for good heat
conduction. If it has been inoperative for any length of time, it should be retinned.
Safety measures
- Incorrect use of this tool may cause fire.
- Be cautious when using the tool in places
where inflamable products are stored.
- Heat can fire up inflamable products even
when they are not at sight.
- Do not use when the atmosphere is
- Place the tool back on its stand in order to
let it cool down before you store it.
LED lights
Red LED -ON- when lit, it indicates that the station
is plugged in the mains.
Green LED -READY- when lit, it indicates that the system is ready and correctly set for working.
The green led light is on after a few seconds, is the time needed to carry on the self-checking system.
The green light is pulsing when the tool is in sleep mode.
If the green led is not lit, the reason why, will be one of the following:
1. The tool is not plugged in.
2. The maximum available power has been exceeded for too long - e.g. in a very thick soldering or desoldering at the high repetition rates.
3. The heating element has a short circuit or an open circuit.
4. When an AC 2600 console is connected to the station.
5. Any other trouble preventing the system from working properly.
If any of the above mentioned causes is corrected, the station will start working automatically, except if there is an excess in an energy supply. In this case, the station has to be switched off and restarted.
When pressing the button of the desoldering iron handle, one of the two leds in the area marked SUCTION will light up:
Green light -SUCTION- indicates the correct functioning of the desoldering iron.
Red light -SUCTION- indicates a blockade within the vacuum circuit.
This can be caused by the following:
- The tip of the desoldering iron is blocked.
- The solder tin deposit is full.
- The filter of the desoldering iron is dirty.
- The station’s external desoldering air filter is dirty.
Only for users of AC 2600 console ref. 2600000.
If you lock the working temperature thanks to the console, the green LED -READY- will remain on while the dial is set at the locked temperature. If the dial is not set at the locked temperature, the green LED -READY- will be blinking. The farther the dial will be set from the locked temperature the slower the blinking pace will be.
SLEEP FUNCTION Tool in sleep mode
One of the Series Advanced features is that when the tool is placed in the holder, the temperature at the tip drops automatically to the sleep temperature (sleep). This function is only possible because of the quick response time which does not make the user realise the temperature rise to reach the selected temperature. Thanks to the sleep mode, oxidation levels at the tip are much lower and therefore tip life extended to 3 to 5 times under equal conditions of use.
To indicate that the tool is in sleep-mode, the green led starts pulsing.
These parameters can be modified using the
AC 2600 console Ref. 2600000.
In order to take full advantage of the sleep function and as a security measure, it is necessary to place the tool in the stand when it is not being used.
When connecting an old version solder stand, it may happen that the sleep function does not work. To resolve this problem, you should make a bridge between pins number 3 and 5 from the aerial connector of the cable of the stand, that plugs in the station.
Aerial connector
Bridge between
pin number 3 & 5
Description of controls
- PEDAL: Hot air is produced when it is held down.
Releasing it the heater is disconnected, though the turbine continues to operate until the air temperature falls below 212°F.
Activates or desactivates the hot-air flow. After a function-time of two minutes the hot-air flow switches automatically off. The red light indicates, that the heating element is functioning. A malfunction is indicated by the pulsing of the red led.
On/off switch for the self-contained suction pump. The yellow light of the switch indicates that the self-contained vacuum pump is activated.
Allows fixing the temperature of the heater between 300 and 850°F. The selected temperatures are reference values which may change depending on the distance between the heating element and the nozzle. Allows fixing the temperature of the soldering and desoldering iron between 200 and 700°C.
This enables the air flow to be set on a scale from 1 (corresponding to the lowest setting of 6 l/min) to 10 (corresponding to the highest of 45 l/min).
Two vacuum inlets avalaible, being active the one that coincides with the arrow.
We would also recommend the use of the nozzles of larger diameter, reserving the smallest one (diam. 4 mm) for desoldering small components such as resistors, condensers and the like, bearing in mind that with this small nozzle the concentration of heat is greater and care must be taken to avoid burning the printed circuit; we recommend keeping below a temperature of 662 °F and air flow of 6.
Depending on the size of the integrated circuit to be desoldered, you will have to use:
A) Protector + tripod. B) Extractor. C)Tripod.
A) Protector + tripod:
- Select protector and tripod size in function of the IC to be desoldered and place it over the component.
- Use the VACUUM button to start the pump and then fit the tripod. Press the sucker down until it sticks onto the component.
- Use the pedal or the HEAT button to start the self-contained hot-air pump, directing it with a circular movement at the component terminals and taking care to distribute the heat evenly.
- When the soldering flux turns liquid the extractor will automatically lift the component.
B) Extractor:
- Select extractor size in function of the IC to be desoldered. Use the VACUUM button to start the pump.
- Fit the extractor and press the sucker down until it sticks onto the component.
- Use the pedal or the HEAT button to start the self-contained hot-air pump, directing it with a circular movement at the component terminals and taking care to distribute the heat evenly.
- When the soldering flux turns liquid the extractor will automatically lift the component.
There are different models of protectors and extractors as accessories.
The measurements of all the extractors and protectors are given on page 27 of instructions manual.
For small components for which an extractor cannot be used, we recommend use of tripod 20 Ref. 0932050, as shown in the figure.
Use the tripod 40 Ref. 0932250 for larger integrated circuits.
1 After desoldering the component, any solder
left on the printed circuit should be removed with our DR 5600 desoldering iron ref. 5600000.
2 Place the component or printed circuit with
the MP 2260 Pick & Place ref. 2260000.
3 When the component is correctly placed,
solder its pins.In the case of integrated circuits of the Flat Pack type, first solder one pin of every IC angle to fix it in place in the circuits.
4 Apply FL 9582 flux ref. 0046565 in pads and
5 Solder the remaining pins. For this we
recommend to use our soldering irons of the Advanced series, which are available in two different models:
2210/2225 handpiece ref. 2210000 for great precision tasks, like SMD solders, etc.
2245 handpiece ref. 2245000 for general soldering tasks in professional electronics.
These soldering irons have a wide range of cartridges with different models of tips. The 2245-009 cartridge and 2245-010 are specially designed for soldering SMD circuits of the QFP and PLCC types.
Solder wire with a diameter of between 0.5 and
0.7 mm should be used.
6 Depending on the nature of the component to
be soldered, use soldering paste together with our TE 5000 hot air station, which gives very accurate air-flow regulation, between 4 and 11 l/min.
Follow this process inverted to re-connect the heater.
Move back the cover. Pull the connector from the socket to disconnect the heater from the station.
Exchanging the heater.
Turn off the station.
Use a wrench to unscrew the cover.
O-ring ø17 x ø1,8
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