Jands FP12 Operating Manual

Contents ii
Revision 01 – 3 June 1999 FP12 DIMMER USER MANUAL
This product is approved for use in Europe and Australia/New Zealand and conforms to the following standards:
EN 55014-1 AS/NZS 1044 EN 55014-2 AS/NZS 4251.1 EN 60335-1 AS/NZS 3350.1
To ensure continued compliance with EMC Directive 89/336 and the Australian Radiocommunications Act 1992, use only high quality data cables with continuous shield, and connectors wit h cond u ctive backshell s. Exa mples of such cables are:
DMX: Belden 8102 100% Aluminium foil screen, 65% Copper bra i d.
JANDS ELECTRONICS PTY LTD 1999 All rights reserved
Information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not repre sent a c ommitment on the par t of th e vend or. JAND S EL EC TR ON IC S PTY LTD shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information or any error contained in this manual.
It is recommended that all service and repairs on this product be carried out by JANDS ELECTRONICS PT Y LT D or its author ised service agents.
JANDS ELECTRONICS PTY LT D cannot accept any liability w ha ts oe v e r for a ny los s or damage caused by service, maintenance or repair by unauthorised personnel, or by use other t han that intended by the manufacturer.
JAN DS FP Ser ies dimme rs mus t o nly be u sed for the p ur pos e t hey we re int end ed b y the manufacturer and in conjunction with this operating manual.
Disconnect mains power when not in use.
Manufactured in Australia by: JANDS ELECTRONICS PTY LTD ACN 001 187 837 40 Kent Rd Locked Bag 15 Mascot NSW 2020 Australia
PHONE: +61-2-9582-0909 FAX: +61-2-9582-0999 INTERNET: www.jands.com.au
Contents ii
Revision 0.1 – 3 June 1999 FP12 DIMMER USER MANUAL
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Equipment Description
2.1 Front panel layout ...............................................................................................2-1
3.0 Getting Started
3.1 Connecting power............................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Setting the mains frequency................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Powering up........................................................................................................3-2
3.4 Connecting loads.................................................................................................3-2
3.5 Connecting DMX-512 input................................................................................ 3-2
3.6 DMX Termination...............................................................................................3-2
3.7 Power-up sequence.............................................................................................3-2
4.0 Dimmer Operation
4.1 Operating modes................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 DMX mode...........................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Test mode............................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Status LED......................................................................................................... 4-3
5.0 Fault Diagnosis
5.1 Output protection................................................................................................5-1
5.2 DMX faults ......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Phase fault indication...........................................................................................5-2
5.4 Thermal protection.............................................................................................. 5-2
5.5 Over-voltage...................................................................................................... 5-2
5.6 Fault finding guide.............................................................................................. 5-3
6.0 Installation
6.1 Dimmer Vent ilation............................................................................................. 6-1
Contents iii
Revision 0.1 – 3 June 1999 FP12 DIMMER USER MANUAL
7.0 Maintenance
8.0 Technical Data and Specifications
8.1 DMX connector pin-outs .................................................................................... 8-2
8.2 DMX bank allocations.........................................................................................8-2
8.3 Mains wiring colour codes...................................................................................8-3
8.4 Internal Mains Wiring..........................................................................................8-3
8.4.1 Normal Three Phase plus Neutral Operation..........................................8-3
8.4.2 Single Phase Operation ......................................................................... 8-3
8.4.3 Delta Supply Operation......................................................................... 8-3
Introduction 1-1
Revision 0.1 – 3 June 1999 FP12 DIMMER USER MANUAL
1.0 Introduction
The JANDS FP12 is a high quality, rugged, 12 channel, 2.4kVA per channel (10A/240V) dimmer ra ck specifically de signed fo r demand ing tou ring and thea tre ap plications.
The FP12 can be powered from three-phase or single-phase mains supplies. The FP12 features opto-controlled Triacs and medium risetime chokes protected by thermal/magnetic circuit breakers. The FP12 uses microprocessor-based digital control for accurate dimming a nd in -built tes t funct ion s. Dig ital control is v ia stand ard DMX-51 2 protocol.
The FP12 features toroidal output chokes. These chokes provide excellent high frequency noise suppression and, together with the temperature-controlled fan, low acoustic noise.
Co n tr ol s ig n a l to the dimme r is v ia a s ta nd ar d D M X -512 socket at t he front panel, while t h e d immed outlets an d three phase power entry are located on th e r ea r panel.
Feat u re s
12 x 2.4 KW dimming channels
DMX-512 digital control protocol
DMX terminating swit ch
Su itable for both tourin g a nd permanen t in stallatio n s
Soft turn o n characteristic
Low acoustic/electrical noise
Toroidal output chok es
Circuit breaker protection of output devices
Three mains phase indicator LEDs
Built in test facilities
Dimmer c urve set for linear r elationship between the con trol input and output power
Compensates for fluctuations in the mains supply voltage, and filters superimposed
mains con trol tone s, ens uring a c on stan t light ou tpu t and inc re ased lamp life
Rack mounted (3 rack units)
Microprocesso r control
Temperature-controlled cooling fan
Temperature monitor and thermal cut-ou t
Dimmer will hold last DMX value sh ould control data b e inte rrupted
50/60Hz operation
CE and C-Tick approved
Equipment Description 2-1
Revision 0.1 – 3 June 1999 FP12 DIMMER USER MANUAL
2.0 Equipment Description
2.1 Front panel layout
Refer to Fig 2.1 (below) for a description of the front panel controls.
1. Channel output sockets (rear panel): The twelve output sockets are each rat ed at
10 amps.
2. Channel circuit breakers: If a breaker trips during use ensure the fault has been
cleared before resetting.
3. Bank select switches: These switches select the DMX start bank and the Test
4. DMX IN LED: A red LED indicates the presence of DMX signals. If there is no
DM X s ig na l, t he LE D w ill fla sh a t a r a t e of a p p r o xima t e ly 2 s e co n d s o n - 2 s ec o nd s off.
5. STATUS LED: A red LED flashes in the presence of a fault. In normal operation
this L ED shou ld be o ff.
6. PHASE LEDs: Three blue LEDs (one for each phase) indicate that t he three phase
mains supply is available.
Figure 2.1FP12 front panel layout
+ 14 hidden pages