JAI VIS-CAM System Installation Manual

VIS-CAM System
Vehicle Imaging Subsystem
Document Version: 10436
Document P/N: E
VIS-CAM Systems
The material contain e d in this manual consists of information that is proprietary to JAI Inc., and may only be used by the purchasers of the product. JAI Inc. make s n o w arranty for the use of its product and assumes no responsibility for an y e r ror s which may appear or for dam ages resulting fro m the use of the information contained herein. JAI Inc. reserves t h e right to make changes without notice.
Microsoft, Windo w s XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Wind o w s E xplorer are either registered trademarks or tradem arks of Microsoft Cor p or ation in the United St ates and/or other count ries.
Each JAI product is w arr an ted to be free from def e c ts in material and workmanship under normal int ended use and service if installed in accordance wit h this manual. The w arr an ty period is 2-years and begins on the date of shipment from JAI stock.
This warranty shall not apply to repairs or re p l acements necessitat e d by any cause beyond the control of JAI, including but not limited to, 1) improper in stallation, 2) acts of nature, 3) accidents, 4 ) misuse, 5) lack of proper maintenance , 6) unauthorized repairs or modifications.
Be advised, that you need to obtain an RMA number from JAI before returning units for warranty repair.
CE Compliance The TS-4032EN, TS-2030EN, TS-1327EN and TS-9720EN series of c ame r as h ave been certified to conform to the
requirements of Council Directive 89/336/EC for electromagnetic compat ibility and t o comply w ith t h e following European Standards:
Emissions: EN 55022A: 1998 + A 1: 2000 + A2: 2003 Immunity: EN55024: 1998 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2003 All JAI products bearing the CE mark have been declared to be in conf ormance w it h t h e applicable EEC Cou ncil
Directives. However, certain factory-install e d options or customer-requested modifications may compromise electromagnetic co mpatibility and affect CE compliance. Pl e ase note that the use of in terconnect cables that are not properly grounded and shielded may affect C E compliance.
Contact JAI Appl ications Engineering D e partment for further inf or mation regarding CE comp l ian ce. FCC This equipment h as been tested and found to co mply with the limits for a Class A dig ital device, pur su an t to
Part 15 of the FCC Rul e s. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against h arm f ul interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause har mful interferen ce to radio communication s. Operation of this e q uipment in a resident ial area may cause harmful in terference, in w h ic h c ase the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
VIS-CAM Systems
iv Disclaimer
Changes or modifications to this unit not e xpressly approved by the p ar ty responsible for FCC compl ian c e c ou l d void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
VIS-CAM System Installation M an u al
JAI Inc.
625 River Oaks Parkw ay
San Jose, CA 95134
Tel:(408) 383-0300 Tel:(800) 445-5444
Fax:(408) 383-0301
E-mail: trafficsales.americas@jai.com
May 20, 2010
VIS-CAM Systems
Table of Contents
Disclaimer Notice ..................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................... v
List of Figures ......................................................................................................... ix
List of Tables .......................................................................................................... xi
Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
Document Overview ..................................................................................... 1
Product overview ........................................................................................ 1
System Components description ...................................................................... 2
Traffic Light Sensor – TLS300 .......................................................................... 2
VISCAM ..................................................................................................... 3
Illumination ............................................................................................... 4
VJP-300 Junction Panel. ................................................................................ 4
RS485 Device Server. .................................................................................... 4
ENSetup Program. ....................................................................................... 4
Operational Overview. .................................................................................. 4
Trigger Mode .............................................................................................. 4
Preparing for installation ............................................................................... 5
Installation Preparation ................................................................................. 5
Over Lane Positioning ................................................................................... 5
Side of Road Installation .............................................................................. 16
Installing the Vehicle Imaging System .............................................................. 18
3.1 Installing the TNF-300 Traffic Light Sensor. ...................................................... 18
To install the Traffic Light Sensor: ................................................................. 18
Optional Side Mount ................................................................................... 20
Installing the Camera(s) .............................................................................. 20
Installing the J-Panel .................................................................................. 24
X1 and X2 VIS ........................................................................................... 24
X3, X7 Traffic Light Sensor ........................................................................... 25
X6 Power Input Connector ........................................................................... 26
X8 LS RS485 Out Connector .......................................................................... 27
X14 Trigger Input Connector ......................................................................... 28
X15 Lane Controller Connector (X4 and X5) ....................................................... 29
Illumination Options ................................................................................... 30
Installing the TNF-31 Flash ........................................................................... 30
Trigger Options ......................................................................................... 31
Installing The Laser Vehicle Detector .............................................................. 31
System Set-Up .......................................................................................... 33
Preparation for Alignment ........................................................................... 33
Pre-Alignment Checklist .............................................................................. 33
Select a Suitable Vehicle, License Plate, and Plate Stand for the Setup .................... 33
Select the Camera to Align ........................................................................... 34
4.1.4 Validate the Installation Geometry ................................................................. 34
Edit the alignment settings on the Setup Computer ............................................. 34
Connect the Setup Computer to the Camera ..................................................... 35
