JBA 40-2522 User Manual

**Inst**Inst**Inst**Inst allation recommendation:allation recommendation:allation recommendation:allation recommendation:
JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust shop.JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust shop.JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust shop.JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust shop.
PartPartPartParts Lists Lists Lists List
A.A.A.A. Head pipeHead pipeHead pipeHead pipe 1111
E.E.E.E. 2-1/2" clamp2-1/2" clamp2-1/2" clamp2-1/2" clamp 1111
B.B.B.B. 24" muf24" muf24" muf24" mufflerflerflerfler 1111 FFFF.... 3" clamp3" clamp3" clamp3" clamp 1111
C.C.C.C. TTTTail pipeail pipeail pipeail pipe 1111 GGGG.... 3" muf3" muf3" muf3" muffler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hanger 1111
D.D.D.D. TTTTurn outurn outurn outurn out 1111 H.H.H.H. 3" t3" t3" t3" tail pipe clampail pipe clampail pipe clampail pipe clamp 1111
V8-4.6L, V8- 5.4LV8-4.6L, V8- 5.4LV8-4.6L, V8- 5.4LV8-4.6L, V8- 5.4L
1998 5.4L1998 5.4L1998 5.4L1998 5.4L V8V8V8V8
ratchetratchetratchetratchet rubber malletrubber malletrubber malletrubber mallet 9/16 deep socket9/16 deep socket9/16 deep socket9/16 deep socket spray lubricant or penetratingspray lubricant or penetratingspray lubricant or penetratingspray lubricant or penetrating 15mm socket15mm socket15mm socket15mm socket oiloiloiloil ppppair of channel lock pliersair of channel lock pliersair of channel lock pliersair of channel lock pliers prybarprybarprybarprybar reciprocating saw or hackreciprocating saw or hackreciprocating saw or hackreciprocating saw or hack
impimpimpimpact wrenchact wrenchact wrenchact wrench
8mm wrench8mm wrench8mm wrench8mm wrench
2. Disconnect negative battery cable with2. Disconnect negative battery cable with2. Disconnect negative battery cable with2. Disconnect negative battery cable with 8 mm wrench and allow vehicle exhaust8 mm wrench and allow vehicle exhaust8 mm wrench and allow vehicle exhaust8 mm wrench and allow vehicle exhaust to cool.to cool.to cool.to cool.
1. Remove and inventory new JBA1. Remove and inventory new JBA1. Remove and inventory new JBA1. Remove and inventory new JBA exhaust.exhaust.exhaust.exhaust.
19. Inst19. Inst19. Inst19. Install rear tall rear tall rear tall rear tail pipe hanger intoail pipe hanger intoail pipe hanger intoail pipe hanger into lower hole of rubber grommet. Rotlower hole of rubber grommet. Rotlower hole of rubber grommet. Rotlower hole of rubber grommet. Rotateateateate ttttail pipe (C) to align rear hanger rod.ail pipe (C) to align rear hanger rod.ail pipe (C) to align rear hanger rod.ail pipe (C) to align rear hanger rod.
3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-3. With vehicle raised and properly sup­ported, using a reciprocating saw or hackported, using a reciprocating saw or hackported, using a reciprocating saw or hackported, using a reciprocating saw or hack sawsawsawsaw, cut the t, cut the t, cut the t, cut the tail pipe approximately 3îail pipe approximately 3îail pipe approximately 3îail pipe approximately 3î
behind mufbehind mufbehind mufbehind mufflerflerflerfler....
8. Using a p8. Using a p8. Using a p8. Using a pair of channel lock pliers,air of channel lock pliers,air of channel lock pliers,air of channel lock pliers, remove rubber grommetremove rubber grommetremove rubber grommetremove rubber grommets completely ands completely ands completely ands completely and
save.save.save.save. They will be reinstThey will be reinstThey will be reinstThey will be reinstalledalledalledalled ....
14. Slip muf14. Slip muf14. Slip muf14. Slip muffler hanger (G) over end offler hanger (G) over end offler hanger (G) over end offler hanger (G) over end of TTTTighten 3" clamp/hanger (G) com-ighten 3" clamp/hanger (G) com-ighten 3" clamp/hanger (G) com-ighten 3" clamp/hanger (G) com­pletely with 9/16" deep socket.pletely with 9/16" deep socket.pletely with 9/16" deep socket.pletely with 9/16" deep socket.
mufmufmufmuffler (B) and hand tighten onlyfler (B) and hand tighten onlyfler (B) and hand tighten onlyfler (B) and hand tighten only....
