Japan Tiger 7100e+ User Manual

Fast Ethernet
User Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Fast EtherNet. This manual explains how to set up the Fast EtherNet and connect it to the computer. Please use in conjunction with the User Manual.
Voluntary control on interference to radio communications
This equipment is a Class A information technology equipment, which complies with the standards of VCCI. Interference to radio communications may occur if this equipment is used in a residential envir onment. If this is the case, the user is encouraged to use the appropriate measures [to correct the interference].
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Fast Ethernet
Copyrights of this manual
Concerning trademarks
All the copyrights belong to Oki Data Corporation. Unauthorized duplication, copying, translation or the like are strictly forbidden. Written approval must be obtained from Oki Data Corporation.
1. Unauthorized reproduction of some or all of the contents of this manual is strictly prohibited.
2. The contents of this manual may be modified without prior notice.
3. The contents of this manual are supposed to be free of errors. In the unlikely event that questionable points, errors, omissions or the like are found in the manual, please contact your dealer.
4. With reg ard to the contents of this manual, please note that, notwithstanding the above three clauses, the responsibility for any effect on the use of the product falls on the user.
Copyright © 1999 Oki Data Corporation Copyright © 1999 Japan Computer Industry Inc.
OKIP A GE are trademarks of Oki Data Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in the USA and other countries,
licensed by X/Open Company Limited. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox, USA. MS-DOS, Windo ws and W indowsNT are re gistered trademarks,
trademarks or brand names in the USA and other countries of Microsoft Corporation, USA.
Sun OS and Sun Solaris are trademarks of Sun Microsystems. NetW are is a registered trademark of Nov ell, Inc., USA. IBM and AIX are trademarks of IBM, USA. HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard, USA. Apple is a name and a logo mark, AppleTalk, EtherTalk,
KanjiT alk and MacOS are names and logo marks, and Macintosh is registered trademark, trademark or brand name in the USA and in other countries of Apple Computers, USA.
PostScript is a registered trademark or a trademark in various countries of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Other product names or brand names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their proprietor.
User Manual 3
Explanation of symbols in this manual
Notes and restrictions concerning the correct operation of the Fast EtherNet. Make sure to read them in order to avoid incorrect operation.
Useful tips and references for the operation of the Fast EtherNet. Recommended to read.
User License Agreement
The software and documentation attached to the Fast EtherNet are supplied by Oki Data Corporation. By using this software, the customer establishes a contract with Oki Data Corporation and accepts the restrictions described in the following clauses of this agreement.
1. The customer may use the software only if they posses the Fast EtherNet corresponding to this software.
2. The copyrights and proprietary rights of this software and documentation, as well as copies thereof, belong to Oki Data Corporation or to a licenser that provided a user license to Oki Data Corporation. Duplication of part or all of the software or documentation, or giving them to a third party
for duplication purposes, giving permission to duplicate or commercial transaction thereof is forbidden. The customer agrees not to correct, modify, translate, perform reverse engineer, decompile or deassemble this software. In addition, with the exception of the clauses approved in this agreement, no intellectual proprietary rights are given in relation to this software and documentation.
3. The customer may transfer the software to a third party by fulfilling all of the following clauses.
(1) The software is transferred together with the Oki Data
Fast EtherNet corresponding to this software.
(2) All the copies of the software and documentation are
transferred to the above-mentioned third party, or all the copies which were not transferred are destroyed.
(3) The above-mentioned third party agrees with the
restrictions of this agreement.
In addition, it is forbidden to rent, lease, distribute, reproduce or transfer the software.
The customer agrees not to ship, transfer, export or re-export the software out of Japan and not to use it in any illegal way.
4. If the customer breached the clauses of this agreement, Oki Data Corporation may discontinue the use of the software
Fast Ethernet
and documentation of the customer and cancel the license agreement. If such cancellation took place, the customer will destroy the software and documentation and all copies thereof and will stop using the trademark.
5. Oki Data Corporation and the licensers of Oki Data Corporation do not give any guarantees, including the following, in relation to the software or documentation.
(1) That by using this software, the customer will achieve
the performance or results they wish to achieve. (2) That the software or documentation are free of flaws. (3) That the rights of a third party will not be violated. (4) That the software or documentation are suitable for
specific purposes.