Drive and Park the Setup Vehicle Correctly ....................................................... 36
Properly Position the License Plate Stand ......................................................... 36
Perform Initial Lens Adjustment and Camera Aiming ........................................... 36
Finalize Lens Adjustments and Camera Aiming ................................................. 39
VIS-CAM Systems
vi Table of Contents
4.1.11 Flash Head Alignment ............................................................................... 42
Appendix A: Camera Functional and Connector Description ................................... 44
I/O Board Layout ....................................................................................... 45
X4: I/O Board Connection to J-panel ............................................................... 46
Functionality ............................................................................................ 46
Connector specification .............................................................................. 46
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 46
Electrical interface on the I/O board: ............................................................. 47
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 48
Typical wiring diagram. ............................................................................... 49
I/O Board Flash Connection .......................................................................... 49
Functionality ............................................................................................ 49
Connector specification .............................................................................. 49
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 50
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 50
Typical Wiring Diagram ............................................................................... 51
S6: TNF Flash Type Switch ........................................................................... 51
X6: I/O Board Night Light/2nd Flash Connection ................................................ 53
Functionality ............................................................................................ 53
Connector specification .............................................................................. 53
5.3.10 Connector signal specifications ................................................................... 53
Typical Wiring Diagram ............................................................................. 54
Night Light TNC 100 Connection .................................................................... 55
X7:I/O Board Laser Vehicle Detector Connection ................................................ 56
Functionality ............................................................................................ 56
Connector specification .............................................................................. 56
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 56
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 57
X1, X3: I/O Board Ethernet Test Connectors ...................................................... 57
Functionality ............................................................................................ 58
Connector specification .............................................................................. 58
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 58
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 58
Test setup 1 ............................................................................................. 58
Test setup 2 ............................................................................................. 59
X15: I/O Board Auxiliary power connector ........................................................ 60
Functionality ............................................................................................ 60
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 60
Cables .................................................................................................... 61
Cable Specifications ................................................................................... 61
5.8.2 Recommended Cables ................................................................................. 61
Mounting the cables ................................................................................... 61
Appendix B: J-Panel Functional and Connector Description ................................... 62
J-Panel Layout .......................................................................................... 62
X1: J-panel connection to Camera 0 ............................................................... 62
Functionality ............................................................................................ 63
Connector specification .............................................................................. 63
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 63
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 64
Typical Wiring diagram ............................................................................... 65
Indicators ................................................................................................ 65
Switches ................................................................................................. 65
X2: J-panel connection to Camera 1 ............................................................... 66
Functionality ............................................................................................ 66
Connector specification .............................................................................. 66
VIS-CAM Systems
6.3.3 Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 66
Typical Wiring diagram ............................................................................... 68
Indicators ................................................................................................ 69
Switches ................................................................................................. 69
X3: Light Sensor Connection ......................................................................... 69
Functionality ............................................................................................ 69
Connector specification .............................................................................. 70
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 70
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 70
Indicators ................................................................................................ 70
X4: Lane Controller Signal to J-Panel #2 .......................................................... 71
Functionality ............................................................................................ 71
Connector specification .............................................................................. 71
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 71
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 71
X5: Lane Controller Signal from J-Panel #1 ....................................................... 72
Functionality ............................................................................................ 72
Connector specification .............................................................................. 72
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 72
X6, X7: 24V DC Power ................................................................................. 72
6.7.1 Functionality ............................................................................................ 73
Connector specification .............................................................................. 73
