**Installation recommendation:**Installation recommendation:**Installation recommendation:**Installation recommendation:
JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust shop.
1991-95 Jeep Wrangler1991-95 Jeep Wrangler1991-95 Jeep Wrangler1991-95 Jeep Wrangler
4.0L4.0L4.0L4.0L L6L6L6L6
9/16''deep socket9/16''deep socket9/16''deep socket9/16''deep socket
3/8î ratchet3/8î ratchet3/8î ratchet3/8î ratchet
3/8'' Extension3/8'' Extension3/8'' Extension3/8'' Extension
5/16''allen wrench5/16''allen wrench5/16''allen wrench5/16''allen wrench
13mm socket13mm socket13mm socket13mm socket
21mm socket21mm socket21mm socket21mm socket
21mm combination wrench21mm combination wrench21mm combination wrench21mm combination wrench
channel lock plierschannel lock plierschannel lock plierschannel lock pliers
rubber malletrubber malletrubber malletrubber mallet
PartPartPartPart s Lists Lists Lists List
A.A.A.A. Head pipeHead pipeHead pipeHead pipe 1111
B.B.B.B. MufMufMufMufflerflerflerfler 1111
C.C.C.C. TTTTail pipe w/tipail pipe w/tipail pipe w/tipail pipe w/tip 1111
D.D.D.D. 2-1/4î clamp2-1/4î clamp2-1/4î clamp2-1/4î clamp 1111
E.E.E.E. 2-1/2î clamp2-1/2î clamp2-1/2î clamp2-1/2î clamp 1111
F.F...FF 2-1/2î clamp/hanger2-1/2î clamp/hanger2-1/2î clamp/hanger2-1/2î clamp/hanger 1
GGGG.... Extra head pipeExtra head pipeExtra head pipeExtra head pipe 1
spray lubricant or penetrating oilspray lubricant or penetrating oilspray lubricant or penetrating oilspray lubricant or penetrating oil
reciprocating saw or hack sawreciprocating saw or hack sawreciprocating saw or hack sawreciprocating saw or hack saw
ppppair of channel lock pliers 10îair of channel lock pliers 10îair of channel lock pliers 10îair of channel lock pliers 10î
2. Disconnect negative battery cable and2. Disconnect negative battery cable and2. Disconnect negative battery cable and2. Disconnect negative battery cable and
allow vehicle exhaust to cool.allow vehicle exhaust to cool.allow vehicle exhaust to cool.allow vehicle exhaust to cool.
1. Remove and inventory new Evol™1. Remove and inventory new Evol™1. Remove and inventory new Evol™1. Remove and inventory new Evol™
exhaust.exhaust.exhaust.exhaust. Remove front mufRemove front mufRemove front mufRemove front muffler clamp using afler clamp using afler clamp using afler clamp using a
15mm socket.15mm socket.15mm socket.15mm socket. mufall mufall mufall muffler (B) with offler (B) with offler (B) with offler (B) with offset towardfset towardfset towardfset toward
rear and inward.rear and inward.rear and inward.rear and inward. Position mufPosition mufPosition mufPosition muffler and instfler and instfler and instfler and install 2all 2all 2all 2 ''clamp''clamp''clamp''clamp
(E) over front muf(E) over front muf(E) over front muf(E) over front muffler slip joint.Tfler slip joint.Tfler slip joint.Tfler slip joint.Tightenightenightenighten
completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-completely using a 9/16'' deep wall NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: USEUSEUSEUSE ANTI SEIZE ONANTI SEIZE ONANTI SEIZE ONANTI SEIZE ON
THREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMP. See notes #3. See notes #3. See notes #3. See notes #3
9. S9. S9. S9. Spray lube on two rear mufpray lube on two rear mufpray lube on two rear mufpray lube on two rear muffler hangerfler hangerfler hangerfler hanger
rod rubber grommetrod rubber grommetrod rubber grommetrod rubber grommets.s.s.s.
15. Inst15. Inst15. Inst15. Install rear mufall rear mufall rear mufall rear muffler clamp/hanger (F)fler clamp/hanger (F)fler clamp/hanger (F)fler clamp/hanger (F)
into lower holes in rubber grommetinto lower holes in rubber grommetinto lower holes in rubber grommetinto lower holes in rubber grommets, withs, withs, withs, with
rods pointing toward prods pointing toward prods pointing toward prods pointing toward passenger side.assenger side.assenger side.assenger side.
21. Reinst21. Reinst21. Reinst21. Reinstall pall pall pall pan bar over rear bar over rear bar over rear bar over rear axle.
