janitza Prophi Operating Instructions Manual

Key 3
Key 2
Key 1
Doc no. 1.020.009.m
Serie II
Janitza electronics GmbH Vor dem Polstück 6 D-35633 Lahnau Support Tel. +49 6441 9642-22 Fax +49 6441 9642-30 e-mail: info@janitza.com Internet: http://www.janitza.com
Reactive Power Controller
Operating instructions
Brief instructions see last page
Peak value Fix stages Password Capacitive Required capacitive power Cosinus ϕ Inductive Automatic mode Harmonics Manual mode Target cos(phi1) Target cos(phi2)
Lowest value Capacitive stage active Alarm output active
Expanded programming Number of stages Stage ratio Power of 1st stage Learning of configuration CT ratio
cap cos
ϕ Qc
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Error
ϕ2 learn 1:1... Prog
Article no. 33.03.027
Page 2
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Expanded programming 25
Fix stages 25 Discharge time 26 Disconnection pause 26 Power station service 27 Stage power 28 Choke degree 28 Voltage transformer ratio 29 Harmonic thresholds 30 Switching frequency 31 Alarm output 32
Alarm call 32 Give a receipt for alarms 32 Lower voltage (1) 33 Overvoltage (2) 33 Underscoring of the measurement current (3) 33 Exceeding of measuring current (4) 33 Insuff icient capacitor output (5) 33 Supply of real power (6) 33 Harmonic thresholds (7) 33 Overtemperature (8) 33
Averaging time for the mean value cos(phi) 34 Averaging time of reactive power 34 Ventilator control 35 Ventilation control 35
Upper temperature limit 35 Lower temperature limit 35 Switching output 35
Overtemperature disconnection 37
Upper temperature limit 37 Lower temperature limit 37 Pause time 37
Indication in manual mode 38 Password 39 Program password 39 Enter password 39 Change password 39 Contrast 40 Reset programming 41 Connection conf iguration 42
Correction angle 42
Software release 43 Serial number 43 Serial interface (Option) 44
Device address 44 Transmission protocol 44 Baud rate 45 Modbus RTU 45 Profibus DP V0 45 Table Modbus 46 Table Profibus 47
Receipt Control 4
Meaning of the symbols 4
Hints for usage 4 Product description 5
Intended use 5 Data protection 5 Hints for maintenance 5
Repairing and calibration 5 Front foil 5 Waste management 5
Funktional description 6
Measurement 6 Switching of capacitor stages 6 Switching outputs 6 Net return 6
Hints for installation 8
Mounting place 8 Measurement and supply voltage 8
Sum current measurement 9 Current measurement 9
Installation and putting into service 10
Measurement and supply voltage 10 Current measurement 11 Real power 11 Switching outputs 12
Transistor outputs 12 Target-cos(phi) changeover 13 Alarm output 13 Check alarm output 13
RS485 Interface (Option) 14
Transmission protocols 14 Bus structure 14 Shielding 14 Cable length 14 Terminal resistors 14
Removal of errors 15 Service 16
Display and use 17
Automatic mode 17 Manual mode 17 Key functions 18
Standard programming 19
Target cos(phi) 19 Current transformer ratio 20 Learning of the configuration 21 Stage power 22 Stage ratio 22 Switching outputs 23 Delete peak and lowest values 24
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Display overview 48
Measured value indications 48 Display in standard programming 50 Display in expanded programming 51
Configuration data 53
Setting range 53 Manufacturer's presetting 53
Technical data 54
Ambient conditions 54 Inputs and outputs 54 Measurement 54 Measurement accuracy 54 Back Side 55 Side view 55
Short manual 56
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be re­produced or duplicated without the written permission of the author. Any contraventions are punishable and will be prosecuted with all legal means.
No liability can be taken for the faultless condition of the manual or damage caused by the use of it. As fail­ures cannot be avoided completely, we shall be very grateful for any advice. We will try to remove any fail­ures as soon as possible. The mentioned software and hardware descriptions are registered trademarks in the most cases and are subjected to the regulations by law. All registered trademarks are property of the correspond­ing companies and are fully recognized by us.
