Jazz DVZ100 User Manual

IInn tthhee ppaacckkaaggee
Camera User Manual CD USB cable TV cable
WWaarrrraannttyy CCaarrdd QQuuiicckk GGuuiiddee
Quick Guide
IInn tthhee ppaacckkaagge
FFCCCC ssttaatteemmeennt
KKeeyy ffeeaattuurrees
BBaassiicc iinnffoorrmmaattiioon
.... 55
SSyysstteemm rreeqquuiirreemmeenntts
KKnnooww yyoouurr ccaammeerraa...............
RReeaaddyy ttoo ggo
IInnssttaalllliinngg BBaatttteerriiees
UUssiinngg tthhee SSDD CCaarrd
SSeelleecctt tthhee FFooccuussiinngg RRaannggee
PPoowweerr OONN && OOFFFF yyoouurr ccaammeerra
SSeelleecctt tthhee MMOODDE
SSeettttiinngg DDaattee // TTiimmee
LLEEDD LLiigghhtt // IInnddiiccaattoorrs
VViiddeeoo MMOODDE
CCaammeerraa MMOODDEE
VVooiiccee RReeccoorrddiinngg MMOODDE
PPllaayybbaacckk MMOODDE
SSeettuupp // IInntteerrnnaall sseettttiinngg mmoodde
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg CCaammeerraa ttoo tthhee CCoommppuutteer
DDrriivveerr iinnssttaallllaattiioon
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg ccaammeerraa ttoo yyoouurr ccoommppuutteer
DDoowwnnllooaadd vviiddeeoo,, ppiiccttuurree ffiilleess ttoo tthhee ccoommppuutteerr.
IInnssttaalllliinngg ssooffttwwaarre
PPCC CCaammeerraa ffuunnccttiioonn
HHooww ttoo uuppllooaadd yyoouurr vviiddeeoo cclliippss ttoo YYoouuTTuubbee
CCoonnnneeccttiinngg CCaammeerraa ttoo TTV
TTeecchhnniiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonns
FFCCCC ppaarrtt 1155..2211 WWaarrnniinngg:: CChhaannggeess oorr mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss ttoo tthhiiss uunniitt nnoott eexxpprreessssllyy aapppprroovveedd bbyy tthhee ppaarrttyy rreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr ccoommpplliiaannccee ccoouulldd vvooiidd tthhee uusseer
ss aauutthhoorriittyy ttoo
ooppeerraattee tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt.. FFCCCC ppaarrtt 1155..110055
NNOOTTEE:: TThhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt hhaass bbeeeenn tteesstteedd aanndd ffoouunndd ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh tthhee lliimmiittss ffoorr aa CCllaassss BB ddiiggiittaall ddeevviiccee,, ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo PPaarrtt 1155 ooff tthhee FFCCCC RRuulleess.. TThheessee lliimmiittss aarree ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo pprroovviiddee rreeaassoonnaabbllee pprrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt hhaarrmmffuull iinntteerrffeerreennccee iinn aa rreessiiddeennttiiaall iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. TThhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt ggeenneerraatteess,, uusseess,, aanndd ccaann rraaddiiaattee rraaddiioo ffrreeqquueennccyy eenneerrggyy aanndd,, iiff nnoott iinnssttaalllleedd aanndd uusseedd iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,, mmaayy ccaauussee hhaarrmmffuull iinntteerrffeerreennccee ttoo rraaddiioo ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss.. HHoowweevveerr,, tthheerree iiss nnoo gguuaarraanntteeee tthhaatt iinntteerrffeerreennccee wwiillll nnoott ooccccuurr iinn aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarr iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. IIff tthhiiss eeqquuiippmmeenntt ddooeess ccaauussee hhaarrmmffuull iinntteerrffeerreennccee ttoo rraaddiioo oorr tteelleevviissiioonn rreecceeppttiioonn,, wwhhiicchh ccaann bbee ddeetteerrmmiinneedd bbyy ttuurrnniinngg tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt ooffff aanndd oonn,, tthhee uusseerr iiss eennccoouurraaggeedd ttoo ttrryy ttoo ccoorrrreecctt tthhee iinntteerrffeerreennccee bbyy oonnee oorr mmoorree ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg mmeeaassuurreess::
-- RReeoorriieenntt oorr rreellooccaattee tthhee rreecceeiivviinngg aanntteennnnaa..
