Janfire Combiflame User Manual

pel let swä rme
swedish quality
Janre Combiame
Boiler for wood pellets, log and brown coal
pel letsw ärm e
Janre 06.2011
1 Legend to symbols
advice of danger for person and material assets
very important advice
special informations or hints for assembly or operation
Advices for usage
Please read this manual before you begin to assemble or start operation of the boiler. Follow the instruction in this manual.
This manual is part of the boiler. It is only legal for the Janfire Combiflame pellet boiler. It contains useful informations for safe operation, handling and maintenance. This manual has to be kept close to the boiler and it has to be on hand anytime of operation. Local terms have to be followed.
According to the WEEE-directive this boiler is a stationary device. Because of this any electric or electronic part will not be taken back by Janfire. Please give those parts to your local recycling partner.
Warning: Do not open the front door until you have opened the start-up flap by pulling the lever on the right side of the boiler. After the opening of the flap you have to wait a couple of seconds before you may open the front door!
2 Warranty terms
The warranty will only be issued on faults on our product concerning material and fabrication. Warranty will only be issued by proper handling and installation which is conform with the legal conditions and our instructions. The installation has to be done by an expert person.
Start of warranty is the date of our invoice. The period of warranty for the boiler takes two years. For any part of the boiler which is in contact with fire, warranty will be given for one year. For the pellet burner warranty will run out after two years or after the consumption of 20.000 kg pellets, whatever may occur first.
In case of damage we claim the right to check the installation and take a look at the damaged parts before compensation.
None of our products may be used until they were set into operation by a Janfire authorised expert. The protocol has to be signed by the expert and the customer. It has to be sent to Janfire AB. Otherwise there will be no warranty claim at all.
pel letsw ärm e
swedish quality
There will be no compensation for any costs of replacement.
Warranty will be lost if the product is not installed, set into operation, maintained and handled properly.
Janfire will not give any warranty for faults concerning the hydraulic, the electric installation or the flue gas system.
The boiler may not be used without adequate water pressure or without being connected to the hydraulic - and the flue gas system.
Warranty will be lost by the use of not permitted fuel, insufcient draft, insufcient handling,
maintenance and no proper installation.
Warranty will be lost too, if changes or repairs are made without our permission.
There will be no responsibility for damages evoked by leakage water, corrosion, aggressive vapours, dust, humidity (for example laundry dryer or washer in the boiler room), overpressure, assembly of the boiler in areas with explosive atmosphere or damages evoked by oxygen or dirt in the hydraulic system.
Advanced claims are excluded, especially any claim for damages, if they are not founded by law.
If a warranty claim was not justified, we will bring our costs to account.
3 Brief description / scope of delivery / allowed fuels
The usage of the Janfire Combiflame guaranties an environmentally friendly and economic operation during heating. By the use of renewable fuels like wood pellets or log the heating is CO2-neutral. Only the same amount of CO2 will be released to the atmosphere that the tree has collected during its growth.
• good value combi boiler for heating and domestic hot water supply
• simple design and high performance
• can be used as an additional boiler to existing oil- or gas heating systems
• good isolation, causes only few thermal lost
• nominal heat output for pellets 20 kW
• only 15 Pa natural draft is needed
• easy to change from pellets into a log boiler and reverse
• easy to clean and maintain
The Combiflame is a steel boiler conform with EN 303-5. The combustion chamber consists of 5 mm sheets from ST35JR (EN10025). The outside of the pressure vessel consists of 3 mm. 100 mm
pel letsw ärm e
Janre 06.2011
of high quality isolation material is used to prevent thermal lost. Powder coated sheets are used for the cover panel. Cast iron is used for the grill and the handholds.
The connectors for flue gas, thermal relief valve and the water supply are on the backside of the Combiflame. The boiler can be placed on 4 adjustable feet.
The Combiflame will be delivered including the catalytic converter, the Janfire pellet burner NH and this manual.
Purchased parts package :
• Boiler Combiflame including the catalytic converter
• four adjustable feet
• ash pit
• grill for operation with log
• pellet burner NH
• thermal controller for the draft flap (only used for operation with log)
• manual
• muffles
This manual is part of the boiler. It is only legal for the Janfire Combiflame pellet boiler. It contains useful informations for safe operation, handling and maintenance. This manual has to be kept close to the boiler and it has to be on hand anytime of operation. Local terms have to be followed.