15. Rot15. Rot15. Rot15. Rotate head pipe (A) to desired posi-ate head pipe (A) to desired posi-ate head pipe (A) to desired posi-ate head pipe (A) to desired posi­tion.tion.tion.tion.
NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: use anti-seize on threads.use anti-seize on threads.use anti-seize on threads.use anti-seize on threads.
4. S4. S4. S4. Spray lubricant on lower rubber hangerpray lubricant on lower rubber hangerpray lubricant on lower rubber hangerpray lubricant on lower rubber hanger grommet on rear section of tgrommet on rear section of tgrommet on rear section of tgrommet on rear section of tail pipe.ail pipe.ail pipe.ail pipe.
5. Using channel lock pliers, remove rear5. Using channel lock pliers, remove rear5. Using channel lock pliers, remove rear5. Using channel lock pliers, remove rear ttttail pipe hanger rodail pipe hanger rodail pipe hanger rodail pipe hanger rod from lower hole offrom lower hole offrom lower hole offrom lower hole of rubber grommet.rubber grommet.rubber grommet.rubber grommet.
9. Lubricate front muf9. Lubricate front muf9. Lubricate front muf9. Lubricate front muffler clamp boltfler clamp boltfler clamp boltfler clamp bolts ands ands ands and using a 15 mm socket, loosen andusing a 15 mm socket, loosen andusing a 15 mm socket, loosen andusing a 15 mm socket, loosen and remove clamp.remove clamp.remove clamp.remove clamp.
10. Using some form of force, or heat,10. Using some form of force, or heat,10. Using some form of force, or heat,10. Using some form of force, or heat,
disengage and remove mufdisengage and remove mufdisengage and remove mufdisengage and remove mufflerflerflerfler....
Note:Note:Note:Note: Do Not Damage stock headDo Not Damage stock headDo Not Damage stock headDo Not Damage stock headpipe.pipe.pipe.pipe.
16. Put anti-seize on threads of 2"16. Put anti-seize on threads of 2"16. Put anti-seize on threads of 2"16. Put anti-seize on threads of 2" clamp (E) and instclamp (E) and instclamp (E) and instclamp (E) and install on front of head-all on front of head-all on front of head-all on front of head­pipe with 9/16" deep wall socket.pipe with 9/16" deep wall socket.pipe with 9/16" deep wall socket.pipe with 9/16" deep wall socket.
TTTTightening completelyightening completelyightening completelyightening completely....
Note:Note:Note:Note: make sure clamp is on the rearmake sure clamp is on the rearmake sure clamp is on the rearmake sure clamp is on the rear side of pin as close as possible.side of pin as close as possible.side of pin as close as possible.side of pin as close as possible. Put anti-seize on 3" clamp (F) andPut anti-seize on 3" clamp (F) andPut anti-seize on 3" clamp (F) andPut anti-seize on 3" clamp (F) and instinstinstinstall to front slip of mufall to front slip of mufall to front slip of mufall to front slip of mufflerflerflerfler. Position. Position. Position. Position clamp 1/2" from lip and tighten completelyclamp 1/2" from lip and tighten completelyclamp 1/2" from lip and tighten completelyclamp 1/2" from lip and tighten completely with 9/16" socket.with 9/16" socket.with 9/16" socket.with 9/16" socket.
22. Rot22. Rot22. Rot22. Rotate turn out (D) to desired posi-ate turn out (D) to desired posi-ate turn out (D) to desired posi-ate turn out (D) to desired posi-
tion, leaving clearance from bodytion, leaving clearance from bodytion, leaving clearance from bodytion, leaving clearance from body....
Position 3" clamp (H) over slip joint andPosition 3" clamp (H) over slip joint andPosition 3" clamp (H) over slip joint andPosition 3" clamp (H) over slip joint and tighten completely using 9/16" deeptighten completely using 9/16" deeptighten completely using 9/16" deeptighten completely using 9/16" deep socket.socket.socket.socket. NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: use anti-seize on threads.use anti-seize on threads.use anti-seize on threads.use anti-seize on threads.
