J and M JMHS WLS465 User Manual

Motorcycle Helmet Headsets
User Manual
Ver 3 .1
Thank you for havin g chosen the JMHS -WL S465 Bluetooth heads et for bikers. This Manual will help you operate the heads et ,but you should first familiarize yourself with the B luetooth functionality of your cellu­lar phone and/or GP S device before using the headset.
The retail box of the J MHS-W LS4 65 contains one headset unit. When paired with another JMHS-W LS465 ,the head­sets can be used as an in tercom at a rang of up to 500m. The JMHS-WLS 465 offers the following uses:
1. Blueto oth hea dset for mo bile ph one commu nicat ion,
suppo rti ng head set *and Ha nds free * pr ofi les(10m ra nge)
2. Bike-to-Bik e Inter com Commu nicat ion wit h
anoth er JM HS-WL S46 5 unit( up to 1 00m or 50 0m ra nge)in Ful l Duple x** mode [ pu rch ased se par ately]
3. Turn- by-Turn GPS Nav igati on instru ction s and
Strea min g Audio from co mpatible B luetooth d evices
4. FM Rad io - buil t in FM radio re ceiver
5. Blue tooth ste reo - enj oy stereo mu sic from you r A2DP
enabl ed de vice (l ike c ell phone ).
The JMH S-W LS465 c an es tabli sh an a udio conne ction with o ne Bluet oot h devic e at a ti me. Please r ead the sect ion “Using t he Heads et” t o see how y ou ca n switc h the a udio conne ction betw een the paire d dev ices.
* Mob ile p hones t hat d o not sup por t the Blueto oth handsf ree profil e
may pre ven t you fro m usi ng the Re dia l and Call Rej ect featur es.
**Ful l dup lex cal ls al low you t o spe ak and hear th e other part y speak
simul tan eousl y
- 1 -
Heads et
CTRL-Co ntrol B utton
--Pow er On ,Powe r Off ,
--Int erc om call
Helme t cl amp
MC-Mu lti -Conn ect ion
--Rad io On /Off
--Ans wer /Call E nd/ N RLast umber edialing
Volum e Up
Charging Jack
Volum e Down
Rig ht Spea ker (lo ng cord )
Mic ropho ne
Sli ding Pl ate
Lef t Speak er (sh ort cor d)
NOTE: The use of tw o speakers m ay be i llega l in ce rtain
juris dic tions . Pleas e che ck the lo cal r egulatio ns and act acc ordingly.
- 2 -
Wall Charger
Allen Wrench
Velcro Pa ds
Glue Pla te
Microp hone Sponges
User Gui de
The is a wate r-resi stant devi ce, design ed for use under m ode rate ra in or s now con dit ions. H owe ver,th e headset i s not water proof a nd should no t be used unde r severe wea ther condi­tions .
The cov er to ngue pr ote cting the Ch arg ing Jack sho uld be kept ti ghtly
Make su re th at the he ads et is ful ly ch arg ed for at leas t five hours befor e ini tial us e.
1.Con nec t the wal l cha rge r to the heads et's Charging Jack( loc ated be twe en the tw o Volume B utt ons).
2.Whi le ch arg ing ,the Red L ight turns o n. Wh en charging is compl ete , the Red L igh t will turn off.
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Rider- to- Passeng er Ful l Dup lex Int erc om Connec tio n
JMH S-WLS 465 Hea dset
Embedd ed FM Ra dio
Bike-t o-B ike Interc om
Mobile P hon e
The can be pa ire d with up t o two o ther he ads ets for inter com c ommun ica tion.
Pairing i s a one tim e process . Once th e headset s are pai red during th is Setu p Procedu re, the y will rema in pair ed and automat icall y recogni ze each o ther when ever th ey are with in range.
NOTE: The allows yo u to speake vi a int ercom t o
one Bud dy he aders et at a t ime.
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