Page 4
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Receipt Control
In order to ensure a perfect and safe use of the device, a proper transport, expert storage, erection and mounting and careful usage and maintenance are required. When it may be supposed, that a safe operation is no longer possible, the device has to be put out of service and be protected against unintentional putting into service.
A safe operation can no longer be assumed, when the device
• shows visible damage,  does not work in spite of intact net supply,  has been exposed to disadvantageous conditions for a longer time (e.g. storage out of the allowed climate without adaption to the room climate, dew etc.) or trans­port use (e.g. falling from great height, even without visible damage).
Please test the contents of delivery for completion, be­fore starting the installation of the device. All delivered options are listed on the delivery papers. In the attached description doc. no.: 1.020.030.x all de­livery types and options for the reactive power control­ler Prophi are listed.
Hints for usage
Safe and failure free operation can only be granted, when the device is operated according to this manual!
This device may be put into service and used by quali­fied personnel according to the safety regulations and instructions only. Please mind the additional legal and safety regulations for the respective application.
Qualified personnel are persons, familiar with erection, mounting, putting into service and usage of the product and having the qualifi­cations such as:
 education or instruction / entitlement to switch, re­lease, ground or characterize current circuits and de­vices according to the standards of safety techniques.
 education or instruction in the care and usage of suit­able safety equipment according to the standards of safety techniques.
Warning of dangerous electrical voltage.
This symbol shall warn you of possible dangers, which can occur during maintenance, putting into service and while usage.
Protective wire connection
c m
Meaning of the symbols
Attention! This manual also describes options and types, which were not delivered and there­fore, do not belong to the contents of deliv­ery.
Page 5
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Product description
Intended use
The reactive power controller Prophi together with ex­ternal capacitor stages, serves for step by step control­ling of the phase shift angle cos(phi) in 50/60Hz low voltage networks. Depending on the type of the reac­tive power controllers Prophi, contactors or semi con­ductor switches can be controlled directly. Additionally, the following electrical quantities are meas­ured and indicated:
- Voltage L2-L3,
- Current in L1,
- Frequency,
- Sum real power (Consumption/supply),
- Sum reactive power (ind./cap.),
- uneven current harmonic waves 1. - 19. in %,
- uneven voltage harmonic waves 1. - 19. in %. The harmonic contents are related to the rated voltage or rated current.
The connection is carried out on the back side via touch proof spring power terminals. Measurement and supply voltage are taken from the measurement voltage and must be connected to the building installation via a separation (switch or power switch) and an overcurrent protection (6,3A). The current measurement is carried out via a ../5A or ../1A current transformer in one outer conductor.
The relay outputs are suitable for contactor control, the transistor outputs are provided for the control of fast switching thyristor modules, switching at zero crossing.
Hints for maintenance
Before delivery the device is tested in various safety checks and marked with a seal. If the device is opened, these checks must be repeated. There is no guarantee for devices, which are opened out of the manufacturing works.
Repairing and calibration
Repairing and calibration work can be carried out in the manufacturing works only.
Front foil
The cleaning of the front foil must be done with a soft cloth using a common cleansing agent. Acid or acidic agents may not be used for cleaning.
Waste management
The device can be disposed as electronical waste ac­cording to the legal regulations and recycled.
Data protection
The data protection is carried out in a none volatile memory (EEPROM). Changed programming data are saved immediately.
Page 6
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Switching of capacitor stages
Prophi calculates the required reactive power to reach the set target-cos(phi) from the current from one outer conductor and the voltage between two outer conduc­tors. If the cos(phi) deviates from target cos(phi), exter­nal capacitor stages or transistor outputs are switched on or off. In automatic mode the capacitor stages are switched in or off, when the required reactive power is higher or equal to the smallest stage power. If the power of the first capacitor stage is three times as high as the measured real power, all capacitor stages are switched off.