Check for proper clearance on tCheck for proper clearance on tCheck for proper clearance on tCheck for proper clearance on tail pipe.ail pipe.ail pipe.ail pipe.
3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-3. With vehicle raised and properly sup-3. With vehicle raised and properly supported, remove pported, remove pported, remove pported, remove pan bar over rear axle byan bar over rear axle byan bar over rear axle byan bar over rear axle by
removing two boltremoving two boltremoving two boltremoving two bolts using a 21mm sockets using a 21mm sockets using a 21mm sockets using a 21mm socket
or combination wrench and 5/16'' allen-or combination wrench and 5/16'' allen-or combination wrench and 5/16'' allen-or combination wrench and 5/16'' allenwrench.wrench.wrench.wrench. Using a reciprocating sawUsing a reciprocating sawUsing a reciprocating sawUsing a reciprocating saw, cut t, cut t, cut t, cut tail pipeail pipeail pipeail pipe
ofofofoff 4''behind rear muff 4''behind rear muff 4''behind rear muff 4''behind rear muffler hangerfler hangerfler hangerfler hanger....
See notes #1See notes #1See notes #1See notes #1
11111.1.1.1. Using some form of heat and forceUsing some form of heat and forceUsing some form of heat and forceUsing some form of heat and force
remove mufremove mufremove mufremove muffler assembly without damag-fler assembly without damag-fler assembly without damag-fler assembly without damaging stock cating stock cating stock cating stock catalytic converter pipe.alytic converter pipe.alytic converter pipe.alytic converter pipe. Support mufSupport mufSupport mufSupport muffler and remove two rearfler and remove two rearfler and remove two rearfler and remove two rear
mufmufmufmuffler hangers from rubber grommetfler hangers from rubber grommetfler hangers from rubber grommetfler hangers from rubber grommetssss
using channel lock pliers.using channel lock pliers.using channel lock pliers.using channel lock pliers.
16. Position rear muf16. Position rear muf16. Position rear muf16. Position rear muffler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hanger
(F),over rear muf(F),over rear muf(F),over rear muf(F),over rear muffler slip joint and handfler slip joint and handfler slip joint and handfler slip joint and hand
tighten only at this time.tighten only at this time.tighten only at this time.tighten only at this time. InstInstInstInstall factory rear tall factory rear tall factory rear tall factory rear tail pipe rubberail pipe rubberail pipe rubberail pipe rubber
grommet on rear tgrommet on rear tgrommet on rear tgrommet on rear tail pipe hanger rod.ail pipe hanger rod.ail pipe hanger rod.ail pipe hanger rod.
23. Check exhaust kit for proper clear-23. Check exhaust kit for proper clear-23. Check exhaust kit for proper clear-23. Check exhaust kit for proper clearances, and tances, and tances, and tances, and tack weld all slip jointack weld all slip jointack weld all slip jointack weld all slip joints ins ins ins in
three spotthree spotthree spotthree spots.s.s.s.
22. Position t22. Position t22. Position t22. Position tail pipe, checking chrome tipail pipe, checking chrome tipail pipe, checking chrome tipail pipe, checking chrome tip
for clearance, and tighten clamp/hangerfor clearance, and tighten clamp/hangerfor clearance, and tighten clamp/hangerfor clearance, and tighten clamp/hanger
(F) completely using a 9/16'' deep wall(F) completely using a 9/16'' deep wall(F) completely using a 9/16'' deep wall(F) completely using a 9/16'' deep wall
THREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMP. See notes #3. See notes #3. See notes #3. See notes #3 Remove rear tRemove rear tRemove rear tRemove rear tail pipe hanger using aail pipe hanger using aail pipe hanger using aail pipe hanger using a
13mm socket and extension.13mm socket and extension.13mm socket and extension.13mm socket and extension.
12. Inst12. Inst12. Inst12. Install Evol™ head pipe (A), aligningall Evol™ head pipe (A), aligningall Evol™ head pipe (A), aligningall Evol™ head pipe (A), aligning
notch with locating pin. Note: you maynotch with locating pin. Note: you maynotch with locating pin. Note: you maynotch with locating pin. Note: you may
have to thave to thave to thave to tap on with rubber mallet.ap on with rubber mallet.ap on with rubber mallet.ap on with rubber mallet.
SeeSeeSeeSee notes #2notes #2notes #2notes #2 tall tall tall tail pipe from rear of vehicle.ail pipe from rear of vehicle.ail pipe from rear of vehicle.ail pipe from rear of vehicle.