In addition, the software or documentation may be improved or modified without prior notice.
6. Oki Data Corporation and the licensers of Oki Data Corporation are not responsible, in any way, for any direct, indirect or secondary damage or loss caused by the software or documentation.
This product complies with the requirements of the Council Directives 89/336/EEC and 73/ 23/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage.
User Manual 5


To start ........................................................................2
FCC ST ATEMENT...................................................... 2
Copyrights of this manual ..........................................3
Concerning trademarks ............................................... 3
Explanation of symbols in this manual......................4
User License Ag reement .............................................4
Chapter 1
Installing the Fast EtherNet ....................................................9
Major features of the board 7100e+ .........................10
Product identification ............................................... 10
Part names of the Fast EtherNet ................................11
Mounting on a printer .............................................. 12
Connecting to a network ..........................................12
Verification of the “print menu” of the printer .........14
Functions of the DIP Switches..................................15
Initialization of the Fast EtherNet ............................15
Verification of the settings contents .........................16
Self-diagnosis test.....................................................17
Chapter 2
Printing from Windows98/95 .................................................18
OKI LPR Utility Operating Environment .................19
With the NetBUEI protocol ......................................30
Chapter 3
Printing From WindowsNT 4.0 ..............................................35
With the TCP/IP protocol .........................................36
With the NetBEUI protocol ......................................45
Chapter 4
Using with the Macintosh .....................................................48
Configuring Macintosh ............................................ 50
Installing the Printer Driver ......................................51
Fast Ethernet
Contents (Contd.)
Chapter 5
Using with UNIX...................................................................... 52
Configuring the IP address in the Fast EtherNet ......53
Configuring the SunOS 4.x.x ...................................5 6
Configuring the Sun Solaris 2.x ............................... 58
Configuring the HP-UX9.x .......................................60
Configuring the AIX4.1.5 .........................................62
Printing with LPD .....................................................64
BSD-based UNIX ......................................................65
SystemV -based UNIX................................................66
Printing with FTP......................................................67
Chapter 6
Using with NetWare................................................................71
About NetW are..........................................................72
NetW are 4.1 Print Server Mode (NDS)......................74
NetW are 4.1 Print Server Mode (Bindery)................80
NetW are 4.1 Remote Printer Mode...........................89
NetW are 3.1 En vironment.........................................95
Chapter 7
Management of the Fast EtherNet .......................................99
Using a Web Browser ............................................. 100
Using TELNET ...................................................... 109
Using standard setup utility (Windows) ................ 1 1 7
Environment setup ................................................. 12 9
Using quick setup utility (Windows) ..................... 13 0
Using setup utility (Macintosh) ............................ 1 33
Using JetAdmin ..................................................... 139
Using SNMP .......................................................... 140
Fast EtherNet settings ............................................ 140
User Manual 7
Contents (Contd.)
Chapter 8
Troubleshooting ................................................................... 144
Trouble during the self-diagnosis test and
while printing the configuration contents ............ 14 5
Trouble while using TCP/IP .................................. 146
Trouble while using NetWare ................................ 147
Trouble while using EtherTalk .............................. 14 8
Trouble while using NetBEUI ............................... 149
Others ..................................................................... 149
Appendices ...........................................................................150
Main Specifications ............................................... 151
IP Ad dress Configuration Using DHCP,
BOO TP, RARP ....................................................... 151
Configuration from TELNET ................................ 154
Setting through DHCP........................................... 15 5
Setting from BOOTP .............................................. 158
Setting through RARP........................................... 15 9
Fast Ethernet

Chapter 1

Installing the Fast EtherNet
Major features of the board 7100e+ .........................10
Product identification ............................................... 10
Part names of the Fast EtherNet ................................11
Mounting on a printer .............................................. 12
Connecting to a network ..........................................12
Verification of the “print menu” of the printer .........14
Functions of the DIP Switches ..................................15
Initialization of the Fast EtherNet ............................15
Verification of the settings contents .........................16
Self-diagnosis test.....................................................17
Fast Ethernet
Installing the Fast EtherNet
Product identification
Major features of the board 7100e+
Compatible with multiple protocols
• Compatible with the four network protocols – EtherTalk, TCP/IP , IPX/SPX and NetBEUI.