Switching outputs
Depending on the variety of Prophi, relay or transistor outputs serve as switching outputs. The relay outputs are suitable for controlling contactors and the transistor outputs can switch thyristor modules, that switch in zero crossing of voltage. For relay outputs the time between two connections or disconnections is set to two seconds. Transistor outputs have no limitation of the switching period.
Net return
After net return, the set discharge time runs for the relay outputs. The transistor outputs do not mention the discharge time.
Funktional description
The measurement is suited for 3 phase systems with or without neutral conductor for frequencies of 50Hz or 60Hz. The electronical measurement system records and digitalizes the effective values of voltage between L2 and L3 (L-N Option) and the current in L1. In each second several snap check measurements are carried out. As the current is only measured in one outer conductor, and the voltage only between two outer conductors, the measured values, which are related to all three outer conductors, are exact for equal loaded outer conductors only. The following electrical quantities are calculated:
Current and current harmonics Voltage and voltage harmonics Real power, sum Apparent power,sum Reactive power, sum Reactive power for each stage Reactive current for each stage Cos(phi), Net frequency.
The following information can be indicated:
Number of switchings of each stage, total connection time of each stage and
the inner temperature. Prophi measures the frequency of the measurement and supply voltage and shows the average over 10 seconds.
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Diagr.: Connection example, power factor controller with measurement and supply voltage L2-L3,12 relais outputs, target cos(phi) changeover and alarm output.
Diagr.: Connection example, power factor controller with measurement and supply voltage L-N,12 relais outputs, target cos(phi) changeover and alarm output.
Page 8
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Hints for installation
Mounting place
The reactive power controller Prophi is suited for mount­ing and operation in reactive power compensation sys­tems.
The connection is carried out on the back side via touch proof spring power terminals.
Measurement and supply voltage
The measurement is suited for 3 phase systems with or without neutral conductor. Measurement and supply voltage are taken from the measurement voltage and must be connected to the building installation via a separation (switch or power switch) and an overcurrent protection (2A...10A).
The reactive power controller measures and supervises the voltage between two outer conductors. If one of those two fails, the reactive power controller gets no more measurement and operating voltage, and switches on the capacitive stages after net return according to the programmed times. If the third outer conductor is missing, this will not be recognized by the reactive power controller. If the con­tactors are supplied by this outer conductor, the contac­tors can attract simultaneously and without considera­tion of the discharge time after net return.
Falsch False
Einspeisung Supply
Verbraucher Consumer
EVU­Messung Electricity­Meter
Einspeisung Supply
Verbraucher Consumer
EVU­Messung Electricity­Meter
Falsch False
Einspeisung Supply
EVU­Messung Electricity­Meter
Falsch False
Verbraucher Consumer
Richtig Correct
Einspeisung Supply
Verbraucher Consumer
EVU­Messung Electricity­Meter
Attention! The operating voltage for the contactors should be taken from an outer conductor con­nected to the reactive power controller.
Abb.: Anschluss der Mess- und Hilfsspannung zwischen L2-L3 und der Strommessung über Stromwandlers.
0,01 .. 5A
siehe Typenschild
see type label
L1 L2 L3
k l
2 .. 10A
Verbraucher Consumer
kl L2L3
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Diagr. Measurement with Amperemeter in series
Diagr. Measurement via sum current transformers
Current measurement
The current measurement is carried out via ../5A or ../ 1A current transformers. If the current must be measured with an Amperemeter additionally to Prophi, it must be connected in series.
Sum current measurement
If Prophi is connected to a sum current transformer, the total transformation ratio must be programmed.
For unequal load of the outer conductors, the current should be measured in the outer con­ductor, which is loaded most heavily.
Verbraucher 1
Consumer 1
Verbraucher 2
Consumer 2
Einspeisung 1
Supply 1
Einspeisung 2
Supply 2
L l
k K
l L
K k
L l
K k
Abb.: Anschluss der Mess- und Hilfsspannung zwischen L1-N und der Strommessung über Stromwandlers.