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 73
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 73
X8: RS485 signal to Ethernet interface ............................................................ 74
Functionality ............................................................................................ 74
Connector specification .............................................................................. 74
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 74
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 74
X11: Ethernet Interface from Camera 0 ........................................................... 75
Functionality ............................................................................................ 75
Connector specification .............................................................................. 75
Connector signal specifications ..................................................................... 75
Connector physical Interface ........................................................................ 75
X12: Ethernet Interface from Camera 1 ........................................................... 76
Functionality .......................................................................................... 76
Connector specification ............................................................................ 76
Connector signal specifications ................................................................... 76
Connector physical Interface ...................................................................... 76
X14: External Trigger .................................................................................. 77
Functionality .......................................................................................... 77
Connector specification ............................................................................ 77
Connector signal specifications ................................................................... 78
Connector physical Interface ...................................................................... 78
X15: Lane Controller interface ...................................................................... 78
Functionality .......................................................................................... 78
Connector specification ............................................................................ 79
Connector signal specifications ................................................................... 79
Connector physical Interface ...................................................................... 79
Connecting Lane Controller RS485 signal between J-Panels ................................. 79
Appendix C: Two Cameras, One Flash Configuration ............................................ 81
Appendix D: Pluggable Terminal Blocks ........................................................... 83
Appendix E: Moxa N-Port 5232 Configuration ..................................................... 84
Appendix F: Multiple Moxa N-port Configuration Diagram ..................................... 90
VIS-CAM Systems
viii Table of Contents
11 Appendix G: Ethernet Re qu ireme nt s. .............................................................. 91
Appendix H: ENcamera Fir m wa re Upg ra de Gui de ................................................ 92
Prior to firmware upgrade: .......................................................................... 92
To begin upgrade: ..................................................................................... 92
Firmware upgrade begins: ............................................................................ 92
Troubleshooting: ....................................................................................... 93
Scenario 1: If you can ping the camera .......................................................... 93
Scenario 2: If you can not ping the camera ..................................................... 93
Appendix I: Application Note ........................................................................ 95
General Instruction of ENSetup Software .......................................................... 95
2. UDP image (TEST PORT) ........................................................................... 95
3. TCP image (CONTROL PORT) ..................................................................... 96
Appendix J: Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 97
VIS-CAM Systems
List of Figures
Figure 1.
VIS elements .............................................................................................. 2
Figure 2.
Back shot VIS installation. .............................................................................. 3
Figure 3.
Typical Over Lane Site Lay out ......................................................................... 5
Figure 4.
Typical Over Lane Site Lay out Plan. .................................................................. 6
Figure 5.
VIS 300 U.S. Camera options chart. .................................................................. 8
Figure 6.
VIS 350 U.S. Camera options chart ................................................................... 9
Figure 7.
VIS 400 U.S. Camera options chart ................................................................. 10
Figure 8.
VIS 500 U.S. Camera options chart ................................................................. 11
Figure 9.
VIS 300 European Camera options chart. .......................................................... 12
Figure 10.
VIS 350 European Camera options chart ........................................................... 13
Figure 11.
VIS 400 European Camera options chart ........................................................... 14
Figure 12.
VIS 500 European Camera options chart ........................................................... 15
Figure 13.
Typical side of road installation. .................................................................... 16
Figure 14.
Typical side of road installation plan view with no canopy/overhead structue. ........... 16
Figure 15.
Flash and camera distances. ......................................................................... 17
Figure 16.
Install the traffic light sensor. ...................................................................... 18
Figure 17.
TLS-300 signal and power cable. .................................................................... 19
Figure 18.
Installing the TLS-300 through the mounting pipe and flange. ............................... 19
Figure 19.
Pipe clamps should be about 6-inches apart on a vertical surface. ......................... 20
Figure 20.
Camera Installation .................................................................................... 20
Figure 21. Camera mount template. ............................................................................ 21
Figure 22.
Camera cabling as it appears before electrical installation. .................................. 21
Figure 23.
Cable final wiring. ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 24.
Properly wired X-4 connector. ...................................................................... 23
Figure 25.
Back of the video camera. ........................................................................... 23
Figure 26.
VIS CAM connections. ................................................................................. 25
Figure 27.
TLS 300 to J-Panel wiring. ........................................................................... 26
Figure 28.
X-6 Power input conn ect i o n. ........................................................................ 27
Figure 29.
Wiring for the X8 to converter connector. ........................................................ 28
Figure 30.
