JBA 1809SJT User Manual

Corporate Ofce: PerTronix Inc. 440 E. Arrow Highway, San Dimas, California 91773 * Phone 909.599.5955 • FAX 909.599.6424
Installation Instructions
and Warranty Information
Part# 1809S 2004-06 Pontiac GTO 5.7L/6.0L
CARB EO # D-57-25
Read all instructions carefully before attempting installation.
Rev.2 2-28-13 DSL
PerTronix© thanks you for choosing JBA HEADERS, the best fitting, highest quality header on the market. In order to realize the full potential of our good fit, please read and understand these instructions completely prior to starting work.
Check to make sure you received the proper parts for your application. The header num­ber will be stamped on the engine flange. If you are unsure you have received the proper parts call before you start work.
Be sure to work safe! Whenever you work under the vehicle be sure that it is located on level, solid ground and is supported by adequate safety stands! Remember: Hot asphalt will not support most jack stands!
Many factors affect the installation of headers, some of which are broken or aftermarket motor mounts, accidents that impact the configuration of the frame, and/or the installa­tion of different engines or aftermarket cylinder heads.
Attention Customers breaking in new engines: Due to the extreme heat generated dur­ing the break-in process, the appearance of the ceramic coating may be altered in certain areas. The protection characteristics and thermal barrier properties of the coating is never compromised. It is recommended that a cast iron manifold or old set of headers be used for this process.
Notice: The coating of these headers can be marred or scratched during installation. If the header needs to be returned and is damaged, you will be charged for recoat.
JBA uses sealing beads on all its headers. We have found that when installed correctly, the raised bead around each port increases the pressure exerted on the gasket directly adjacent to the port and effectively prevents leaking gaskets. It is normal for the flange to be raised off the cylinder head the thickness of the sealing bead. It is important when installing the header, to in­stall all bolts loosely, then tighten evenly to ensure the flat installation of the flange. The torque sequence from one flange to another will vary, but generally every bolt on a header should be first fit snug, starting from the inside of the flange working out, alternating from top to bottom so that the bolt connects the flange to the manifold to the point where they barely touch. Sec-
ond, using the same inside-out pattern, tighten each bolt until nished. This method will help
prevent leakage and will give the user the best possible performance out of their pair of headers.
1. Place vehicle in a location where the floor is solid and flat, with adequate lighting. Do not attempt to work on a hot engine. Heat causes metal to expand and makes removal of fasteners difficult at best. Disconnect the battery cables from the battery. Raise the front of the vehicle to
obtain adequate access to the bottom exhaust manifold anges. Use large-base jack stands to support the vehicle. Do not rely on the jack! Block the tires to prevent the vehicle from rolling
off the jack stands.
2. Apply penetrating oil on all accessible fasteners and ttings before attempting to remove
3. From underneath the vehicle, unplug the O2 Sensors from the harness. Unbolt and remove the
left and right side exhaust head pipes. DO NOT bump the O2 Sensors as they can become easily damaged.
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