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Installation and putting into service
Measurement and supply voltage
The controller Prophi can be delivered in two connec­tion varieties for the measurement and supply voltage. In the version measurement L-L, the measurement and supply voltage must be taken from two outer conduc­tors. In version measurement L-N, the measurement and supply voltage must be taken between outer con­ductor L and neutral N.
Before connection, please ensure, that the local net con­ditions match the data on type plate. The range of the measurement and supply voltage is given by the type plate and is connected via a fuse (2…10A, time lag type)
Diagr.: Connection of measurement and supply voltage (L2-L3) and current transformer.
0,01 .. 5A
siehe Typenschild
see type label
L1 L2 L3
k l
2 .. 10A
Verbraucher Consumer
kl L2L3
Diagr.: Connection of measurement and supply voltage (L1-N) and current transformer.
If the measurement and supply voltage is within the allowed range, Prophi indicates the voltage on the ter­minal. While measuring via voltage transformers, the voltage transformer ratio must be programmed.
The measurement and supply voltage must come from the low voltage net, which is su­pervised.
The connected measurement and supply voltage may not exceed the voltage, mentioned on type plate for more than 10% or underscore for more than 15%. To ensure, that the connected measurement and supply voltage is within the allowed range, please check the voltage at the terminal with a voltmeter.
Voltage, which is out of the indicated range on type plate can destroy the instrument.
The operating voltage for the contactors should be received from an outer conductor connected to the controller.
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Current measurement
The current transformer is connected to the clamps k and l (/5A or /1A) from the outer conductor L1. Please ensure during the installation of the current trans­former, that the current transformer is passed by the consumer current but not by the compensation current. The current can be measured by an Amperemeter to compare it with the current indicated by Prophi to check. Please note, that the factory's presettings of the current transformer ratio is set to 10 and must be adapted to the existing current transformer. If you should short-circuit the current transformer, the indicated value on Prophi must decrease to 0A.
Examples for the setting of the current transformer Example 1 Current transformer 200A/5A Set Prophi to 40
Example 2 Current transformer 500A/1A Set Prophi to 500
Example 3 Sum current transformer 1000A+1000A/1A Set Prophi to 2000
For unequal load of the outer conductors, the current should be measured in the outer con­ductor, which is loaded most heavily.
Real power
If current and voltage are connected to Prophi accord­ing to the connection diagram, a positive real power is displayed in case of real power consumption. Real power with a negative sign in the indication points to the sup­ply of real power or an error of connection. Possible error:
- Voltage and current are measured in the wrong outer conductor.
- The current transformer clamps (k-l) are exchanged.
None earthed current transformer clamps can be live.
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Switching outputs
The reactive power controller Prophi can be equipped with up to 12 switching outputs. The switching outputs can be equipped either with relay or transistor outputs. If a device is equipped with relay or transistor outputs it is not shown on display. The equipment can be seen in the connection diagram on the back of Prophi.
Relay outputs Capacitor contactors can be connected to the relay out­puts according to the connection example "Relay out­puts".
Transistor outputs
Semi conductor switches, switching at zero crossing, must be connected to the transistor outputs of the reac­tive power controller. The transistor outputs switch the voltage of an external d.c. net supply to the semiconductor switches.
Check switching outputs Please switch in the capacitor stages in manual mode: The inductive reactive power is decreased by the power of the respective capacitor stage. Please switch off the capacitor stages in manual mode: The inductive reactive power is increased by the power of the respective capacitor stage.
Possibility of errors: The outputs do not switch
- Relay output defective.
- Transistor output defective.
The change of the reactive power is faulty
- The current is measured incorrectly.
- A wrong current transformer ratio is set.
- The current is measured in the wrong outer conductor.
- The voltage is measured in the wrong outer conductors.
- The current transformer clamps k-l are exchanged.
The reactive power does not change
- The current transformer is installed at the wrong place.
- Switching outputs faulty.
- The wrong control voltage is connected to the switching outputs.