Test trigger ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 31.
Two lane controller. .................................................................................. 30
Figure 32.
TNF-31 flash unit ....................................................................................... 30
Figure 33.
S3 switch setting ....................................................................................... 31
Figure 34.
Connecting an AC flash. .............................................................................. 31
Figure 35.
Connection for LVD to VIS CAM. ..................................................................... 32
Figure 36.
Example of a network connection using a local switch. ........................................ 35
Figure 37.
Initial Camera Alignment Display example. ....................................................... 37
Figure 38.
Roll Bar Display example. ............................................................................ 38
Figure 39.
Readjustment of camera tilt and zoom display. ................................................. 39
Figure 40.
Focus Bar marker display. ............................................................................ 40
Figure 41.
Focus Bar Waveform display. ........................................................................ 41
Figure 42.
Focus Bar Waveform Display with waveform cursors. ........................................... 42
Figure 43.
Connection requirements. ........................................................................... 44
Figure 44.
Component layout of the EN board. ................................................................ 45
Figure 45.
Board connections ..................................................................................... 46
Figure 46.
Interface drawing. ..................................................................................... 47
Figure 47.
Electrical interface .................................................................................... 47
Figure 48.
Physical interface table. ............................................................................. 48
Figure 49.
Category 5 or 6 wiring diagram. .................................................................... 49
Figure 50.
Flash connections. ..................................................................................... 49
VIS-CAM Systems
x List of Figures
Figure 51. I/O board electrical interface. Test ................................................................ 50
Figure 52.
Switch location. ........................................................................................ 50
Figure 53.
Connecting DC Flash to a board powered from the Flash power supply. .................... 51
Figure 54.
AC flash unit connection. ............................................................................. 51
Figure 55.
S6 Switch position for TNF AC Type ................................................................ 52
Figure 56.
S6 Switch position for TNF DC Type ................................................................ 52
Figure 57.
Second flash connection. ............................................................................. 53
Figure 58.
IO board electrical interface. ....................................................................... 54
Figure 59.
Wiring a second DC flash from the flash power supply. ........................................ 54
Figure 60.
Connecting the second AC flash. .................................................................... 55
Figure 61.
Connecting to the night light (TNC 100) ........................................................... 55
Figure 62.
Detection board ........................................................................................ 56
Figure 63.
LVD Trigger Input ...................................................................................... 56
Figure 64.
Electrical interface on the I/O board: ............................................................. 57
Figure 65.
Ethernet test connectors. ............................................................................ 57
Figure 66.
EN network test configuration setup. .............................................................. 59
Figure 67.
Test setup 2. ............................................................................................ 60
Figure 68.
Auxiliary power connector ........................................................................... 60
Figure 69.
EN-CAM component layout. .......................................................................... 62
Figure 70.
Connecting from J-Panel to camera zero. ......................................................... 62
Figure 71.
J-Panel electrical interface .......................................................................... 64
Figure 72.
Ethernet wiring diagram. ............................................................................. 65
Figure 73.
Board and camera J-panel connection to camera 1. ............................................ 66
Figure 74.
J-panel electrical interface .......................................................................... 67
Figure 75.
Category 5 or 6 Ethernet wiring diagram. ......................................................... 68
Figure 76.
Light sensor indicator on the board ................................................................ 69
Figure 77.
Light sensor connector ................................................................................ 70
Figure 78.
Signal to J-panel #2 ................................................................................... 71
Figure 79.
Signal from J-panel #1 ................................................................................ 72
Figure 80.
Signal from J-panel #1 ................................................................................ 72
Figure 81.
Principle in the power distribution. ................................................................ 73
Figure 82.
RS485 to Ethernet ..................................................................................... 74
Figure 83.
Interface from Camera 0 ............................................................................. 75
Figure 84.
Interface from Camera 1 ............................................................................. 76
Figure 85.
External Trigger connection. ........................................................................ 77
Figure 86.
Trigger polarity ......................................................................................... 77
Figure 87.
Trigger 0 ................................................................................................. 78
Figure 88.
Trigger 1 ................................................................................................. 78
Figure 89.
Lane controller setup diagram. ..................................................................... 79
Figure 90.
Lane controller setup. ................................................................................ 80
Figure 91.
Two camera, one flash, configuration. ............................................................ 81
Figure 92.