Dedicated network utility included
• The Fast EtherNet can be configured from Windows98/95, NT4.0 and Macintosh.
Manageable from a Web Browser
• If it is connected with TCP/IP, the Fast EtherNet and the printer menu can be configured from a Web Browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Compatible with SNMP
• Packages an SNMP agent which operates in UDP
The 7100e+ is a general-purpose Fast EtherNet. Please note that, depending on the printer installed, some functions may become unusable.
Please check that the following products are all present.
The Fast EtherNet itself Mounting screws (2)
Fast EtherNet Network softwar e CD-R OM User Manual (booklet)
Fast Ethernet
Part names of the Fast EtherNet
Connector for 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T
Connected with a twisted pair cable.
Automatically switches over between 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T
DIP switches
For initialization of the Fast EtherNet, verification of the settings contents and the self-diagnosis test. Refer to Page 14 for the function of each switch.
STAT LED (orange lamp)
Flashes during data reception. In the case that abnormality of the Fast EtherNet was detected, performs one of the following.
· Flashes at set intervals
· Stays switched on
· Stays switched off
LINK 100M LED (green lamp, center)
Lit during connection with 100BASE-TX.
LINK 10M LEED (green lamp, from cable)
Lit during connection with 10BASE-T.
User Manual 11
Mounting on a printer
The method of mounting the Fast EtherNet differs from one printer to another. F or details refer to your printer’ s User Manual.
Connecting to a network
Needed for the connection
The following products are needed in order to connect the Fast EtherNet to a network. If needed, these products can be purchased from a network product supplier.
Hub/Switch wall socket T wisted pair cable
(Category 5 Straight)
Fast Ethernet
The connection process
1. Turn OFF the printer’ s po wer switch
2. Insert the twisted pair cable into the Fast EtherNet connector.
3. Insert the other end of the twisted pair cable into the hub/ switch wall socket.
4. Turn ON the printer’ s power switch.
In the case that the network used includes a router and a server, start the router and the server and only then turn ON the printer’s power switch. If the printer’s power switch is turned ON before the r outer and the server , the network may not function normally .
User Manual 13
V erification of the “print men u” of the printer
In order to use the Fast EtherNet, the Fast EtherNet settings must first be verified. You can verify these settings by using the “print menu” of the printer.
The method of menu printing differs fr om one printer to another. For details refer to the your printer’s user manual.
In the following explanation, OKIP A GE 8c is used as an example.
1. Press , the printer switches to “Online”.
2. Hold down “print menu”” for more than 2 seconds, the printer switches to “menu printing”
Menu printing begins.
3. After the menu printing is completed, press , the printer switches to “Online”.
Fast Ethernet
Functions of the DIP Switches
Initialization of the Fast EtherNet
By using the DIP Switches of the Fast EtherNet, initialization of the Fast EtherNet, verification of its settings and the self­diagnosis test can be performed.
ON 1 2 3 4
DIP Switches behind plate
During normal operation, all the DIP Switches should be switched OFF. In order to change the settings of the DIP Switches, turn the printer’s power switch OFF. DIP Switch No. 1 is normally OFF.
1. Turn the printer’ s power switch OFF.
2. Turn DIP Switch No. 2 ON.
3. Turn the printer’ s power switch ON. The Fast EtherNet is initialized.
4. Make sure that the printer is fully operative and turn the printer’s po wer switch OFF .
5. Turn DIP Switch No. 2 OFF .
If the Fast EtherNet was used even once with a different network, it has to be initialized before it can be used.
User Manual 15
V erification of the settings contents
1. Turn the printer’ s power s witch OFF .
2. Turn DIP Switch No. 3 ON.
3. Turn the printer’ s po wer switch ON. The current settings contents are printed.
4. Turn the printer’ s power s witch OFF .
5. Turn DIP Switch No. 3 OFF .
<Example of printing the settings contents>
Fast Ethernet
Self-diagnosis test
1. Turn the printer’ s power s witch OFF .
2. Turn DIP Switch No. 4 ON.
3. Turn the printer’ s po wer switch ON. The results of the self-diagnosis are printed.
4. Turn the printer’ s power s witch OFF .
5. Turn DIP Switch No. 4 OFF .
<Example of printing the self-diagnosis test>
EtherNet address
If “NG” is indicated, refer to “Chapter 8 Trouble Shooting”.