21. Slip 3" clamp (H) over end of t21. Slip 3" clamp (H) over end of t21. Slip 3" clamp (H) over end of t21. Slip 3" clamp (H) over end of tail pipe (C).ail pipe (C).ail pipe (C).ail pipe InstInstInstInstall turn out (D) over end of tall turn out (D) over end of tall turn out (D) over end of tall turn out (D) over end of tail pipe (C).ail pipe (C).ail pipe (C).ail pipe (C
6. Remove t6. Remove t6. Remove t6. Remove tail pipe assembly from theail pipe assembly from theail pipe assembly from theail pipe assembly from the rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.
11111. Inst1. Inst1. Inst1. Install JBA headall JBA headall JBA headall JBA head pipe (A), aligningpipe (A), aligningpipe (A), aligningpipe (A), aligning notch with locating pin.notch with locating pin.notch with locating pin.notch with locating pin. Note:Note:Note:Note: Make sureMake sureMake sureMake sure pin is bottomed out in notch.pin is bottomed out in notch.pin is bottomed out in notch.pin is bottomed out in notch.
7. S7. S7. S7. Spray lubricant on all holes of mufpray lubricant on all holes of mufpray lubricant on all holes of mufpray lubricant on all holes of mufflerflerflerfler hanger grommethanger grommethanger grommethanger grommets.s.s.s.
12. Reinst12. Reinst12. Reinst12. Reinstall two rubber grommetall two rubber grommetall two rubber grommetall two rubber grommets tos tos tos to stock hangers and inststock hangers and inststock hangers and inststock hangers and install mufall mufall mufall muffler hang-fler hang-fler hang-fler hang­er (G) thru lower holes of grommet.er (G) thru lower holes of grommet.er (G) thru lower holes of grommet.er (G) thru lower holes of grommet. Note:Note:Note:Note: longer end of hanger is to go onlonger end of hanger is to go onlonger end of hanger is to go onlonger end of hanger is to go on
drivers side, looking from reardrivers side, looking from reardrivers side, looking from reardrivers side, looking from rear....
18. Inst18. Inst18. Inst18. Install tall tall tall tail pipe (C) from rear of vehicle,ail pipe (C) from rear of vehicle,ail pipe (C) from rear of vehicle,ail pipe (C) from rear of vehicle,
and slip into mufand slip into mufand slip into mufand slip into mufflerflerflerfler.... Note:Note:Note:Note: make sure thatmake sure thatmake sure thatmake sure that
the end of the tthe end of the tthe end of the tthe end of the tail pipe with the hanger isail pipe with the hanger isail pipe with the hanger isail pipe with the hanger is at the rear of the vehicle.at the rear of the vehicle.at the rear of the vehicle.at the rear of the vehicle.
23. Reatt23. Reatt23. Reatt23. Reattach the negative battery cable.ach the negative battery cable.ach the negative battery cable.ach the negative battery cable. AfAfAfAfter instter instter instter installation, it is recommendedallation, it is recommendedallation, it is recommendedallation, it is recommended that all clampthat all clampthat all clampthat all clamps be retightened and joints be retightened and joints be retightened and joints be retightened and jointssss be tbe tbe tbe tack welded in 3 spotack welded in 3 spotack welded in 3 spotack welded in 3 spotssss
1) It may be necessary to loosen and1) It may be necessary to loosen and1) It may be necessary to loosen and1) It may be necessary to loosen and realign the sprealign the sprealign the sprealign the spare tire for proper clear-are tire for proper clear-are tire for proper clear-are tire for proper clear­ance.ance.ance.ance.
2)2)2)2) All exhaust systems will expAll exhaust systems will expAll exhaust systems will expAll exhaust systems will expand aboutand aboutand aboutand about 1î rearward when exhaust temperature1î rearward when exhaust temperature1î rearward when exhaust temperature1î rearward when exhaust temperature ststststart to rise.art to rise.art to rise.art to rise.
3) Use3) Use3) Use3) Use Anti-seize on threads of clampAnti-seize on threads of clampAnti-seize on threads of clampAnti-seize on threads of clamps.s.s.s.
WWWWeeee recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.
13. Install muffler.