Terminal block ......................................................................................... 83
Figure 93.
Standard configuration of Basic Settings: ......................................................... 84
Figure 94.
Standard configuration of Network Settings: ..................................................... 85
Figure 95.
Standard configuration of Serial settings for port 1: ............................................ 86
Figure 96.
Standard configuration of Serial settings for port 2: ............................................ 86
Figure 97.
Configuration overview of serial port 1 and 2. ................................................... 87
Figure 98.
Operation configurat io n of S eria l port 1: .......................................................... 88
Figure 99.
Operation configurat io n of S eria l port 2: .......................................................... 89
Figure 100.
Configuration overview of operating settings for serial port 1 and 2. ....................... 89
Figure 101.
Moxa configuration example. ........................................................................ 90
Figure 102.
Network cabling example: ........................................................................... 91
VIS-CAM Systems
List of Tables
Table 1 Light Sensor Cables .................................................................................... 19
Table 2
Electrical wiring for the VIS CAM installation. .................................................... 22
Table 3
VIS CAM connections to the J-Panel. ............................................................... 24
Table 4
TLS 300 to J-Panel connections. .................................................................... 25
Table 5
Power input to the J-Panel .......................................................................... 26
Table 6
X8 to converter connector ........................................................................... 27
Table 7
Trigger input connector. ............................................................................. 28
Table 8
X15 Lane Controller ................................................................................... 29
Table 9
Flash unit connection in VIS CAM. .................................................................. 30
Table 10
Wiring for LVD to VIS CAM. ........................................................................... 32
Table 11
Typical minimum plate heights and nominal plate heights: ................................... 34
Table 12
Wiring diagram. ........................................................................................ 50
Table 13
Physical interface pinouts. ........................................................................... 54
Table 14
Connector table ........................................................................................ 57
Table 15
Signal parameters and conditions. .................................................................. 63
Table 16
Physical interface table .............................................................................. 64
Table 17
LED indicators .......................................................................................... 65
Table 18
Switch labels ............................................................................................ 65
Table 19
Signal table ............................................................................................. 67
Table 20
Ethernet physical connections ....................................................................... 68
Table 21
LED indicators .......................................................................................... 69
Table 22
Connector switches .................................................................................... 69
Table 23
Physical interface connections ...................................................................... 70
Table 24
LED physical indicators ............................................................................... 70
Table 25
Physical connector table for J-panel 2. ............................................................ 71
Table 26
Physical pin connections J-panel #1. ............................................................... 72
Table 27
Physical connection fo r pin s . ........................................................................ 73
Table 28
RS485 physical connections .......................................................................... 74
Table 29
Physical connector description ...................................................................... 75
Table 30
Pin connections for Ethernet from Camera 1. .................................................... 76
Table 31
Connector table ........................................................................................ 78
Table 32
WAGO physical interface ............................................................................. 79
Table 33
Master to slave connections. ........................................................................ 82
Table 34
Essential specifications for the pluggable terminal block. ..................................... 83
Table 35
Troubleshooting table. ................................................................................ 97
VIS-CAM Systems
xii List of Tables
VIS-CAM Systems
1.VIS-CAM System Installation Manual
1 Introduction
1.1 Document Overview
This document de scr ibes the steps necessary to deploy an installation of the JAI Vehicle Imaging Subsystem, described as VIS from this point forward.
This manual also contains information abou t maintenance, t r ou bleshooting and RMA (Return Material Authorization) pr oc e dures.
JAI strongly recommends that the inst all e r r e ad this manual thoroughly, in order to obtain sufficient knowledge about the VIS equipment, before initiating the actual instal lation.
1.2 Product overview
The JAI VIS consists of the following compon e nts:
TLS-300 Traffic light sensor.
The VIS Camera, comprised of an EN- camera with zoom-lens or fixed focal length lens, and an
anti-glare filter, a weatherproof housing with sun shield, heater resistors, interconnection PCB, and a pan-tilt-roll mounting bracket.
TNF-31 Flash unit or optional TNC-100 permanent illumination.