User Manual 17

Chapter 2

Printing from Windows98/95
OKI LPR Utility Operating Environment .................19
With the NetBUEI protocol ......................................30
Fast Ethernet
Printing from Windows 95/98
Configuring Windows98/95
In order to print from W indows 95/98 via TCP/IP , it is necessary to set up the Fast EtherNet and Windows 95/98. Windows 95/ 98 does not include a LPR printing function, so you must use the OKI LPR utility. This utility can be found on the accompanying CDROM.
OKI LPR Utility Operating Envir onment
• A computer which runs Windows 95/98 and which has a network adapter supporting TCP/IP.
• A compatible printer such as;
• OKIP A GE 16n
• OKIP AGE 20 series
• OKIP AGE 24 series
• OKIP AGE 8c+
The operation of this LPR utility cannot be guaranteed with any printer other than those specified above..
Install “TCP/IP” protocol in Windows98/95 and configure the IP address, subnet and gateway.
If you type in a wrong IP addr ess, the network may go down or other severe damage ma y occur. Make sure to check with the network manager and to determine the appropriate address.
In the case that a small-scale LAN is included, such as a network connecting one printer and one computer, refer to Page 22 for the settings.
In the following explanation, Window98 is used as an example. The screen display and part of the contents of the selected directory may differ, depending on the OS version and the system structure.
Please have ready the “Windows98/95 System Software CD­ROM”.
User Manual 19
1. Start the “Network” control panel.
2. Open the “Network configurations” tab and confirm that “TCP/IPàXXX” is displayed.
If “TCP/IPàXXX” is not displayed, click on “ Add”.
3. Select “Protocol” and click on “Add”.
4. Select “Microsoft” and “TCP/IP”, click on “OK”.
5. Select “TCP/IPàXXX”, click on “Properties”.
Fast Ethernet
6. Configure each of the “IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS Settings”.
7. Restart Windows 98/95.
User Manual 21
Configuring the IP address for the Fast EtherNet
Use the Standard Setup Utility (Window) attached to the Fast EtherNet and configure the IP address of the Fast EtherNet, the subnet mask and the gateway.
For the details of the Standard Setup Utility , refer to “Chapter 7 Management of the Fast EtherNet”.
2. Configure the computer to the “Fast EtherNet’s companion Network Software CD-ROM”.
The Setup Utility starts automatically.
Please have ready the “Fast EtherNet’s companion CD-ROM”.
If you type in the wrong IP address, subnet mask or gateway, the network may go do wn or other severe damage may occur. Make sure to check with the network manager and to determine the appropriate address.
1. Connect the Fast EtherNet to the network and turn ON the printer’s po wer switch.
If the Setup Utility does not start automatically, double-click on “Autorun.exe” in the “Windows” folder of the CD-ROM.
3. Click on “English”. The “Setup Utility” screen is displayed.
4. Click on “OKI Device Standard Setup”.
5. Select “Execute from CD-ROM” and click on “Next”.
Fast Ethernet
6. If you agree to the User License Agreement, clic k on “Y es”. Starts the “AdminManager”.
The EtherNet address (MAC address) appears in the “print menu” of the printer.
7. Look up the EtherNet address in the list and select the Fast EtherNet to setup.
User Manual 23
8. Choose the “OKI Device Setup” in the “Setup” menu.
<In case that TCP/IP protocol is the only working protocol>
(1) When the next message is displayed, click on “Yes”.
(2) Type in the EtherNet address and the “IP address”
which configured it, and click on “OK”.
(3) Click on “Yes” in order to validate the values set.
(4) After a while, the Fast EtherNet is displayed in the list.
Select the F ast EtherNet displayed and choose the “OKI Device Setup” in the “Setup” menu.
If the Fast EtherNet is not displayed, click on the “OKI Device search” button.
Fast Ethernet
9. Configure the TCP/IP Tab item and make the following “Settings”.
10. If the settings are all correct, click on “Setup”. The values set are transmitted to the Fast EtherNet after clicking on “Yes”.
At this point, however, the Fast EtherNet oper ates on the pre-transmission values set.