Diagr.: Connection example "Transistor outputs"
Attention ! For devices with relay or transistor outputs, there are different control voltages applied to the switching outputs.
Diagr.:Connection example "Relay outputs"
The relai and transistor outputs are live.
max. 250V
If a switching frequency of 50Hz is programmed for the transistor outputs, the serial interface does not work!
Page 13
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Target-cos(phi) changeover
Via the input target-cos(phi) changeover it can be changed over between target-cos(phi1) and target- cos(phi2). If there is no voltage at the input, the target-cos(phi1) is active. If there is a 85 bis 265V AC connected to the input, the target-cos(phi2) is active.
In the standard display (please see example), apart from the active channels and the actual cos(phi) also the ac­tive target-cos(phi) is indicated.
Target-cos(phi1) is active.
1 2 3
Actual cos(phi) mean value
Target-cos(phi2) is active.
1 2 3
Actual cos(phi) mean value
Diagr.: Connection diagram target-cos(phi) changeover
85 - 250V AC
Alarm output
The alarm relay attracts in undisturbed operation, and the contact of the alarm output is closed. If a distur­bance occurs, the alarm relay releases and the contact is opened. Various events can be assigned to the alarm output via OR-logic interconnections. Each event is as­signed to an alarm number, an alarm delay and alarm duration.
Check alarm output
If there is no alarm, the alarm relay attracts immedi­ately. In order to trigger off an alarm, the threshold for overtemperature can be set to zero, for instance, and the alarm relay releases immediately.
Diagr.: Connection diagram alarm output
max. 250V
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
RS485 Interface (Option)
Transmission protocols
Two tran smiss ion pr otoco ls are availa ble fo r the c onnec ­tion to an existing field bus system:
0 - Modbus RTU (Slave) and
1 - Profibus DP V0 (Slave) .
Wi th Mod bus pro tocol you can have ac cess t o the da ta of table 1, and with Profibus protocol you can have access to the data of table 2.
Bus structure
All devices are connected in bus structure (line). In one segment up to 32 participiants can be assembled. At the end and the beginning of each segment, the cable must be terminated by resistors. In
you can activate these resistors with two plug-ins. For more than 32 participiants you must use a repeater (line amplifier) to connect the single segments.
For connections via RS485 interface, you need a pro­tected and twisted cable. To achieve a sufficient protec­tion result, the shielding must be connected at both ends extensively to the housing or parts of the cabinet.
Cable specifications The maximum cable length depends on cable type and transmission speed. We recommend cable type A.
Cable parameter Type A Typ B
Impedance 135-165Ohm 100-130Ohm
(f = 3-20MHz) (f > 100kHz) Capacity < 30pF/m < 60pF/m Resistance < 110 Ohm/km ­Diameter >= 0,34mm2 >= 0,22mm2
(AWG22) (AWG24)
Cable length
The following table shows the maximum cable length in meters (m) for various transmission speed .
Baud rate (kbit/s) Cable type 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1500
Type A 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 Type B 1200 1200 1200 600 200 70
Terminal resistors
is connected to the end of the bus cable, the bus cable must be terminated at this point with resistors. The required resistors are integrated within the
and are activated in position ON.
Diagr. Connection RS485 interface
392R 221R 392R
Page 15
Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
Removal of errors
Possible cause
- Wrong measurement and supply voltage connected.
- Prefuse (10A time-lag type) has triggered.
- Current measurement in the wrong outer conductor.
- Wrong current transformer ratio.
- Current out of measuring range.
- Current transformer clamps are bridged.
- One current transformer line is interrupted.
- A current measuring device is connected parallely.
- Wrong voltage transformer ratio.
- Uneven load of the outer conductors.
- Wrong voltage transformer ratio.
- Voltage and/or current are measured incor­rectly.
- Voltage and current are measured in the wrong outer conductors.
- Voltage and/or current are measured incor­rectly.
- The current transformer connection (k-l) is exchanged.
The measuring current is smaller but 10mA. The measuring voltage is interrupted. The current transformer clamps are bridged.