VJP-300 EN-Junction panel with terminal blocks and RJ-45 connectors
and embedded diagnostics Features
RS485-to-Ethernet Converter
System interconnection cables
Optional gigabit Ethernet switch
Optional 24V DC Power Supply
Optional Laser Vehicle Trigger
ENSetup Program
Installation Documentation
VIS-CAM Systems
2 Introduction
Figure 1. VIS elements
1.3 System Components description
1.3.1 Traffic Light Sensor – TLS300
The JAI traffic lig h t sensor is the driver of the VIS control network. It controls video signal parameters of each camera to ensure high contrast images of passin g vehicles and th e ir lice n se p l ates, regardless of vehic l e speed, weather or ambient l ight conditions.
Under the clear plastic dome of the traffic light sensor are mounte d, in opposing direct io n s, two vertical plates and corresponding l ight collection staffs t hat protrude above a flat black base plate. The sensor measures the ambient light reflecting off the face of both vertical plates. The design is such that when the face of one plate is in direct sun, th e other one is in shadow. The se two measurements identify the range of light levels that the camera is required to image without satu ration when a vehicle and its license plate are in t h e camera’s field of view (FOV). To ensure correct functionality of the TLS-300, it is very important to en su r e dur in g installation, that the sensor’s base plate is lev e l e d with the road surface, and that the orientation of the sensor is rotated so that the direction from the vertical plate A to vertical plate B is the same as the direction of the traffic flow being observed b y t h e tr affic camera (see Figure 2).
VIS-CAM Systems
Figure 2. Back shot VIS installation.
The TLS-300 light sensor is an essential component that ensures the VIS cam e r as w il l b e ready to capture h igh quality images of any vehicle and its license plate in virtually all w e ather and light cond itions.
It is very important to ensure that sensor p ositioning closely resembles real road condit ions where the vehic le image is most likely to be captured.
The light sensor is connected by means of the J-Panel VJP-300 and an RS485-to-Ethernet converter to the Ethernet switch.
1.3.2 VISCAM
The VISCAM uses a st ate-of-the-art prog r e ssive interline transfer CCD that captures all of the vertical resolution at once, thereb y el iminating field-to-field imaging delays. The use of progressive scanning allows the camera to freeze the motion of a rapidly moving vehicle at high resolution.
The VISCAM 300 houses a JAI TS-9720EN, the VISCAM 350 houses a JAI TS-1327EN, the VISCAM 400 houses the TS-2030EN, and the VISC A M 500 houses a TS-4032EN Ethernet camera with a built in I BM Power PC using an embedded Linux O/S for various operations, su ch as frame store, JP E G compression, vehicle fin gerprint extraction, license plate find, running applications, and so o n .
When the TLS-300 Traffic Light Sensor is used to control the VISCAM exposu r e settings, no moving p ar t s (such as an auto-iris lens) are in c lu ded in the VIS system. This helps ensure high reliability for the syste m .
A 12.5 mm to 75 mm manual zoom lens is provided as a st andard with the VIS C A M 3 00. This allows the VISCAM to be mounted in a wide range of positions while ensurin g sufficient resolut ion o n the vehicle license plat es. A 35 mm fixed focal len gth lens is provided stan d ar d w ith the VISCAM 400. A zoom lens is also available as an option. An anti-glare pol arizing filter is mounted in front of the lens to reduce smear in the picture caused by sun glints. A 50 mm f ixed focal lens is provided standard with the V I S C A M 500.
VIS-CAM Systems
4 Introduction
1.3.3 Illumination
1.3.3 (a) TNF-31 Flash The TNF-31 Flash ge n e r ates light in wave l e ngths that are invisible to the human eye, but visible t o the camera.
This makes the flash su itable for illuminatin g both oncoming and receding views of traff ic. Unlike near-infrared illuminators, the TNF-31 yields high cont rast images of license p l ates even if they have red characters on white or yellow backgrounds.
The TNF-31 Flash is aut omatically enabled w h enever the TLS-300 Light Sensor determines that ambient light is insufficient to pr oduce a picture of usab le quality. When the TNF-31 is enabled, it fires eve ry t im e the vehicle detector triggers the camera.
1.3.3 (b) White light LED. JAI offers White L ED s m ou n ted inside the camera en cl osu r e. This option is usu all y employed when certain rare
color combinations on license plates do not yield sufficient contr ast with the TNF-31 Flash option alone.
