Jasco J-810 CD – Quick ON/OFF Guide
Turning ON the system:
1. Open the nitrogen valve (the black handle has to be aligned with the copper pipe – turn it
slowly in order to have a steady increase of pressure in the system)
2. Purge the system for at least 10 min (40 min if it hasn’t been used in over 2 days);
steps 3 & 4 can be done while waiting.
3. Turn on the water bath and the temperature controller; press start on the temperature
controller front panel
4. Switch on the spectrometer (once the system is initialised the shutter LED will light up)
5. Double click on Spectra Manager, select the type of experiment you want to do. A new
window opens asking you to wait until the system is fully purged (this takes 10 min),
6. A self-diagnosis will be performed and the Xe lamp should automatically turn ON. The lamp
indicator turns green.
7. The lamp will require at least 10 min to stabilize after ignition
Note: If it is necessary to restart the lamp after running, it must be allowed to cool for about 15
mins before re-ignition is attempted. Do not switch off the lamp if there are less than 8
hours between you and the next user. Contact the next user via e-mail.

Turning OFF the system:
1. Turn off the Xe lamp by going to “Control” then “Light Source”. Uncheck the box next to
the lamp and select apply. Make sure the lamp indicator has switched off.
2. Quit the software
3. Switch off the spectrometer
4. Turn off the temperature controller and water bath
5. Let the system be purged with nitrogen for 10 min.
GDP 01/10/2015