Check the “Use the TCP/IP protocol”.Type in the “IP address”.Uncheck the “Use RAPP” and “Use DHCP/BOOTP”.
In the case that the IP address is obtained from the RARP server, DHCP server or BOOTP server, check in accordance with the network environment. In the case that no server exists, you must uncheck or severe damage may be caused to the network
Type in the “Subnet mask”.Type in the “Gateway address”.
11. In order to validate the values set, click on “Yes”.
12. Select “Exit” in the “File” menu and close the AdminManager. Next, click on “Exit” in the Setup Utility to quit the Setup Utility.
User Manual 25
In case a small-scale LAN is included, such as a network connecting one printer and one computer, configure as follows (using “RFC1918”). For the computer settings please refer to Page 18 and for the printer settings please refer to Page 21.
<Computer> <Printer>
Please make sure that no other networks are linked. If other network are linked, severe damage may be caused to the network if the following settings are used.
IP address: The top 3 numbers 192.168.0 fixed
The 4th number Between 1 and 254 If necessary , use a different [IP address] for
the computer and printer (example) Computer : Printer :
Subnet mask: fixedGateway: fixedDNS: Disable DNS
➊ ➋
Fast Ethernet
Setting up the printer software
Next, set up the printer software. After adding the printer driv er in Windows98/95 as the “Default local printer”, perform the setup.
Set up the OKI LPR utility on a hard disc drive with ample free space. If there is insufficient free space on the hard disc, attempting to print a large volume of data or too many print jobs may cause failure of the data spool and the printer may fail to print.
1. Set up the printer driver as the “Default local printer”. Please refer to the your printer’s user manual f or instructions
on how to set up your printer driver.
In the following explanation, setting up OKIPAGE 8c(PS) as the printer in Windows98 is used as an example.
Please have ready the “Fast EtherNet’s companion network software CD-ROM”.
User Manual 27
2. Insert the “Fast EtherNet’s companion network softw are CD­ROM” into the computer.
The Setup Utility starts automatically and is exited by clicking on “Exit”.
3. Click on the “Start” button and select “Run”.
4. In “Name” type in “D:\OKILPR\SETUP” (when the CD-ROM drive is D:) and click on “OK”.
The setup program starts. Proceed with the setup following the instructions on the screen.
5. After completing the setup, double-click on the “OKI LPR utility”.
6. Select “ Add printer” from the “Remote printer” menu.
7. Among the “Printers”, select the printer added in process 1 and type in the IP address of the Fast EtherNet under “IP address”. If the printer and the IP address are correct, click on “OK”.
8. The printer is added in the main window.
The setup is then completed. While the OKI LPR utility is operating, printing is from the application software.
Fast Ethernet
· The OKI LPR utility is capable of registering up to 10 printers.
· If the OKI LPR utility directory or the spool directory contains any files that have been added after the installation of the utility, you will not be able to delete the directory. In order to uninstall the OKI LPR utility fully, please delete any additional files in these directories first.
· Please do not change the “Spool settings” of the “Details” tab of the printer driver properties fr om “No support of bidirectional transmission of this printer”. If you do, errors may occur during printing.
· In the case that a postscript printer is used, although “Data format” can be selected in the “Detail setting” of the “PostScript” tab of the printer driver “Properties”, only “ASCII data” should be selected here. In the case that anything other than “ASCII data” is selected, a postscript error may occur.
In addition, in applications capable of specifying the data format in the printing options (Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXpress, etc.), please make sure to select “ASCII”. If anything other than “ASCII” is selected, a postscript error may occur.
User Manual 29
With the NetBUEI protocol
Configuring Windows98/95
In the following explanation, Window98 is used as an example. The screen display and part of the contents of the selected branch may differ , depending on the OS version and the system structure.
Please have ready the “W indows98/95 System Software CD-R OM”.
1. Start the “Network” control panel.
2. Confirm that “Microsoft network client” and “NetBEUIàXXX” are displayed.
If “NetBEUIàXXX” is not displayed, click on “Add”.
3. In the case that “Microsoft network client” is not displayed, select “Client” and click on “Add”.
4. Select “Microsoft” and “Microsoft network client”, click on “OK”.
Fast Ethernet
+ 130 hidden pages