1.3.4 VJP-300 Junction Panel.
The VIS J-Panel is the central connection point for the VIS components. The J-Panel is a DIN-Rail mounte d P C B equipped with various interface terminals for interconnection of the VIS components; this can be Ethernet connection, serial conn ection, TTL trig ger feed and power supply. It offers the possibility of manually selecting trigger polarity to the camera. Furthermore th e J-Pan e l is equipped with statu s L E D’s and trigger switches for diagnostics and troubleshooting purposes.
1.3.5 RS485 Device Server.
The MOXA RS485 Device Server enables connection of RS485 serial devices to the Ethernet. The purpose for the MOXA RS485 Device Server in the VIS system is to convert Ethernet to RS485 communication for the TLS-300 Light Sensor.
1.3.6 ENS etup Program.
The ENSetup Prog r am is an Ethernet based software tool specifically d e signed to assist the in staller with VIS installation, and E N -Camera configuration and diagnostics. Th e program runs on a standar d PC / Laptop with Windows XP installed. Refer to Section 4 of this manual and the VIS C A M 300/4 00 E N S e tup Manual for details.
1.4 Operational Overview.
During installatio n , the VISCAM and the op tional light source are aimed at the area of the road w h ere vehicles and their license p lates are most likely to pass through. The Traffic Light Sensor continual l y registers the ambient light. The camera uses this informat ion to set up exposure v ar iables to ensure an optimal im age of the vehicle and license plate. During transition from day to night th e came ra e n ables the optional TNF-31 Flash and/or white light L ED ’s to secure adequate image quality during l ow ambient light condition s.
1.4.1 Trigge r Mode
A vehicle passes by a vehicle detector, sending a trigger to the VIS.
The VIS employs a trigger to snap a video image of the vehicle and license plate when they are
optimally positioned in the camera field of view.
The optional flash, if used, fires simultaneously with the camera to ensure correct exposure for the image if the ambient lightning is too low.
VIS-CAM Systems
2 Preparing for installation
2.1 Installation Preparation
To prepare for inst al lation, consider the f u ndamental requireme n ts for an effective de p l oymen t of the Vehicle Imaging Subsyste m. There are two basic way s to position the camera: ov er the lane or beside the lan e . Figure 3 and Figure 4 depict a typical over-lane installation. Figure 13 and Fig u r e 14 depict a typical beside-lane camera installation.
2.1.1 Over Lane Positioning
Over lane camera moun ting is always employed w h en the road width bein g monitored contains more than two lanes of traffic, w h en a convenient overhe ad structure is already in place, or when prevent in g vandalism is a paramount concern.
The VIS’s varifocal (zoom) lens is adjusted during installation to create 135 pixels across a 1
foot wide license plate (standard for US style of plates, may differ by region) placed 2 feet above the ground level at the nominal trigger position (loop or light curtain, etc.). This resolution maximizes license plate reader, vehicle matcher, or other image processing techniques performance. The highest performance from the subsystem is achieved when the variation in plate size is kept to within ± 5% which typically means that the vehicle trigger accuracy should be within ± 1 foot (@ trigger plane defined by client.) at all speeds. Low latency vehicle triggering is very important and should not be overlooked. Please contact JAI for support on this issue.
Figure 3. Typical Over Lane Site Layout
VIS-CAM Systems
6 Preparing for Installation
Figure 4. Typical Over Lane Site Layout Plan.
2.1.1 (a) Camera t il t considerations
The requirement to freeze the motion of high-speed vehicles limits how steep o r shallow the tilt angl e o f th e camera may be. For e xample, it is important t o prevent the horizon from appearing in the image , and thereby allowing the sun t o blind the camera. For over lane in stallations, a camer a tilt between 20° to 30° i s recommended–with 25° be ing considered the opt im al angle. This angle of tilt is the best compromise b etween minimizing visibilit y blockages caused b y c lo se l y sp ac e d vehicles and maximizin g plate visibility for plate mounts that are slightly recessed or tilt e d downwards.
2.1.1 (b) Asynchron ou s triggering consider ations
When the VIS is operated in trigger mode, a vehicle detector is employed to cause the camera to capture an image at the precise moment the vehicle is in the best position to image b oth the vehicle and its licen se p l ate. The delay between the time the vehicle passe s the trigger position on the road and when the trigger signal actually reaches the V I S must be kept to a minimum to prevent high-speed ve h icle s f rom moving out of the area viewed by th e camera before the image is snapped.