-- IInnccrreeaassee tthhee sseeppaarraattiioonn bbeettwweeeenn tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt aanndd rreecceeiivveerr
-- CCoonnnneecctt tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt iinnttoo aann oouuttlleett oonn aa cciirrccuuiitt ddiiffffeerreenntt ffrroomm tthhaatt ttoo wwhhiicchh tthhee rreecceeiivveerr iiss ccoonnnneecctteedd..
-- CCoonnssuulltt tthhee ddeeaalleerr oorr aann eexxppeerriieenncceedd rraaddiioo TTVV tteecchhnniicciiaann ffoorr hheellpp..
PPeerrttiinneenntt tteessttiinngg ddooccuummeennttaattiioonn iiss aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr vveerriiffiiccaattiioonn..
KKeeyy ffeeaattuurreess
Digital video camcorder – video resolution 640 X 480 @30fps Still picture capability up to 10 Mega pixel image resolution Mass Storage / PC webcam mode 4 X digital zoom TV / AV signal output
2.4inch color LCD display SD Memory card slot, up to 8GB SD card capacity Macro / Normal lens settings Driver free for Windows XP/Vista and MAC 10.4.9 or above
Note: The contents of this Manual refer to the latest technical information available when the Manual was compiled. The screen display, illustrations and information shown in the manual are for detailed understanding of the camera functions. Some information & illustrations may slightly differ from your camera as a result of continuous development and improvement in production.
BBaassiicc iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Thank you for purchasing this camcorder. Please read following operating instructions carefully in order to know and use digital video camera correctly and enjoy best performance and results.
Keep this Manual handy and refer to the text anytime you need to do so.
Your camcorder is a complex electronic, digital device and you need to be aware of and follow simple basic rules.
Do not try to open the housing of the camcorder or attempt to modify this camcorder in any way. Maintenance and repairs should be carried only by an authorized service agent.
Keep the camcorder away from dust, sand, water and other liquids or harmful chemical substances. Do not use camcorder when your hands are wet.
* Use only recommended batteries. If batteries become exhausted, remove all old and install new batteries. Dispose of old batteries according to local disposal regulations.
Remove batteries if you are intended not using camcorder for the extended time. u Keep your camera away from extreme heat and do not point camera directly into
strong sunlight.
u Check your camera and the condition of batteries after long storage period or before
recording important events.
u Never touch the lens surface with finger, use soft cloth if necessary, or blow away
any dust contamination. Do not use any solvent to clean lens or plastic housing.
u Format the SD memory card before using with the camera; save important records
first before formatting the card, as the formatting will erase all data.
u Using the SD memory card:
1. Keep the card away from extreme heat or dust, do not bend or tamper with the card.
2. Do not force the card when inserting into the camera; if you feel resistance check cards alignment and reinsert the card.
3. Note that the card has a tiny LOCK slide / switch; set the slide to non-LOCK position when you wish to save recordings or images on the card.
SSyysstteemm rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss
System Requirements
Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista C P U Pentium III 1GHz or above Memory 256 MB or above
Sound Card,
Display Card
The sound card and the display card should
DirectX8 or higher version.
CD Driver 4 x speed or above Hard Disk 1GB or more available hard disk space Interface USB 1.1 or USB 2.0
KKnnooww yyoouurr ccaammeerraa
1. Lens 2. Self timer LED indicator 3. LED supporting light 4. Zoom IN button
5. Zoom OUT button 6. Direction button (Up / Down / Left / Right) 7. OK button 8. Display mode button 9. MENU button 10. LCD screen 11. MODE selector 12. Hand strap anchor post 13. Hand strap attachment post
14. Macro / Normal lens dial 15. Zoom IN / OUT selector 16. Shutter button
17. Tripod Socket 18. SD Memory card slot
19. Built in speaker 20. Battery cover 21. Battery cover LOCK Button
22. TV/USB port 23. Voice recording button 24. Supporting LED light button
25. Busy lamp indicator 26. Power ON / OFF button
RReeaaddyy ttoo ggoo
1. Installing Batteries
1. Press in the Battery cover LOCK button and slide back / open the cover.
2. Insert four AAA fresh alkaline batteries; note terminals polarity and align correctly.
3. Close the Battery cover; the LOCK will click securing the cover.
2. Using the SD Card Internal / External Memory options:
Your camcorder has limited built in Internal Memory, and a slot for External SD Memory Card.
* SD Card - when it is NOT inserted camcorder will store all video, images on the Internal Memory.