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swedish quality
(3) (4)
(7) (8) (9)
(10) (11)
thermometer mufe ¾“ according to therm. controller (log only) upper boiler door
ap for secondary air
burner door
ap for primary air (log
only) heat exchanger pressure vessle combustion chamber isolation heat exchanger for thermal safety relief valve
(12) (13)
(14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
start up ap frame for prim. air ap (log
only) catalytic converter adjustable feet ash pit grill (log only) connector ¾“ external screw thread for thermal relief valve
mufe ½“ for customer use mufe 1“ for heat mufe ½“ for customer use
(23) (24)
(26) (27) (28)
connector ½“ female screw
thread for thermal relief valve
ue gas connector mufe 1“ for backow
pellet burner thermostat safety relief switch main switch
therm. relif heat exchanger conform to DIN 4751/2 efficiency conform to EN 303-5 class 3 emission conform to EN 303-5 class 3
Allowed fuel:
The Janre NH burner can burn pellets from 6 up to 10 mm. We specify pellets which are conform with EN 14961-2 A1. If the boiler is changed into a solid fuel boiler untreated log up to a length of
log from about 50 cm and briquets of brown coal can be burned, too.
Other fuels are not allowed. Especially any kind of waist may not be used as fuel.
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4 Technical Data
Pellets Log Brown Coal
nominal heat output kW 20 15 15
boiler class (EN303-5)
efficiency emission
3 efficiency % 90,5 86,4 81,9 fuel:
max. moisture max. length of log
% cm
wood pellets 6 or 8 mm
EN 14961-2 A1
18-22 50
burning time at nominal heat output
h - 2
charge: 7 kg
charge: 10 kg
adjustment range of therm. controller (log, brown coal only)
°C 30 to 90
flow temperature
max allowed minimal
°C °C
95 55
min. return temperature °C 55
flue gas
average temperature mass flow cross-section of flue gas connector average CO
-level in flue gas at
nominal heat output
average CO-level (13% O2 )
at nominal heat output
Vol. %
170 10,0 160
198 12,2 160
max. allowed system pressure bar 3 required natural draft*:
max. allowed natural draft: PaPa
11 20
14 20
15 20
max.: l
overall weight (without water) kg ca. 260 ca. 245 water-side resistance
(∆ t = 10 K)
mbar 2,9
opening upper door (B x H) mm 297 x 335
* Take care of the connection piece between boiler and chimney. The resistance of that piece has to be added to the required natural draft of the boiler.
pel letsw ärm e
swedish quality
5 Safety installations
During the assembly attention must be paid to the safety installations. Only safety parts which are tested and labelled for safety may be used. Before setting the boiler into operation make sure that all safety installations are in place and belong to the state of the art and work. If necessary check them again. Especially the pressure relief valve, the thermal safety relief valve and the expansion vessel have to be checked before the boiler is allowed to start running. All safety installations have to be checked by an expert every year.
Safety installations are not part of the purchased parts package.
safety relief switch:
The safety relief switch is connected to the pellet burner. If the temperature of the boiler rises
above 95°C the safety relief switch stops the burner. The burner will not start on its own if the boiler temperature falls below 95°C. You have to reset the switch by hand. Check the water pressure, the
hydraulic system, especially every pump, the heating controller and the sensors before resetting the
safety switch (DIN EN 303-5 clause 3.21). Please look at chapter 10, too!
thermal safety relief heat exchanger:
The Combiame has a welded thermal safety relief heat exchanger.
The thermal safety relief heat exchanger may not be used as a domestic hot water supply.
This heat exchanger has to be used with a thermal safety relief valve which is tested and labelled for safety.
Thermal safety relief valve:
The thermal safety relief valve has to open at 95°C. The assembly of the thermal safety relief valve has to be conform to EN 303-5 clause The valve must be placed in the cold water supply.
It is not allowed to have any other valve in front of or behind the safety relief valve.
Make sure that there is always at least 2 bar water pressure in front of the thermal safety relief valve. It is not allowed to have any other valve in front or behind the safety relief valve! The drain of the thermal safety relief system has to be visible. The cross-section of any tubing concerning to the thermal safety relief system has to be at least 15 mm.
It is not allowed to set the Combiame into operation without this safety system! The thermal safety
relief system has to be installed by an expert and checked every year.
Safety pressure relief valve:
The Combiame has to be equipped with a pressure safety relief valve which is tested and labelled
for safety. The maximal system pressure is 3 bar. The drain of the pressure safety relief system has to be visible.
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