2.1.1 (c) Camera height versus trigger d istance considerations
It is critically important, to select the correct distance b e twee n t he camera and t he location on the road where the camera is trigge r e d to capture an image. M in imizing the cost of inst al lation is usually also an imp ortant concern. This means t hat whenever possible, it is best to use exist in g structures or prev iously in stalled elements. The following ch arts (Figures 5 to 12) provide a wide range of trade-offs between camera heig h t and trigger distance to enable the installer to se lect convenient came ra an d light sensor locations re l ative to existing mounting structures and ve h ic l e trigger locations. Adhe rin g to the installation options provided in th e installation charts, yields camera images that are generally su itable for automatic li cense plate reade rs (ALPR).
To use the charts correctly, please follow the steps below.
1. First measure the height above the road to convenient camera mounting locations.
2. Measure the distance along the road from directly beneath each candidate camera position to convenient trigger locations.
3. Select the appropriate installation chart for either USA or European style license plates. To obtain charts for license plates from other countries, please contact the JAI ITS division directly at (+1) 408 383 0300.
VIS-CAM Systems
4. Plot the candidate camera-height / trigger-distance pairs on the chart and determine if the
selected location lies within the wedge of recommended values.
5. If several locations are suitable, choose the one that yields the greatest overall slant range
between camera and trigger location.
VIS-CAM Systems
8 Preparing for Installation
Figure 5. VIS 300 U.S. Camera options chart.
VIS-CAM Systems
Figure 6. VIS 350 U.S. Camera options chart
VIS-CAM Systems
10 Preparing for Instal lation
Figure 7. VIS 400 U.S. Camera options chart
VIS-CAM Systems
Figure 8. VIS 500 U.S. Camera options chart
VIS-CAM Systems
12 Preparing for Instal lation
Figure 9. VIS 300 European Camera options chart.
VIS-CAM Systems
Figure 10. VIS 350 European Camera options chart
VIS-CAM Systems
14 Preparing for Instal lation
Figure 11. VIS 400 European Camera options chart
VIS-CAM Systems
Figure 12. VIS 500 European Camera options chart
VIS-CAM Systems
16 Preparing for Instal lation
2.1.2 Side of Road Installation
Figure 13. Typical side of road installation.
Figure 14. Typical side of road installation plan view with no canopy/overhead
Generally the f lash h e ad must be separated from the camera by a radial distance of at least three and a hal f feet (1.2 meters).
If the flash is positione d cl oser to the camera, r e flections from the license plate will cause overexposure. If possible, position the flash head in leve l with the reference plan e sh own in Figure 15. This plane is in level
with the top surface of the camera enclosure, but slices throug h t h e center of the le n s.
VIS-CAM Systems
Figure 15. Flash and camera distances.
Distance in Feet
3.5 1~3 2 1 2 1 3.5 1~3 3 1~3
VIS-CAM Systems
18 Installing the Vehicle Imaging System
3 Installing the Vehicle Imaging System
The individual comp o n e n ts of the system is electr ical l y linked together as sh o w n in Figure 1, “VIS elemen ts”. The VIS CAM camera h as c on n ections to the J-Panel an d an opt ion al Fl ash, Night Light and Laser Vehicle Detector. The J-Panel has connection to two VIS CAM 300/400 cameras, one Traffic Light Sensor, a 24V Power Supply, a Lane Controller, a RS485-to-ethernet converter for the light sensor signals, Trigger input, an optionally second J-Panel and finally a gigabit Ethernet switch .
3.1 Installing the TNF-300 Traffic Light Sensor.
When installing th e Traffic Light Sensor e nsure the unit is positione d higher than either the camera or the flash unit so the A-side is in direct sun whe n ever the targeted vehicles license plates are. See Section 2.1 for general site layout guidel in e s.
It is extremely im p or tant the light sensor be p r operly positioned at t h e sit e . The light sensor must be placed so that no shadows from su r ro u nding structure s ar e c ast on side A when the licen se plates being imaged by the VISCAM are in direct su nlight.
Because sun angles at an y given site can change ac co rding to time of day and time of year, it is important to verify that the proposed setup will function on the actual spot.
3.1.1 T o in stall the Traffic Light Senso r :
1. Disconnect Power
2. Loosen the four hex screws and remove the flange from the mounting base. See Figure 16.
Figure 16. Install the traffic light sensor.
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