Place rubber grommet in holder and slipPlace rubber grommet in holder and slipPlace rubber grommet in holder and slipPlace rubber grommet in holder and slip
ttttail pipe into rear mufail pipe into rear mufail pipe into rear mufail pipe into rear muffler slip joint 2''.fler slip joint 2''.fler slip joint 2''.fler slip joint 2''.
24. Using a sof24. Using a sof24. Using a sof24. Using a soft cloth, remove all printt cloth, remove all printt cloth, remove all printt cloth, remove all printssss
from turnout tip.from turnout tip.from turnout tip.from turnout tip.
25. Lower vehicle and reatt25. Lower vehicle and reatt25. Lower vehicle and reatt25. Lower vehicle and reattach theach theach theach the
negative battery cable.negative battery cable.negative battery cable.negative battery cable.
NOTES:NOTES:NOTES:NOTES: If vehicle is lifIf vehicle is lifIf vehicle is lifIf vehicle is lifted with proper vehicleted with proper vehicleted with proper vehicleted with proper vehicle
liflifliflift, step #4 can be eliminated.t, step #4 can be eliminated.t, step #4 can be eliminated.t, step #4 can be eliminated. The muf-The muf-The muf-The muffler assembly can be removed in onefler assembly can be removed in onefler assembly can be removed in onefler assembly can be removed in one
piece by removing right rear shock, andpiece by removing right rear shock, andpiece by removing right rear shock, andpiece by removing right rear shock, and
raising right rear frame rail.raising right rear frame rail.raising right rear frame rail.raising right rear frame rail. Due to the possibility of stock catDue to the possibility of stock catDue to the possibility of stock catDue to the possibility of stock catalyticalyticalyticalytic
converter being changed or altered fromconverter being changed or altered fromconverter being changed or altered fromconverter being changed or altered from Remove tRemove tRemove tRemove tail pipe from rear of vehicle.ail pipe from rear of vehicle.ail pipe from rear of vehicle.ail pipe from rear of vehicle. Remove rubber grommet from tRemove rubber grommet from tRemove rubber grommet from tRemove rubber grommet from tail pipeail pipeail pipeail pipe
hanger rod and save, as it will be reused.hanger rod and save, as it will be reused.hanger rod and save, as it will be reused.hanger rod and save, as it will be reused. and position 2 º''clamp (D),all and position 2 º''clamp (D),all and position 2 º''clamp (D),all and position 2 º''clamp (D),
over head pipe (A) slip joint and tightenover head pipe (A) slip joint and tightenover head pipe (A) slip joint and tightenover head pipe (A) slip joint and tighten
completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-completely using a 9/16'' deep wall sock-completely using a 9/16'' deep wall NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: USEUSEUSEUSE ANTI SEIZE ONANTI SEIZE ONANTI SEIZE ONANTI SEIZE ON
THREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMPTHREADS OF CLAMP. See notes #3. See notes #3. See notes #3. See notes #3 Reassemble rear tReassemble rear tReassemble rear tReassemble rear tail pipe hangerail pipe hangerail pipe hangerail pipe hanger
assemblyassemblyassemblyassembly, and tighten using a 13mm, and tighten using a 13mm, and tighten using a 13mm, and tighten using a 13mm
stock, JBA has supplied an extra headstock, JBA has supplied an extra headstock, JBA has supplied an extra headstock, JBA has supplied an extra head
pipe with a longer length for customer topipe with a longer length for customer topipe with a longer length for customer topipe with a longer length for customer to
cut at his discretion for a custom fit. Firstcut at his discretion for a custom fit. Firstcut at his discretion for a custom fit. Firstcut at his discretion for a custom fit. First
you must instyou must instyou must instyou must install Evol™all Evol™all Evol™all Evol™ tail pipe (C), reartail pipe (C), reartail pipe (C), reartail pipe (C), rear
mufmufmufmuffler clamp/hanger (F), and muffler clamp/hanger (F), and muffler clamp/hanger (F), and muffler clamp/hanger (F), and muf fler (B)fler (B)fler (B)fler (B)
and position for proper clearance, toand position for proper clearance, toand position for proper clearance, toand position for proper clearance, to
determine where to cut extra head pipedetermine where to cut extra head pipedetermine where to cut extra head pipedetermine where to cut extra head pipe
supplied.supplied.supplied.supplied. If anti seize is not used on threads ofIf anti seize is not used on threads ofIf anti seize is not used on threads ofIf anti seize is not used on threads of
clampclampclampclamps before tightening, the nut's wills before tightening, the nut's wills before tightening, the nut's wills before tightening, the nut's will
gall, and clamp rod will break.gall, and clamp rod will break.gall, and clamp rod will break.gall, and clamp rod will break.
aking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections t ack welded.ack welded.ack welded.ack welded.