- Voltage is measured incorrectly.
- Current is measured incorrectly.
- Real power is measured incorrectly.
The current transformer is installed after the measurement of the energy supplier.
Current and voltage are connected in-cor­rectly.
The capacitor current is not detected by the current transformer. Capacitive stages are faulty.
The measurement and operating voltage is exceeded by more than 10%.
Current measurement in wrong phase. L1 and L3 are exchanged.
The device is defective.
Please check measurement and sup­ply voltage.
Please check current measurement.
Please check voltage measurement.
Please check current and voltage measurement.
Please check current and voltage measurement.
Please check current measurement.
Please check current and voltage measurement.
Check and correct connection. (Please see hints for installation)
Check and correct connection. (Please see hints for installation)
Check and correct mounting posi­tion of the current transformer. Check capacitive stages.
Check measurement and operating voltage.
Check measurement and operating voltage.
Send the device to the manufacturer with an exact description of the error.
Description of the error
No indication.
Current too little / too high.
Voltage L2-L3 too little / too high.
Real power too little / too high.
Real power supply/con­sumption exchanged.
Cos(phi) = 0.00
Cos(phi) too high / too little.
Cos(phi) does not change, although all capacitor stages were switched in.
Cos(phi) is indicated ca­pacitive on Prophi, but, nevertheless, the reactive power meter measures re­active power. Prophi only connects stages, but does not dis­connect.
The outputs can only be disconnected.
Prophi shows a cos(phi) of 0,2 - 0,4 capacitive.
It does not work.
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
If certain questions appear, which are not mentioned in this handbook, please call us directly. To be able to support you, we require the following information:
- Device description (see type plate),
- Serial number (see type plate),
- Software Release,
- Measurement and supply voltage and
- Exact description of the error.
You can reach us: Monday to Thursday from 07:00 to 15:00 and on Friday from 07:00 to 12:00
Janitza electronics GmbH Vor dem Polstück 1 D-35633 Lahnau Support:
Tel. (0 64 41) 9642-22
Fax (0 64 41) 9642-30 e-mail: info@janitza.de
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Reactive Power Controller
= Key 1 = Key 2 = Key 3
ϕ1 ϕ2ϕ1 ϕ2
ϕ1 ϕ2ϕ1 ϕ2
ϕ1 ϕ2 learn 1:1... Prog
Display and use
In the front side of Prophi there is a digital indication and three keys, with which you can question data and program the device. If you are in automatical mode, you can change be­tween the operating modes using key 1:
automatic mode, manual mode, standard programming and expanded programming
automatic mode manual mode standard programming expanded programming
In standard programming often needed settings are car­ried out such as current transformer ratio or the number of stages. In expanded programming those settings are carried out, which are used not as often, such as discharge time or choke degree.
To reach the expanded programming from automatic mode, leaf through the standard programming using key 1 until the symbol "Prog" appears. Confirm selection with key 2, and you are in expanded programming.
Automatic mode
Automatic mode is marked by the symbol . In automatic mode, there is:
- the switching condition of capacitive stages,
- the actual value of cos(phi) indicated,
- Connection and disconnection of capacitive stages,
- all 15 minutes saving of peak and lowest values, number of switchings of the capacitor stages and the switching times of capacitor stages.
- Indication of measured values using key 2 and 3.
There are three possibilities to reach automatic mode:
- after net return,
- pressing key 1 for about 2 seconds,
- pressing no key in programming mode for 1 minute.
Automatic mode
1 2 3
Actual value cos(phi)
Manual mode
In manual mode, you can switch in capacitor stages using key 3, and switch off capacitor stages using key
2. The time between two switchings is only limited by
the programmed discharge time. If one stage shall be connected in manual mode and a discharge time is run­ning, the number and capacitor stage is flashing. If no capacitors are switched in manual mode, an automatical jumpback to automatical mode is carried out after 15 minutes.
Manual mode Reactive power
Connected stages
k VAr
1 2 3 4 5
+ 39 hidden pages