- Limited Internal Memory only stores a few images or several seconds video.
- All data (in Internal Memory) is volatile and will be erased when camcorder is turned OFF or batteries disconnected.
- Use the Internal Memory only to check and learn camcorders function; use the SD Card to store any valuable records. * SD Card - when it is INSERTED camcorder will store video, images only on the SD Memory Card
- SD Card allows storage of tens minutes of recorded video or hundreds of still images.
- SD Card will keep all data even when camcorder is OFF or SD Card is removed.
- Use SD Card as this is convenient and reliable way to keep your records; you can review records or download records to your computer at any time.
Insert / remove the SD Card
1. Insert SD Memory Card into the card slot located on the bottom of the camcorder and press it down until the Card is latched.
2. Lightly press the Card downwards to release and then eject the card when you wish to remove or replace the Card.
3. Select the Focusing range Slide the Macro / Normal dial to select required position;
1. Macro: Set to Macro only for shooting close-up objects located 6 ~ 10 inches
from camcorder.
2. Normal: Set to Normal for typical records when the subject is located at 5 feet
or more from the camcorder.
4. Power ON and OFF your camera
1. Open the LCD screen
2. Press and then hold the Power button down (for one or two seconds) to turn the
power ON.
Camcorder becomes active and the LCD will display the scene.
3. Press the Power button again (when camcorder is active) to turn the power OFF.
Auto Power OFF: Your camcorder has the Auto Power OFF feature.
If camcorder is unused for 1 minute, the power will turn OFF automatically to save batteries. The Auto Power OFF time may be set to 1, 3 or 5 minutes (review Setup Menu mode for details).
3. Low Power / Battery level indicator: The low power icon will appear on the
LCD Screen when the batteries are exhausted and camcorder will be automatically turned OFF.
4. Replace exhausted batteries.
5. Select the MODE
Slide the Mode Selector up or down to select desired MODE
Video Mode: select this mode to record Video clips Camera Mode: select this mode to take Still Pictures Playback Mode: select this mode to playback recorded video clips or voice or review still
6. Setting Date / Time
1. Press MENU button, then select Setup to enter setting date / time adjustment mode
2. Use the Directional Button (Up/ Down/ Left/ Right) to select current date / time and
adjust digits as needed.
3. Press OK Button to confirm setting, then press Menu button to exit.
7. LED Light / Indicators
Busy light
- The LED lights when camcorder is processing video or images
- The LED lights indicating when camcorder is connected to TV or PC
- The LED lights indicating that camcorder is active, but the LCD screen is turned OFF Display may be turned OFF (to save batteries) after pressing twice the Display mode Button. LED supporting light
- Use this LED supporting light when taking images of dark or low light scenes. Press the Supporting LED button to activate this lamp. Press again to turn it OFF. Self timer LED indicator
- This lamp indicates that the camcorder is active in Self-timer Mode. Refer to further chapters for Self-timer setting details.
8. Video MODE
Preview / scene mode: The following icons / information are displayed on the LCD
screen in Video MODE. 1 Video Mode icon 2 Auto White Balance icon Available: Auto/Daylight/Cloudy/Fluorescent/Tungsten 3 Metering / exposure (multi) 4 640 Video resolution indicator 640x480 or 320x240. 5 00:00:00 Video recording counter; hours, min, sec. 6 SD Card icon: the icon appears when the SD card is inserted 7 the battery power indicator 8 LED Supporting light icon: the lamp is ON 9 Zoom range: numbers indicate current setting of the zoom (max. 4X available)
10 Memory Full: message indicates that the memory (internal or SD card) is full and
no more recording is possible.
Recording the Video clip
Turn the camcorder ON and select the Video MODE
Point the lens towards the subject, observing the scene appearing on the LCD screen.
1 Press the Shutter button to start recording video
2 The video recording counter will start counting the elapsed recording time
3 Press the Up button to pause recording and press again to continue
4 Press the Shutter button again if you wish to stop recording
5 You can zoom IN or zoom OUT of the scene while recording a Video clip; use Zoom IN / OUT buttons or Zoom IN / OUT selector to adjust the zoom.
Video mode / Menu
When the camcorder is in Preview / scene Mode press the Menu button to enter
available settings as below:
Use the Up / Down buttons to browse and select available Menu options then press the
Right button to review available settings.
Press Up / Down button to select desired setting then press OK button to confirm your
Press the Menu button to exit the Video Menu mode and return to Preview / scene
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